Watch right wingers bring out ALL the Dems. that ever met Putin...

"Fascist court"??? No. no, Scalia is dead....LOL
Oh on the contrary young nat...Scalia lives on in Neil Gorsuch.

Learn it love it live it!

Or go someplace where they might appreciate your freeloading ass.
So little political power in fact that after only 40+ days the NSA director has resigned in disgrace, the AG opted to recuse himself in an effort to staunch the bleeding from his misstep and the entire administration is tied in knots over their inability to reconcile their ties to Russian officials.

Yep, completely behind the eight ball by all accounts.

....but....but.....Trump said that he was running a "well-oiled machine".........LOL
So little political power in fact that after only 40+ days the NSA director has resigned in disgrace, the AG opted to recuse himself in an effort to staunch the bleeding from his misstep and the entire administration is tied in knots over their inability to reconcile their ties to Russian officials.

Yep, completely behind the eight ball by all accounts.

....but....but.....Trump said that he was running a "well-oiled machine".........LOL

He beat your asses.
In their never-ending stupidity, right wingers on here will bring out all the Dems. that ever met Putin.

Sounds like they'll be acting as stupid as all of you have been.

This is the abject stupidity of right wingers who are trying, ANYTHING, to divert from the upcoming scandal facing the Trump administration

Except there is no scandal and that's what's really tearing you up inside, isn't it.
In their never-ending stupidity, right wingers on here will bring out all the Dems. that ever met Putin.

This is the abject stupidity of right wingers who are trying, ANYTHING, to divert from the upcoming scandal facing the Trump administration.

NO ONE is stating that it is "wrong" to meet Putin, the entire scandal revolves around the COLLUSION between Trump surrogates prior to and after Trump campaign, election and inauguration ....and even that PALES in front of Trump surrogates LYING about those meetings.

As Nixon found out, the initial stupidity of breaking into the DNC headquarters was minor in comparison to the attempted, later COVER-UPS.

Maybe there is one right winger who can discern the difference......and I mean "maybe",,,,

Of course they will because the hypocricy of the Left wingers needs to be pointed out. Your Obama administration basically set Trump up. If Trump or any of his surrogates met with Russians, it was in all good will, there is no reason to be going to war with Russia. Your side is all about making it into something nefarious.

That by no means ... means that Trump conspired with Putin to hack a DNC computer. This is just dreaming from you guys because you dont agree with Trump and want him impeached.

Trump never would have had to try and smooth things over with the Russians had not Obama escalated tensions by expelling their diplomats. Where was the toughness from Obama when the Russians invaded Crimea?

And anyway, where's the outrage over Obama interfering with other countries elections? Just more hypocrisy again.
In their never-ending stupidity, right wingers on here will bring out all the Dems. that ever met Putin.
Do you just expect them to sit there and take it?

If you're going to play the hyper-partisan game, they will too.

This country would be far better off if both ends would just find another fucking hobby.

Do you just expect them to sit there and take it?

After the last eight years?

There is quite a bit of ground yet to be covered before you can reasonably bitch about it.
We don't have enough information yet, and we may never have it.

Hyper-partisanship from both sides is in control now, so it looks like both "sides" had better get used to it.
Only fair that everyDemocrat who met a Russian be knvestigated, tried, convicted and then be shot. Dead. Isn't what Queen Nancy wants for Republicans?
In lieu of having any political power, probably.


So little political power in fact that after only 40+ days the NSA director has resigned in disgrace, the AG opted to recuse himself in an effort to staunch the bleeding from his misstep and the entire administration is tied in knots over their inability to reconcile their ties to Russian officials.

Yep, completely behind the eight ball by all accounts.
An example of my point. This has nothing to do with traditional political power. All the Dems can do is scare the GOP here and there, with the primary goal of picking off moderate Republicans on key votes and doing well in 2018.

It's just politics, party first, and the partisans on both ends have no shame.
In their never-ending stupidity, right wingers on here will bring out all the Dems. that ever met Putin.

This is the abject stupidity of right wingers who are trying, ANYTHING, to divert from the upcoming scandal facing the Trump administration.

NO ONE is stating that it is "wrong" to meet Putin, the entire scandal revolves around the COLLUSION between Trump surrogates prior to and after Trump campaign, election and inauguration ....and even that PALES in front of Trump surrogates LYING about those meetings.

As Nixon found out, the initial stupidity of breaking into the DNC headquarters was minor in comparison to the attempted, later COVER-UPS.

Maybe there is one right winger who can discern the difference......and I mean "maybe",,,,

You forgot, this is a response to a much more significant stupidity that you far leftists have conducted.

It's great that now that others are doing the same to prove a point, you can finally realize the depths you have fallen into.

Good gawd, I'm watching this thing, and there are so many red flags for Democrats that it's just stunning.

At 16:10, the main guy moans, "another thing we're done with today", (pained pause) " the era of politeness." Referring to PC (LOL) of course.

And all the other people sigh in sad and somber agreement.

This, after they had just spent SEVERAL minutes insulting pretty much everybody, with most of their focus on how stupid Americans are.

You simply can not make this up.
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And yet, thanks in part to "progressives", he's sittin' in the White House..
Thanks to frightened white males who were looking for an Alpha Daddy
Yeah, I know, it's all someone else's fault. America is stupid. Just like they're saying in the video.

All your clues are right there, but you won't see them.

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