Watching Trump’s Campaign Manager on CBS News Now

Crooked Hillary is in big trouble with that State Department audit that was released today.

Not only did she disobeyed the rules for handling Department material but she got caught lying to the American people once again.

That woman lies every time she opens her mouth.


What exactly did she lie about…got any quotes?
Gee, and you mention another man’s penis yet again, Shirley.

Don’t you have some fudge to pack somewhere?
Um one of us is gay. And I'm pretty sure it's not me, Ming.

Opinions differ Shirley.

My bringing up Drumpf’s penis: 0 times
You bringing up Drumpf’s penis: 2 times

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
I concur with the other posters: He's gonna fuck your ass. And it'll be YUGE.

Hey, we can add your name to the list of all-talk, no action pussies.

Trump wins, I change my avatar to this:


Hillary wins, you change your avatar to this.


And we leave it there until January 20.

Put up or shut up my bitch!!!!
That schlong in your'll be HUGE!

As always, pussies like you pussy out when it comes time to take a stand.

On your knees beeotch…your messiah is ready for you
Crooked Hillary is in big trouble with that State Department audit that was released today.

Not only did she disobeyed the rules for handling Department material but she got caught lying to the American people once again.

That woman lies every time she opens her mouth.


What exactly did she lie about…got any quotes?
Crooked Hillary is in big trouble with that State Department audit that was released today.

Not only did she disobeyed the rules for handling Department material but she got caught lying to the American people once again.

That woman lies every time she opens her mouth.


What exactly did she lie about…got any quotes?

Oh yeah…that’s a bombshell waiting to go off. Oh wait; it went off in 2010 or whenever it was.

Crooked Hillary is in big trouble with that State Department audit that was released today.

Not only did she disobeyed the rules for handling Department material but she got caught lying to the American people once again.

That woman lies every time she opens her mouth.


What exactly did she lie about…got any quotes?

Oh yeah…that’s a bombshell waiting to go off. Oh wait; it went off in 2010 or whenever it was.

so how did hillary walk into this thread off topic? But she did lie about Benghazi, no matter what photo you wish to post. Yep, she did. BTW was the attack due to a video? Just asking

BTW was the attack due to a video? Just asking

She told her family and friends the truth but she told a lie to the American people and to the families of the Benghazi victims.

She is one lying bitch.
Truncheon Trump's tax returns are just one of the boat anchors he is going to have to drag around for the next 5 months. There are many others.
Truncheon Trump's tax returns are just one of the boat anchors he is going to have to drag around for the next 5 months. There are many others.
Well it's his anchor. He doesn't seem to be bothered by it. Does he?
Truncheon Trump's tax returns are just one of the boat anchors he is going to have to drag around for the next 5 months. There are many others.

That shithead Obama has been able to shirk off producing his college transcripts and Crooked Hillary won't come clean on her speeches to Wall Street so it doesn't look like the American people really give a crap about things like that, do they?
Here is the Donald Money grubber how is this for "empathy and integrity etc etc"...Ripping off veterans lying to the Nation Fuck you Trump...
Big Fibbin'

We now know that Donald Trump tried for four months not to contribute any of his own money for that vets group fundraiser he put on in January as an excuse to ditch that Fox debate. Only when the Post finally cornered him and basically proved that all his and his aides shifting explanations were false, did he finally agree to put in some of his own money. He was in essence trying to skim a million off the top of the fundraiser for the vets he used as a prop to skip out on the debate. This comes on top of the fact that he's still leaving himself the option of having high-dollar GOP donors reimburse him for his primary campaign to the tune of tens of millions of dollars.

Remind me again why we think Trump is worth even a billion dollars let alone $10 billion?

- Josh Marshall
Here is the Donald Money grubber how is this for "empathy and integrity etc etc"...Ripping off veterans lying to the Nation Fuck you Trump...
Big Fibbin'

We now know that Donald Trump tried for four months not to contribute any of his own money for that vets group fundraiser he put on in January as an excuse to ditch that Fox debate. Only when the Post finally cornered him and basically proved that all his and his aides shifting explanations were false, did he finally agree to put in some of his own money. He was in essence trying to skim a million off the top of the fundraiser for the vets he used as a prop to skip out on the debate. This comes on top of the fact that he's still leaving himself the option of having high-dollar GOP donors reimburse him for his primary campaign to the tune of tens of millions of dollars.

Remind me again why we think Trump is worth even a billion dollars let alone $10 billion?

- Josh Marshall

So let me see if I'm following you on're giving Trump shit because he donated a million dollars out of his own pocket for vets? How much have either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders donated to veterans?

He didn't "skim" anything. That rally raised an estimated 4.5 million for veterans and then Trump kicked in another million. So tell me again how much Clinton or Sanders have raised for vets?

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