watch the whole event here: Kaitlan Collins falls at Donald Trump's feet at CNN town hall as New Hampshire crowd at St Anselm College cheers on

you should first learn what the first amendment pertains to people here in America....not some mixed up guy living Lebanon posting on an internet board....
i am american, i just live abroad. if Donald Trump visits Afghanistan to see the troops, does that make him Afghan or American? ANSWER, SENILE BOY
i am american, i just live abroad. if Donald Trump visits Afghanistan to see the troops, does that make him Afghan or American? ANSWER, SENILE BOY
what a stupid analogy.....Trump was born here......ok lets straighten this another one of your many threads here you said you are not American that you were born in explain are you American?....
what a stupid analogy.....Trump was born here......ok lets straighten this another one of your many threads here you said you are not American that you were born in explain are you American?....
i am american. if i say i'm romanian, does that make me not american? it's just a joke so you get off my ass and stop sucking my dick

i am american. if i say i'm romanian, does that make me not american? it's just a joke so you get off my ass and stop sucking my dick
we cant take your word for say one thing and then a few days later you contradict you are doing right now....lets try this again....what makes you a citizen?...and dont use the parents tactic you have already shot that one down.....
we cant take your word for say one thing and then a few days later you contradict you are doing right now....lets try this again....what makes you a citizen?...and dont use the parents tactic you have already shot that one down.....
i don't have to prove anything to you, especially since you're a whiny bitch. you deserve nothing from me. i can say whatever i want on the internet, and contradict myself as much as i want. and you can GFY
what a stupid analogy.....Trump was born here......ok lets straighten this another one of your many threads here you said you are not American that you were born in explain are you American?....
he's so hot. i wanna wrestle him! triggered?

I thought she was very focused and kept Trump on point. He usually rambles and goes off on tangents when he's lying and deflecting. Of course nobody can completely succeed with Trump. Even his lawyers can't control him.
The point is she was debating Trump. She was moderator, not a debater. She was supposed to be moderating a Republican primary town hall, not representing the Democratic side.
in other words more aint no American.....
i would never tell a stalker live you where i live anyway. spoiler: you have no clue. and you'll never know the fun i have because you only have hate in your heart. bye bye

in other words more aint no American.....
this is Harry Dresden's twitter account. These are the worst type of immigrants. They come to OUR country from 3rd world shít holes and disrespect 100 million Americans…

why are you killing little kids, since you LIVE in Las Vegas. you shouldn't be killing anyone, even if you LIVE in Vegas. see? two can play at that game!

what the fuck does that have to do with what we were talking about? basq give it cant back up just about anything you said about yourself outside of the fact you live in lebanon and are an American wannabe and you have someone paying your way through life....
what the fuck does that have to do with what we were talking about? basq give it cant back up just about anything you said about yourself outside of the fact you live in lebanon and are an American wannabe and you have someone paying your way through life....
create a thread and do a detailed "investigation"...i'll happily answer all your questions. but stop derailing political threads that have nothing to do with me....this is about Trump, not your sick fantasies about how YOU fantasize about me buttfucking naked dudes
now you are getting desperate....before long you will be crying real
i'm having a laugh with my bros about what a loser you are. i'm taking turns with my bros taking you on, hence my nickname "basquebromance"

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