Watters: the FBI is Leaking and Lying.. we're shocked, utterly shocked

Like I said before, the fact nothing was disclosed immediately, not even a press statement, shows how screwed up the Biden regime is.

And to top it off Joe claims nobody told him. So here you have an historical event against his political opponent that even third world banana republic leaders are condemning, and they keep Joe out of the loop?

Biden regime is a total cluster.
Dude, President Biden has stated repeatedly that he would wall off decisions of the DOJ from WH politics. The fact that he didn't know reinforces that politics played no role in the FBI raid.

The type of shit the former 1-term president and barr did was banana republic crap.
Dude, President Biden has stated repeatedly that he would wall off decisions of the DOJ from WH politics. The fact that he didn't know reinforces that politics played no role in the FBI raid.

The type of shit the former 1-term president and barr did was banana republic crap.
Do you know Hitler never ordered one single person to ever be killed?

So stick it up your ass.
LOL.... The affidavit is part of the warrant packet. I've done investigations and delivered those packets to individuals we served warrants on. Trump has been denied access to the affidavit in violation of US law. Hmmmm Why would that be... And now the claim is nuclear secrets were in his possession AFTER the National Archives had already been through the papers. This makes absolutely no sense. IF they had seen them, they would have been taken immediately. Then we add that they refused to let the defendant's council observe the search and wanted the cameras shut off.

This stinks of an evidence plant. Never in my life have we not allowed the defendants council to be present during a search. It is unheard of.
Pure nonsense . An affidavit is evidence. It would be rare for that to be given to the subject until they are charged
These documents were under lock and key for 1 and a half years. The "exigency" clause is not supported. The fact that National Archives people have had access to these papers for over a year makes it even worse for the DOJ's hope and poke.
Nothing done by the DOJ or FBI holds credence. NOTHING... They judge shopped to get a moron that didn't understand the law or hated Trump so much he didn't follow it. The Signing judge recused himself from a Trump case just SIX WEEKS AGO. Where did that conflict of interest go? This stinks to high heaven.
Why the fuck were they THERE for a year an a half dimwit?
I want to see the DOJ's rationale' for invading the home of an ex-president with 30 armed agents, supposedly looking for some documents that may not even exist. Their "leak" that the documents were nuclear related is a LIE. That much we do know.

I want to see if the affidavit was true or perjured, and by whom.

Its reckless NOT to examine the affidavit.
If its not examined now it will be in January after the GOP takes the House back.
The “leak” is something told to you through the media which we don’t trust, right? So let’s see what comes from the actual filings
Same as any other high profile raid
Like Hillary getting raided?
Oh wait. No.
Like Hunter Biden getting raided?
Oh wait. No.

Like who is at the level of being Biden’s primary political opponent for the White House and a President of the United States?
The “leak” is something told to you through the media which we don’t trust, right? So let’s see what comes from the actual filings
We don't trust the DOJ & FBI either. That's why we have to see the affidavit. Even Law Professor Jonathan Turley is on FXN saying Garland really fucked up and now has to release the affidavit to show their sworn evidence of a crime.
“They” are the fake news media that you’ve been dismissing for years, right. Why now all of a sudden do you trust them?
Then why all the secrecy from the Biden regime?
How many weeks is it going to take for the DOJ to comply with the judges orders?
..but if thats the case, than this is a farse. If a guy has so much power that he can declassify documents on a whim, suggesting that he poses a threat for possessing documents that havent been declassified, is disingenuous. I mean do we really want to start arresting presidents on technicalities? Does that sound smart to you?
Every former president had a peaceful transition of power. Every former president used the proper mechanisms to clear documents that they could remove.

The former 1-term president left with no such respect for past precedent. Was he using these documents to cozy up to Russia or the Saudi's for future dealings?
Like Hillary getting raided?
Oh wait. No.
Like Hunter Biden getting raided?
Oh wait. No.

Like who is at the level of being Biden’s primary political opponent for the White House and a President of the United States?
They didn’t get raided or prosecuted
How old are you?
Not old enough to remember and young enough to be dumbed down by public education.

Jail all political opposition with fake charges and use kangaroo courts to convict while keeping everything in secrecy.
Then why all the secrecy from the Biden regime?
How many weeks is it going to take for the DOJ to comply with the judges orders?
I guess we will find out. I imagine it’s because they are in the middle of an investigation and dealing with too secret material. That would justify a tad of secrecy wouldn’t you say?

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