Watch this... Hey libs, do you have any examples of successful socialist countries? List them.

Go ahead, we are interested in hearing these wonderful successes.

Please, list the countries.

Venezuela . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.
Cuba . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.
Somalia . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.
North Korea . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.
Israel ... yes

Sweden ... yes


And Cuba is doing better now than they didn’t when they were being starved by Batista. They get free medical, free education through college and have food and a place to live.

How’d your education go, dummy?

Cuba would be much better without the American embargo .
How would the "community as a whole" run a factory?
Through an agency and the community as a whole would share the profits and benefits. It's not rocket science.

edit...Ah, let me qualify that. Except to rightards.
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How about we set a standard of what “socialist” . Like a list of socialist countries.
Of course that would be useful but I don't think it could be done, just about every economy is a mixture. Idiologues like the OP can't be told.

Right .

I think most people have a litmus test for what they think is “socailist”. Usually , national health care is the tipping point .
No matter how you define socialism, the so-called socialists will tell you your wrong.

No not at all. It’s you kooky righties who obsess over “socialism”. And I believe it’s because it just sounds like “communism “.

Step out of the 1950s already .
Again, socialism is where the means of production, distribution and exchange are held in common cause, usually through the agency of the state.

Your interstates are socialist. In the interest of idiological purity you should forswear using them.
And in response to the OP: All hard Socialist/Communist countries are successful if the objective is to subjugate the masses and to make them equally poor, subservient, fearful, and obedient.

By "hard" I cautiously assume that you mean "pure".
Again, applying an excessive obsession with "purity" is a sure fire recipe for creating some kind of economic tension and exacerbating social socialism, capitalism, ANY "ism".

The BEST and time tested approach is to create a flexible hybrid economy using the best tweaks of both socialism and capitalism. Some societies will do better with a more capitalistic mix, some will do better with a little more socialism. Veer toward the edges and, just as in bowling, you wind up with a gutter ball.

Communism isn't worth comparing at all, and neither is fascism, because both are exercises in obsessive ideological purity, so again, they are doomed from the start, due to being too extreme.

Your proof for this theory is? Aboslutely nothing, of course. Socialism has never been demonstrated to have an useful "tweaks." Every economy does better with more capitalism. The fact has been demonstrated over and over and over. Socialism is poison to the material well being of a society.
How about we set a standard of what “socialist” . Like a list of socialist countries.
Of course that would be useful but I don't think it could be done, just about every economy is a mixture. Idiologues like the OP can't be told.

Right .

I think most people have a litmus test for what they think is “socailist”. Usually , national health care is the tipping point .
No matter how you define socialism, the so-called socialists will tell you your wrong.

No not at all. It’s you kooky righties who obsess over “socialism”. And I believe it’s because it just sounds like “communism “.

Step out of the 1950s already .

The self-styled "socialists" have changed the meaning of the term to the point where it means capitalism. Of course, they still keep pushing for all the same policies that cause socialist economies to circle the drain.
Again, socialism is where the means of production, distribution and exchange are held in common cause, usually through the agency of the state.

Your interstates are socialist. In the interest of idiological purity you should forswear using them.

Hmmmm, wrong. Understanding that socialism is a disfunctional economic system doesn't require me to refrain from using the services I have paid for. That's purely a leftwing conceit: only those who vote for liberal programs are entitled to benefit from them.

Liberals are essentially nothing more than thugs.
Go ahead, we are interested in hearing these wonderful successes.

Please, list the countries.

Venezuela . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.
Cuba . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.
Somalia . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.
North Korea . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.
Israel ... yes

Sweden ... yes


And Cuba is doing better now than they didn’t when they were being starved by Batista. They get free medical, free education through college and have food and a place to live.

How’d your education go, dummy?

Cuba would be much better without the American embargo .

Cuba would be much better if it weren't socialist with the intent of becoming communist.


Have a nice day.
Okay. You finally answered a question put to you. Congrats!

Let's see if you can do it again.

Do you believe the government of China is something to admire and emulate?

Nope. Nothing to admire.

You've really upped your game here. So crafty.

But you are confused. The government of China is a fascist disctatorship. The economy is socialist.

Do you understand the difference.

If not, why not? Stupid? really don't know anything about China. Clearly.

Their economy is NOT socialist. Their government is. There is a difference, but you have to have a smidgen of intelligence to know this.

Are you trying to tell me that socialism is a form of government?

I think I love you. Someone as stupid as you must be loved.

As socialism has been practiced in the past, it is always imposed via government power and coercion. Right?

Define "socialism". Do you consider Canada and the UK Socialist countries, or countries with a mixed economy?
Okay. You finally answered a question put to you. Congrats!

Let's see if you can do it again.

Do you believe the government of China is something to admire and emulate?

Nope. Nothing to admire.

You've really upped your game here. So crafty.

But you are confused. The government of China is a fascist disctatorship. The economy is socialist.

Do you understand the difference.

If not, why not? Stupid? really don't know anything about China. Clearly.

Their economy is NOT socialist. Their government is. There is a difference, but you have to have a smidgen of intelligence to know this.

Are you trying to tell me that socialism is a form of government?

I think I love you. Someone as stupid as you must be loved.

As socialism has been practiced in the past, it is always imposed via government power and coercion. Right?

Define "socialism". Do you consider Canada and the UK Socialist countries, or countries with a mixed economy?

You won’t get an answer.

These freaks just want to tag anything they don’t like as “socialist” .
Go ahead, we are interested in hearing these wonderful successes.

Please, list the countries.

Venezuela . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.
Cuba . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.
Somalia . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.
North Korea . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.
Israel ... yes

Sweden ... yes


And Cuba is doing better now than they didn’t when they were being starved by Batista. They get free medical, free education through college and have food and a place to live.

How’d your education go, dummy?

Cuba would be much better without the American embargo .
That’s true. And the people there love when Americans visit.

It always struck me that we can travel to and do business with Vietnam, where 50,000 Americans died, but can’t soend money in Cuba because Florida is.a swing state.
Through an agency? But it wouldn't be bureacratic and no politics would be involved, right?
You can do nothing but echo the inanities in your chamber. Are you complaining about the politics and bureaucracy of the interstate constructions? Were they worse than the benefit conferred on the community?
Cuba would be much better if it weren't socialist with the intent of becoming communist.
It would be better if the US hadn't/didn't threaten to penalise foreign companies that did/do business with it.
Go ahead, we are interested in hearing these wonderful successes.

Please, list the countries.

Venezuela . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.
Cuba . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.
Somalia . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.
North Korea . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.
Israel ... yes

Sweden ... yes


And Cuba is doing better now than they didn’t when they were being starved by Batista. They get free medical, free education through college and have food and a place to live.

How’d your education go, dummy?

Cuba would be much better without the American embargo .
That’s true. And the people there love when Americans visit.

It always struck me that we can travel to and do business with Vietnam, where 50,000 Americans died, but can’t soend money in Cuba because Florida is.a swing state.

Yeah, that's it...because Florida is a swing libs are so smart.
So who here is lobbying for private enterprise to replace the Corps of Engineers on the Missouri management? Should be high on your list, eh?
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