CDZ Watch This Father Blast Critical Race Theory

Same one that I saw on here 2 days or so ago, don't know if he has 2 medical degrees or not, I doubt it.

So you're calling him a liar, because he's black?
No not at all, but I dislike liars.
Your self-loathing is noted. He stated that he had two degrees. You said, and I quote, "I doubt it." Your doubt signifies that you don't believe him and by extension believe he is lying. Then you replied ^^^^. Sounds like your denial is a lie in itself.
No not at all, but I dislike liars.

You have no way of knowing he's lying, so your distrust must come from something else. There's only two things it could be.
1. He's prove the BS narrative that BLM and the left are spewing, is just false information.
2. He's black.

You choose.
Same one that I saw on here 2 days or so ago, don't know if he has 2 medical degrees or not, I doubt it.
He is a black man so you don't think he could have two degrees.

Folks, is there any doubt who the real racists are these days?
I say he is full of sh--t. Prove he has 2 medical degrees.
Why do you think he isn't a medical professional with two degrees? Is it because he is black and systemic racism has held him back and he is lying? Or is it because you believe he is just another ghetto thug and he is lying? In either case, what would be the motive for his testimony? Or maybe, just maybe, he runs counter to your democrat/BLM BS and you don't want a successful gentleman to throw a wrench into your BS narrative.
Same one that I saw on here 2 days or so ago, don't know if he has 2 medical degrees or not, I doubt it.
He is a black man so you don't think he could have two degrees.

Folks, is there any doubt who the real racists are these days?
I say he is full of sh--t. Prove he has 2 medical degrees.
Why do you think he isn't a medical professional with two degrees? Is it because he is black and systemic racism has held him back and he is lying? Or is it because you believe he is just another ghetto thug and he is lying? In either case, what would be the motive for his testimony? Or maybe, just maybe, he runs counter to your democrat/BLM BS and you don't want a successful gentleman to throw a wrench into your BS narrative.

With more and more blacks coming to terms with how racist CRT really is, it seems that the only ones not understanding how racist CRT is, are white BLM supporters.

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