“We Are All Chris Dorner”- Crazy Support For Accused Cop Killer

the man killed because of a corrupt LAPD.

lying about it doesnt make it true

The man murdered, because he has serious problems. You are showing signs of anti-social behavior TM. Nothing the LAPD did justifies what he did. Why is it so important to you, that you enable that kind of corrupted reason? You are doing that. You look at everyone that disagrees with you as one dimensional. There is No One, not Unique, there is No One in 100% agreement with another, on everything.

why are you making up LIES about what i said?

the man gave the reason of LAPD coirruption as his reason for killing.

That is what the nutter said.

the right here is pretending its something else.

stop being a liar about what people say
According to him they were.

Are you denying that you conservatives have been going on and on for weeks now about your right to take up arms against the government?


They sure have. For years. They paint the government as a tyrannical, overbearing entity. EVERY issue is met with "waste of my tax dollars", and the story is turned and implied to represent an oppressive system.

They've been kicking the hornets nest for years. This coward in LA is in fact a left winger, unless he is SO CRAZY that he is a radical righty posing as a lefty (which I strongly doubt). But, there are many out there like him, many on the right, who believe they are being pushed by the gubmint, and who are fantasizing about taking up arms.

It is dangerous, and the right keeps pushing it.

What is Progressive Statism to you? To me, it is currently, Soft Tyranny. What is the difference between Soft Tyranny and Hard Tyranny? Time Circumstance. Construction.

Using that model every state is soft tyranny.
So what is new about the liberal left wing supporting cop killers?

That is a lie and you know it! The liberal left wing supports COP UNIONS and have made tremendous gains in securing COP'S high salaries.

The average American is neither left wing OR right wing because most are followers of talking heads selling political goods. Liberalism and conservatism are mere social constructs that flow like waves through the populace. Which ever party generates the biggest wave generally has the most political success!

Some of those average Americans love to hear about people who buck the system. Many fantasize about doing it themselves. So, they cheer when someone actually gets the nerve to do it. They aren't necessarily looking through the prism of conservatism or liberalism when they type anonymously from cyberspace, they are just Americans who have traditionally admired folks like Bonnie and Clyde, John Dillinger, and Al Capone.
SACRAMENTO (CBS13) – The ex-cop accused of three revenge killings left behind a long manifesto outlining all of his grievances and observations.

That manifesto has given investigators some clues, but they still don’t know where is Christopher Dorner.

Law enforcement spent four hours searching his mom’s Orange County home. They took out 10 grocery bags filled with evidence.

Dorner lost his job with the Los Angeles Police Department in 2008. His manifesto vows revenge for that; and, surprisingly, thousands of people actually support him.

It’s hard to believe but there are those out there who sympathize with the man targeting police officers.

One Facebook page is proclaiming Dorner for president. “We propose electing a man who could no longer sit idly by and watch as malicious tyrants abuse the innocent.”

The description on “We Are All Chris Dorner” chillingly says, “Yes, this is war.”

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Support Growing For Former L.A. Officer Accused Of Killing Spree « CBS Sacramento

This is what Over the Top Racial rhetoric, and Divisiveness from the highest offices in our land leads to. A huge % of Blacks thinking anything this guy does is justified.
the man killed because of a corrupt LAPD.

lying about it doesnt make it true

The man murdered, because he has serious problems. You are showing signs of anti-social behavior TM. Nothing the LAPD did justifies what he did. Why is it so important to you, that you enable that kind of corrupted reason? You are doing that. You look at everyone that disagrees with you as one dimensional. There is No One, not Unique, there is No One in 100% agreement with another, on everything.

why are you making up LIES about what i said?

the man gave the reason of LAPD coirruption as his reason for killing.

That is what the nutter said.

the right here is pretending its something else.

stop being a liar about what people say

So because an unstable crazy man says it's because of corruption, you just assume it's true huh?

Well, "gun rights" are interpreted in part to enable an individual to do just this....violent rebelion against government.

They cannot be interpreted that way without ignoring the Constitution's stand on treason.

The 2nd amendment can only stand as a principle, as a deterrent.

Every injustice real or perceived has a peaceful remedy via the Constitution. If violent remedies are implemented - with no other recourse left,

it is not because they are constitutional, it is because the Constitution has failed.
Well, "gun rights" are interpreted in part to enable an individual to do just this....violent rebelion against government.

No, they exist to protect us from Government Tyranny, can you point to the government Tyranny this crazy fuck is defending himself from? The Crap he is complaining about happened 4 years ago.
I wonder....

Right wingers: Since you live the Dont Tread on Me life, I want to ask a question. What would it take to bring out your inner "Dorner"? You ferociously defend the 2nd amendment as your right against tyrannical government. So, I assume you have thought in your head about what exactly you'd need that weapon for. So, are you willing to share? What would it take to set you off like this coward in LA?
Well, "gun rights" are interpreted in part to enable an individual to do just this....violent rebelion against government.

No, they exist to protect us from Government Tyranny, can you point to the government Tyranny this crazy fuck is defending himself from? The Crap he is complaining about happened 4 years ago.

Absolutely. The LAPD is the government. The City of Los Angeles government. He was a part of that, and felt the government oppressed his career and used false evidence to terminate him. He felt a government agency had caused him great harm, and he pick up a gun and went violent.

That is the same concept, on a local level, as the Dont Tread on Me crowd.

I ask....what would trigger you other nutjobs out there? Dangerous stuff all this anti-govt shit.
Well, "gun rights" are interpreted in part to enable an individual to do just this....violent rebelion against government.

No, they exist to protect us from Government Tyranny, can you point to the government Tyranny this crazy fuck is defending himself from? The Crap he is complaining about happened 4 years ago.

So which aspects of President Obama's 'tyranny' that we hear so much about would a guy like this be justified in taking up arms against?
According to him they were.

Are you denying that you conservatives have been going on and on for weeks now about your right to take up arms against the government?

it seems that maybe, one of the critical elements missing in your depiction is Context. Not that you would let something, so insignificant stop you, when you are on a roll.

Well then why don't you elucidate for us, in your own opinion, what the Context would be for Americans to get their 2nd amendment protected guns out,

and go to war against the legitimate government in power in the United States,

and be justified morally, ethically, and in full accord with the oft referenced principles cited by the Founders in such documents as the Declaration of Independence...

...give us as many real life scenarios as you can envision.

Anyone want to help Intense out on this one? He seems to have misplaced his thinking cap this morning.
Some people are calling this guy BLAMBO: ( Black man's answer to RAMBO) because of his miltary affiliation and field tactics!
I thought I had seen it all on this board, but this is truly shocking. Lefties coming out in defense of this maniac, siting his claims about corruption. Hell even claiming he is exercising his 2nd amendment right to rebel against the government?

Was that what he was doing when he killed the Daughter of his lawyer?

You people who are defending this man should be ashamed of yourselves.
Some people are calling this guy BLAMBO: ( Black man's answer to RAMBO) because of his miltary affiliation and field tactics!

That is kinda funny, the original Rambo was about a military vet going to war against the sheriff's department. I think that movie is every right wingers wet dream: Toting machine guns through town, having the local cops tell you to stop, and you start a war against them!
I thought I had seen it all on this board, but this is truly shocking. Lefties coming out in defense of this maniac, siting his claims about corruption. Hell even claiming he is exercising his 2nd amendment right to rebel against the government?

Was that what he was doing when he killed the Daughter of his lawyer?

You people who are defending this man should be ashamed of yourselves.

Im not defending him. Im pointing out the DANGER of the anti-government rhetoric flowing through our society lately.

And he was "excercising" his 2nd amendment right BEFORE the killing. The 2nd says the right to own a gun. It says nothing about how or when to use it. He owned guns. He practiced his 2nd am. rights when he bought those guns, now when he cowardly used them.

His entire action is, as he himself wrote out, a reaction to what he percieved as oppression and tyranny from a government....in this case the City of Los Angeles.
I thought I had seen it all on this board, but this is truly shocking. Lefties coming out in defense of this maniac, siting his claims about corruption. Hell even claiming he is exercising his 2nd amendment right to rebel against the government?

Was that what he was doing when he killed the Daughter of his lawyer?

You people who are defending this man should be ashamed of yourselves.

Im not defending him. Im pointing out the DANGER of the anti-government rhetoric flowing through our society lately.

And he was "excercising" his 2nd amendment right BEFORE the killing. The 2nd says the right to own a gun. It says nothing about how or when to use it. He owned guns. He practiced his 2nd am. rights when he bought those guns, now when he cowardly used them.

His entire action is, as he himself wrote out, a reaction to what he percieved as oppression and tyranny from a government....in this case the City of Los Angeles.

Of course, he didn't get what he wanted. What he was entitled to get. Now the City is corrupt. But, first grade was also corrupt, so was his high school football team. All corrupt because he didn't get what he wanted.

Liberals are quick to jump on this bandwagon and justify his murder of two young people planning a wedding.
I thought I had seen it all on this board, but this is truly shocking. Lefties coming out in defense of this maniac, siting his claims about corruption. Hell even claiming he is exercising his 2nd amendment right to rebel against the government?

Was that what he was doing when he killed the Daughter of his lawyer?

You people who are defending this man should be ashamed of yourselves.

Im not defending him. Im pointing out the DANGER of the anti-government rhetoric flowing through our society lately.

And he was "excercising" his 2nd amendment right BEFORE the killing. The 2nd says the right to own a gun. It says nothing about how or when to use it. He owned guns. He practiced his 2nd am. rights when he bought those guns, now when he cowardly used them.

His entire action is, as he himself wrote out, a reaction to what he percieved as oppression and tyranny from a government....in this case the City of Los Angeles.

There is a real big difference between the kind of Tyranny the founders envisioned when they included the second Amendment, and what this maniac believes happened to him.

2nd Amendment supporters like me are not Anti Government, we simply know that we should not blindly trust the government, and should always error on the side of limiting government in order to limit the chances it could become tyrannical. This guys claim is against a city government, he has no need to take violent action against the City of LA. There exists a state, and then a Federal government above the city that he could have taken his grievances to.

You can make yourself feel better by claiming you are not defending him if you want, but I am pretty sure if you saw what you were saying, he would feel defended by it.
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I thought I had seen it all on this board, but this is truly shocking. Lefties coming out in defense of this maniac, siting his claims about corruption. Hell even claiming he is exercising his 2nd amendment right to rebel against the government?

Was that what he was doing when he killed the Daughter of his lawyer?

You people who are defending this man should be ashamed of yourselves.

Im not defending him. Im pointing out the DANGER of the anti-government rhetoric flowing through our society lately.

And he was "excercising" his 2nd amendment right BEFORE the killing. The 2nd says the right to own a gun. It says nothing about how or when to use it. He owned guns. He practiced his 2nd am. rights when he bought those guns, now when he cowardly used them.

His entire action is, as he himself wrote out, a reaction to what he percieved as oppression and tyranny from a government....in this case the City of Los Angeles.

Of course, he didn't get what he wanted. What he was entitled to get. Now the City is corrupt. But, first grade was also corrupt, so was his high school football team. All corrupt because he didn't get what he wanted.

Liberals are quick to jump on this bandwagon and justify his murder of two young people planning a wedding.

And some people blame TAXES for not getting or having what they want in life, what they think they WOULD have if only it wasnt for those darn taxes.

Some people think it is oppressive that they cant get and have their full potential in life because someone else is taking their tax dollars.

Maybe for you, that isn't a dangerous thing. But for unstable, crazy people with lots of guns, the idea of their life sucking simply because the government taxes them is a REALITY, and it is a dangerous idea to keep pushing on them,.
There is a real big difference between the kind of Tyranny the founders envisioned when they included the second Amendment, and what this maniac believes happened to him.

2nd Amendment supporters like me are not Anti Government, we simply know that we should not blindly trust the government, and should always error on the side of limiting government in order to limit the chances it could become tyrannical. This guys claim is against a city government, he has no need to take violent action against the City of LA. There exists a state, and then a Federal government above the city that he could have taken his grievances to.

You can make yourself feel better by claiming you are not defending him if you want, but I am pretty sure if you saw what you were saying, he would feel defended by it.

You must realize, that with the HUGE spending we've allowed on military, that the cat is out of the bag on that one. If the US government wants to inflict terror on us, we have absolutely NO WAY of stopping it. We would have no chance against our military. But, do you support slashing our military by 50% to make it more under control in the chance it became tyrannical? I doubt it.

If you want to get the governments ability to tyrannically oppress us back under control, you'll need to support a 50% slashing of the military and eliminating every single SWAT team in the US.

Are you for that? Because if not, then there is no chance to stop government tyranny should the government decide to do it. I, for one, dont think that our govt ever would do that.
So what is new about the liberal left wing supporting cop killers?

That is a lie and you know it! The liberal left wing supports COP UNIONS and have made tremendous gains in securing COP'S high salaries.[j/quote]

First of all everything is a lie to liberals, projection pure and simple.

NO, what the left wing liberals support are UNIONS. Yes, some officiers get paid outrageous amounts and look what we get for our money.

Now I am not saying that all liberals support cop killers but all who support cop killers are left wing liberals, for example:

Mumia Abu-Jamal killed Philadelphia police officer
Daniel Faulkner. Leonard Peltier murdered FBI agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams. Troy Davis, who shot police officer Mark MacPhail to death in a crowded Burger King parking lot.
and now this person. Of course the left accepts everything he says as gospel because it is a rant against mostly white men. I guess they never knew a black man that lied or was delusional.

I stick with what I posted, left wing liberals supporting cop killers, nothing new.

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