Watch this... Hey libs, do you have any examples of successful socialist countries? List them.

And in response to the OP: All hard Socialist/Communist countries are successful if the objective is to subjugate the masses and to make them equally poor, subservient, fearful, and obedient.

By "hard" I cautiously assume that you mean "pure".
Again, applying an excessive obsession with "purity" is a sure fire recipe for creating some kind of economic tension and exacerbating social socialism, capitalism, ANY "ism".

The BEST and time tested approach is to create a flexible hybrid economy using the best tweaks of both socialism and capitalism. Some societies will do better with a more capitalistic mix, some will do better with a little more socialism. Veer toward the edges and, just as in bowling, you wind up with a gutter ball.

Communism isn't worth comparing at all, and neither is fascism, because both are exercises in obsessive ideological purity, so again, they are doomed from the start, due to being too extreme.
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Go ahead, we are interested in hearing these wonderful successes.

Please, list the countries.
LOL Do you have any examples of purely capitalistic successful nations? No, you do not. Every successful nation on this planet has a mix of capitalism and socialism. For they are economic tools, only ideologies to idiots like you.
Idiologues like the OP can't be told.
Can anyone find an example of a country that has ever regulated the means of production by the community as a whole as opposed to private capitalists or unelected bureaucrats?
That definition left off the usual qualifier, 'usually through the agency of the state'.
DANG this is a vague thread. What's it about?
I'm not sure what the thread's about, but the OP is about echoing the chamber in complete ignorance.

I daresay that applies to about 90% of ALL posts here at USMB.
I strive as best I can to find the ten percent who are actually interested in something besides whining and listening to the call and response from the whining choir of their select sycophants:

"Hillary is a criminal, they should lock her UP!!"
"Yep, you're right, if she was locked UP! Herr Trump could Make America Great Again!"
"Goddam libtards! It's all their fault, look at Obama!"

etc etc etc bla bla bla quack quack quack.
"now we're all socialists!"- Finland prime minister when ObamaCare was passed...

The problem we have here is that GOP dupes don't know what socialism is... They think it is communism...

And Obamacare wasn't even Obamacare, it was RomneyCare anyway.
Real actual Obamacare would have had (A) single payer or (B) a public option, and (C) the mandate would have stayed put anyway so once that's gone, it's now TrumpCare, and Republicans OWN it, so when it fails, it's on them.
Well, I would think the bottom line for "success" would be the happiness of its citizens, so let's see what this survey says: Visit the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World
  1. Denmark
  2. Switzerland
  3. Iceland
  4. Norway
  5. Finland
  6. Canada
  7. The Netherlands
  8. New Zealand
  9. Australia
  10. Sweden
And since it appears that "socialism" is whatever government spending exceeds military, I guess those would qualify as "socialist".

So I guess we need to specify definitions.
socialism - Google Search

  1. "a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    synonyms: leftism, welfarism; More
    • "policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
      synonyms: leftism, welfarism; More

    • "(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism."
Can anyone find an example of a country that has ever regulated the means of production by the community as a whole as opposed to private capitalists or unelected bureaucrats?
Communist- Industries owned by the state, socialism they are regulated by the state, like every modern country including even the United States when ObamaCare is implemented fully...
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How about we set a standard of what “socialist” . Like a list of socialist countries.
2. Anglosphere countries with the traditions of Western Civilization, and which have not been overrun, yet, with massive illegal immigration. Canada and Australia are self-immolating themselves on the multi-cultural petard, so their happiness levels are at risk of declining.
Care to cite the 'massive illegal immigration' occurring in those two countries?
Communist- Industries owned by the state, socialism they are regulated by the state, like every modern country including even the United States when ObamaCare is implemented fully...
I don't know if one can be so hard and fast. Off the top of my head, here the government is a shareholder in the airline and the railways, nor are there any but a couple of toll roads.
Go ahead, we are interested in hearing these wonderful successes.

Please, list the countries.
LOL Do you have any examples of purely capitalistic successful nations? No, you do not. Every successful nation on this planet has a mix of capitalism and socialism. For they are economic tools, only ideologies to idiots like you.

That's like saying have you ever found a dog without fleas. The fleas do not help the dog. The fleas suck off the dog.
How about we set a standard of what “socialist” . Like a list of socialist countries.
Of course that would be useful but I don't think it could be done, just about every economy is a mixture. Idiologues like the OP can't be told.
Go ahead, we are interested in hearing these wonderful successes.

Please, list the countries.

Venezuela . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.
Cuba . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.
Somalia . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.
North Korea . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.
Israel ... yes

Sweden ... yes


And Cuba is doing better now than they didn’t when they were being starved by Batista. They get free medical, free education through college and have food and a place to live.

How’d your education go, dummy?
How about we set a standard of what “socialist” . Like a list of socialist countries.
Of course that would be useful but I don't think it could be done, just about every economy is a mixture. Idiologues like the OP can't be told.

Right .

I think most people have a litmus test for what they think is “socailist”. Usually , national health care is the tipping point .
Well, I would think the bottom line for "success" would be the happiness of its citizens, so let's see what this survey says: Visit the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World
  1. Denmark
  2. Switzerland
  3. Iceland
  4. Norway
  5. Finland
  6. Canada
  7. The Netherlands
  8. New Zealand
  9. Australia
  10. Sweden
And since it appears that "socialism" is whatever government spending exceeds military, I guess those would qualify as "socialist".

So I guess we need to specify definitions.
socialism - Google Search

  1. "a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    synonyms: leftism, welfarism; More
    • "policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
      synonyms: leftism, welfarism; More

    • "(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism."
Can anyone find an example of a country that has ever regulated the means of production by the community as a whole as opposed to private capitalists or unelected bureaucrats?

I've never seen a triangle with four sides either It doesn't exist for the same reason cars don't run if you fill them with water. How would the "community as a whole" run a factory? So-called "socialists" can't even tell you. They just waive their magic wand and tell you what a paradise it would be.
And Cuba is doing better now than they didn’t when they were being starved by Batista. They get free medical, free education through college and have food and a place to live.
That's where you're going wrong. The poor do not enter rightard economic calculations.
How about we set a standard of what “socialist” . Like a list of socialist countries.
Of course that would be useful but I don't think it could be done, just about every economy is a mixture. Idiologues like the OP can't be told.

Right .

I think most people have a litmus test for what they think is “socailist”. Usually , national health care is the tipping point .
No matter how you define socialism, the so-called socialists will tell you your wrong.

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