We all called it. Trump is gone so NOW Cuomo tweets: "We simply cannot stay closed until the vaccine hits critical mass... We must reopen the economy

And 4,000 died from it just yesterday.

It's worse than ever

When combined with the comorbidity and rising flu season, is anyone surprised? Of the 4,000, how many died without a comorbidity or flu?

There is no flu season this year. The wearing of masks, hand washing, social distancing, and other measures being taken to shut down the covid pandemic are shutting down all manner of viral spreads including gastro-intestinal virus, colds, and the flu.

You seem to think that if I have an asthma attack and die, while having covid, my cause of death should be listed as "asthma". But the reality is that I don't have life threatening asthma attacks unless I have an underlying infection, like pneumonia, or a serious case of the flu. So while an asthma attack might kill me, I wouldn't be having that asthma attack if I didn't have covid. Similarly, if I have a survivable form of cancer and I get covid, it may be the cancer that kills me as a result of my getting covid on top of that otherwise surviveable form of cancer.

My question for you is why are you so committed to downplaying the virus and denying it's impact on the lives and the deaths of so many people. My only conclusion is you want the economic devastation that results from the costs of testing and treating the millions of Americans who continue to sicken and die from covid to continue.

Why do you want to pretend this isn't happening, Mr. 100 posts a day?
Funny thing is that my mom has been wearing a mask for about 5 years due to health reasons. She hasnt been sick in those same 5 years. Not even a cold.

I hadn't had a cold in 5 years either, without wearing a mask.
But that does not mean masks can not be useful in preventing infection.
It is just that when everyone does it, that actually increases infection by preventing herd immunity from ending epidemics.
The way all epidemics have always ended, is that a greedy infection uses up too many potential local hosts too quickly, so then in 12 days when it HAS to move on to a new hosts, it can't find one, so then dies out.
So effectively masks conserve hosts, so that no matter how greedy a virus might be, it never runs out.
It never uses up all the local hosts, so then there is always enough new hosts without immunity, to prevent the virus from dying out.
This virus isnt 100% lethal so there is no way it would use up its hosts too quickly. Masking and distancing just keeps it at bay until vaccines can be deployed.
Neither masking nor distancing is being carried out in Africa and Covid deaths there are in single figures in some countries.
Trying to stop a microscopic virus with a mask is like trying to stop the rain with a tennis racket.
It's everywhere. On money, door handles. The mask itself.

Of course. They have to be fed propaganda from the liberal mainstream though. They have to be led by the nose and they'll believe all lies.

Well then Trump's superspreaders were no doubt a public service.

Lol, super spreaders is another contrived scare tactic. Same as a muslim at every corner..... we need to shove the patriot act on you for your protection, russian boogeyment everywhere, covid waiting to attack you after 10 pm. All control elements.
So you think that surges after these events are just coincidences?

I find it quite odd that one state masked and locked down has a surge while another that doesn't have total lockdowns and masking has no surge. Thats all.
Just because some governor says they are locking down doesn't mean people aren't running around without masks. I'm sure you have heard the stories of warehouse parties in LA where the virus is out of control.
Yet Cuomo sits on over 90% of the vaccine that was sent to NY.
The governors of all the democrat states are sitting on it--they wouldn't do anything that might give the slightest indication of a Trump success, even if it means the deaths of a few thousand more Americans. Democrats are the biggest threat to this country that we have ever seen.
Of course the CDC is deliberately manipulating statistics.
That is because they essentially are political, not medical.
They became political when the Trump Admin installed political hacks there

Could be.
I do not know from any first hand experience.
But I do know Fauci deliberately lied when he said we should "flatten the curve".
Anyone should know you increase the area under the curve, (death total), when you flatten it.
Yep, I've seen it too. I've had cryptosporidium and giardia also. The best defense against viruses and bacteria is a strong immune system. The best medicine is eating a healthy diet with lots of fruits, vegetables, fish, meat without additives, no processed foods etc. Thats the best medicine to fight disease.
Clearly that hasn't worked for you

Those are protozoans which are waterborne. 99.9 percent of people will never come in contact with those two protozoans. I worked with them in a govt lab. They're different from viruses and bacteria.
Yep, I've seen it too. I've had cryptosporidium and giardia also. The best defense against viruses and bacteria is a strong immune system. The best medicine is eating a healthy diet with lots of fruits, vegetables, fish, meat without additives, no processed foods etc. Thats the best medicine to fight disease.
Clearly that hasn't worked for you

He did not die from cryptosporidium and giardia
And 4,000 died from it just yesterday.

It's worse than ever

When combined with the comorbidity and rising flu season, is anyone surprised? Of the 4,000, how many died without a comorbidity or flu?

There is no flu season this year. The wearing of masks, hand washing, social distancing, and other measures being taken to shut down the covid pandemic are shutting down all manner of viral spreads including gastro-intestinal virus, colds, and the flu.

You seem to think that if I have an asthma attack and die, while having covid, my cause of death should be listed as "asthma". But the reality is that I don't have life threatening asthma attacks unless I have an underlying infection, like pneumonia, or a serious case of the flu. So while an asthma attack might kill me, I wouldn't be having that asthma attack if I didn't have covid. Similarly, if I have a survivable form of cancer and I get covid, it may be the cancer that kills me as a result of my getting covid on top of that otherwise surviveable form of cancer.

My question for you is why are you so committed to downplaying the virus and denying it's impact on the lives and the deaths of so many people. My only conclusion is you want the economic devastation that results from the costs of testing and treating the millions of Americans who continue to sicken and die from covid to continue.

Why do you want to pretend this isn't happening, Mr. 100 posts a day?
Funny thing is that my mom has been wearing a mask for about 5 years due to health reasons. She hasnt been sick in those same 5 years. Not even a cold.

I hadn't had a cold in 5 years either, without wearing a mask.
But that does not mean masks can not be useful in preventing infection.
It is just that when everyone does it, that actually increases infection by preventing herd immunity from ending epidemics.
The way all epidemics have always ended, is that a greedy infection uses up too many potential local hosts too quickly, so then in 12 days when it HAS to move on to a new hosts, it can't find one, so then dies out.
So effectively masks conserve hosts, so that no matter how greedy a virus might be, it never runs out.
It never uses up all the local hosts, so then there is always enough new hosts without immunity, to prevent the virus from dying out.
This virus isnt 100% lethal so there is no way it would use up its hosts too quickly. Masking and distancing just keeps it at bay until vaccines can be deployed.
Neither masking nor distancing is being carried out in Africa and Covid deaths there are in single figures in some countries.
Trying to stop a microscopic virus with a mask is like trying to stop the rain with a tennis racket.
It's everywhere. On money, door handles. The mask itself.
You dont know what youre talking about in regard to Africa. They mask and they social distance.

Good thing that masks stop vapor droplets which is what the virus uses as a vehicle to get to you.

Water droplets dry up in less than an hour, so then the much smaller virus spores are very quickly then released from the water droplets. So masks really do not do much good. If they do any good, it may be that once reduced to just the dried virus spores, their concentration may not be enough to plant a base when inhaled. But masks certainly do not stop virus spores from getting out or coming in. The only question is how many do you need in order to get infected?
Thats why you also social distance. Water vapor travel is severely depressed behind a mask. You probably need quite alot of virus to infect you. My theory is that the body is building immunity even if it experiences one virus spore.

Good answer.
I do believe masks work somewhat as a tactic.

But is does not answer the strategy question of how to end the epidemic.
And the only known answers to that are quarantine or herd immunity.
The both work because they can be done quickly.
Quarantine though requires things like contract tracing, that the US was never willing to do.
So that only leaves herd immunity.

So how does herd immunity work?
We see it with Ebola.
The virus burns out the local host population too quickly, so then has no new hosts to spread it, so it dies.
So then masks can interfere with herd immunity, if that is the strategy.
And instead, only the vulnerable should be masking.
The health and young, likely then should be volunteering for variolation, (deliberate infection), in order to quickly increase the herd immunity % to the point the virus dies.
To end the epidemic is going to require a global strategy or a vaccine. Too much is unknown about this virus. It may mutate and render a vaccine ineffective.

I tend to agree.

But most of the world is succeeding with quarantine tactics, and it is just a few like the US who won't cooperate. For example, quarantine tactics require expensive contact tracing.
So likely we will have to do herd immunity instead.

A vaccine is actually dependent upon herd immunity, since you can't vaccinate everyone.

But yes, the vaccine is also suspect?
Natural herd immunity is a death sentence for thousands of people. This is the heart of the debate. Are you willing to kill even one person to get herd immunity naturally when you can achieve the same herd immunity by flattening the curve and administering vaccines?

Every republican, thats who.

could the left be anymore predictable?

3,500 people a day are dying.

Are you really this stupid?

You didn't seem so in other posts.

Only 6% od those 3.500 died from Covid alone.
The CDC death figures show barely any rise in death figures from last year. A tiny increase.

That's a lie.

Stop with the crazy conspiracy theories, you're just embarrassing yourself.

No, he is right that the total death rate of this year is essentially indistinguishable from any other year.
However, that could be the precautions caused by one, prevented the seasonal spread of others.
Does not at all require a conspiracy theory at all.

However, "flattening the curve" DOES require a conspiracy theory.
Since it is well known one should NEVER try to "flatten the curve" with any epidemic, because it is the initial spike that burns it out and ends it with herd immunity, then to deliberately "flatten the curve" does require a criminal conspiracy. Normally no one would do something that stupid.

Again, not true at all. What the CDC calls "excess mortality" is actually ranging up into the 400,000+ areas.

You need to study the per capita rate.
Throwing out total death numbers does not take into consideration population rise.

Do you really think the CDC isn't taking things like that into account.

Please try to be serious here.

Of course the CDC is deliberately manipulating statistics.
That is because they essentially are political, not medical.

If people were medical instead of political, they would never have pushed, "flattening the curve", which all medical people know can not and never has ever ended any epidemic.

Are you an epidemiologist? Work for the CDC?
Yep, I've seen it too. I've had cryptosporidium and giardia also. The best defense against viruses and bacteria is a strong immune system. The best medicine is eating a healthy diet with lots of fruits, vegetables, fish, meat without additives, no processed foods etc. Thats the best medicine to fight disease.
Clearly that hasn't worked for you

He did not die from cryptosporidium and giardia
And 4,000 died from it just yesterday.

It's worse than ever

When combined with the comorbidity and rising flu season, is anyone surprised? Of the 4,000, how many died without a comorbidity or flu?

There is no flu season this year. The wearing of masks, hand washing, social distancing, and other measures being taken to shut down the covid pandemic are shutting down all manner of viral spreads including gastro-intestinal virus, colds, and the flu.

You seem to think that if I have an asthma attack and die, while having covid, my cause of death should be listed as "asthma". But the reality is that I don't have life threatening asthma attacks unless I have an underlying infection, like pneumonia, or a serious case of the flu. So while an asthma attack might kill me, I wouldn't be having that asthma attack if I didn't have covid. Similarly, if I have a survivable form of cancer and I get covid, it may be the cancer that kills me as a result of my getting covid on top of that otherwise surviveable form of cancer.

My question for you is why are you so committed to downplaying the virus and denying it's impact on the lives and the deaths of so many people. My only conclusion is you want the economic devastation that results from the costs of testing and treating the millions of Americans who continue to sicken and die from covid to continue.

Why do you want to pretend this isn't happening, Mr. 100 posts a day?
Funny thing is that my mom has been wearing a mask for about 5 years due to health reasons. She hasnt been sick in those same 5 years. Not even a cold.

I hadn't had a cold in 5 years either, without wearing a mask.
But that does not mean masks can not be useful in preventing infection.
It is just that when everyone does it, that actually increases infection by preventing herd immunity from ending epidemics.
The way all epidemics have always ended, is that a greedy infection uses up too many potential local hosts too quickly, so then in 12 days when it HAS to move on to a new hosts, it can't find one, so then dies out.
So effectively masks conserve hosts, so that no matter how greedy a virus might be, it never runs out.
It never uses up all the local hosts, so then there is always enough new hosts without immunity, to prevent the virus from dying out.
This virus isnt 100% lethal so there is no way it would use up its hosts too quickly. Masking and distancing just keeps it at bay until vaccines can be deployed.
Neither masking nor distancing is being carried out in Africa and Covid deaths there are in single figures in some countries.
Trying to stop a microscopic virus with a mask is like trying to stop the rain with a tennis racket.
It's everywhere. On money, door handles. The mask itself.
You dont know what youre talking about in regard to Africa. They mask and they social distance.

Good thing that masks stop vapor droplets which is what the virus uses as a vehicle to get to you.

Water droplets dry up in less than an hour, so then the much smaller virus spores are very quickly then released from the water droplets. So masks really do not do much good. If they do any good, it may be that once reduced to just the dried virus spores, their concentration may not be enough to plant a base when inhaled. But masks certainly do not stop virus spores from getting out or coming in. The only question is how many do you need in order to get infected?
Thats why you also social distance. Water vapor travel is severely depressed behind a mask. You probably need quite alot of virus to infect you. My theory is that the body is building immunity even if it experiences one virus spore.

Good answer.
I do believe masks work somewhat as a tactic.

But is does not answer the strategy question of how to end the epidemic.
And the only known answers to that are quarantine or herd immunity.
The both work because they can be done quickly.
Quarantine though requires things like contract tracing, that the US was never willing to do.
So that only leaves herd immunity.

So how does herd immunity work?
We see it with Ebola.
The virus burns out the local host population too quickly, so then has no new hosts to spread it, so it dies.
So then masks can interfere with herd immunity, if that is the strategy.
And instead, only the vulnerable should be masking.
The health and young, likely then should be volunteering for variolation, (deliberate infection), in order to quickly increase the herd immunity % to the point the virus dies.
To end the epidemic is going to require a global strategy or a vaccine. Too much is unknown about this virus. It may mutate and render a vaccine ineffective.

I tend to agree.

But most of the world is succeeding with quarantine tactics, and it is just a few like the US who won't cooperate. For example, quarantine tactics require expensive contact tracing.
So likely we will have to do herd immunity instead.

A vaccine is actually dependent upon herd immunity, since you can't vaccinate everyone.

But yes, the vaccine is also suspect?
Natural herd immunity is a death sentence for thousands of people. This is the heart of the debate. Are you willing to kill even one person to get herd immunity naturally when you can achieve the same herd immunity by flattening the curve and administering vaccines?

Not to mention the people suffering from other illnesses who won't receive the healthcare they should because COVID will have sucked up so many resources.

Every republican, thats who.

could the left be anymore predictable?

Also they got their poison shot out and are giving it to people. In which the medical cartel wanted all along.

You MUST be a Trumpy....

That is what the Cabal wants you to believe. If you question any of their narratives you are a Trumpy. So great job for falling for their propaganda.

Your belief in this medical cabal is quite the grandiose conspiracy theory.. or just a real stupid lie. I thought you were a Trumpy.

I am very leftist and against Trump, but I happen to only see evidence of the covid-19 pandemic being deliberate and artificial.

There are none so blind as those who refuse to see. I live in a country where we squashed the virus once, reduced our case load, and our deaths, and enjoyed a somewhat "normal summer". Now with the second wave, proceeding as expected, we're in lockdown again, to squash the virus.
And 4,000 died from it just yesterday.

It's worse than ever

When combined with the comorbidity and rising flu season, is anyone surprised? Of the 4,000, how many died without a comorbidity or flu?

There is no flu season this year. The wearing of masks, hand washing, social distancing, and other measures being taken to shut down the covid pandemic are shutting down all manner of viral spreads including gastro-intestinal virus, colds, and the flu.

You seem to think that if I have an asthma attack and die, while having covid, my cause of death should be listed as "asthma". But the reality is that I don't have life threatening asthma attacks unless I have an underlying infection, like pneumonia, or a serious case of the flu. So while an asthma attack might kill me, I wouldn't be having that asthma attack if I didn't have covid. Similarly, if I have a survivable form of cancer and I get covid, it may be the cancer that kills me as a result of my getting covid on top of that otherwise surviveable form of cancer.

My question for you is why are you so committed to downplaying the virus and denying it's impact on the lives and the deaths of so many people. My only conclusion is you want the economic devastation that results from the costs of testing and treating the millions of Americans who continue to sicken and die from covid to continue.

Why do you want to pretend this isn't happening, Mr. 100 posts a day?
Funny thing is that my mom has been wearing a mask for about 5 years due to health reasons. She hasnt been sick in those same 5 years. Not even a cold.

I hadn't had a cold in 5 years either, without wearing a mask.
But that does not mean masks can not be useful in preventing infection.
It is just that when everyone does it, that actually increases infection by preventing herd immunity from ending epidemics.
The way all epidemics have always ended, is that a greedy infection uses up too many potential local hosts too quickly, so then in 12 days when it HAS to move on to a new hosts, it can't find one, so then dies out.
So effectively masks conserve hosts, so that no matter how greedy a virus might be, it never runs out.
It never uses up all the local hosts, so then there is always enough new hosts without immunity, to prevent the virus from dying out.
This virus isnt 100% lethal so there is no way it would use up its hosts too quickly. Masking and distancing just keeps it at bay until vaccines can be deployed.
Neither masking nor distancing is being carried out in Africa and Covid deaths there are in single figures in some countries.
Trying to stop a microscopic virus with a mask is like trying to stop the rain with a tennis racket.
It's everywhere. On money, door handles. The mask itself.

Of course. They have to be fed propaganda from the liberal mainstream though. They have to be led by the nose and they'll believe all lies.

Well then Trump's superspreaders were no doubt a public service.

Lol, super spreaders is another contrived scare tactic. Same as a muslim at every corner..... we need to shove the patriot act on you for your protection, russian boogeyment everywhere, covid waiting to attack you after 10 pm. All control elements.

Ah, the paranoia of right wingers. So dependable. The government is always "out to get you". To do you harm. To control you. Do you ever read for posts for common sense, solid thinking, and a well thought out premise? Or do you just go with whatever infringes on your idea of "freedom".

So you have continual and repeated outbreaks and you think you have accomplished anything at all?
That is the equivalent of letting a million new infected tourists in every month.
Totally foolish.
Clearly the ONLY practical strategy is one that can and does totally and completely eradicate the virus.
And ONLY herd immunity does that.
Nothing else can.
You can use quarantine techniques to implement herd immunity, but simply "flattening the curve" is only delaying, and does absolutely no good at all.
All that does is make a short epidemic, perpetual.

Every republican, thats who.

could the left be anymore predictable?

Also they got their poison shot out and are giving it to people. In which the medical cartel wanted all along.

You MUST be a Trumpy....

That is what the Cabal wants you to believe. If you question any of their narratives you are a Trumpy. So great job for falling for their propaganda.

Your belief in this medical cabal is quite the grandiose conspiracy theory.. or just a real stupid lie. I thought you were a Trumpy.

I am very leftist and against Trump, but I happen to only see evidence of the covid-19 pandemic being deliberate and artificial.

There are none so blind as those who refuse to see. I live in a country where we squashed the virus once, reduced our case load, and our deaths, and enjoyed a somewhat "normal summer". Now with the second wave, proceeding as expected, we're in lockdown again, to squash the virus.
And 4,000 died from it just yesterday.

It's worse than ever

When combined with the comorbidity and rising flu season, is anyone surprised? Of the 4,000, how many died without a comorbidity or flu?

There is no flu season this year. The wearing of masks, hand washing, social distancing, and other measures being taken to shut down the covid pandemic are shutting down all manner of viral spreads including gastro-intestinal virus, colds, and the flu.

You seem to think that if I have an asthma attack and die, while having covid, my cause of death should be listed as "asthma". But the reality is that I don't have life threatening asthma attacks unless I have an underlying infection, like pneumonia, or a serious case of the flu. So while an asthma attack might kill me, I wouldn't be having that asthma attack if I didn't have covid. Similarly, if I have a survivable form of cancer and I get covid, it may be the cancer that kills me as a result of my getting covid on top of that otherwise surviveable form of cancer.

My question for you is why are you so committed to downplaying the virus and denying it's impact on the lives and the deaths of so many people. My only conclusion is you want the economic devastation that results from the costs of testing and treating the millions of Americans who continue to sicken and die from covid to continue.

Why do you want to pretend this isn't happening, Mr. 100 posts a day?
Funny thing is that my mom has been wearing a mask for about 5 years due to health reasons. She hasnt been sick in those same 5 years. Not even a cold.

I hadn't had a cold in 5 years either, without wearing a mask.
But that does not mean masks can not be useful in preventing infection.
It is just that when everyone does it, that actually increases infection by preventing herd immunity from ending epidemics.
The way all epidemics have always ended, is that a greedy infection uses up too many potential local hosts too quickly, so then in 12 days when it HAS to move on to a new hosts, it can't find one, so then dies out.
So effectively masks conserve hosts, so that no matter how greedy a virus might be, it never runs out.
It never uses up all the local hosts, so then there is always enough new hosts without immunity, to prevent the virus from dying out.
This virus isnt 100% lethal so there is no way it would use up its hosts too quickly. Masking and distancing just keeps it at bay until vaccines can be deployed.
Neither masking nor distancing is being carried out in Africa and Covid deaths there are in single figures in some countries.
Trying to stop a microscopic virus with a mask is like trying to stop the rain with a tennis racket.
It's everywhere. On money, door handles. The mask itself.

Of course. They have to be fed propaganda from the liberal mainstream though. They have to be led by the nose and they'll believe all lies.

Well then Trump's superspreaders were no doubt a public service.

Lol, super spreaders is another contrived scare tactic. Same as a muslim at every corner..... we need to shove the patriot act on you for your protection, russian boogeyment everywhere, covid waiting to attack you after 10 pm. All control elements.

Ah, the paranoia of right wingers. So dependable. The government is always "out to get you". To do you harm. To control you. Do you ever read for posts for common sense, solid thinking, and a well thought out premise? Or do you just go with whatever infringes on your idea of "freedom".

So you have continual and repeated outbreaks and you think you have accomplished anything at all?
That is the equivalent of letting a million new infected tourists in every month.
Totally foolish.
Clearly the ONLY practical strategy is one that can and does totally and completely eradicate the virus.
And ONLY herd immunity does that.
Nothing else can.
You can use quarantine techniques to implement herd immunity, but simply "flattening the curve" is only delaying, and does absolutely no good at all.
All that does is make a short epidemic, perpetual.

I heard if you stand six people in a room up against the wall and shoot them they are no longer susceptible to death.

Every republican, thats who.

could the left be anymore predictable?

Also they got their poison shot out and are giving it to people. In which the medical cartel wanted all along.

You MUST be a Trumpy....

That is what the Cabal wants you to believe. If you question any of their narratives you are a Trumpy. So great job for falling for their propaganda.

Your belief in this medical cabal is quite the grandiose conspiracy theory.. or just a real stupid lie. I thought you were a Trumpy.

I am very leftist and against Trump, but I happen to only see evidence of the covid-19 pandemic being deliberate and artificial.

There are none so blind as those who refuse to see. I live in a country where we squashed the virus once, reduced our case load, and our deaths, and enjoyed a somewhat "normal summer". Now with the second wave, proceeding as expected, we're in lockdown again, to squash the virus.
And 4,000 died from it just yesterday.

It's worse than ever

When combined with the comorbidity and rising flu season, is anyone surprised? Of the 4,000, how many died without a comorbidity or flu?

There is no flu season this year. The wearing of masks, hand washing, social distancing, and other measures being taken to shut down the covid pandemic are shutting down all manner of viral spreads including gastro-intestinal virus, colds, and the flu.

You seem to think that if I have an asthma attack and die, while having covid, my cause of death should be listed as "asthma". But the reality is that I don't have life threatening asthma attacks unless I have an underlying infection, like pneumonia, or a serious case of the flu. So while an asthma attack might kill me, I wouldn't be having that asthma attack if I didn't have covid. Similarly, if I have a survivable form of cancer and I get covid, it may be the cancer that kills me as a result of my getting covid on top of that otherwise surviveable form of cancer.

My question for you is why are you so committed to downplaying the virus and denying it's impact on the lives and the deaths of so many people. My only conclusion is you want the economic devastation that results from the costs of testing and treating the millions of Americans who continue to sicken and die from covid to continue.

Why do you want to pretend this isn't happening, Mr. 100 posts a day?
Funny thing is that my mom has been wearing a mask for about 5 years due to health reasons. She hasnt been sick in those same 5 years. Not even a cold.

I hadn't had a cold in 5 years either, without wearing a mask.
But that does not mean masks can not be useful in preventing infection.
It is just that when everyone does it, that actually increases infection by preventing herd immunity from ending epidemics.
The way all epidemics have always ended, is that a greedy infection uses up too many potential local hosts too quickly, so then in 12 days when it HAS to move on to a new hosts, it can't find one, so then dies out.
So effectively masks conserve hosts, so that no matter how greedy a virus might be, it never runs out.
It never uses up all the local hosts, so then there is always enough new hosts without immunity, to prevent the virus from dying out.
This virus isnt 100% lethal so there is no way it would use up its hosts too quickly. Masking and distancing just keeps it at bay until vaccines can be deployed.
Neither masking nor distancing is being carried out in Africa and Covid deaths there are in single figures in some countries.
Trying to stop a microscopic virus with a mask is like trying to stop the rain with a tennis racket.
It's everywhere. On money, door handles. The mask itself.

Of course. They have to be fed propaganda from the liberal mainstream though. They have to be led by the nose and they'll believe all lies.

Well then Trump's superspreaders were no doubt a public service.

Lol, super spreaders is another contrived scare tactic. Same as a muslim at every corner..... we need to shove the patriot act on you for your protection, russian boogeyment everywhere, covid waiting to attack you after 10 pm. All control elements.

Ah, the paranoia of right wingers. So dependable. The government is always "out to get you". To do you harm. To control you. Do you ever read for posts for common sense, solid thinking, and a well thought out premise? Or do you just go with whatever infringes on your idea of "freedom".

So you have continual and repeated outbreaks and you think you have accomplished anything at all?
That is the equivalent of letting a million new infected tourists in every month.
Totally foolish.
Clearly the ONLY practical strategy is one that can and does totally and completely eradicate the virus.
And ONLY herd immunity does that.
Nothing else can.
You can use quarantine techniques to implement herd immunity, but simply "flattening the curve" is only delaying, and does absolutely no good at all.
All that does is make a short epidemic, perpetual.

".. but simply "flattening the curve" is only delaying "

Correct. Delaying until a vaccine can be deployed.

Every republican, thats who.

could the left be anymore predictable?

3,500 people a day are dying.

Are you really this stupid?

You didn't seem so in other posts.

Only 6% od those 3.500 died from Covid alone.
The CDC death figures show barely any rise in death figures from last year. A tiny increase.

That's a lie.

Stop with the crazy conspiracy theories, you're just embarrassing yourself.

No, he is right that the total death rate of this year is essentially indistinguishable from any other year.
However, that could be the precautions caused by one, prevented the seasonal spread of others.
Does not at all require a conspiracy theory at all.

However, "flattening the curve" DOES require a conspiracy theory.
Since it is well known one should NEVER try to "flatten the curve" with any epidemic, because it is the initial spike that burns it out and ends it with herd immunity, then to deliberately "flatten the curve" does require a criminal conspiracy. Normally no one would do something that stupid.

Again, not true at all. What the CDC calls "excess mortality" is actually ranging up into the 400,000+ areas.

You need to study the per capita rate.
Throwing out total death numbers does not take into consideration population rise.

Do you really think the CDC isn't taking things like that into account.

Please try to be serious here.

Of course the CDC is deliberately manipulating statistics.
That is because they essentially are political, not medical.

If people were medical instead of political, they would never have pushed, "flattening the curve", which all medical people know can not and never has ever ended any epidemic.

Are you an epidemiologist? Work for the CDC?

He's a conspiracy theorist, works for peanuts.
Yep, I've seen it too. I've had cryptosporidium and giardia also. The best defense against viruses and bacteria is a strong immune system. The best medicine is eating a healthy diet with lots of fruits, vegetables, fish, meat without additives, no processed foods etc. Thats the best medicine to fight disease.
Clearly that hasn't worked for you

If cryptosporidium and giardia did not kill him, then yes, it has worked for him.
Immunity does not mean you don't get infected.
It just means your immune system beats if out more quickly.

Thats it, rigby.

Every republican, thats who.

could the left be anymore predictable?

You haven't been paying attention.....it's still worse than ever....every day.

This engineered virus is nowhere near the deadly viruses of past pandemics. Thats not to say a newer one that is more deadly will not be released. Release a virus that has a 99 percent recovery rate, highly contagious, less than 1 percent kill rate. After that has spread, just release the more deadly virus a couple of years later while the highly contagious virus has already spread. All brought to you by two govts working in conjunction...US and China. Control, control, control.
Yep, I've seen it too. I've had cryptosporidium and giardia also. The best defense against viruses and bacteria is a strong immune system. The best medicine is eating a healthy diet with lots of fruits, vegetables, fish, meat without additives, no processed foods etc. Thats the best medicine to fight disease.
Clearly that hasn't worked for you

If cryptosporidium and giardia did not kill him, then yes, it has worked for him.
Immunity does not mean you don't get infected.
It just means your immune system beats if out more quickly.

Thats it, rigby.
This person claims to have worked at a government lab?

If he was doing anything more than mopping floors, that prospect is chilling
Yep, I've seen it too. I've had cryptosporidium and giardia also. The best defense against viruses and bacteria is a strong immune system. The best medicine is eating a healthy diet with lots of fruits, vegetables, fish, meat without additives, no processed foods etc. Thats the best medicine to fight disease.
Clearly that hasn't worked for you

If cryptosporidium and giardia did not kill him, then yes, it has worked for him.
Immunity does not mean you don't get infected.
It just means your immune system beats if out more quickly.

Thats it, rigby.
This person claims to have worked at a government lab?

If he was doing anything more than mopping floors, that prospect is chilling

Your childishness precedes you. You're just a bitter old hollowed out person. I feel sorry for you.
So how does herd immunity work?
We see it with Ebola.
The virus burns out the local host population too quickly, so then has no new hosts to spread it, so it dies.
Engaging with this poster is usually pointless but that post was SO fucking stupid it needs to be highlighted.

Ebola kills up to 90% of those infected. It is such an efficient killer that it "runs out of food"

That is NOT what heard immunity is. Not even close.

Although in an esoteric sense I suppose death is a form of immunity in that you can't be infected again.
Anyone surprised?

What shocks me is EVERYTHING PROGS have said and done especially since Trump's election has proved a lie. Yet somehow nearly half of America still doesn't see it. Are they evil as well, twisted, uniformed, dumb or weak? Whatever it is perhaps they're a match after all.

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