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Watching a real President

AOC will run for the NYS Senate and then against Joe or Harris for President in 2024.
She's as pissed off at Biden as a bull in a ring.

Or....she won't.
I'm quoting AOC.

AOC said she's running against Biden in 2024?
AOC doesn't give a shit about Biden and she's made that clear.
She intends to run for the NYS Senate and then for President.
She has zero respect for just about about all of her "colleagues".

Seriously, you should start following her on a daily basis for about a month.

So when you claim that AOC is running against Biden in 2024.......you're not quoting her.

Well that was easy.
I'm quoting her; she intends to run for President and obviously doesn't care who she is running against.
She's already called every Democrat in Congress above the age of 50 a shithead.
I appreciate you admitting via your posts that you don't follow her daily rants.

I've seen no such quote. Did you actually read or see her say this?

Or was this your ginger occultist on youtube again?
I've seen no such quote. Did you actually read or see her say this?
Because you only read the news after someone else brings up something that isn't akin to kissing your ass.

The hippie doesn't discuss her because she's a waste of oxygen.

YouTube, various news sites, you should watch the news on TV once in a while.
I also am aware that you are such a hardened Leftist that you will never accept anything anyone says unless they repeat what you've already said.
So, I honestly don't give a crap about your input.

Or...because you're not the best source of information. So if you tell me about a 'quote' that seems a little unrealistic, I question it. Remember when you told me about how all of Trump's legal failures were part of a grand plan to get his claims before the Supreme Court....because that's what some youtube conspiracy theorist told you to think?

How'd that work out again?

Yeah, I'm gonna need more than you citing yourself as AOC. Can you actually quote her please? I'm ready to believe you if actually have evidence.
AOC will run for the NYS Senate and then against Joe or Harris for President in 2024.
She's as pissed off at Biden as a bull in a ring.

Or....she won't.
I'm quoting AOC.

AOC said she's running against Biden in 2024?
AOC doesn't give a shit about Biden and she's made that clear.
She intends to run for the NYS Senate and then for President.
She has zero respect for just about about all of her "colleagues".

Seriously, you should start following her on a daily basis for about a month.

So when you claim that AOC is running against Biden in 2024.......you're not quoting her.

Well that was easy.
I'm quoting her; she intends to run for President and obviously doesn't care who she is running against.
She's already called every Democrat in Congress above the age of 50 a shithead.
I appreciate you admitting via your posts that you don't follow her daily rants.

I've seen no such quote. Did you actually read or see her say this?

Or was this your ginger occultist on youtube again?
I've seen no such quote. Did you actually read or see her say this?
Because you only read the news after someone else brings up something that isn't akin to kissing your ass.

The hippie doesn't discuss her because she's a waste of oxygen.

YouTube, various news sites, you should watch the news on TV once in a while.
I also am aware that you are such a hardened Leftist that you will never accept anything anyone says unless they repeat what you've already said.
So, I honestly don't give a crap about your input.

So your quote of AOC....turned out to be just you quoting you?
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

Just watched it. Very good speech. Glad I voted for Joe!
You voted for Harris.
I voted for both. I threw my trust behind Joe to pick is own running mate and I supported the ticket. She needs seasoning, but her boss has actually done her job also and know what it is and what he needs her to do. She will be fine.
She is more far left than Sanders.
This is a lie.
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

Just watched it. Very good speech. Glad I voted for Joe!
You voted for Harris.
I voted for both. I threw my trust behind Joe to pick is own running mate and I supported the ticket. She needs seasoning, but her boss has actually done her job also and know what it is and what he needs her to do. She will be fine.
She is more far left than Sanders.
This is a lie.
Its on her record and you voted her in as president, congratulations! Maybe she will pick Pelosi as her vp.
Biden stayed in his basement & he somehow got more votes than 45, 44 & Hillary?

Yes. Trump is hated that much.
73,000,000 votes; I should be so hated.
The amount of votes wasn't the point. The fact he got 7 million more people out to vote against him is where the hate is at.

7 million illegal votes.

If anybody was casting dodgy ballots it was Trump. I still can't believe that many people voted for him. I reckon he was over reacting because his minions cast 10 million illegal votes. I know for a fact they did.

45, won both times he ran Biden, and Harris, are Failed presidential candidates in 88,08 & 20, Etc. and we are supposed to believe they won fair?

Dodd, Biden drop out after Iowa defeat
The silly nature and zero chance of success does not suddenly make it a coupe, it just makes it dumb.

If Trump’s controlled the House right now, his lies have enough support nationwide that willing and united House Reps and Senators could overthrow the will of the voters and install Trump basically for life.
According to you and backed by nothing other than your imagination.

And what I have stated is about what is actually happening here, in reality. Not some dreamed up what if scenario.
And because the majority of disenfranchised voters would be black Americans in major cities, this coupe would be a racist stain in America like never seen or imagined.

This Trump shit is not silly. There are fifty million Trump worshipping Dale Smith s out there who believe this:

The myth was started by FOX News contributor retired Lt Gen McInerney who claims KRAKEN is the nickname of the 305 military INTELLIGENCE battalion which batty former fired Trump election fraud Lawyer Sidney Powell is referencing as the source for her claims of massive election fraud by Dominion machines wired to flip millions of votes from Trump to Biden at this secret site in Germany.

There is supposed to be several American troops from the 305th Military Intelligence battalion based out of Arizona who were killed while seizing computer servers in Frankfurt Germany as part of a CIA operation after the presidential election.

Then there is supposed to be this guy; Mathew Billings, a CIA data analyst that was at the Frankfurt, Germany CIA outpost where the five US troops were killed. BILLINGS leaked that not only did Trump win every swing state by a mile but also won Virginia, Maine and Rhode Island. He was fired for leaking this and has "lawyered up".

Fifty million Dale Smiths believing this dangerous bullshit nonsense and having it controlling their political views is a danger to democracy as we have known it in America up to now.
No more or less dangerous than the lies you are buying into in this post.
No more or less dangerous than the lies you are buying into in this post.

What lies have I bought into. Be specific or just shut up. Trump will be officially absolutely irrelevant in a few weeks. The way he is behaving makes him almost irrelevant already.
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

...as he drops doodies in his Depends....you wackos are comical.

That was Rudy-tooty two weeks ago.
No, that was hair dye....Sleepy is dropping a lot more than hair dye into his panties.....
Trump is gone, and thankfully so.

However bad Biden might be, he'll be better than Trump.
Not for those of us who depend on our jobs to support our families and your SNAP bennies doofus.
Oh look, another fat welfare hillbilly crying because his orange god got his ass kicked.
Who is crying? You are the ones who elected the dementia patient who wears two diapers.
Trump was a dreadful mistake and a dreadful president, the worst in US history.

Good riddance.
I had thought George W. Bush, since he got so many killed and started the middle east wars lasting into two generations, but NO. He did not assault the American way of constitutional rule or attempt a coup against the government and it's constitutional free election process. He truly is the worst president in living history, if not the history of the United States. He always wanted to be number #1 and he actually achieved it. Public Enemy #1. As you said, good riddance. His ignominy will undoubtedly last forever.
People live in the moment, it is in our nature. As a direct result of this, the current president is almost always the 'worst' or 'best' one in history. You know it is almost always utterly false. FDR did FAR more to attack our constitutional protections. Andrew Jackson is responsible for one of the most atrocious events in our history. We have the trail of tears, we have Japanese interment camps, we have the McCarthy witch hunt to name a few off the top of my head. Trump is nothing but bloviation in the face of some of the things we have faced in history. It is just a matter of bloviating in the present vs some words in a history book.

And using the court is not an coupe against the free election process. It is a legal and constitutional process. The silly nature and zero chance of success does not suddenly make it a coupe, it just makes it dumb.
Just because method is legal, does not make it a righteous thing to do.
Where did I say righteous? Did I even allude to it being good?

Nope. You mentioned a coup. My point is that it is not a coup. You mentioned an attack. It is not an attack.

It is a legal and authorized means of challenging results that you think are not fair. That he is wrong does not suddenly make legal and authorized challenges a coup.
Overthrowing the election would be a shitty end to democratic representative government and would have destroyed the country as we know it.
That may be but that is also not what is occurring. The ONLY way he overthrows the election is if the election actually was stolen by Biden. If there actually was overt and directed cheating by his campaign. in that case, Trump would be RESTORING democracy.

As that is NOT the case, the election will not be overturned. The hyperbole about it ending our democracy is just that, hyperbole.

You are stating a philosophic position based on knowing the outcome, as it has already occurred. Trump is stupid and hires stupid people. Someone someday may actually pull it off and overthrow free elections. We must recognize the possibility and be on guard to denounce treachery of the powerful or fall pray to it's excess and destructive nature.
No, I am actually stating the very real process and results that actually are happening. It is you that are stating a philosophic position of what if he manages to actually overthrow a valid election result. That is a position that is very much not happening and as such is just philosophical nonsense. My statements refer to what is happening in real time right now, a president that is using a legal process set up to protect our elective process to challenge a valid result and losing miserably directly because the result is valid. Trump has lost virtually every single case that has come fourth and with extreme clarity. The only damage Trump is doing here is that his sycophantic followers are losing trust in a system that is clearly working. However, Trump is a symptom of a grater problem, one where a significant portion of the nation feels unrepresented in the nations government, rather than the cause. It is that feeling that elected Trump in the first place and, to be perfectly honest, would remain even if Trump was capable of stepping aside in a gracious way.

The problems with our elective system are not because Trump is acting like a child, they are not because Trump will not concede and they are not even because Trump is challenging the result. The problem with our elective system is that the ruling class does not serve the people but rather serves special interests and elites.
It is not what is happening, because team trump failed to pull it off.
Yes, because that is how the system is SUPPOSED to work.
The courts have confirmed as trumps own lawyer admitted fraud and cheating were not what they were willing to charge in court, yet the movement persists and is being fed to the faithful, even though the conservative Supreme Court, 1/3 appointed by trump has even said "fuck off". This is just an attempt to overthrow.

Again, the system is working and no overthrow is happening. It is not close to happening. It is not even in the damn ballpark.
Understand that a large minority feel under represented. Maybe the Democrats will run somebody shitty and dangerous as they did in 2016 and you can be represented by somebody as shitty and dangerous as trump. If so, fine. Next time. This time has been decided and shall not be overthrown by hook or crook, or anti-American autocratic power grab.
The problem is because trump is acting like a spoiled child wanting what he wants whether deserving or entitled or not. He is unscrupulously challenging not only the result, but the will of the majority of the voters and simultaneously inciting his more radical followers, which in wrong and horrible leadership except in a banana republic. You will get over this and can run the candidate of your choice next time. It the majority vote for them, so be it.
You are correct, this time it is not going to be overthrown or next time or in the next 10 times. That is the core point though - it is not a coup. It is not an overthrow. It is a child stamping his foot and using the legal system to get his day in court EXACTLY AS IT IS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN. You are watching the system not only work as intended but work as it should.
No more or less dangerous than the lies you are buying into in this post.

What lies have I bought into. Be specific or just shut up. Trump will be officially absolutely irrelevant in a few weeks. The way he is behaving makes him almost irrelevant already.

"If Trump’s controlled the House right now, his lies have enough support nationwide that willing and united House Reps and Senators could overthrow the will of the voters and install Trump basically for life. "

That Trump represents an existential threat. That he is dictatorial. That the SCOTUS was ever going to be remotely on board with this. That either the house or senate would allow it to happen. That there are 50 million people that would back such a thing. I could go on and on but you will deny all of them because you are just a reflection of the 'Dale Smiths' on the other side and you act in exactly the same manner.
That Trump represents an existential threat. That he is dictatorial. That the SCOTUS was ever going to be remotely on board with this. That either the house or senate would allow it to happen. That there are 50 million people that would back such a thing. I could go on and on but you will deny all of them because you are just a reflection of the 'Dale Smiths' on the other side and you act in exactly the same manner.

I have no doubt that 50 million of Trump’s 72 milion would back a Congress that Constitutionally overturned this election.

That we dodged a bullet this time not because the losing sitting president somehow found the moral courage to concede a seven million vote defeat but by the fact that his opponent won enough electoral votes that one contested state could not overturn the called election.

Who knows what a Trump-like fascist with a goosestepping political base near equal to his opponents base in a future White House would do if he lost a close election.

My point is there is a Constitutionally legal route for a fascist leader like TrumpQ who has the numbers of loyal followers to get a like minded House and Senate to overturn a close election.

And my main concern is not Trump this time because the House is controlled by the Democrats..Trump’s fascist coupe attempt will fail even he gets fascist Tommy Tubber to go along. The other Republican Senators know Tommy Tubber can’t bring the House with him so they oppose his move. Do they oppose it on principle or do they oppose it because they know it will fail?

The real threat that shouid concern you is not Trump - the one snd lonely sad and tragic shallow little man. He is nothing without 70 million fascist zombies who think they are real Americas only rightful heirs.. who blindly support that shallow little man because he talks big and demeans everybody and every institution the True AMERICAN zombies hate.

Those TrumpQ zombies are not going away..Their numbers seem to have grown since 2016. That is the scariest threat about Trump; 100 million voting fascist zombies tsking over our preciiusx democracy with the Constitution’s blessing.

This was yesterday’s tweet.to his zombies.

Massive late night mail-in ballot drops in swing states, stuffing the ballot boxes (on video), double voters, dead voters, fake signatures, illegal immigrant voters, banned Republican vote watchers, MORE VOTES THAN ACTUAL VOTERS (check out Detroit & Philadelphia), and much more," Trump argued, despite having been unable to prove such allegations in court.​
"The numbers are far greater than what is necessary to win the individual swing states, and cannot even be contested," he continued. "Courts are bad, the FBI and "Justice" didn't do their job, and the United States Election System looks like that of a third world country. Freedom of the press has been gone for a long time, it is Fake News, and now we have Big Tech (with Section 230) to deal with."​
But when it is all over, and this period of time becomes just another ugly chapter in our Country's history, WE WILL WIN!!!" Trump falsely claimed.​
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Again, the system is working and no overthrow is happening.

An overthrow ATTEMPT is happening based on lies upon lies and the systematic demeaning of our institutions that are needed for democracy to work..

It’s great that our system is working. It’s not great that fifty million TrumpQ followers believe all the lies and are certain that our system is not working at all..

Where are all those people going to go? Trump has exposed them for what they are. And it ain’t pretty.
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

Senile old bastard. China Joe will sell out. Actually ,he already did. Hail President Bezos ,Dorsey ,Soros ,and Gates.
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

...as he drops doodies in his Depends....you wackos are comical.

That was Rudy-tooty two weeks ago.
No, that was hair dye....Sleepy is dropping a lot more than hair dye into his panties.....
Trump is gone, and thankfully so.

However bad Biden might be, he'll be better than Trump.
Not for those of us who depend on our jobs to support our families and your SNAP bennies doofus.
Oh look, another fat welfare hillbilly crying because his orange god got his ass kicked.
Who is crying? You are the ones who elected the dementia patient who wears two diapers.
Trump was a dreadful mistake and a dreadful president, the worst in US history.

Good riddance.
I had thought George W. Bush, since he got so many killed and started the middle east wars lasting into two generations, but NO. He did not assault the American way of constitutional rule or attempt a coup against the government and it's constitutional free election process. He truly is the worst president in living history, if not the history of the United States. He always wanted to be number #1 and he actually achieved it. Public Enemy #1. As you said, good riddance. His ignominy will undoubtedly last forever.
People live in the moment, it is in our nature. As a direct result of this, the current president is almost always the 'worst' or 'best' one in history. You know it is almost always utterly false. FDR did FAR more to attack our constitutional protections. Andrew Jackson is responsible for one of the most atrocious events in our history. We have the trail of tears, we have Japanese interment camps, we have the McCarthy witch hunt to name a few off the top of my head. Trump is nothing but bloviation in the face of some of the things we have faced in history. It is just a matter of bloviating in the present vs some words in a history book.

And using the court is not an coupe against the free election process. It is a legal and constitutional process. The silly nature and zero chance of success does not suddenly make it a coupe, it just makes it dumb.
Just because method is legal, does not make it a righteous thing to do.
Where did I say righteous? Did I even allude to it being good?

Nope. You mentioned a coup. My point is that it is not a coup. You mentioned an attack. It is not an attack.

It is a legal and authorized means of challenging results that you think are not fair. That he is wrong does not suddenly make legal and authorized challenges a coup.
Overthrowing the election would be a shitty end to democratic representative government and would have destroyed the country as we know it.
That may be but that is also not what is occurring. The ONLY way he overthrows the election is if the election actually was stolen by Biden. If there actually was overt and directed cheating by his campaign. in that case, Trump would be RESTORING democracy.

As that is NOT the case, the election will not be overturned. The hyperbole about it ending our democracy is just that, hyperbole.

You are stating a philosophic position based on knowing the outcome, as it has already occurred. Trump is stupid and hires stupid people. Someone someday may actually pull it off and overthrow free elections. We must recognize the possibility and be on guard to denounce treachery of the powerful or fall pray to it's excess and destructive nature.
No, I am actually stating the very real process and results that actually are happening. It is you that are stating a philosophic position of what if he manages to actually overthrow a valid election result. That is a position that is very much not happening and as such is just philosophical nonsense. My statements refer to what is happening in real time right now, a president that is using a legal process set up to protect our elective process to challenge a valid result and losing miserably directly because the result is valid. Trump has lost virtually every single case that has come fourth and with extreme clarity. The only damage Trump is doing here is that his sycophantic followers are losing trust in a system that is clearly working. However, Trump is a symptom of a grater problem, one where a significant portion of the nation feels unrepresented in the nations government, rather than the cause. It is that feeling that elected Trump in the first place and, to be perfectly honest, would remain even if Trump was capable of stepping aside in a gracious way.

The problems with our elective system are not because Trump is acting like a child, they are not because Trump will not concede and they are not even because Trump is challenging the result. The problem with our elective system is that the ruling class does not serve the people but rather serves special interests and elites.
It is not what is happening, because team trump failed to pull it off.
Yes, because that is how the system is SUPPOSED to work.
The courts have confirmed as trumps own lawyer admitted fraud and cheating were not what they were willing to charge in court, yet the movement persists and is being fed to the faithful, even though the conservative Supreme Court, 1/3 appointed by trump has even said "fuck off". This is just an attempt to overthrow.

Again, the system is working and no overthrow is happening. It is not close to happening. It is not even in the damn ballpark.
Understand that a large minority feel under represented. Maybe the Democrats will run somebody shitty and dangerous as they did in 2016 and you can be represented by somebody as shitty and dangerous as trump. If so, fine. Next time. This time has been decided and shall not be overthrown by hook or crook, or anti-American autocratic power grab.
The problem is because trump is acting like a spoiled child wanting what he wants whether deserving or entitled or not. He is unscrupulously challenging not only the result, but the will of the majority of the voters and simultaneously inciting his more radical followers, which in wrong and horrible leadership except in a banana republic. You will get over this and can run the candidate of your choice next time. It the majority vote for them, so be it.
You are correct, this time it is not going to be overthrown or next time or in the next 10 times. That is the core point though - it is not a coup. It is not an overthrow. It is a child stamping his foot and using the legal system to get his day in court EXACTLY AS IT IS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN. You are watching the system not only work as intended but work as it should.
Granted, it is working and will work. Doesn't mean I appreciate the attempt to tear down the system by somebody that got elected chief executive. Here is an interesting article by some guy I never heard of, yesterday in the Irish Times, of all places:
Fintan O’Toole: Trump has unfinished business. A republic he wants to destroy still stands
It is not just that Trump really was not interested in governing. It is that he was deeply interested in misgovernment.

He left important leadership positions in government departments unfilled on a permanent basis, or filled them with scandalously unqualified cronies. He appointed people to head agencies to which they had been publicly hostile.
Beneath the psychodrama of Trump’s hourly outbursts, there was a duller but often more meaningful agenda: taking a blowtorch to regulation, especially, but by no means exclusively, in relation to the environment.
With this discrediting of democratic governance, it is not just that we cannot disentangle the personal motives from the political ones. It is that the replacement of political institutions by personal rule was precisely the point.
In this nexus, the madder the better. Power is proven, not when the sycophants have to obey reasonable commands, but when they have to follow and justify the craziest orders.
There is no fun in getting your minions to agree that black is black. The sadist’s pleasure lies in getting them to attest that black is white. The “alternative facts” that Trump’s enabler Kellyanne Conway laid down at the very beginning of his administration are not just about permission to lie. They’re about the erotic gratification of making other people lie absurdly, foolishly, repeatedly.
The price of this form of power is the undermining of any form of democratic deliberation. Democracy is not just about voting – it is a system for the rational articulation of ideas about the public good. Trump set out to lay waste to that whole system, from the bottom up, poisoning the groundwaters of respect for evidence, argument and rationality that keeps it alive.

This is his legacy: he has successfully led a vast number of voters along the path from hatred of government to contempt for rational deliberation to the inevitable endpoint: disdain for the electoral process itself.
Trump has unfinished business. A republic he wants to destroy still stands. It is, for him, not goodbye but hasta la vista. Instead of waving him off, those who want to rebuild American democracy will have to put a stake through his heart.
President-elect Biden is speaking. A great speech. A true American leader.

Just watched it. Very good speech. Glad I voted for Joe!
President -elect Biden will be a great president.
lets hope he will be a better president than he was senator....
Actually, Biden was a very good senator with many accomplishments and Just what we need after 4 tumultuous years of the divisive, morally fiberless, delusional trump.
List of Joe Biden's Accomplishments - Miami-Dade ...

www.miamidadedems.org › joe-biden-accomplishments...

Nov 4, 2020 — What has Joe Biden accomplished in 47 years, Trump zealots ask? ... more about Joe Biden's achievements fighting for Americans, first as a U.S. Senator ... for Americans with pre-existing conditions and 20 million who were ...
Biden will never be a real President. He is a thieving China Operative fraud.

Useful Idiot Moon Bats love him but not Americans.

Unlike the thieving Russian operative you have now.

LOL...you still believe the Russia hoax. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad that so many have been so duped.

These Moon Bats are always confused about everything. Not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier.
And using the court is not an coupe against the free election process.

it is a coupe when the courts are used to bring baseless charges of election fraud with zero evidence. The coupe attempt would only need accomplice judges to be successful. America is fortunate that no Republican judge has joined the coupe. But it is a thin line keeping Trump from installing himself in power as America’s first fascist dictator..

how big of a fool, sucker, idiot are you for supporting a pedophile?

your are a liar. A pathetic sick unAmerican liar. A worthless human being.

All I'm hearing you say is, "It's a coup when I don't agree with it!!! Anything that gives me my way is good, and anything that doesn't is a horrible attack!"

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