“We Are All Chris Dorner”- Crazy Support For Accused Cop Killer


Nov 13, 2012
SACRAMENTO (CBS13) – The ex-cop accused of three revenge killings left behind a long manifesto outlining all of his grievances and observations.

That manifesto has given investigators some clues, but they still don’t know where is Christopher Dorner.

Law enforcement spent four hours searching his mom’s Orange County home. They took out 10 grocery bags filled with evidence.

Dorner lost his job with the Los Angeles Police Department in 2008. His manifesto vows revenge for that; and, surprisingly, thousands of people actually support him.

It’s hard to believe but there are those out there who sympathize with the man targeting police officers.

One Facebook page is proclaiming Dorner for president. “We propose electing a man who could no longer sit idly by and watch as malicious tyrants abuse the innocent.”

The description on “We Are All Chris Dorner” chillingly says, “Yes, this is war.”

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Support Growing For Former L.A. Officer Accused Of Killing Spree « CBS Sacramento
Its not a shocking development. Our society...on both sides of the political aisle, has spent the past decade demonizing police officers. They are the most public reps of our government, in bright shiny cars and crisp uniforms, every single day we see them. They likely HATE the red tape and bloated bureaucracy that everyone else hates, because working for it, they see how fucked up it is. But, they tend to be the scapegoats for all the anger directed at government. The (cops) have the luxury of ignoring stupid ass petty laws that moron politicians pass, and we the people have the luxury of cops with the freedom to NOT enforce tyrannical, petty and stupid laws if they dont want to. But they get demonized anyway. The media is desperate for viewers and readers...and they fan the flames of cop hate when they need a headline.

SO yeah, its not a shocker at all the many people now LIKE this piece of shit. They've been fed either the left wing version of hating cops, or, the right wing version of hating just about ALL government. Meanwhile, 800,000 police officers are out there today trying to just hold this crazy fucked up society together til tomorrow, and then the next day, and next day, and next....
I thought all you conservatives supported the right of the People to take up arms against a tyrannical government.

Make up your minds.
I thought all you conservatives supported the right of the People to take up arms against a tyrannical government.

Make up your minds.

there's no contradiction, just your comprehension. The cops are on our side.They won't support a tyrannical government, ie gun confiscation. The left seems to be cheering this renegade and what he stands for and what he's getting away with probably cause he's black and possesses some special powers..
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SACRAMENTO (CBS13) – The ex-cop accused of three revenge killings left behind a long manifesto outlining all of his grievances and observations.

That manifesto has given investigators some clues, but they still don’t know where is Christopher Dorner.

Law enforcement spent four hours searching his mom’s Orange County home. They took out 10 grocery bags filled with evidence.

Dorner lost his job with the Los Angeles Police Department in 2008. His manifesto vows revenge for that; and, surprisingly, thousands of people actually support him.

It’s hard to believe but there are those out there who sympathize with the man targeting police officers.

One Facebook page is proclaiming Dorner for president. “We propose electing a man who could no longer sit idly by and watch as malicious tyrants abuse the innocent.”

The description on “We Are All Chris Dorner” chillingly says, “Yes, this is war.”

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Support Growing For Former L.A. Officer Accused Of Killing Spree « CBS Sacramento

Just the fact that so many people are creating Facebook pages glorifying this guy is a sign that our society has major issues. It's easy to see why we have the problems we do.

I cannot believe people are praising this guy, as if he's righteous. There may be good reasons why he lost his job. The details aren't clear on that. But he's nothing more than a murderer at this point. I don't care if he was wronged in the past, it just doesn't excuse what he's done.

The media has been so careful to leave out some facts here, ones they would be screaming from the mountaintops if it were something they could use against the right. Dorner is a big time liberal, Obama supporter and his manifesto had 11 pages of praise for the liberal media and Obama. Don't expect to read it all now since they removed all those pages and only released half of it. If the lunatic had been a Repub, they would have made a huge deal out of who his idols are, but now they don't see where it matters much. Now that it's been shown he's one of them, they'd rather we didn't focus on that. And he is about as liberal as it gets.
by Breitbart News
9 Feb 2013

As rogue former Los Angeles Police Department police officer Christopher Dorner remains at large after allegedly shooting five people and killing three, including a police officer, LAPD Chief Charlie Beck announced Saturday that the force would re-open an investigation into Dorner’s firing from the LAPD. The media have been spinning Dorner as a whistle blowing victim of LAPD injustice. Dorner was employed by LAPD from 2006 to 2009, when he was fired for apparently lying about his training officer kicking a schizophrenic man.


Media Portray Dorner as Whistleblower, LAPD Reopens Firing
I thought all you conservatives supported the right of the People to take up arms against a tyrannical government.

Make up your minds.

Tyrannical government YES; Innocent civilians NO. Comprende?

If you want to rise up against a "tyrannical government", that is going to enforce laws that are legally passed, then those enforcing the laws would be acting lawfully, and thus, INNOCENT people doing their jobs. And you all want to take up arms against them.

You have all gone insane.
by Breitbart News
9 Feb 2013

As rogue former Los Angeles Police Department police officer Christopher Dorner remains at large after allegedly shooting five people and killing three, including a police officer, LAPD Chief Charlie Beck announced Saturday that the force would re-open an investigation into Dorner’s firing from the LAPD. The media have been spinning Dorner as a whistle blowing victim of LAPD injustice. Dorner was employed by LAPD from 2006 to 2009, when he was fired for apparently lying about his training officer kicking a schizophrenic man.


Media Portray Dorner as Whistleblower, LAPD Reopens Firing

They aren't gonna reopen shit. They say they are. That is an old police tactic. They are using the media against the guy. They knew the media would cover the re-opening of his case. They know he is likely tracking events through media, probably on a stolen cell phone or one that isn't traceable to him. So...they are thinking that saying that his case is re-opened will cause him to think his mission is complete, that justice will be served, and maybe he'll give up and hope for a trial to clear him.

I doubt it'll work. I bet he plans to go out in a blaze of gunfire. BUT...its worth a shot. Maybe he is fucked in the head, and thinks this will get his case an open day in labor law court, and by saying his case is re-opened, maybe he'll give up.

The LAPD sure as shit is not giving in to this guy's demand by re-opening a case, as if they'd re-hire him or something. Its a ploy to get him to give up.
I thought all you conservatives supported the right of the People to take up arms against a tyrannical government.

Make up your minds.

Tyrannical government YES; Innocent civilians NO. Comprende?

If you want to rise up against a "tyrannical government", that is going to enforce laws that are legally passed, then those enforcing the laws would be acting lawfully, and thus, INNOCENT people doing their jobs. And you all want to take up arms against them.

You have all gone insane.

So you think the guards at Auschwitz were INNOCENT people doing their jobs?
There are people who supported Charlie Manson too. There are idiots everywhere. What's your point?
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Doc91678 you are fucking stupid, this man is killing police officers, and since he actually was one in the past then he must know that the majority of them are good people, ever since the mid 90's the dirt bags get weeded out.
He is not justified in killing family members of police, this is an act of terrorism, this is something I would expect from some filthy SAND-******, not from an American.
The only killings I would approve of are the dirty Mexican Policio, they are nothing but child pimps and kidnappers anyway, and it would actually do the country of Mexico good if the drug cartels took over.
And for someone to suggest this guy be President, even if he were elected, his bitch-like cowardice would cause him to be severely taken advantage of.
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I thought all you conservatives supported the right of the People to take up arms against a tyrannical government.

Make up your minds.

there's no contradiction, just your comprehension. The cops are on our side.They won't support a tyrannical government, ie gun confiscation. The left seems to be cheering this renegade and what he stands for and what he's getting away with probably cause he's black and possesses some special powers..

Ha ha, suddenly the big talking revolutionaries like this tyrone idiot turn into Loyalists.

You phonies are so boringly predictable.
Tyrannical government YES; Innocent civilians NO. Comprende?

If you want to rise up against a "tyrannical government", that is going to enforce laws that are legally passed, then those enforcing the laws would be acting lawfully, and thus, INNOCENT people doing their jobs. And you all want to take up arms against them.

You have all gone insane.

So you think the guards at Auschwitz were INNOCENT people doing their jobs?

Ah, so you sympathize with Dorner.
maybe this is more proof that the right doesnt understand what black people face with police forces in this country.

The man is a complete Nutter.

was he driven nuts by years of fighting a system gone mad from the inside?

He is likley suffering ptsd from his war or police career.

If nothing else the LAPD messed up really badly in hiring this guy in the first place huh?

Why did the LAPD not mkes sure this guy got the mental healtcare he needed.

Instead they just fired him when he became a problem.

In so doing they unleashed a madman on the public.

They jsut tossed a lunatic that they trained with weapons onto an unsuspecting public.

Gee thanks LAPD

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