Watching Fox News, the Dems overplayed their hand, they are pushing this trying to impeach

I flipped between Fox News and MSNBC this morning.

Fox's summary left out critical details which were read verbatim by Jackson on MSNBC.

Fox alleges there is no quid pro quo, and continued the character assassination of the former VP and his late son, as well as the Whistle blower.

Both MSNBC and Fox news have a bias, but only Fox News spins issues to protect and defend Trump, and to cast suspicions of wrong doing on every possible Democratic candidate for the nomination.

Late son?

Hunter Biden is alive and well...

Unless he killed himself in the last few days and Wikipedia did not update his death...

I am guessing you mistaken Hunter for Beau Biden didn't you Wry?
I flipped between Fox News and MSNBC this morning.

Fox's summary left out critical details which were read verbatim by Jackson on MSNBC.

Fox alleges there is no quid pro quo, and continued the character assassination of the former VP and his late son, as well as the Whistle blower.

Both MSNBC and Fox news have a bias, but only Fox News spins issues to protect and defend Trump, and to cast suspicions of wrong doing on every possible Democratic candidate for the nomination.

I laugh
I flipped between Fox News and MSNBC this morning.

Fox's summary left out critical details which were read verbatim by Jackson on MSNBC.

Fox alleges there is no quid pro quo, and continued the character assassination of the former VP and his late son, as well as the Whistle blower.

Both MSNBC and Fox news have a bias, but only Fox News spins issues to protect and defend Trump, and to cast suspicions of wrong doing on every possible Democratic candidate for the nomination.

Late son?

Hunter Biden is alive and well...

Unless he killed himself in the last few days and Wikipedia did not update his death...

I am guessing you mistaken Hunter for Beau Biden didn't you Wry?

Could be? Unlike you I can be mistaken at times. So, I'll check and admit my mistake if it was a mistake.

Mea culpa, you were correct, and I was wrong.

You may now pound your chest in victory.
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I flipped between Fox News and MSNBC this morning.

Fox's summary left out critical details which were read verbatim by Jackson on MSNBC.

Fox alleges there is no quid pro quo, and continued the character assassination of the former VP and his late son, as well as the Whistle blower.

Both MSNBC and Fox news have a bias, but only Fox News spins issues to protect and defend Trump, and to cast suspicions of wrong doing on every possible Democratic candidate for the nomination.

Late son?

Hunter Biden is alive and well...

Unless he killed himself in the last few days and Wikipedia did not update his death...

I am guessing you mistaken Hunter for Beau Biden didn't you Wry?

Could be? Unlike you I can be mistaken at times. So, I'll check and admit my mistake if it was a mistake.

Mea culpa, you were correct, and I was wrong.

You may now pound your chest in victory.

You had to check?

Wow, you and Trump have so much in common it is amazing you are not a Trumpster.

If I knew the difference between the two boys and you call me an idiot all the time, what does that make you Wry?

You have been wrong many times but this time it is you writing about how FOX was bashing Biden late son when his late son is Beau and not Hunter.

Also you should know this scandal will not go away even if you rid the White House of Trump because Pence will use it against Biden if Biden is nominated.

So know your side is opening pandora box...
I flipped between Fox News and MSNBC this morning.

Fox's summary left out critical details which were read verbatim by Jackson on MSNBC.

Fox alleges there is no quid pro quo, and continued the character assassination of the former VP and his late son, as well as the Whistle blower.

Both MSNBC and Fox news have a bias, but only Fox News spins issues to protect and defend Trump, and to cast suspicions of wrong doing on every possible Democratic candidate for the nomination.

Late son?

Hunter Biden is alive and well...

Unless he killed himself in the last few days and Wikipedia did not update his death...

I am guessing you mistaken Hunter for Beau Biden didn't you Wry?

Could be? Unlike you I can be mistaken at times. So, I'll check and admit my mistake if it was a mistake.

Mea culpa, you were correct, and I was wrong.

You may now pound your chest in victory.

You had to check?

Wow, you and Trump have so much in common it is amazing you are not a Trumpster.

If I knew the difference between the two boys and you call me an idiot all the time, what does that make you Wry?

You have been wrong many times but this time it is you writing about how FOX was bashing Biden late son when his late son is Beau and not Hunter.

Also you should know this scandal will not go away even if you rid the White House of Trump because Pence will use it against Biden if Biden is nominated.

So know your side is opening pandora box...

Trump is Trump, he'll attack anyone who he feels is a threat, and the fact is whatever he uses against his opponent(s) are likely things he's done in the past.

But I digress. I fully expected you to be a bad winner, and you proved it with your childish response. You really are fucked up, like Trump, a man-child.
I flipped between Fox News and MSNBC this morning.

Fox's summary left out critical details which were read verbatim by Jackson on MSNBC.

Fox alleges there is no quid pro quo, and continued the character assassination of the former VP and his late son, as well as the Whistle blower.

Both MSNBC and Fox news have a bias, but only Fox News spins issues to protect and defend Trump, and to cast suspicions of wrong doing on every possible Democratic candidate for the nomination.

Late son?

Hunter Biden is alive and well...

Unless he killed himself in the last few days and Wikipedia did not update his death...

I am guessing you mistaken Hunter for Beau Biden didn't you Wry?

Could be? Unlike you I can be mistaken at times. So, I'll check and admit my mistake if it was a mistake.

Mea culpa, you were correct, and I was wrong.

You may now pound your chest in victory.

You had to check?

Wow, you and Trump have so much in common it is amazing you are not a Trumpster.

If I knew the difference between the two boys and you call me an idiot all the time, what does that make you Wry?

You have been wrong many times but this time it is you writing about how FOX was bashing Biden late son when his late son is Beau and not Hunter.

Also you should know this scandal will not go away even if you rid the White House of Trump because Pence will use it against Biden if Biden is nominated.

So know your side is opening pandora box...

Trump is Trump, he'll attack anyone who he feels is a threat, and the fact is whatever he uses against his opponent(s) are likely things he's done in the past.

But I digress. I fully expected you to be a bad winner, and you proved it with your childish response. You really are fucked up, like Trump, a man-child.
And with trp being trump you will always attack. Just as bad.
I flipped between Fox News and MSNBC this morning.

Fox's summary left out critical details which were read verbatim by Jackson on MSNBC.

Fox alleges there is no quid pro quo, and continued the character assassination of the former VP and his late son, as well as the Whistle blower.

Both MSNBC and Fox news have a bias, but only Fox News spins issues to protect and defend Trump, and to cast suspicions of wrong doing on every possible Democratic candidate for the nomination.

Late son?

Hunter Biden is alive and well...

Unless he killed himself in the last few days and Wikipedia did not update his death...

I am guessing you mistaken Hunter for Beau Biden didn't you Wry?

Could be? Unlike you I can be mistaken at times. So, I'll check and admit my mistake if it was a mistake.

Mea culpa, you were correct, and I was wrong.

You may now pound your chest in victory.

You had to check?

Wow, you and Trump have so much in common it is amazing you are not a Trumpster.

If I knew the difference between the two boys and you call me an idiot all the time, what does that make you Wry?

You have been wrong many times but this time it is you writing about how FOX was bashing Biden late son when his late son is Beau and not Hunter.

Also you should know this scandal will not go away even if you rid the White House of Trump because Pence will use it against Biden if Biden is nominated.

So know your side is opening pandora box...

Trump is Trump, he'll attack anyone who he feels is a threat, and the fact is whatever he uses against his opponent(s) are likely things he's done in the past.

But I digress. I fully expected you to be a bad winner, and you proved it with your childish response. You really are fucked up, like Trump, a man-child.

Sure I am Wry!

After the way you wrote your response to me you calling me the man child?

1. You should know your own political party family members and just say hey you know I was wrong but you added an insult to me after admitting your mistake!

2. You are on here daily with the same nonsense and have been proven wrong many times and you throw a fit by going into rants against those you hate.

( check the flame zone )

3. Trump is an ass and owns you and why?

Simple, fools like you will believe anything negative about Trump while never knowing it could be him planting the story to make you look like a damn fool!

So sit down, research and stop reacting like the drone you are and learn Trump is going to tear all of you a new one if he planted this and set your side up and yes the mental midget would do it!
Sure I am Wry!

After the way you wrote your response to me you calling me the man child?
Freudian projection is what Francis does best.

There was only one Francis and I miss him... At least he was entertaining...

They better hope Trump is caught because if not the left is going to be in a boat load of hurt...
I was referring to Frances Soyer.

Peter Schweizer and the Government Accountability Institute spent three years investigating former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter and their dealings in the Ukraine and China. The research culminated in the #1 New York Times bestselling book “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends” (Harper Collins, March 2018). Below are some of the results of the investigation.

Peter Schweizer: Biden Ukraine dealings – 7 essential facts
Sure I am Wry!

After the way you wrote your response to me you calling me the man child?
Freudian projection is what Francis does best.

There was only one Francis and I miss him... At least he was entertaining...

They better hope Trump is caught because if not the left is going to be in a boat load of hurt...
I was referring to Frances Soyer.


Yeah, but I had a Francis and he was hoot...

Almost like what the left has with Trump or is it what Trump has with the left?
They will drop the impeachment. They have nothing, Pelosi didn't want to do it in the first place.
The democrats know they have lost the 2020 race. Not only the presidential but all of congress also. If they can find something, anything to hang a scandal of any kind on they really hope that it might give them some slime chance of holding on to some kind of power.

They don't seem to understand that they are the ones that have shot themselves in the foot and just keep shooting.

Thanks so much for sharing your prognostication Dr. Nostradamus. Your reasoning is so ... hilarious...I'll copy it for the morning of Nov. 4, 2020.
All it takes is understanding humans. But let's face it you seem unable to do that.
Trump raised the Biden son issue, not eight times as NYT or Wash Post has said, only once, a couple of references after. Told them Rudy and Bill Barr would be in touch as Ukraine President was elected on getting rid of corruption.

Trump also mentioned a server, this is related to Hillary. Sounds like U.S wants it back for their own protection?

One might argue this could impact Biden, but, it was based on his own personal discussion, and, it was about his son, based on corruption, which is a U.S DOJ issue (or should be).

It might bother some, but if it was a legitimate concern (and foreign influence better be for ALL free nations), it's fine. Certainly won't reach to impeachment as far as I can tell but I believed this was all designed to start, yet, another process. To avoid talking about policies.
Transcript approved by trump more likely modified.
I flipped between Fox News and MSNBC this morning.

Fox's summary left out critical details which were read verbatim by Jackson on MSNBC.

Fox alleges there is no quid pro quo, and continued the character assassination of the former VP and his late son, as well as the Whistle blower.

Both MSNBC and Fox news have a bias, but only Fox News spins issues to protect and defend Trump, and to cast suspicions of wrong doing on every possible Democratic candidate for the nomination.

Read the full transcript. If you squint really hard and turn sentences around you could make a case of sort.

I haven't seen the entire 5 page document. I suspect you haven't either. I watched the summary by Fox News talking heads and MSNBC talking heads and as I pointed out before, "Fox's summary left out critical details which were read verbatim by Jackson on MSNBC.

You can continue to remain ignorant and biddable, or you can watch more than Fox talking heads. Watch MSNBC, ABC, CBS and PBS's News Hour. Then make a decision as to Trump's ability to be POTUS.
I suspect that you have not looked very hard since the whole thing is online, in fact there are a number of other threads on here with the document listed.

I will take Trump with everything I don't like about him over the last idiot we were stuck with any day.

I don't watch CNN, period. I prefer to get my news from news sources online. So I don't watch the watered down pablum they push on the television. The fact that it is geared toward a fifth grade level might be an indication that they are not going to go into much depth.
I flipped between Fox News and MSNBC this morning.

Fox's summary left out critical details which were read verbatim by Jackson on MSNBC.

Fox alleges there is no quid pro quo, and continued the character assassination of the former VP and his late son, as well as the Whistle blower.

Both MSNBC and Fox news have a bias, but only Fox News spins issues to protect and defend Trump, and to cast suspicions of wrong doing on every possible Democratic candidate for the nomination.
Hey Wry Catcher! You Suck Egg Plant!


Insulting Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton is President Trump's full time job and it's why we voted for him.

Viva Lah Trump!

Keep the Left Tard Bitch Slaps coming, "Orange Man Bad!"

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