We all downplayed this Virus

You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Why can’t we all blame China?

It is convenient, but inaccurate. China screwed up and mislead, but I do not believe that would have changed the spread of something so contagious and asymptotic in it’s early stages or when people only have a mild case.
Maybe but if they contained it in Wuhan and told the rest of the world how contagious it was we would have had a 2 month head start on remedies, research, lockdowns and travel bans.

Possibly, but I am not sure they knew exactly what they were dealing with in those early days and more than likely it was already outside of Wuhan by the time they did. Keep in mind, the majority of people who get it, only get a mild case, like a flu or a cold. That said they could have been more cooperative earlier.

What would have helped is if trump had not reduced the United States CDC department in China from around 50 to 14.

Those people were put there to do exactly what wasn't done. Work with China to identify the virus, contain the virus and stop it. Report honestly to the rest of the world what is happening and work with the rest of the world on the problem.

We had that put in place but trump tore it apart.

We also had a pandemic department in the CDC here. Their only job was to prevent what is happening now.

We also had what Susan Rice called "Pandemic Response For Dummies" manual left for trump on what to do in case this happened.

Notice I said had. Past tense. trump fired that pandemic department and has totally ignored the plans to deal with this situation.

No trump isn't responsible for creating that virus and unleashing it on the world.

trump is responsible for his response, his lies, removing the people who are experts on this problem and not using the plan left for him to deal with this problem. Even though Obama and his team briefed trump and his team on all of it.

People are angry with China lying. So am I. But I'm not a hypocrite. I'm angry with trump for lying too. On top of all he has done to make this so much worse than it should have been.
You are hopeless
No, he is being truthful. Something you cannot work around.

:"China did everything right" --- BWK

Do you deny stating this? Do it! Deny it! LIE!

EVERYTHING? Hell no. But their response was light years ahead of ours even though their methods were more Draconian than anything we could have done here. Their testing regimen was WAY better. They are pretty much back in business. Apple has even reopened several of their manufacturing facilities and retail stores.
Chinese Virus

I prefer The Trump Virus ;)

Butthurt trash makes me sick...get ready for a Trump landslide in November...millions of us appreciate him for his handling of this crises...MAGA.....

Butthurt trash? Please don't talk about our president in such a manner.
You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Why can’t we all blame China?

It is convenient, but inaccurate. China screwed up and mislead, but I do not believe that would have changed the spread of something so contagious and asymptotic in it’s early stages or when people only have a mild case.
Maybe but if they contained it in Wuhan and told the rest of the world how contagious it was we would have had a 2 month head start on remedies, research, lockdowns and travel bans.

Possibly, but I am not sure they knew exactly what they were dealing with in those early days and more than likely it was already outside of Wuhan by the time they did. Keep in mind, the majority of people who get it, only get a mild case, like a flu or a cold. That said they could have been more cooperative earlier.

What would have helped is if trump had not reduced the United States CDC department in China from around 50 to 14.

Those people were put there to do exactly what wasn't done. Work with China to identify the virus, contain the virus and stop it. Report honestly to the rest of the world what is happening and work with the rest of the world on the problem.

We had that put in place but trump tore it apart.

We also had a pandemic department in the CDC here. Their only job was to prevent what is happening now.

We also had what Susan Rice called "Pandemic Response For Dummies" manual left for trump on what to do in case this happened.

Notice I said had. Past tense. trump fired that pandemic department and has totally ignored the plans to deal with this situation.

No trump isn't responsible for creating that virus and unleashing it on the world.

trump is responsible for his response, his lies, removing the people who are experts on this problem and not using the plan left for him to deal with this problem. Even though Obama and his team briefed trump and his team on all of it.

People are angry with China lying. So am I. But I'm not a hypocrite. I'm angry with trump for lying too. On top of all he has done to make this so much worse than it should have been.
You are hopeless
No, he is being truthful. Something you cannot work around.

:"China did everything right" --- BWK

Do you deny stating this? Do it! Deny it! LIE!

EVERYTHING? Hell no. But their response was light years ahead of ours even though their methods were more Draconian than anything we could have done here. Their testing regimen was WAY better. They are pretty much back in business. Apple has even reopened several of their manufacturing facilities and retail stores.
Chinese Virus

I prefer The Trump Virus ;)


The Trump Plague.

Good call - Donald was a Plague long before he was a Virus.
I was one of those people who thought the shutdown was over kill.
Until the numbers started to come in. Then I started getting calls from my kids on the front lines.
I am both smart enough, and honest enough to admit I was wrong.
Now - anyone still trying to claim it isn't a big deal looks like a complete tool. And is.
You already looked like the fool you are when you were claiming that it wasn't a big deal.
I thought that you hyper-partisan sons-of-bitches said that this Coronavirus thing wasn't a big deal OP? I thought you bastards said it was just a Democratic HOAX?!??!?
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Stop blaming only Trump. Look in the mirror and I got this damn virus (cured and immune now). It sucked but I have has worse. Especially you Leftists, watch and then shut your damn mouths. The NYC Health Commissioner on Feb 6th said the risk of the disease in NYC is low and preparedness is high. So you want Trump to play doctor here but not play doctor now? Which is it? You people are a damn scourge.

No way. Is this Trump supporters next desperate attempt to deflect blame for their savior's inaction? If so, this is a new low and that downplayed the virus. makes me think that the average Trump supporter is beyond any reason.

The efforts of Trump, Mulvaney, McCarthy, and the rightwing message machine to blame the media for stoking panic didn't weather well. Now they're picking cherries to provide cover for Trump downplaying the virus.

Did you miss the OP, Jose? WE ALL downplayed the virus. Including you. Did you not click on the links?

I did click on the links, but even had I not, I would have known from the Navarro memo and the Red Dawn email chain that they couldn't show 'We all' downplayed it. The tightly edited snippets linked eliminate any mention of sources or context for their info. Local television stations had nothing comparable to the information available to government officials in January and early February.

There was a person in position to access all the information available at the time, and he downplayed it. Deflecting to Morning Joe doesn't make that any better.

It was not only morning Joe so you didn’t click the links. Show me one of your posts where you said we should shut down the country and cancel the NFL playoffs

I didn't say it was only Morning Joe. Is leaping to erroneous conclusions your superpower?

If you don't know about the Navarro memo or the Red Dawn email chain, inform yourself. For extra credit, search for the times Trump and pals accused the media of fomenting panic for the purpose of harming Trump. It will make a joke of your thread.

You sound stupid. I can elaborate but it would just embarrass you.

Go ahead and elaborate, twerp. Explain how my failure to name every talking head in your links means I didn't click on them. If you have a strong suit, it isn't logic.

Hmmmm...well Pedro. We have had multiple Democrat debates, 90% of the news media is Left leaning and we have a Democrat House.
Not once did I hear a fear of a pandemic or Trumps handling of it mentioned until Mid March. Quite the opposite actually or nothing said at all. Then there is this!!!

How do you explain this? 2007...way before Trump...

Don't hurt yourself moving the goalposts. It doesn't matter what you heard. There is ample evidence that professionals in the administration were taking it very seriously in January. They weren't downplaying it - they just couldn't get a hearing from Orange Judas.

Bullshit. I gave You the truth that you’re too stupid to see. Pathetic you are, Rodrigo. You have lost every debate with me because you are an illogical Leftist.
You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Why can’t we all blame China?

It is convenient, but inaccurate. China screwed up and mislead, but I do not believe that would have changed the spread of something so contagious and asymptotic in it’s early stages or when people only have a mild case.
Maybe but if they contained it in Wuhan and told the rest of the world how contagious it was we would have had a 2 month head start on remedies, research, lockdowns and travel bans.

Possibly, but I am not sure they knew exactly what they were dealing with in those early days and more than likely it was already outside of Wuhan by the time they did. Keep in mind, the majority of people who get it, only get a mild case, like a flu or a cold. That said they could have been more cooperative earlier.

What would have helped is if trump had not reduced the United States CDC department in China from around 50 to 14.

Those people were put there to do exactly what wasn't done. Work with China to identify the virus, contain the virus and stop it. Report honestly to the rest of the world what is happening and work with the rest of the world on the problem.

We had that put in place but trump tore it apart.

We also had a pandemic department in the CDC here. Their only job was to prevent what is happening now.

We also had what Susan Rice called "Pandemic Response For Dummies" manual left for trump on what to do in case this happened.

Notice I said had. Past tense. trump fired that pandemic department and has totally ignored the plans to deal with this situation.

No trump isn't responsible for creating that virus and unleashing it on the world.

trump is responsible for his response, his lies, removing the people who are experts on this problem and not using the plan left for him to deal with this problem. Even though Obama and his team briefed trump and his team on all of it.

People are angry with China lying. So am I. But I'm not a hypocrite. I'm angry with trump for lying too. On top of all he has done to make this so much worse than it should have been.
You are hopeless
No, he is being truthful. Something you cannot work around.

:"China did everything right" --- BWK

Do you deny stating this? Do it! Deny it! LIE!

EVERYTHING? Hell no. But their response was light years ahead of ours even though their methods were more Draconian than anything we could have done here. Their testing regimen was WAY better. They are pretty much back in business. Apple has even reopened several of their manufacturing facilities and retail stores.
Chinese Virus

I prefer The Trump Virus ;)

But that’s a lie and the Chinese wet markets are open again

Patience please on the origins Azog. There are many disagreements and discrepancies as to origin.
But yes, the wet markets are a problem and have been for some time.
Not with this strain of covid...this baby was hatched in a lab....it may have been weaponized and that is why its so infectious and can live on freaking paper for a freaking week.....no other virus can do that...none....zero....
You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Why can’t we all blame China?

It is convenient, but inaccurate. China screwed up and mislead, but I do not believe that would have changed the spread of something so contagious and asymptotic in it’s early stages or when people only have a mild case.
Maybe but if they contained it in Wuhan and told the rest of the world how contagious it was we would have had a 2 month head start on remedies, research, lockdowns and travel bans.

Possibly, but I am not sure they knew exactly what they were dealing with in those early days and more than likely it was already outside of Wuhan by the time they did. Keep in mind, the majority of people who get it, only get a mild case, like a flu or a cold. That said they could have been more cooperative earlier.

What would have helped is if trump had not reduced the United States CDC department in China from around 50 to 14.

Those people were put there to do exactly what wasn't done. Work with China to identify the virus, contain the virus and stop it. Report honestly to the rest of the world what is happening and work with the rest of the world on the problem.

We had that put in place but trump tore it apart.

We also had a pandemic department in the CDC here. Their only job was to prevent what is happening now.

We also had what Susan Rice called "Pandemic Response For Dummies" manual left for trump on what to do in case this happened.

Notice I said had. Past tense. trump fired that pandemic department and has totally ignored the plans to deal with this situation.

No trump isn't responsible for creating that virus and unleashing it on the world.

trump is responsible for his response, his lies, removing the people who are experts on this problem and not using the plan left for him to deal with this problem. Even though Obama and his team briefed trump and his team on all of it.

People are angry with China lying. So am I. But I'm not a hypocrite. I'm angry with trump for lying too. On top of all he has done to make this so much worse than it should have been.
You are hopeless
No, he is being truthful. Something you cannot work around.

:"China did everything right" --- BWK

Do you deny stating this? Do it! Deny it! LIE!

EVERYTHING? Hell no. But their response was light years ahead of ours even though their methods were more Draconian than anything we could have done here. Their testing regimen was WAY better. They are pretty much back in business. Apple has even reopened several of their manufacturing facilities and retail stores.
Chinese Virus

I prefer The Trump Virus ;)


The Trump Plague.

Good call - Donald was a Plague long before he was a Virus.
And this is why this country will not be united in my lifetime. The vitriol is off the charts and I actually like Doc Love.
Last edited:
You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Why can’t we all blame China?

It is convenient, but inaccurate. China screwed up and mislead, but I do not believe that would have changed the spread of something so contagious and asymptotic in it’s early stages or when people only have a mild case.
Maybe but if they contained it in Wuhan and told the rest of the world how contagious it was we would have had a 2 month head start on remedies, research, lockdowns and travel bans.

Possibly, but I am not sure they knew exactly what they were dealing with in those early days and more than likely it was already outside of Wuhan by the time they did. Keep in mind, the majority of people who get it, only get a mild case, like a flu or a cold. That said they could have been more cooperative earlier.

What would have helped is if trump had not reduced the United States CDC department in China from around 50 to 14.

Those people were put there to do exactly what wasn't done. Work with China to identify the virus, contain the virus and stop it. Report honestly to the rest of the world what is happening and work with the rest of the world on the problem.

We had that put in place but trump tore it apart.

We also had a pandemic department in the CDC here. Their only job was to prevent what is happening now.

We also had what Susan Rice called "Pandemic Response For Dummies" manual left for trump on what to do in case this happened.

Notice I said had. Past tense. trump fired that pandemic department and has totally ignored the plans to deal with this situation.

No trump isn't responsible for creating that virus and unleashing it on the world.

trump is responsible for his response, his lies, removing the people who are experts on this problem and not using the plan left for him to deal with this problem. Even though Obama and his team briefed trump and his team on all of it.

People are angry with China lying. So am I. But I'm not a hypocrite. I'm angry with trump for lying too. On top of all he has done to make this so much worse than it should have been.
You are hopeless
No, he is being truthful. Something you cannot work around.

:"China did everything right" --- BWK

Do you deny stating this? Do it! Deny it! LIE!

EVERYTHING? Hell no. But their response was light years ahead of ours even though their methods were more Draconian than anything we could have done here. Their testing regimen was WAY better. They are pretty much back in business. Apple has even reopened several of their manufacturing facilities and retail stores.
Chinese Virus

I prefer The Trump Virus ;)

Butthurt trash makes me sick...get ready for a Trump landslide in November...millions of us appreciate him for his handling of this crises...MAGA.....

Sure - Millions of "you" will always appreciate his handling of anything (including his mushroom dick)
Because you belong to a FUCKING CULT.
Many more millions do NOT.

You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Why can’t we all blame China?

It is convenient, but inaccurate. China screwed up and mislead, but I do not believe that would have changed the spread of something so contagious and asymptotic in it’s early stages or when people only have a mild case.
Maybe but if they contained it in Wuhan and told the rest of the world how contagious it was we would have had a 2 month head start on remedies, research, lockdowns and travel bans.

Possibly, but I am not sure they knew exactly what they were dealing with in those early days and more than likely it was already outside of Wuhan by the time they did. Keep in mind, the majority of people who get it, only get a mild case, like a flu or a cold. That said they could have been more cooperative earlier.

What would have helped is if trump had not reduced the United States CDC department in China from around 50 to 14.

Those people were put there to do exactly what wasn't done. Work with China to identify the virus, contain the virus and stop it. Report honestly to the rest of the world what is happening and work with the rest of the world on the problem.

We had that put in place but trump tore it apart.

We also had a pandemic department in the CDC here. Their only job was to prevent what is happening now.

We also had what Susan Rice called "Pandemic Response For Dummies" manual left for trump on what to do in case this happened.

Notice I said had. Past tense. trump fired that pandemic department and has totally ignored the plans to deal with this situation.

No trump isn't responsible for creating that virus and unleashing it on the world.

trump is responsible for his response, his lies, removing the people who are experts on this problem and not using the plan left for him to deal with this problem. Even though Obama and his team briefed trump and his team on all of it.

People are angry with China lying. So am I. But I'm not a hypocrite. I'm angry with trump for lying too. On top of all he has done to make this so much worse than it should have been.
You are hopeless
No, he is being truthful. Something you cannot work around.

:"China did everything right" --- BWK

Do you deny stating this? Do it! Deny it! LIE!

EVERYTHING? Hell no. But their response was light years ahead of ours even though their methods were more Draconian than anything we could have done here. Their testing regimen was WAY better. They are pretty much back in business. Apple has even reopened several of their manufacturing facilities and retail stores.
Chinese Virus

I prefer The Trump Virus ;)


The Trump Plague.

Good call - Donald was a Plague long before he was a Virus.
And this is why this country will not be untied in my lifetime. The vitriol is off the charts and I actually like Doc Love.

Thanks man, but if he gets another term .. Our country will cease to exist as anything other than a banana republic.
I'll continue working on getting you to comprehend that reality.
Stop blaming only Trump. Look in the mirror and I got this damn virus (cured and immune now). It sucked but I have has worse. Especially you Leftists, watch and then shut your damn mouths. The NYC Health Commissioner on Feb 6th said the risk of the disease in NYC is low and preparedness is high. So you want Trump to play doctor here but not play doctor now? Which is it? You people are a damn scourge.

No way. Is this Trump supporters next desperate attempt to deflect blame for their savior's inaction? If so, this is a new low and that downplayed the virus. makes me think that the average Trump supporter is beyond any reason.

The efforts of Trump, Mulvaney, McCarthy, and the rightwing message machine to blame the media for stoking panic didn't weather well. Now they're picking cherries to provide cover for Trump downplaying the virus.

Did you miss the OP, Jose? WE ALL downplayed the virus. Including you. Did you not click on the links?

I did click on the links, but even had I not, I would have known from the Navarro memo and the Red Dawn email chain that they couldn't show 'We all' downplayed it. The tightly edited snippets linked eliminate any mention of sources or context for their info. Local television stations had nothing comparable to the information available to government officials in January and early February.

There was a person in position to access all the information available at the time, and he downplayed it. Deflecting to Morning Joe doesn't make that any better.

It was not only morning Joe so you didn’t click the links. Show me one of your posts where you said we should shut down the country and cancel the NFL playoffs

I didn't say it was only Morning Joe. Is leaping to erroneous conclusions your superpower?

If you don't know about the Navarro memo or the Red Dawn email chain, inform yourself. For extra credit, search for the times Trump and pals accused the media of fomenting panic for the purpose of harming Trump. It will make a joke of your thread.

You sound stupid. I can elaborate but it would just embarrass you.

Go ahead and elaborate, twerp. Explain how my failure to name every talking head in your links means I didn't click on them. If you have a strong suit, it isn't logic.

Hmmmm...well Pedro. We have had multiple Democrat debates, 90% of the news media is Left leaning and we have a Democrat House.
Not once did I hear a fear of a pandemic or Trumps handling of it mentioned until Mid March. Quite the opposite actually or nothing said at all. Then there is this!!!

How do you explain this? 2007...way before Trump...

Don't hurt yourself moving the goalposts. It doesn't matter what you heard. There is ample evidence that professionals in the administration were taking it very seriously in January. They weren't downplaying it - they just couldn't get a hearing from Orange Judas.

Bullshit. I gave You the truth that you’re too stupid to see. Pathetic you are, Rodrigo. You have lost every debate with me because you are an illogical Leftist.

You're a little twerp. I don't need to revisit out last exchange, but maybe you do.
You will not that Leftists will avoid this like the plague. Truth hurts them deeply.
Both sides need to quit the blame until this is over. Then we can analyze. What could we have been done better? What can we improve on for next time? I have been thinking a good bit on this. The political blame game reminds me of Benghazi. Instead of focusing on preventing future situations like it, politicals focused on partisan blame.

And for every Leftist blaming Trump there are Rightists blaming Dems and even Obama.

I make no secret about disliking Trump and his policies, but this time, for the first time in his presidency, he is faced with a crisis not of his own making. I think it’s comparable to 9/11 and will be a defining moment for his presidency. The combination of a worldwide pandemic and a worldwide recession is not something we’ve experienced in living memory. And the world is vastly different now than the when the Spanish flu hit.

No one person or agency or country is responsible for this. It is not a red state or blue state issue. No one is wanting the economy to crash or people to die.

Today’s reality is that new contagious virus‘ usually have already traveled far and wide before anyone even realizes what has happened. I just saw an article that stated it might have been in California as early as December.

So...quit blaming Trump, the Dems, China, WHO etc. No one could have fully anticipated this reality.

I do think Trump is doing his best and now takes it seriously, but I think the tools he has - his personality and management style make it difficult, because almost all of this is out of his control.

So, I will support his efforts to bring us through this, and likewise that of Pelosi, to ensure no one is left out. Let there be no forgotten man.

As soon as Donald takes TESTING seriously and stops hyping unproven drugs. As soon as he listens to REAL doctors and scientists and stops listening to Giuliani, Ingraham, Navarro and Doctor "Quack" Oz instead of the experts. As soon as he stops blaming everybody in the universe for his lame initial response and takes a bit of personal responsibility and shows a little actual LEADERSHIP - - - THEN I'll believe he's taking the problem seriously.

I think he is out of his depth here and doing the best he can. Until this is over, I don’t think we can fairly analyze it (and no, I don’t like the constant need to cast blame as opposed to just carry on, but it is who he is). And keep in mind, he is getting blamed unfairly as well.
Why can’t we all blame China?

It is convenient, but inaccurate. China screwed up and mislead, but I do not believe that would have changed the spread of something so contagious and asymptotic in it’s early stages or when people only have a mild case.
Maybe but if they contained it in Wuhan and told the rest of the world how contagious it was we would have had a 2 month head start on remedies, research, lockdowns and travel bans.

Possibly, but I am not sure they knew exactly what they were dealing with in those early days and more than likely it was already outside of Wuhan by the time they did. Keep in mind, the majority of people who get it, only get a mild case, like a flu or a cold. That said they could have been more cooperative earlier.

What would have helped is if trump had not reduced the United States CDC department in China from around 50 to 14.

Those people were put there to do exactly what wasn't done. Work with China to identify the virus, contain the virus and stop it. Report honestly to the rest of the world what is happening and work with the rest of the world on the problem.

We had that put in place but trump tore it apart.

We also had a pandemic department in the CDC here. Their only job was to prevent what is happening now.

We also had what Susan Rice called "Pandemic Response For Dummies" manual left for trump on what to do in case this happened.

Notice I said had. Past tense. trump fired that pandemic department and has totally ignored the plans to deal with this situation.

No trump isn't responsible for creating that virus and unleashing it on the world.

trump is responsible for his response, his lies, removing the people who are experts on this problem and not using the plan left for him to deal with this problem. Even though Obama and his team briefed trump and his team on all of it.

People are angry with China lying. So am I. But I'm not a hypocrite. I'm angry with trump for lying too. On top of all he has done to make this so much worse than it should have been.
You are hopeless
No, he is being truthful. Something you cannot work around.

:"China did everything right" --- BWK

Do you deny stating this? Do it! Deny it! LIE!

EVERYTHING? Hell no. But their response was light years ahead of ours even though their methods were more Draconian than anything we could have done here. Their testing regimen was WAY better. They are pretty much back in business. Apple has even reopened several of their manufacturing facilities and retail stores.
Chinese Virus

I prefer The Trump Virus ;)


The Trump Plague.

Good call - Donald was a Plague long before he was a Virus.
And this is why this country will not be untied in my lifetime. The vitriol is off the charts and I actually like Doc Love.

Thanks man, but if he gets another term .. Our country will cease to exist as anything other than a banana republic.
I'll continue working on getting you to comprehend that reality.
Until we all blame China for this virus I refuse to discuss anything else and people like Joaquin are plain and simple, ignorant fools.
Stop blaming only Trump. Look in the mirror and I got this damn virus (cured and immune now). It sucked but I have has worse. Especially you Leftists, watch and then shut your damn mouths. The NYC Health Commissioner on Feb 6th said the risk of the disease in NYC is low and preparedness is high. So you want Trump to play doctor here but not play doctor now? Which is it? You people are a damn scourge.

No way. Is this Trump supporters next desperate attempt to deflect blame for their savior's inaction? If so, this is a new low and that downplayed the virus. makes me think that the average Trump supporter is beyond any reason.

The efforts of Trump, Mulvaney, McCarthy, and the rightwing message machine to blame the media for stoking panic didn't weather well. Now they're picking cherries to provide cover for Trump downplaying the virus.

Did you miss the OP, Jose? WE ALL downplayed the virus. Including you. Did you not click on the links?

I did click on the links, but even had I not, I would have known from the Navarro memo and the Red Dawn email chain that they couldn't show 'We all' downplayed it. The tightly edited snippets linked eliminate any mention of sources or context for their info. Local television stations had nothing comparable to the information available to government officials in January and early February.

There was a person in position to access all the information available at the time, and he downplayed it. Deflecting to Morning Joe doesn't make that any better.

It was not only morning Joe so you didn’t click the links. Show me one of your posts where you said we should shut down the country and cancel the NFL playoffs

I didn't say it was only Morning Joe. Is leaping to erroneous conclusions your superpower?

If you don't know about the Navarro memo or the Red Dawn email chain, inform yourself. For extra credit, search for the times Trump and pals accused the media of fomenting panic for the purpose of harming Trump. It will make a joke of your thread.

You sound stupid. I can elaborate but it would just embarrass you.

Go ahead and elaborate, twerp. Explain how my failure to name every talking head in your links means I didn't click on them. If you have a strong suit, it isn't logic.

Hmmmm...well Pedro. We have had multiple Democrat debates, 90% of the news media is Left leaning and we have a Democrat House.
Not once did I hear a fear of a pandemic or Trumps handling of it mentioned until Mid March. Quite the opposite actually or nothing said at all. Then there is this!!!

How do you explain this? 2007...way before Trump...

Don't hurt yourself moving the goalposts. It doesn't matter what you heard. There is ample evidence that professionals in the administration were taking it very seriously in January. They weren't downplaying it - they just couldn't get a hearing from Orange Judas.

Bullshit. I gave You the truth that you’re too stupid to see. Pathetic you are, Rodrigo. You have lost every debate with me because you are an illogical Leftist.

You're a little twerp. I don't need to revisit out last exchange, but maybe you do.

Dude, save your tough guy act. You do not ever want to go there.
Stop blaming only Trump. Look in the mirror and I got this damn virus (cured and immune now). It sucked but I have has worse. Especially you Leftists, watch and then shut your damn mouths. The NYC Health Commissioner on Feb 6th said the risk of the disease in NYC is low and preparedness is high. So you want Trump to play doctor here but not play doctor now? Which is it? You people are a damn scourge.

No way. Is this Trump supporters next desperate attempt to deflect blame for their savior's inaction? If so, this is a new low and that downplayed the virus. makes me think that the average Trump supporter is beyond any reason.

The efforts of Trump, Mulvaney, McCarthy, and the rightwing message machine to blame the media for stoking panic didn't weather well. Now they're picking cherries to provide cover for Trump downplaying the virus.

Did you miss the OP, Jose? WE ALL downplayed the virus. Including you. Did you not click on the links?

I did click on the links, but even had I not, I would have known from the Navarro memo and the Red Dawn email chain that they couldn't show 'We all' downplayed it. The tightly edited snippets linked eliminate any mention of sources or context for their info. Local television stations had nothing comparable to the information available to government officials in January and early February.

There was a person in position to access all the information available at the time, and he downplayed it. Deflecting to Morning Joe doesn't make that any better.

It was not only morning Joe so you didn’t click the links. Show me one of your posts where you said we should shut down the country and cancel the NFL playoffs

I didn't say it was only Morning Joe. Is leaping to erroneous conclusions your superpower?

If you don't know about the Navarro memo or the Red Dawn email chain, inform yourself. For extra credit, search for the times Trump and pals accused the media of fomenting panic for the purpose of harming Trump. It will make a joke of your thread.

You sound stupid. I can elaborate but it would just embarrass you.

Go ahead and elaborate, twerp. Explain how my failure to name every talking head in your links means I didn't click on them. If you have a strong suit, it isn't logic.

Hmmmm...well Pedro. We have had multiple Democrat debates, 90% of the news media is Left leaning and we have a Democrat House.
Not once did I hear a fear of a pandemic or Trumps handling of it mentioned until Mid March. Quite the opposite actually or nothing said at all. Then there is this!!!

How do you explain this? 2007...way before Trump...

Don't hurt yourself moving the goalposts. It doesn't matter what you heard. There is ample evidence that professionals in the administration were taking it very seriously in January. They weren't downplaying it - they just couldn't get a hearing from Orange Judas.

Bullshit. I gave You the truth that you’re too stupid to see. Pathetic you are, Rodrigo. You have lost every debate with me because you are an illogical Leftist.

You're a little twerp. I don't need to revisit out last exchange, but maybe you do.

Dude, save your tough guy act. You do not ever want to go there.

Maybe this will fire a neuron:

"That's not my quote. You're thinking I'm the OP? You're using your dimwitted misunderstanding to call me a liar? Jesus H, you idiot. It's clear you don't know the difference between infer and imply, and if you're going to use a word to accuse someone of lying, or stupidity, use the right fucking word.

I'm starting to feel sorry for you. When you sober up, you'll have to disappear for a day or two."

That was my post. If you want to be directed to the feeble reply you offered after an embarrassing delay, I'll help you out.

Tough guy act? You need a mirror, dummy.
Stop blaming only Trump. Look in the mirror and I got this damn virus (cured and immune now). It sucked but I have has worse. Especially you Leftists, watch and then shut your damn mouths. The NYC Health Commissioner on Feb 6th said the risk of the disease in NYC is low and preparedness is high. So you want Trump to play doctor here but not play doctor now? Which is it? You people are a damn scourge.

No way. Is this Trump supporters next desperate attempt to deflect blame for their savior's inaction? If so, this is a new low and that downplayed the virus. makes me think that the average Trump supporter is beyond any reason.

The efforts of Trump, Mulvaney, McCarthy, and the rightwing message machine to blame the media for stoking panic didn't weather well. Now they're picking cherries to provide cover for Trump downplaying the virus.

Did you miss the OP, Jose? WE ALL downplayed the virus. Including you. Did you not click on the links?

I did click on the links, but even had I not, I would have known from the Navarro memo and the Red Dawn email chain that they couldn't show 'We all' downplayed it. The tightly edited snippets linked eliminate any mention of sources or context for their info. Local television stations had nothing comparable to the information available to government officials in January and early February.

There was a person in position to access all the information available at the time, and he downplayed it. Deflecting to Morning Joe doesn't make that any better.

It was not only morning Joe so you didn’t click the links. Show me one of your posts where you said we should shut down the country and cancel the NFL playoffs

I didn't say it was only Morning Joe. Is leaping to erroneous conclusions your superpower?

If you don't know about the Navarro memo or the Red Dawn email chain, inform yourself. For extra credit, search for the times Trump and pals accused the media of fomenting panic for the purpose of harming Trump. It will make a joke of your thread.

You sound stupid. I can elaborate but it would just embarrass you.

Go ahead and elaborate, twerp. Explain how my failure to name every talking head in your links means I didn't click on them. If you have a strong suit, it isn't logic.

Hmmmm...well Pedro. We have had multiple Democrat debates, 90% of the news media is Left leaning and we have a Democrat House.
Not once did I hear a fear of a pandemic or Trumps handling of it mentioned until Mid March. Quite the opposite actually or nothing said at all. Then there is this!!!

How do you explain this? 2007...way before Trump...

Don't hurt yourself moving the goalposts. It doesn't matter what you heard. There is ample evidence that professionals in the administration were taking it very seriously in January. They weren't downplaying it - they just couldn't get a hearing from Orange Judas.

Bullshit. I gave You the truth that you’re too stupid to see. Pathetic you are, Rodrigo. You have lost every debate with me because you are an illogical Leftist.

You're a little twerp. I don't need to revisit out last exchange, but maybe you do.

Dude, save your tough guy act. You do not ever want to go there.

Maybe this will fire a neuron:

"That's not my quote. You're thinking I'm the OP? You're using your dimwitted misunderstanding to call me a liar? Jesus H, you idiot. It's clear you don't know the difference between infer and imply, and if you're going to use a word to accuse someone of lying, or stupidity, use the right fucking word.

I'm starting to feel sorry for you. When you sober up, you'll have to disappear for a day or two."

That was my post. If you want to be directed to the feeble reply you offered after an embarrassing delay, I'll help you out.

Tough guy act? You need a mirror, dummy.

Sober up? You're reaching, Manuel. When you remove your Leftist goggles, ping me.
Stop blaming only Trump. Look in the mirror and I got this damn virus (cured and immune now). It sucked but I have has worse. Especially you Leftists, watch and then shut your damn mouths. The NYC Health Commissioner on Feb 6th said the risk of the disease in NYC is low and preparedness is high. So you want Trump to play doctor here but not play doctor now? Which is it? You people are a damn scourge.

No way. Is this Trump supporters next desperate attempt to deflect blame for their savior's inaction? If so, this is a new low and that downplayed the virus. makes me think that the average Trump supporter is beyond any reason.

The efforts of Trump, Mulvaney, McCarthy, and the rightwing message machine to blame the media for stoking panic didn't weather well. Now they're picking cherries to provide cover for Trump downplaying the virus.

Did you miss the OP, Jose? WE ALL downplayed the virus. Including you. Did you not click on the links?

I did click on the links, but even had I not, I would have known from the Navarro memo and the Red Dawn email chain that they couldn't show 'We all' downplayed it. The tightly edited snippets linked eliminate any mention of sources or context for their info. Local television stations had nothing comparable to the information available to government officials in January and early February.

There was a person in position to access all the information available at the time, and he downplayed it. Deflecting to Morning Joe doesn't make that any better.

It was not only morning Joe so you didn’t click the links. Show me one of your posts where you said we should shut down the country and cancel the NFL playoffs

I didn't say it was only Morning Joe. Is leaping to erroneous conclusions your superpower?

If you don't know about the Navarro memo or the Red Dawn email chain, inform yourself. For extra credit, search for the times Trump and pals accused the media of fomenting panic for the purpose of harming Trump. It will make a joke of your thread.

You sound stupid. I can elaborate but it would just embarrass you.

Go ahead and elaborate, twerp. Explain how my failure to name every talking head in your links means I didn't click on them. If you have a strong suit, it isn't logic.

Hmmmm...well Pedro. We have had multiple Democrat debates, 90% of the news media is Left leaning and we have a Democrat House.
Not once did I hear a fear of a pandemic or Trumps handling of it mentioned until Mid March. Quite the opposite actually or nothing said at all. Then there is this!!!

How do you explain this? 2007...way before Trump...

Don't hurt yourself moving the goalposts. It doesn't matter what you heard. There is ample evidence that professionals in the administration were taking it very seriously in January. They weren't downplaying it - they just couldn't get a hearing from Orange Judas.

Bullshit. I gave You the truth that you’re too stupid to see. Pathetic you are, Rodrigo. You have lost every debate with me because you are an illogical Leftist.

You're a little twerp. I don't need to revisit out last exchange, but maybe you do.

Dude, save your tough guy act. You do not ever want to go there.

Maybe this will fire a neuron:

"That's not my quote. You're thinking I'm the OP? You're using your dimwitted misunderstanding to call me a liar? Jesus H, you idiot. It's clear you don't know the difference between infer and imply, and if you're going to use a word to accuse someone of lying, or stupidity, use the right fucking word.

I'm starting to feel sorry for you. When you sober up, you'll have to disappear for a day or two."

That was my post. If you want to be directed to the feeble reply you offered after an embarrassing delay, I'll help you out.

Tough guy act? You need a mirror, dummy.

Sober up? You're reaching, Manuel. When you remove your Leftist goggles, ping me.

I don't deny I'm a partisan. You're a little twerp. You lead with insults and retreat with nastiness. Begone.
Stop blaming only Trump. Look in the mirror and I got this damn virus (cured and immune now). It sucked but I have has worse. Especially you Leftists, watch and then shut your damn mouths. The NYC Health Commissioner on Feb 6th said the risk of the disease in NYC is low and preparedness is high. So you want Trump to play doctor here but not play doctor now? Which is it? You people are a damn scourge.

No way. Is this Trump supporters next desperate attempt to deflect blame for their savior's inaction? If so, this is a new low and that downplayed the virus. makes me think that the average Trump supporter is beyond any reason.

The efforts of Trump, Mulvaney, McCarthy, and the rightwing message machine to blame the media for stoking panic didn't weather well. Now they're picking cherries to provide cover for Trump downplaying the virus.

Did you miss the OP, Jose? WE ALL downplayed the virus. Including you. Did you not click on the links?

I did click on the links, but even had I not, I would have known from the Navarro memo and the Red Dawn email chain that they couldn't show 'We all' downplayed it. The tightly edited snippets linked eliminate any mention of sources or context for their info. Local television stations had nothing comparable to the information available to government officials in January and early February.

There was a person in position to access all the information available at the time, and he downplayed it. Deflecting to Morning Joe doesn't make that any better.

It was not only morning Joe so you didn’t click the links. Show me one of your posts where you said we should shut down the country and cancel the NFL playoffs

I didn't say it was only Morning Joe. Is leaping to erroneous conclusions your superpower?

If you don't know about the Navarro memo or the Red Dawn email chain, inform yourself. For extra credit, search for the times Trump and pals accused the media of fomenting panic for the purpose of harming Trump. It will make a joke of your thread.

You sound stupid. I can elaborate but it would just embarrass you.

Go ahead and elaborate, twerp. Explain how my failure to name every talking head in your links means I didn't click on them. If you have a strong suit, it isn't logic.

Hmmmm...well Pedro. We have had multiple Democrat debates, 90% of the news media is Left leaning and we have a Democrat House.
Not once did I hear a fear of a pandemic or Trumps handling of it mentioned until Mid March. Quite the opposite actually or nothing said at all. Then there is this!!!

How do you explain this? 2007...way before Trump...

Don't hurt yourself moving the goalposts. It doesn't matter what you heard. There is ample evidence that professionals in the administration were taking it very seriously in January. They weren't downplaying it - they just couldn't get a hearing from Orange Judas.

Bullshit. I gave You the truth that you’re too stupid to see. Pathetic you are, Rodrigo. You have lost every debate with me because you are an illogical Leftist.

You're a little twerp. I don't need to revisit out last exchange, but maybe you do.

Dude, save your tough guy act. You do not ever want to go there.

Maybe this will fire a neuron:

"That's not my quote. You're thinking I'm the OP? You're using your dimwitted misunderstanding to call me a liar? Jesus H, you idiot. It's clear you don't know the difference between infer and imply, and if you're going to use a word to accuse someone of lying, or stupidity, use the right fucking word.

I'm starting to feel sorry for you. When you sober up, you'll have to disappear for a day or two."

That was my post. If you want to be directed to the feeble reply you offered after an embarrassing delay, I'll help you out.

Tough guy act? You need a mirror, dummy.

Sober up? You're reaching, Manuel. When you remove your Leftist goggles, ping me.

I don't deny I'm a partisan. You're a little twerp. You lead with insults and retreat with nastiness. Begone.

Bullshit. You neither read nor disputed the links in the OP. WE ARE ALL to blame. Including you. Unless you can find me a post where you said we should shut the country down and cancel the NFL playoffs. I'll wait for that post patiently. Partisan Leftist. What you don't want to play the tough guy anymore? Sissy.
Stop blaming only Trump. Look in the mirror and I got this damn virus (cured and immune now). It sucked but I have has worse. Especially you Leftists, watch and then shut your damn mouths. The NYC Health Commissioner on Feb 6th said the risk of the disease in NYC is low and preparedness is high. So you want Trump to play doctor here but not play doctor now? Which is it? You people are a damn scourge.

No way. Is this Trump supporters next desperate attempt to deflect blame for their savior's inaction? If so, this is a new low and that downplayed the virus. makes me think that the average Trump supporter is beyond any reason.

The efforts of Trump, Mulvaney, McCarthy, and the rightwing message machine to blame the media for stoking panic didn't weather well. Now they're picking cherries to provide cover for Trump downplaying the virus.

Did you miss the OP, Jose? WE ALL downplayed the virus. Including you. Did you not click on the links?

I did click on the links, but even had I not, I would have known from the Navarro memo and the Red Dawn email chain that they couldn't show 'We all' downplayed it. The tightly edited snippets linked eliminate any mention of sources or context for their info. Local television stations had nothing comparable to the information available to government officials in January and early February.

There was a person in position to access all the information available at the time, and he downplayed it. Deflecting to Morning Joe doesn't make that any better.

It was not only morning Joe so you didn’t click the links. Show me one of your posts where you said we should shut down the country and cancel the NFL playoffs

I didn't say it was only Morning Joe. Is leaping to erroneous conclusions your superpower?

If you don't know about the Navarro memo or the Red Dawn email chain, inform yourself. For extra credit, search for the times Trump and pals accused the media of fomenting panic for the purpose of harming Trump. It will make a joke of your thread.

You sound stupid. I can elaborate but it would just embarrass you.

Go ahead and elaborate, twerp. Explain how my failure to name every talking head in your links means I didn't click on them. If you have a strong suit, it isn't logic.

Hmmmm...well Pedro. We have had multiple Democrat debates, 90% of the news media is Left leaning and we have a Democrat House.
Not once did I hear a fear of a pandemic or Trumps handling of it mentioned until Mid March. Quite the opposite actually or nothing said at all. Then there is this!!!

How do you explain this? 2007...way before Trump...

Don't hurt yourself moving the goalposts. It doesn't matter what you heard. There is ample evidence that professionals in the administration were taking it very seriously in January. They weren't downplaying it - they just couldn't get a hearing from Orange Judas.

Bullshit. I gave You the truth that you’re too stupid to see. Pathetic you are, Rodrigo. You have lost every debate with me because you are an illogical Leftist.

You're a little twerp. I don't need to revisit out last exchange, but maybe you do.

Dude, save your tough guy act. You do not ever want to go there.

Maybe this will fire a neuron:

"That's not my quote. You're thinking I'm the OP? You're using your dimwitted misunderstanding to call me a liar? Jesus H, you idiot. It's clear you don't know the difference between infer and imply, and if you're going to use a word to accuse someone of lying, or stupidity, use the right fucking word.

I'm starting to feel sorry for you. When you sober up, you'll have to disappear for a day or two."

That was my post. If you want to be directed to the feeble reply you offered after an embarrassing delay, I'll help you out.

Tough guy act? You need a mirror, dummy.

Sober up? You're reaching, Manuel. When you remove your Leftist goggles, ping me.

I don't deny I'm a partisan. You're a little twerp. You lead with insults and retreat with nastiness. Begone.

Bullshit. You neither read nor disputed the links in the OP. WE ARE ALL to blame. Including you. Unless you can find me a post where you said we should shut the country down and cancel the NFL playoffs. I'll wait for that post patiently. Partisan Leftist. What you don't want to play the tough guy anymore? Sissy.

If you were much of a man, you would apologize for the mistake you made that led you to calling me a liar. I ain't holding my breath.

I referenced the Navarro memo and the Red Dawn email chain, which conclusively show not everyone was downplaying it. They're available and all over the news today.

What kind of idiot thinks everyone who didn't call for cancelling the NFL playoffs was downplaying the threat? You're a silly little twerp.
Stop blaming only Trump. Look in the mirror and I got this damn virus (cured and immune now). It sucked but I have has worse. Especially you Leftists, watch and then shut your damn mouths. The NYC Health Commissioner on Feb 6th said the risk of the disease in NYC is low and preparedness is high. So you want Trump to play doctor here but not play doctor now? Which is it? You people are a damn scourge.

No way. Is this Trump supporters next desperate attempt to deflect blame for their savior's inaction? If so, this is a new low and that downplayed the virus. makes me think that the average Trump supporter is beyond any reason.

The efforts of Trump, Mulvaney, McCarthy, and the rightwing message machine to blame the media for stoking panic didn't weather well. Now they're picking cherries to provide cover for Trump downplaying the virus.

Did you miss the OP, Jose? WE ALL downplayed the virus. Including you. Did you not click on the links?

I did click on the links, but even had I not, I would have known from the Navarro memo and the Red Dawn email chain that they couldn't show 'We all' downplayed it. The tightly edited snippets linked eliminate any mention of sources or context for their info. Local television stations had nothing comparable to the information available to government officials in January and early February.

There was a person in position to access all the information available at the time, and he downplayed it. Deflecting to Morning Joe doesn't make that any better.

It was not only morning Joe so you didn’t click the links. Show me one of your posts where you said we should shut down the country and cancel the NFL playoffs

I didn't say it was only Morning Joe. Is leaping to erroneous conclusions your superpower?

If you don't know about the Navarro memo or the Red Dawn email chain, inform yourself. For extra credit, search for the times Trump and pals accused the media of fomenting panic for the purpose of harming Trump. It will make a joke of your thread.

You sound stupid. I can elaborate but it would just embarrass you.

Go ahead and elaborate, twerp. Explain how my failure to name every talking head in your links means I didn't click on them. If you have a strong suit, it isn't logic.

Hmmmm...well Pedro. We have had multiple Democrat debates, 90% of the news media is Left leaning and we have a Democrat House.
Not once did I hear a fear of a pandemic or Trumps handling of it mentioned until Mid March. Quite the opposite actually or nothing said at all. Then there is this!!!

How do you explain this? 2007...way before Trump...

Don't hurt yourself moving the goalposts. It doesn't matter what you heard. There is ample evidence that professionals in the administration were taking it very seriously in January. They weren't downplaying it - they just couldn't get a hearing from Orange Judas.

Bullshit. I gave You the truth that you’re too stupid to see. Pathetic you are, Rodrigo. You have lost every debate with me because you are an illogical Leftist.

You're a little twerp. I don't need to revisit out last exchange, but maybe you do.

Dude, save your tough guy act. You do not ever want to go there.

Maybe this will fire a neuron:

"That's not my quote. You're thinking I'm the OP? You're using your dimwitted misunderstanding to call me a liar? Jesus H, you idiot. It's clear you don't know the difference between infer and imply, and if you're going to use a word to accuse someone of lying, or stupidity, use the right fucking word.

I'm starting to feel sorry for you. When you sober up, you'll have to disappear for a day or two."

That was my post. If you want to be directed to the feeble reply you offered after an embarrassing delay, I'll help you out.

Tough guy act? You need a mirror, dummy.

Sober up? You're reaching, Manuel. When you remove your Leftist goggles, ping me.

I don't deny I'm a partisan. You're a little twerp. You lead with insults and retreat with nastiness. Begone.

Bullshit. You neither read nor disputed the links in the OP. WE ARE ALL to blame. Including you. Unless you can find me a post where you said we should shut the country down and cancel the NFL playoffs. I'll wait for that post patiently. Partisan Leftist. What you don't want to play the tough guy anymore? Sissy.

If you were much of a man, you would apologize for the mistake you made that led you to calling me a liar. I ain't holding my breath.

I referenced the Navarro memo and the Red Dawn email chain, which conclusively show not everyone was downplaying it. They're available and all over the news today.

What kind of idiot thinks everyone who didn't call for cancelling the NFL playoffs was downplaying the threat? You're a silly little twerp.

My bad

Because all you Leftists point fingers. NOT ONE of you understood the severity and fact is until we develop a herd immunity this virus will continue to impact the economy and kill people. NONE OF YOU called for drastic measures in February on this board. NOT ONE! Stop lying.
Stop blaming only Trump. Look in the mirror and I got this damn virus (cured and immune now). It sucked but I have has worse. Especially you Leftists, watch and then shut your damn mouths. The NYC Health Commissioner on Feb 6th said the risk of the disease in NYC is low and preparedness is high. So you want Trump to play doctor here but not play doctor now? Which is it? You people are a damn scourge.

No way. Is this Trump supporters next desperate attempt to deflect blame for their savior's inaction? If so, this is a new low and that downplayed the virus. makes me think that the average Trump supporter is beyond any reason.

The efforts of Trump, Mulvaney, McCarthy, and the rightwing message machine to blame the media for stoking panic didn't weather well. Now they're picking cherries to provide cover for Trump downplaying the virus.

Did you miss the OP, Jose? WE ALL downplayed the virus. Including you. Did you not click on the links?

I did click on the links, but even had I not, I would have known from the Navarro memo and the Red Dawn email chain that they couldn't show 'We all' downplayed it. The tightly edited snippets linked eliminate any mention of sources or context for their info. Local television stations had nothing comparable to the information available to government officials in January and early February.

There was a person in position to access all the information available at the time, and he downplayed it. Deflecting to Morning Joe doesn't make that any better.

It was not only morning Joe so you didn’t click the links. Show me one of your posts where you said we should shut down the country and cancel the NFL playoffs

I didn't say it was only Morning Joe. Is leaping to erroneous conclusions your superpower?

If you don't know about the Navarro memo or the Red Dawn email chain, inform yourself. For extra credit, search for the times Trump and pals accused the media of fomenting panic for the purpose of harming Trump. It will make a joke of your thread.

You sound stupid. I can elaborate but it would just embarrass you.

Go ahead and elaborate, twerp. Explain how my failure to name every talking head in your links means I didn't click on them. If you have a strong suit, it isn't logic.

Hmmmm...well Pedro. We have had multiple Democrat debates, 90% of the news media is Left leaning and we have a Democrat House.
Not once did I hear a fear of a pandemic or Trumps handling of it mentioned until Mid March. Quite the opposite actually or nothing said at all. Then there is this!!!

How do you explain this? 2007...way before Trump...

Don't hurt yourself moving the goalposts. It doesn't matter what you heard. There is ample evidence that professionals in the administration were taking it very seriously in January. They weren't downplaying it - they just couldn't get a hearing from Orange Judas.

Bullshit. I gave You the truth that you’re too stupid to see. Pathetic you are, Rodrigo. You have lost every debate with me because you are an illogical Leftist.

You're a little twerp. I don't need to revisit out last exchange, but maybe you do.

Dude, save your tough guy act. You do not ever want to go there.

Maybe this will fire a neuron:

"That's not my quote. You're thinking I'm the OP? You're using your dimwitted misunderstanding to call me a liar? Jesus H, you idiot. It's clear you don't know the difference between infer and imply, and if you're going to use a word to accuse someone of lying, or stupidity, use the right fucking word.

I'm starting to feel sorry for you. When you sober up, you'll have to disappear for a day or two."

That was my post. If you want to be directed to the feeble reply you offered after an embarrassing delay, I'll help you out.

Tough guy act? You need a mirror, dummy.

Sober up? You're reaching, Manuel. When you remove your Leftist goggles, ping me.

I don't deny I'm a partisan. You're a little twerp. You lead with insults and retreat with nastiness. Begone.

Bullshit. You neither read nor disputed the links in the OP. WE ARE ALL to blame. Including you. Unless you can find me a post where you said we should shut the country down and cancel the NFL playoffs. I'll wait for that post patiently. Partisan Leftist. What you don't want to play the tough guy anymore? Sissy.

If you were much of a man, you would apologize for the mistake you made that led you to calling me a liar. I ain't holding my breath.

I referenced the Navarro memo and the Red Dawn email chain, which conclusively show not everyone was downplaying it. They're available and all over the news today.

What kind of idiot thinks everyone who didn't call for cancelling the NFL playoffs was downplaying the threat? You're a silly little twerp.

My bad

Because all you Leftists point fingers. NOT ONE of you understood the severity and fact is until we develop a herd immunity this virus will continue to impact the economy and kill people. NONE OF YOU called for drastic measures in February on this board. NOT ONE! Stop lying.

Not calling for drastic measures is the same as downplaying? I bet you can slay the fuck out of that strawman.

I would ask you to point out my lie, but we both know what happened last time I did. Go ahead and declare victory - I'll leave you alone.

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