Watching Fox News, the Dems overplayed their hand, they are pushing this trying to impeach

I flipped between Fox News and MSNBC this morning.

Fox's summary left out critical details which were read verbatim by Jackson on MSNBC.

Fox alleges there is no quid pro quo, and continued the character assassination of the former VP and his late son, as well as the Whistle blower.

Both MSNBC and Fox news have a bias, but only Fox News spins issues to protect and defend Trump, and to cast suspicions of wrong doing on every possible Democratic candidate for the nomination.
So you have no clue who Juan Williams, Donna Brazil, Sheppard Smith, or Mike Wallace are? They aren't the only Trump Haters Fox has on their channel. They regularly bring in Lying DemNazi politicians, and scum bag lying Leftist Analysts to berate and criticize The President,. Fox has a policy of allowing dissenters and critics of The President Speak, unlike CNN, and MSNBC who's policy is to stifle support of The President.

At any rate, this is another Crash and Burn by the Dem Tards, just like Mad Moscow Mueller was.

Even Shit Bag Corey Booker was on this morning telling America what a liar he was and why Orange Man Bad must be removed from office before American Voters have a chance to re-elect him.

Sucks to be you.
Trump raised the Biden son issue, not eight times as NYT or Wash Post has said, only once, a couple of references after. Told them Rudy and Bill Barr would be in touch as Ukraine President was elected on getting rid of corruption.

Trump also mentioned a server, this is related to Hillary. Sounds like U.S wants it back for their own protection?

One might argue this could impact Biden, but, it was based on his own personal discussion, and, it was about his son, based on corruption, which is a U.S DOJ issue (or should be).

It might bother some, but if it was a legitimate concern (and foreign influence better be for ALL free nations), it's fine. Certainly won't reach to impeachment as far as I can tell but I believed this was all designed to start, yet, another process. To avoid talking about policies.
Transcript approved by trump more likely modified.

That's a good useful idiot. Reality means nothing to you psychos.
Democrats will never seat another president. Unless Ivanka decides to run as a dem and pulls the party back from the precipice..which won't happen because all the current criminals in the dem party loathe her.
I flipped between Fox News and MSNBC this morning.

Fox's summary left out critical details which were read verbatim by Jackson on MSNBC.

Fox alleges there is no quid pro quo, and continued the character assassination of the former VP and his late son, as well as the Whistle blower.

Both MSNBC and Fox news have a bias, but only Fox News spins issues to protect and defend Trump, and to cast suspicions of wrong doing on every possible Democratic candidate for the nomination.

Another propaganda piece from WC. Amazing.

Odd that the copy held by MSNBC anchor Jackson and read from her phone all that what she read did not appear in the link you offered.

Clearly a mystery. Are you certain the source in the link posted the entire document?

Are you certain they didnt make shit up?

Q. Are you certain they(?) didnt make shit up?
A. They, meaning MSNBC?

Certain? Nope, are you certain those who prepared the memo didn't edit the memo? Did you note the use of the ellipse?***

Having watched this President and all of his apologists, in the media, his lawyers and in his administration, I am certain that all of them, led by Trump have obfuscated the truth without even a pretense of sincerity.

***An ellipsis (plural: ellipses) is a punctuation mark consisting of three dots. Use an ellipsis when omitting a word, phrase, line, paragraph, or more from a quoted passage. Ellipses save space or remove material that is less relevant.

The transcript of President Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian President Zelensky is yet another illustration of the rule: Never ask a question you don’t know the answer to.

But on the basis of one drama queen’s overreaction to a rumor she’d heard about what was said on a phone call she didn’t hear (I’m assuming the whistleblower is Christine Blasey Ford), the Democrats have launched impeachment proceedings against the president.

I guess they figured it’s easier than flying to South Dakota with picks and chisels and carving Trump into Mount Rushmore. But it will have the same effect.

Ann Coulter: The Transcript We Really Want to See
"To me this seems like the dumbing down of impeachment. It takes what the founding fathers regarded as a very serious and somewhat solemn process and makes it somewhat frivolous" - Cryin Chuck in 1998
I flipped between Fox News and MSNBC this morning.

Fox's summary left out critical details which were read verbatim by Jackson on MSNBC.

Fox alleges there is no quid pro quo, and continued the character assassination of the former VP and his late son, as well as the Whistle blower.

Both MSNBC and Fox news have a bias, but only Fox News spins issues to protect and defend Trump, and to cast suspicions of wrong doing on every possible Democratic candidate for the nomination.

Read the full transcript. If you squint really hard and turn sentences around you could make a case of sort.

I haven't seen the entire 5 page document. I suspect you haven't either. I watched the summary by Fox News talking heads and MSNBC talking heads and as I pointed out before, "Fox's summary left out critical details which were read verbatim by Jackson on MSNBC.

You can continue to remain ignorant and biddable, or you can watch more than Fox talking heads. Watch MSNBC, ABC, CBS and PBS's News Hour. Then make a decision as to Trump's ability to be POTUS.

I watch them all and I know when I am being lied to or when things are taken out of context. Yesterday, several of the leftist stations flat out lied about what Trump said on the phone call. They took Trump's "do me a favor" line and falsely tied it the bit about investigating the Biden situation. Many who didn't read the transcripts will believe this dribble. This is how a false narrative is built. They are flat out dishonest in their reporting. They will say or take anything out of context to suit their political ideology.
"To me this seems like the dumbing down of impeachment. It takes what the founding fathers regarded as a very serious and somewhat solemn process and makes it somewhat frivolous" - Cryin Chuck in 1998
it's become just another routine powerplay. we've normalized the extreme for so long nothing is held sacred or "extreme" any longer.

we don't see how we're undermining our own actions by the methods used to attack the other side. we simply validate yet another extreme way to attack OF WHICH will hit the other side in return fire.

we're a nation that reacts. we gave up thinking long ago.

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