We all downplayed this Virus

Stop blaming only Trump. Look in the mirror and I got this damn virus (cured and immune now). It sucked but I have has worse. Especially you Leftists, watch and then shut your damn mouths. The NYC Health Commissioner on Feb 6th said the risk of the disease in NYC is low and preparedness is high. So you want Trump to play doctor here but not play doctor now? Which is it? You people are a damn scourge.

No way. Is this Trump supporters next desperate attempt to deflect blame for their savior's inaction? If so, this is a new low and that downplayed the virus. makes me think that the average Trump supporter is beyond any reason.

The efforts of Trump, Mulvaney, McCarthy, and the rightwing message machine to blame the media for stoking panic didn't weather well. Now they're picking cherries to provide cover for Trump downplaying the virus.

Did you miss the OP, Jose? WE ALL downplayed the virus. Including you. Did you not click on the links?

I did click on the links, but even had I not, I would have known from the Navarro memo and the Red Dawn email chain that they couldn't show 'We all' downplayed it. The tightly edited snippets linked eliminate any mention of sources or context for their info. Local television stations had nothing comparable to the information available to government officials in January and early February.

There was a person in position to access all the information available at the time, and he downplayed it. Deflecting to Morning Joe doesn't make that any better.

It was not only morning Joe so you didn’t click the links. Show me one of your posts where you said we should shut down the country and cancel the NFL playoffs

I didn't say it was only Morning Joe. Is leaping to erroneous conclusions your superpower?

If you don't know about the Navarro memo or the Red Dawn email chain, inform yourself. For extra credit, search for the times Trump and pals accused the media of fomenting panic for the purpose of harming Trump. It will make a joke of your thread.

You sound stupid. I can elaborate but it would just embarrass you.

Go ahead and elaborate, twerp. Explain how my failure to name every talking head in your links means I didn't click on them. If you have a strong suit, it isn't logic.

Hmmmm...well Pedro. We have had multiple Democrat debates, 90% of the news media is Left leaning and we have a Democrat House.
Not once did I hear a fear of a pandemic or Trumps handling of it mentioned until Mid March. Quite the opposite actually or nothing said at all. Then there is this!!!

How do you explain this? 2007...way before Trump...

Don't hurt yourself moving the goalposts. It doesn't matter what you heard. There is ample evidence that professionals in the administration were taking it very seriously in January. They weren't downplaying it - they just couldn't get a hearing from Orange Judas.

Bullshit. I gave You the truth that you’re too stupid to see. Pathetic you are, Rodrigo. You have lost every debate with me because you are an illogical Leftist.

You're a little twerp. I don't need to revisit out last exchange, but maybe you do.

Dude, save your tough guy act. You do not ever want to go there.

Maybe this will fire a neuron:

"That's not my quote. You're thinking I'm the OP? You're using your dimwitted misunderstanding to call me a liar? Jesus H, you idiot. It's clear you don't know the difference between infer and imply, and if you're going to use a word to accuse someone of lying, or stupidity, use the right fucking word.

I'm starting to feel sorry for you. When you sober up, you'll have to disappear for a day or two."

That was my post. If you want to be directed to the feeble reply you offered after an embarrassing delay, I'll help you out.

Tough guy act? You need a mirror, dummy.

Sober up? You're reaching, Manuel. When you remove your Leftist goggles, ping me.

I don't deny I'm a partisan. You're a little twerp. You lead with insults and retreat with nastiness. Begone.

Bullshit. You neither read nor disputed the links in the OP. WE ARE ALL to blame. Including you. Unless you can find me a post where you said we should shut the country down and cancel the NFL playoffs. I'll wait for that post patiently. Partisan Leftist. What you don't want to play the tough guy anymore? Sissy.

If you were much of a man, you would apologize for the mistake you made that led you to calling me a liar. I ain't holding my breath.

I referenced the Navarro memo and the Red Dawn email chain, which conclusively show not everyone was downplaying it. They're available and all over the news today.

What kind of idiot thinks everyone who didn't call for cancelling the NFL playoffs was downplaying the threat? You're a silly little twerp.

My bad

Because all you Leftists point fingers. NOT ONE of you understood the severity and fact is until we develop a herd immunity this virus will continue to impact the economy and kill people. NONE OF YOU called for drastic measures in February on this board. NOT ONE! Stop lying.

Not calling for drastic measures is the same as downplaying? I bet you can slay the fuck out of that strawman.

I would ask you to point out my lie, but we both know what happened last time I did. Go ahead and declare victory - I'll leave you alone.

Don't turn the tables. Find me one post in January and or February where you called for drastic measures. I'll wait patiently.
Stop blaming only Trump. Look in the mirror and I got this damn virus (cured and immune now). It sucked but I have has worse. Especially you Leftists, watch and then shut your damn mouths. The NYC Health Commissioner on Feb 6th said the risk of the disease in NYC is low and preparedness is high. So you want Trump to play doctor here but not play doctor now? Which is it? You people are a damn scourge.

No way. Is this Trump supporters next desperate attempt to deflect blame for their savior's inaction? If so, this is a new low and that downplayed the virus. makes me think that the average Trump supporter is beyond any reason.

The efforts of Trump, Mulvaney, McCarthy, and the rightwing message machine to blame the media for stoking panic didn't weather well. Now they're picking cherries to provide cover for Trump downplaying the virus.

Did you miss the OP, Jose? WE ALL downplayed the virus. Including you. Did you not click on the links?

I did click on the links, but even had I not, I would have known from the Navarro memo and the Red Dawn email chain that they couldn't show 'We all' downplayed it. The tightly edited snippets linked eliminate any mention of sources or context for their info. Local television stations had nothing comparable to the information available to government officials in January and early February.

There was a person in position to access all the information available at the time, and he downplayed it. Deflecting to Morning Joe doesn't make that any better.

It was not only morning Joe so you didn’t click the links. Show me one of your posts where you said we should shut down the country and cancel the NFL playoffs

I didn't say it was only Morning Joe. Is leaping to erroneous conclusions your superpower?

If you don't know about the Navarro memo or the Red Dawn email chain, inform yourself. For extra credit, search for the times Trump and pals accused the media of fomenting panic for the purpose of harming Trump. It will make a joke of your thread.

You sound stupid. I can elaborate but it would just embarrass you.

Go ahead and elaborate, twerp. Explain how my failure to name every talking head in your links means I didn't click on them. If you have a strong suit, it isn't logic.

Hmmmm...well Pedro. We have had multiple Democrat debates, 90% of the news media is Left leaning and we have a Democrat House.
Not once did I hear a fear of a pandemic or Trumps handling of it mentioned until Mid March. Quite the opposite actually or nothing said at all. Then there is this!!!

How do you explain this? 2007...way before Trump...

Don't hurt yourself moving the goalposts. It doesn't matter what you heard. There is ample evidence that professionals in the administration were taking it very seriously in January. They weren't downplaying it - they just couldn't get a hearing from Orange Judas.

Bullshit. I gave You the truth that you’re too stupid to see. Pathetic you are, Rodrigo. You have lost every debate with me because you are an illogical Leftist.

You're a little twerp. I don't need to revisit out last exchange, but maybe you do.

Dude, save your tough guy act. You do not ever want to go there.

Maybe this will fire a neuron:

"That's not my quote. You're thinking I'm the OP? You're using your dimwitted misunderstanding to call me a liar? Jesus H, you idiot. It's clear you don't know the difference between infer and imply, and if you're going to use a word to accuse someone of lying, or stupidity, use the right fucking word.

I'm starting to feel sorry for you. When you sober up, you'll have to disappear for a day or two."

That was my post. If you want to be directed to the feeble reply you offered after an embarrassing delay, I'll help you out.

Tough guy act? You need a mirror, dummy.

Sober up? You're reaching, Manuel. When you remove your Leftist goggles, ping me.

I don't deny I'm a partisan. You're a little twerp. You lead with insults and retreat with nastiness. Begone.

Bullshit. You neither read nor disputed the links in the OP. WE ARE ALL to blame. Including you. Unless you can find me a post where you said we should shut the country down and cancel the NFL playoffs. I'll wait for that post patiently. Partisan Leftist. What you don't want to play the tough guy anymore? Sissy.

If you were much of a man, you would apologize for the mistake you made that led you to calling me a liar. I ain't holding my breath.

I referenced the Navarro memo and the Red Dawn email chain, which conclusively show not everyone was downplaying it. They're available and all over the news today.

What kind of idiot thinks everyone who didn't call for cancelling the NFL playoffs was downplaying the threat? You're a silly little twerp.

My bad

Because all you Leftists point fingers. NOT ONE of you understood the severity and fact is until we develop a herd immunity this virus will continue to impact the economy and kill people. NONE OF YOU called for drastic measures in February on this board. NOT ONE! Stop lying.

Not calling for drastic measures is the same as downplaying? I bet you can slay the fuck out of that strawman.

I would ask you to point out my lie, but we both know what happened last time I did. Go ahead and declare victory - I'll leave you alone.

Don't turn the tables. Find me one post in January and or February where you called for drastic measures. I'll wait patiently.

There's no table to turn. Posts calling for drastic measures are your construct. Why don't you find a post where I downplayed the coronavirus threat? Or point out my lie?
Stop blaming only Trump. Look in the mirror and I got this damn virus (cured and immune now). It sucked but I have has worse. Especially you Leftists, watch and then shut your damn mouths. The NYC Health Commissioner on Feb 6th said the risk of the disease in NYC is low and preparedness is high. So you want Trump to play doctor here but not play doctor now? Which is it? You people are a damn scourge.

No way. Is this Trump supporters next desperate attempt to deflect blame for their savior's inaction? If so, this is a new low and that downplayed the virus. makes me think that the average Trump supporter is beyond any reason.

The efforts of Trump, Mulvaney, McCarthy, and the rightwing message machine to blame the media for stoking panic didn't weather well. Now they're picking cherries to provide cover for Trump downplaying the virus.

Did you miss the OP, Jose? WE ALL downplayed the virus. Including you. Did you not click on the links?

I did click on the links, but even had I not, I would have known from the Navarro memo and the Red Dawn email chain that they couldn't show 'We all' downplayed it. The tightly edited snippets linked eliminate any mention of sources or context for their info. Local television stations had nothing comparable to the information available to government officials in January and early February.

There was a person in position to access all the information available at the time, and he downplayed it. Deflecting to Morning Joe doesn't make that any better.

It was not only morning Joe so you didn’t click the links. Show me one of your posts where you said we should shut down the country and cancel the NFL playoffs

I didn't say it was only Morning Joe. Is leaping to erroneous conclusions your superpower?

If you don't know about the Navarro memo or the Red Dawn email chain, inform yourself. For extra credit, search for the times Trump and pals accused the media of fomenting panic for the purpose of harming Trump. It will make a joke of your thread.

You sound stupid. I can elaborate but it would just embarrass you.

Go ahead and elaborate, twerp. Explain how my failure to name every talking head in your links means I didn't click on them. If you have a strong suit, it isn't logic.

Hmmmm...well Pedro. We have had multiple Democrat debates, 90% of the news media is Left leaning and we have a Democrat House.
Not once did I hear a fear of a pandemic or Trumps handling of it mentioned until Mid March. Quite the opposite actually or nothing said at all. Then there is this!!!

How do you explain this? 2007...way before Trump...

Don't hurt yourself moving the goalposts. It doesn't matter what you heard. There is ample evidence that professionals in the administration were taking it very seriously in January. They weren't downplaying it - they just couldn't get a hearing from Orange Judas.

Bullshit. I gave You the truth that you’re too stupid to see. Pathetic you are, Rodrigo. You have lost every debate with me because you are an illogical Leftist.

You're a little twerp. I don't need to revisit out last exchange, but maybe you do.

Dude, save your tough guy act. You do not ever want to go there.

Maybe this will fire a neuron:

"That's not my quote. You're thinking I'm the OP? You're using your dimwitted misunderstanding to call me a liar? Jesus H, you idiot. It's clear you don't know the difference between infer and imply, and if you're going to use a word to accuse someone of lying, or stupidity, use the right fucking word.

I'm starting to feel sorry for you. When you sober up, you'll have to disappear for a day or two."

That was my post. If you want to be directed to the feeble reply you offered after an embarrassing delay, I'll help you out.

Tough guy act? You need a mirror, dummy.

Sober up? You're reaching, Manuel. When you remove your Leftist goggles, ping me.

I don't deny I'm a partisan. You're a little twerp. You lead with insults and retreat with nastiness. Begone.

Bullshit. You neither read nor disputed the links in the OP. WE ARE ALL to blame. Including you. Unless you can find me a post where you said we should shut the country down and cancel the NFL playoffs. I'll wait for that post patiently. Partisan Leftist. What you don't want to play the tough guy anymore? Sissy.

If you were much of a man, you would apologize for the mistake you made that led you to calling me a liar. I ain't holding my breath.

I referenced the Navarro memo and the Red Dawn email chain, which conclusively show not everyone was downplaying it. They're available and all over the news today.

What kind of idiot thinks everyone who didn't call for cancelling the NFL playoffs was downplaying the threat? You're a silly little twerp.

My bad

Because all you Leftists point fingers. NOT ONE of you understood the severity and fact is until we develop a herd immunity this virus will continue to impact the economy and kill people. NONE OF YOU called for drastic measures in February on this board. NOT ONE! Stop lying.

Not calling for drastic measures is the same as downplaying? I bet you can slay the fuck out of that strawman.

I would ask you to point out my lie, but we both know what happened last time I did. Go ahead and declare victory - I'll leave you alone.

Don't turn the tables. Find me one post in January and or February where you called for drastic measures. I'll wait patiently.

There's no table to turn. Posts calling for drastic measures are your construct. Why don't you find a post where I downplayed the coronavirus threat? Or point out my lie?

If you did not call for drastic measures you downplayed the virus by your own operational definition. Again find one post of you criticizing Trump and how he handled it in Jan or Feb. Surely there must be one?

Stop blaming only Trump. Look in the mirror and I got this damn virus (cured and immune now). It sucked but I have has worse. Especially you Leftists, watch and then shut your damn mouths. The NYC Health Commissioner on Feb 6th said the risk of the disease in NYC is low and preparedness is high. So you want Trump to play doctor here but not play doctor now? Which is it? You people are a damn scourge.

No way. Is this Trump supporters next desperate attempt to deflect blame for their savior's inaction? If so, this is a new low and that downplayed the virus. makes me think that the average Trump supporter is beyond any reason.

The efforts of Trump, Mulvaney, McCarthy, and the rightwing message machine to blame the media for stoking panic didn't weather well. Now they're picking cherries to provide cover for Trump downplaying the virus.

Did you miss the OP, Jose? WE ALL downplayed the virus. Including you. Did you not click on the links?

I did click on the links, but even had I not, I would have known from the Navarro memo and the Red Dawn email chain that they couldn't show 'We all' downplayed it. The tightly edited snippets linked eliminate any mention of sources or context for their info. Local television stations had nothing comparable to the information available to government officials in January and early February.

There was a person in position to access all the information available at the time, and he downplayed it. Deflecting to Morning Joe doesn't make that any better.

It was not only morning Joe so you didn’t click the links. Show me one of your posts where you said we should shut down the country and cancel the NFL playoffs

I didn't say it was only Morning Joe. Is leaping to erroneous conclusions your superpower?

If you don't know about the Navarro memo or the Red Dawn email chain, inform yourself. For extra credit, search for the times Trump and pals accused the media of fomenting panic for the purpose of harming Trump. It will make a joke of your thread.

You sound stupid. I can elaborate but it would just embarrass you.

Go ahead and elaborate, twerp. Explain how my failure to name every talking head in your links means I didn't click on them. If you have a strong suit, it isn't logic.

Hmmmm...well Pedro. We have had multiple Democrat debates, 90% of the news media is Left leaning and we have a Democrat House.
Not once did I hear a fear of a pandemic or Trumps handling of it mentioned until Mid March. Quite the opposite actually or nothing said at all. Then there is this!!!

How do you explain this? 2007...way before Trump...

Don't hurt yourself moving the goalposts. It doesn't matter what you heard. There is ample evidence that professionals in the administration were taking it very seriously in January. They weren't downplaying it - they just couldn't get a hearing from Orange Judas.

Bullshit. I gave You the truth that you’re too stupid to see. Pathetic you are, Rodrigo. You have lost every debate with me because you are an illogical Leftist.

You're a little twerp. I don't need to revisit out last exchange, but maybe you do.

Dude, save your tough guy act. You do not ever want to go there.

Maybe this will fire a neuron:

"That's not my quote. You're thinking I'm the OP? You're using your dimwitted misunderstanding to call me a liar? Jesus H, you idiot. It's clear you don't know the difference between infer and imply, and if you're going to use a word to accuse someone of lying, or stupidity, use the right fucking word.

I'm starting to feel sorry for you. When you sober up, you'll have to disappear for a day or two."

That was my post. If you want to be directed to the feeble reply you offered after an embarrassing delay, I'll help you out.

Tough guy act? You need a mirror, dummy.

Sober up? You're reaching, Manuel. When you remove your Leftist goggles, ping me.

I don't deny I'm a partisan. You're a little twerp. You lead with insults and retreat with nastiness. Begone.

Bullshit. You neither read nor disputed the links in the OP. WE ARE ALL to blame. Including you. Unless you can find me a post where you said we should shut the country down and cancel the NFL playoffs. I'll wait for that post patiently. Partisan Leftist. What you don't want to play the tough guy anymore? Sissy.

If you were much of a man, you would apologize for the mistake you made that led you to calling me a liar. I ain't holding my breath.

I referenced the Navarro memo and the Red Dawn email chain, which conclusively show not everyone was downplaying it. They're available and all over the news today.

What kind of idiot thinks everyone who didn't call for cancelling the NFL playoffs was downplaying the threat? You're a silly little twerp.

My bad

Because all you Leftists point fingers. NOT ONE of you understood the severity and fact is until we develop a herd immunity this virus will continue to impact the economy and kill people. NONE OF YOU called for drastic measures in February on this board. NOT ONE! Stop lying.

Not calling for drastic measures is the same as downplaying? I bet you can slay the fuck out of that strawman.

I would ask you to point out my lie, but we both know what happened last time I did. Go ahead and declare victory - I'll leave you alone.

Don't turn the tables. Find me one post in January and or February where you called for drastic measures. I'll wait patiently.

There's no table to turn. Posts calling for drastic measures are your construct. Why don't you find a post where I downplayed the coronavirus threat? Or point out my lie?

If you did not call for drastic measures you downplayed the virus by your own operational definition. Again find one post of you criticizing Trump and how he handled it in Jan or Feb. Surely there must be one?


How did you decide that was my operational definition? Not by reading my posts, for sure. You're just saying stupid stuff, little buddy.
I'm going to leave you to argue both sides, since you're inclined to invent them. Adios, amoeba.
Stop blaming only Trump. Look in the mirror and I got this damn virus (cured and immune now). It sucked but I have has worse. Especially you Leftists, watch and then shut your damn mouths. The NYC Health Commissioner on Feb 6th said the risk of the disease in NYC is low and preparedness is high. So you want Trump to play doctor here but not play doctor now? Which is it? You people are a damn scourge.

No way. Is this Trump supporters next desperate attempt to deflect blame for their savior's inaction? If so, this is a new low and that downplayed the virus. makes me think that the average Trump supporter is beyond any reason.

The efforts of Trump, Mulvaney, McCarthy, and the rightwing message machine to blame the media for stoking panic didn't weather well. Now they're picking cherries to provide cover for Trump downplaying the virus.

Did you miss the OP, Jose? WE ALL downplayed the virus. Including you. Did you not click on the links?

I did click on the links, but even had I not, I would have known from the Navarro memo and the Red Dawn email chain that they couldn't show 'We all' downplayed it. The tightly edited snippets linked eliminate any mention of sources or context for their info. Local television stations had nothing comparable to the information available to government officials in January and early February.

There was a person in position to access all the information available at the time, and he downplayed it. Deflecting to Morning Joe doesn't make that any better.

It was not only morning Joe so you didn’t click the links. Show me one of your posts where you said we should shut down the country and cancel the NFL playoffs

I didn't say it was only Morning Joe. Is leaping to erroneous conclusions your superpower?

If you don't know about the Navarro memo or the Red Dawn email chain, inform yourself. For extra credit, search for the times Trump and pals accused the media of fomenting panic for the purpose of harming Trump. It will make a joke of your thread.

You sound stupid. I can elaborate but it would just embarrass you.

Go ahead and elaborate, twerp. Explain how my failure to name every talking head in your links means I didn't click on them. If you have a strong suit, it isn't logic.

Hmmmm...well Pedro. We have had multiple Democrat debates, 90% of the news media is Left leaning and we have a Democrat House.
Not once did I hear a fear of a pandemic or Trumps handling of it mentioned until Mid March. Quite the opposite actually or nothing said at all. Then there is this!!!

How do you explain this? 2007...way before Trump...

Don't hurt yourself moving the goalposts. It doesn't matter what you heard. There is ample evidence that professionals in the administration were taking it very seriously in January. They weren't downplaying it - they just couldn't get a hearing from Orange Judas.

Bullshit. I gave You the truth that you’re too stupid to see. Pathetic you are, Rodrigo. You have lost every debate with me because you are an illogical Leftist.

You're a little twerp. I don't need to revisit out last exchange, but maybe you do.

Dude, save your tough guy act. You do not ever want to go there.

Maybe this will fire a neuron:

"That's not my quote. You're thinking I'm the OP? You're using your dimwitted misunderstanding to call me a liar? Jesus H, you idiot. It's clear you don't know the difference between infer and imply, and if you're going to use a word to accuse someone of lying, or stupidity, use the right fucking word.

I'm starting to feel sorry for you. When you sober up, you'll have to disappear for a day or two."

That was my post. If you want to be directed to the feeble reply you offered after an embarrassing delay, I'll help you out.

Tough guy act? You need a mirror, dummy.

Sober up? You're reaching, Manuel. When you remove your Leftist goggles, ping me.

I don't deny I'm a partisan. You're a little twerp. You lead with insults and retreat with nastiness. Begone.

Bullshit. You neither read nor disputed the links in the OP. WE ARE ALL to blame. Including you. Unless you can find me a post where you said we should shut the country down and cancel the NFL playoffs. I'll wait for that post patiently. Partisan Leftist. What you don't want to play the tough guy anymore? Sissy.

If you were much of a man, you would apologize for the mistake you made that led you to calling me a liar. I ain't holding my breath.

I referenced the Navarro memo and the Red Dawn email chain, which conclusively show not everyone was downplaying it. They're available and all over the news today.

What kind of idiot thinks everyone who didn't call for cancelling the NFL playoffs was downplaying the threat? You're a silly little twerp.

My bad

Because all you Leftists point fingers. NOT ONE of you understood the severity and fact is until we develop a herd immunity this virus will continue to impact the economy and kill people. NONE OF YOU called for drastic measures in February on this board. NOT ONE! Stop lying.

Not calling for drastic measures is the same as downplaying? I bet you can slay the fuck out of that strawman.

I would ask you to point out my lie, but we both know what happened last time I did. Go ahead and declare victory - I'll leave you alone.

Don't turn the tables. Find me one post in January and or February where you called for drastic measures. I'll wait patiently.

There's no table to turn. Posts calling for drastic measures are your construct. Why don't you find a post where I downplayed the coronavirus threat? Or point out my lie?

If you did not call for drastic measures you downplayed the virus by your own operational definition. Again find one post of you criticizing Trump and how he handled it in Jan or Feb. Surely there must be one?


How did you decide that was my operational definition? Not by reading my posts, for sure. You're just saying stupid stuff, little buddy.

By reading your posts. I ll Ask again. Do you or do you not blame Trump?
I really wonder how folks are doing out there...

I just heard from a dear friend who is a director of an art museum, they've had to furlough 36% of their employees. The longer this goes on...the worse the repercussions will be. And we, in the US, are better placed than many in the world.

I'm still employed, but working from home. But each week I wonder. And if this goes on all summer?
Stop blaming only Trump. Look in the mirror and I got this damn virus (cured and immune now). It sucked but I have has worse. Especially you Leftists, watch and then shut your damn mouths. The NYC Health Commissioner on Feb 6th said the risk of the disease in NYC is low and preparedness is high. So you want Trump to play doctor here but not play doctor now? Which is it? You people are a damn scourge.

This is a good point and if we're honest with ourselves, I think most of us did that. It's human nature in fact, at least in my experience. I distinctly remember hearing that Japan had closed schools for an entire month and thinking "wow, that's so extreme. How would I ever cope with that? That's terrible. I'm so glad that would never happen here."


Now here I sit, school has been closed for a month and will be closed through the beginning of June--the rest of the school year. I still tear up when I think of it. I'm tearing up NOW.

Dunderheaded liberals act like there's no digital trail of what everyone was saying in Jan/Feb. Well, there was.

Patience is a virtue but this disease is a middle class killer. Very difficult to recover from. Will take a decade.

And all the young people, an entire generation, who were profoundly effected by the Great Recession, are getting hit all over again.
Stop blaming only Trump. Look in the mirror and I got this damn virus (cured and immune now). It sucked but I have has worse. Especially you Leftists, watch and then shut your damn mouths. The NYC Health Commissioner on Feb 6th said the risk of the disease in NYC is low and preparedness is high. So you want Trump to play doctor here but not play doctor now? Which is it? You people are a damn scourge.

What did we downplay ?

Seriously ?

We have 160,00 people a year die from lung cancer. Most of those related to smoking.

This virus will kill the very elderly and the very young.

The rest of us in between are not at risk (and spare me the bullshit one-off of someone who died....nothing is perfect).

But, I don't believe we downplayed it.

I believe we overreacted.

We downplayed it. All the sports leagues shut down, schools closed, Olympics cancelled. It is highly contagious and it lasts a long time —- 2 weeks. If we didn’t shut down, our healthcare system would be significantly burdened or may have collapsed. We were unprepared as a country for such a malaise because no one has seen something like this for 100 yrs. This is China’s fault and we will be better prepared next time.

I think though when we look back we will be able to say shutting down almost the entire nation was overkill.

In many places health care workers have been furloughed or laid off. All elective surgeries cancelled; no pandemic showed up. So, no work. The hospitals are sitting nearly empty. This is not some conspiracy-theory level stuff. It is true.

Okay, maybe we didn't know, we were panicked. But we have to reverse course in these places NOW so at least some of our economy can be salvaged.
I really wonder how folks are doing out there...

I just heard from a dear friend who is a director of an art museum, they've had to furlough 36% of their employees. The longer this goes on...the worse the repercussions will be. And we, in the US, are better placed than many in the world.

I'm still employed, but working from home. But each week I wonder. And if this goes on all summer?

80% of the workforce are living paycheck to paycheck.

50% of households don't have the funds to cover a $500 emergency expense. That's while they have a regular paycheck.

Soup kitchens are ramping up their operations as fast as they can. So we know folks in growing numbers can't put food on the table.

The federal shut-down money goes out to Boeing immediately, to those workers who have announced to the IRS their banking account in weeks, and to those who haven't in months. Those too poor to have an account are being served last, and too late.

Applications for unemployment benefits in large numbers aren't being processed because the systems are being overwhelmed. Applications for bridge loans by small businesses in large numbers aren't being processed because the systems are being overwhelmed.

Folks will go hungry, by the millions. If not tens of millions. While everybody eulogizes healthcare workers now - "heroes" being the term most widely thrown around - they will have their health and their lung function damaged and remain as underpaid and underprotected as ever. As we also know, those on the bottom rungs of society, overwhelmingly minorities, are impacted most by the pandemic, and decimated at a rate an order of magnitude higher than the upper ranks.

If you liked the Tea Party fall-out emerging from Bush's Great Recession, I predict you will love - LOVE - whatever fruit that mishandled pandemic in conjunction with the induced economic coma will bear.
The media is not the head of a large governmental bureaucracy designed for the purposes (among other) of detecting and managing emergencies like this.

The media does not have the resources, capabilities or responsibility of the president. To hold them to any sort of similar level of accountability is absolutely baffling.

The media has uncovered how the early days of the pandemic played out in the administration and it’s not good. The CDC was having to factor in the emotional response of the president rather than dealing with just the facts. We lost about three weeks between when the CDC knew this was trouble and when the president admitted it.
This virus has brought out the stupid in people that is for sure.
Right now there are people still trying to say it is no worse than a regular flu. Regardless that it has killed more people than H1N1 in one month. One damn month.
Trump has done a great job with the tools he had. Thank God we didn't have some ninny string puppet in charge that would have resulted in a massive-massive death count.

Notice how just a week ago every other thread was "It's just the flu"? Those dried up quick. :lol:
Notice how they quit telling us how many people were killed in Chicago every weekend?
Stop blaming only Trump. Look in the mirror and I got this damn virus (cured and immune now). It sucked but I have has worse. Especially you Leftists, watch and then shut your damn mouths. The NYC Health Commissioner on Feb 6th said the risk of the disease in NYC is low and preparedness is high. So you want Trump to play doctor here but not play doctor now? Which is it? You people are a damn scourge.

No way. Is this Trump supporters next desperate attempt to deflect blame for their savior's inaction? If so, this is a new low and that makes me think that the average Trump supporter is beyond any reason.

So the links I posted mean nothing? Explain your rationale because this makes you look like an emotional child.

The response to the virus starts at the top. Specifically, with a man that has no interest in being President and has no knowledge of how government is supposed to work. All he knows how to do is run a popularity contest.
Trump owns this. It will be the legacy of his presidency. No amount of pivoting or deflecting will change that.

So you’re blaming President Trump for the fact that the USA has a fraction of the deaths that Europe has had?
There are two events unfolding right now. One is that people are looking around and not seeing what they are hearing.

Hospitals aren't full of the dying. They are mostly empty. Many know of doctors and nurses that have been laid off because non essential medical procedures are prohibited.

Those that have had the virus or know someone that has had it describe the symptoms as varying degrees of mild. The hot spots are over crowded cities with minorities getting hit exceptionally hard.
The second unfolding event is this insane use of power by mostly Democrat governors and mayors. Many of these politicians act like they are playing some kind of game seeing what silly thing they can command next.

This is unsustainable.
This virus has brought out the stupid in people that is for sure.
Right now there are people still trying to say it is no worse than a regular flu. Regardless that it has killed more people than H1N1 in one month. One damn month.
Trump has done a great job with the tools he had. Thank God we didn't have some ninny string puppet in charge that would have resulted in a massive-massive death count.
no it didn't. that's just a fking lie. fk I hate liars. why not post compared data then?
Sorry Azog, but the buck stops at the top. Blaming Democratic Governors and Mayors is a lame response by this president, who completely dithered and downplayed for 70+ days. A national emergency demands a national response.

On a more serious note, how are you feeling?
so you like the governors blaming the people? scolding respectful citizens for bad behavior? While they the governors themselves hang around people in press conferences?
I really wonder how folks are doing out there...

I just heard from a dear friend who is a director of an art museum, they've had to furlough 36% of their employees. The longer this goes on...the worse the repercussions will be. And we, in the US, are better placed than many in the world.

I'm still employed, but working from home. But each week I wonder. And if this goes on all summer?
What is funny about this Old Yeller .... just curious.
I really wonder how folks are doing out there...

I just heard from a dear friend who is a director of an art museum, they've had to furlough 36% of their employees. The longer this goes on...the worse the repercussions will be. And we, in the US, are better placed than many in the world.

I'm still employed, but working from home. But each week I wonder. And if this goes on all summer?

80% of the workforce are living paycheck to paycheck.

50% of households don't have the funds to cover a $500 emergency expense. That's while they have a regular paycheck.

Soup kitchens are ramping up their operations as fast as they can. So we know folks in growing numbers can't put food on the table.

The federal shut-down money goes out to Boeing immediately, to those workers who have announced to the IRS their banking account in weeks, and to those who haven't in months. Those too poor to have an account are being served last, and too late.

Applications for unemployment benefits in large numbers aren't being processed because the systems are being overwhelmed. Applications for bridge loans by small businesses in large numbers aren't being processed because the systems are being overwhelmed.

Folks will go hungry, by the millions. If not tens of millions. While everybody eulogizes healthcare workers now - "heroes" being the term most widely thrown around - they will have their health and their lung function damaged and remain as underpaid and underprotected as ever. As we also know, those on the bottom rungs of society, overwhelmingly minorities, are impacted most by the pandemic, and decimated at a rate an order of magnitude higher than the upper ranks.

If you liked the Tea Party fall-out emerging from Bush's Great Recession, I predict you will love - LOVE - whatever fruit that mishandled pandemic in conjunction with the induced economic coma will bear.

The fall out from this is and will continue to be tremendous. Good post.

The Swine flu still has killed more people, and we still don't know all the numbers.

I stand by my assertion, and the assertions of others that this was way over hyped and is not the pandemic it was made out to be.

Are we going to stop the earth from turning in 9 months when the next flu season hits?

What is funny about this Old Yeller .... just curious.

I am not entirely certain, but it would appear the abuse of the reputation system has ramped up considerably since the new format had been installed.

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