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Watch right wingers bring out ALL the Dems. that ever met Putin...

Feel free to show any proof of wrongdoing during the primary. Please include information as to how this primary was different than in the past.

No one stole or rigged anything.
Sanders simply lost among key demographic groups.
There is little doubt that the Hillary campaign colluded with Sergeant Shultz to ensure she would emerge the victor. The DNC emails that democrats were so upset about being released showed that.

That's highly doubtful and remains nothing more than a false narrative used to further diminish Clinton during the campaign. Only fools fell for it.

Are you saying the content of the emails was faked? Because no one else is.

Don't you ever wonder why every allegation against the Clintons remains unproven?
Actually, it is proven that Bubba lied under oath and filed false affidavits. As for the rest, not really. They are extremely connected and know where a lot of skeletons are buried. The lack of indictments for HIllary's extremely careless behavior with classified information shows that, because any "lesser" person would have suffered for what she did. It would take extraordinary proof of very, very un-PC activity to be "proven" about them.

Or they're simply political attacks without merit used to sway judgements of their character. Only the most foolish among us believe this shit.
You didn't answer the question. Are you saying that the content of the emails was faked?

Nothing in those emails shows an election being stolen or otherwise rigged.
Only a fool believes that
That's really the bottom line, isn't it? If there really was evidence, don't we all think it would have come out long ago, like during the campaign?

The answers will all be clear AFTER a thorough, independent investigation.....I'm looking forward to it. Are you?
The lack of evidence is why we have to look for evidence? Sounds like a witch hunt to me.

But hey, if we're going to do it at all, let's find out who did the wire-tapping, under whose authority, and who leaked the information at whose request.

WTF do you think the Benghazi and email shit was, fool?
You seem to have a hard time staying on topic. Was the content of the DNC emails that showed how Hillary colluded with Sergeant Shultz to ensure a primary victory faked or not? This is your last opportunity for a substantive answer. After this, it will be assumed you don't want to answer because you know it will render your complaint useless.
There is little doubt that the Hillary campaign colluded with Sergeant Shultz to ensure she would emerge the victor. The DNC emails that democrats were so upset about being released showed that.

That's highly doubtful and remains nothing more than a false narrative used to further diminish Clinton during the campaign. Only fools fell for it.

Are you saying the content of the emails was faked? Because no one else is.

Don't you ever wonder why every allegation against the Clintons remains unproven?
Actually, it is proven that Bubba lied under oath and filed false affidavits. As for the rest, not really. They are extremely connected and know where a lot of skeletons are buried. The lack of indictments for HIllary's extremely careless behavior with classified information shows that, because any "lesser" person would have suffered for what she did. It would take extraordinary proof of very, very un-PC activity to be "proven" about them.

Or they're simply political attacks without merit used to sway judgements of their character. Only the most foolish among us believe this shit.
You didn't answer the question. Are you saying that the content of the emails was faked?

Nothing in those emails shows an election being stolen or otherwise rigged.
Only a fool believes that
You seem to be going with the faked option, then.
In their never-ending stupidity, right wingers on here will bring out all the Dems. that ever met Putin. This is called damage control. See, the OP knows he and his party of preference are full of shit. They're hypocrites, cause-seeking and excuse-making.

This is the abject stupidity of right wingers who are trying, ANYTHING, to divert from the upcoming scandal facing the Trump administration. ILMAO @ "upcoming scandal". See, the OP knows the Democrats pull shit out of their ass and declare it a scandal.

NO ONE is stating that it is "wrong" to meet Putin, the entire scandal revolves around the COLLUSION between Trump surrogates prior to and after Trump campaign, election and inauguration .... For which there's no evidence less the butt-hurt experienced by the left as a result of the election. Even if the Russians interfered it's been done before, by Democrats, and Democrats have influenced elections in other countries. Let's be honest OP, liberals are simply butt-hurt and projecting blame for their demise.

and even that PALES in front of Trump surrogates LYING about those meetings. Do you have proof or is this an emotional outcry?

As Nixon found out, the initial stupidity of breaking into the DNC headquarters was minor in comparison to the attempted, later COVER-UPS. Kind of like I didn't have sex with that woman? Speak of Watergate, compare and contrast to reports of wire-tapping the Trump campaign. I don't see any difference.

Maybe there is one right winger who can discern the difference......and I mean "maybe" I think I just did right? You give yourself too much credit.
But hey, if we're going to do it at all, let's find out who did the wire-tapping, under whose authority, and who leaked the information at whose request.

MORON.....all we have for "proof" from Trump that he was wiretapped....is the clown's OWN words based on some idiotic thing he read from Breibart......LOL
But hey, if we're going to do it at all, let's find out who did the wire-tapping, under whose authority, and who leaked the information at whose request.

MORON.....all we have for "proof" from Trump that he was wiretapped....is the clown's OWN words based on some idiotic thing he read from Breibart......LOL

Factually incorrect.
But hey, if we're going to do it at all, let's find out who did the wire-tapping, under whose authority, and who leaked the information at whose request.

MORON.....all we have for "proof" from Trump that he was wiretapped....is the clown's OWN words based on some idiotic thing he read from Breibart......LOL
Have you lost your mind? How do you think we have "evidence" that anyone from Trump's campaign met with Russians outside of official events and what they talked about if there was no tapping going on? I'm not talking about anything Trump's claiming, because we don't have evidence of that yet, just like this other stuff. If there's "evidence" of Trump colluding with anyone, how'd we get it?
That's highly doubtful and remains nothing more than a false narrative used to further diminish Clinton during the campaign. Only fools fell for it.

Are you saying the content of the emails was faked? Because no one else is.

Don't you ever wonder why every allegation against the Clintons remains unproven?
Actually, it is proven that Bubba lied under oath and filed false affidavits. As for the rest, not really. They are extremely connected and know where a lot of skeletons are buried. The lack of indictments for HIllary's extremely careless behavior with classified information shows that, because any "lesser" person would have suffered for what she did. It would take extraordinary proof of very, very un-PC activity to be "proven" about them.

Or they're simply political attacks without merit used to sway judgements of their character. Only the most foolish among us believe this shit.
You didn't answer the question. Are you saying that the content of the emails was faked?

Nothing in those emails shows an election being stolen or otherwise rigged.
Only a fool believes that
You seem to be going with the faked option, then.

You seem content to be a fool.
I gave you the demographic breakdown of the primary vote.
Sanders lost because he didn't have the support of some key groups.
When you can explain how the DNC forced those groups nationwide to vote how they did, you may have a case. Sanders simply lost.
Are you saying the content of the emails was faked? Because no one else is.

Actually, it is proven that Bubba lied under oath and filed false affidavits. As for the rest, not really. They are extremely connected and know where a lot of skeletons are buried. The lack of indictments for HIllary's extremely careless behavior with classified information shows that, because any "lesser" person would have suffered for what she did. It would take extraordinary proof of very, very un-PC activity to be "proven" about them.

Or they're simply political attacks without merit used to sway judgements of their character. Only the most foolish among us believe this shit.
You didn't answer the question. Are you saying that the content of the emails was faked?

Nothing in those emails shows an election being stolen or otherwise rigged.
Only a fool believes that
You seem to be going with the faked option, then.

You seem content to be a fool.
I gave you the demographic breakdown of the primary vote.
Sanders lost because he didn't have the support of some key groups.
When you can explain how the DNC forced those groups nationwide to vote how they did, you may have a case. Sanders simply lost.
Of course he did. That's the funny thing. Hillary didn't have to collude with Sergeant Shultz, to get all those super delegates, but she did. At least she lost the general and we don't have to hear her shrieking for the next 4 years.
In their never-ending stupidity, right wingers on here will bring out all the Dems. that ever met Putin.

This is the abject stupidity of right wingers who are trying, ANYTHING, to divert from the upcoming scandal facing the Trump administration.

NO ONE is stating that it is "wrong" to meet Putin, the entire scandal revolves around the COLLUSION between Trump surrogates prior to and after Trump campaign, election and inauguration ....and even that PALES in front of Trump surrogates LYING about those meetings.

As Nixon found out, the initial stupidity of breaking into the DNC headquarters was minor in comparison to the attempted, later COVER-UPS.

Maybe there is one right winger who can discern the difference......and I mean "maybe",,,,

What scandal, when you have only one unanimous source being used to "suggest" what "may have" or "could have" possibly happened with Flint or Sessions meeting with a Russian ambassador? One unnamed leaked source without evidence beyond hear say, and the left wing media thinks it has Trump.

Look we get it, you all want to throw your little tantrums because Hillary wasn't elected president. We understand Hillary lied consistently as Secretary of State but kept her job. We know liberal media, like CNN, heavily polled democrats to give the appearance Hillary could win. We understand you are not happy with leaked hacked information from the DNC and Hillary Clinton's emails going out to the public, but were completely content and happy with Wikileaks releasing documents concerning George W Bush with waterboarding and torture. We get it that you want to ignore all those facts because you simply can not stand Trump. You investigate based on nothing but a meeting that's perfectly legal and expected of politicians. We understand you want to live by a double standard, that much is evident.

How about you provide some concrete facts of what was discussed if your unnamed source was all that certain of the content regarding what was said? That's what any good qualified trained journalist does. He uses sources and reports facts to later draw conclusions, not conclusions in hopes your liberal "drama" might lead you to actually finding facts to support your assumptions.

What we are seeing in the media is the left utilizes LEAKS to cry fowl over LEAKED information getting out to the public, on an election that can't be accurately determined swayed voters away from Hillary. You DO realize how stupid that sounds to justify and outcome you are simply not happy with. I mean you liberal democrats are behind pathetic on how you present conclusions without anything factual to base it on.

Here's what I mean. Hillary's emails were found on the personal computer belonging to the wife of Anthony Weiner. That's fact meant to LEAD to a conclusion. How did she get her emails, if she is not the qualified recipient ... Hillary Clinton was. Yet Mrs Clinton was found to delete emails, and find her emails from her personal server leaked to the public. This is evidence led to draw a conclusion based on clear undisputed, unequivocal facts On the contrary with Trump, Liberals are making assumptions based on a meeting without conclusive evidence as to what took place beyond a leaked source's beliefs. So, liberals demand transcripts in hopes their assumptions, theories, otherwise known as nothing more than eventful DRAMA, can show any facts that can lead up to their already predetermined conclusions believe to have taken place WITHOUT the facts.

All this then points to are liberal temper tantrums because they hate Trump and the media's personal choice of Hillary didn't get elected, nothing more - period. To quote their own liberal organization, move on.
How about you provide some concrete facts of what was discussed if your unnamed source was all that certain of the content regarding what was said?

....and THAT is why we need a full, independent and thorough investigation.......

Here the question for you morons.......Do you want a full investigation? Yes or No?
How about you provide some concrete facts of what was discussed if your unnamed source was all that certain of the content regarding what was said?

....and THAT is why we need a full, independent and thorough investigation.......

Here the question for you morons.......Do you want a full investigation? Yes or No?
At some point we have to have more than a few hyperventilating comments from people who irrationally hate the president or we'd never escape the incessant rounds of accusation, investigation, exoneration, accusation, etc. It would just become another tool for partisans to impede an administration.
At some point we have to have more than a few hyperventilating comments from people who irrationally hate the president or we'd never escape the incessant rounds of accusation, investigation, exoneration, accusation, etc. It would just become another tool for partisans to impede an administration.

So,your response is that you do NOT want an investigation because of what that would mean for the orange charlatan......LOL
At some point we have to have more than a few hyperventilating comments from people who irrationally hate the president or we'd never escape the incessant rounds of accusation, investigation, exoneration, accusation, etc. It would just become another tool for partisans to impede an administration.

So,your response is that you do NOT want an investigation because of what that would mean for the orange charlatan......LOL
Wow, reading comprehension just a little short there.
Wow, reading comprehension just a little short there.

OK, moron.......I'll type slower......

DO YOU WANT A FULL INVESTIGATION of trump's ties to Russia oligarchs AND of Trump's claim that he was wiretapped?

YES....or NO......?
Wow, reading comprehension just a little short there.

OK, moron.......I'll type slower......

DO YOU WANT A FULL INVESTIGATION of trump's ties to Russia oligarchs AND of Trump's claim that he was wiretapped?

YES....or NO......?
Now you're learning and not misinterpreting what someone says. I don't want an investigation just into any Trump ties to Russia because there is no solid evidence that there are any. What I do want is a full investigation into all of Congress and how they enter their time in office without a lot of money but leave office with a LOT of money. I'd like to, for instance, learn which Congresscritters have ties to foreign governments, which ones run foundations that take huge donations from foreign heads of government (at least until they lose the presidential election). I'd like to learn which ones have done things like Ted Kennedy's infamous "Dear Commandante" letter, trying to undermine a president's foreign policy by making deals behind the scenes. I'd like to know which have made promises to foreign leaders that they'll have more flexibility after being re-elected and what deals have been struck as a result. IOW, if you're going to investigate, make it a real investigation, not just a partisan tool to impede an administration based on no evidence.
Wow, reading comprehension just a little short there.

OK, moron.......I'll type slower......

DO YOU WANT A FULL INVESTIGATION of trump's ties to Russia oligarchs AND of Trump's claim that he was wiretapped?

YES....or NO......?
Now you're learning and not misinterpreting what someone says. I don't want an investigation just into any Trump ties to Russia because there is no solid evidence that there are any. What I do want is a full investigation into all of Congress and how they enter their time in office without a lot of money but leave office with a LOT of money. I'd like to, for instance, learn which Congresscritters have ties to foreign governments, which ones run foundations that take huge donations from foreign heads of government (at least until they lose the presidential election). I'd like to learn which ones have done things like Ted Kennedy's infamous "Dear Commandante" letter, trying to undermine a president's foreign policy by making deals behind the scenes. I'd like to know which have made promises to foreign leaders that they'll have more flexibility after being re-elected and what deals have been struck as a result. IOW, if you're going to investigate, make it a real investigation, not just a partisan tool to impede an administration based on no evidence.

Remain a partisan asshole...I really don't give a crap.....LOL

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