We are experiencing the biggest scandal in America's political history right now.

The only reason Trump hired Three Martini Lunch Larry is because he kissed Trump's ass every chance he could.

Anyone who buries there puss in Trump's ass is his buddy.
Now listen to your nasty ace, but you want people to take your bull shite seriously. First sign of mental problems is not knowing you have them, otherwise when you reveal them everytime you open that mouth.
Dealing with a President's family can get touchy. This President and his pals in Congress and the Senate have conspired to put Trump in jail for nine hundred and ninety nine years based on their manufactured gripes that fall short of being laws. If they succeed, there will be no First Amendment protections because they are mad at the words their adversary says, and they don't want him to say those words, so they're digging either the Constitution's expiration of all things those mean ol' slave ownin' Founders' posterity. What they don't know is how hard the Eastern Board States tried to make all people free, and not based on slavery, either. They cratered to get the South's brave soldiers to beat up on the Brits with, and it came in handy when the battle of 1812 ended in the battle of New Orleans was declared on the newly-formed country.

The evidence of Trump's crimes and guilt is devastating and credible.

We are a nation of laws and nobody at all is above the law at all. Trump only has himself to blame for all the crimes he comitted.

The evidence against Trump is massive and credible and corroborated, Trump's trial is going to be a gut punch for you.
Now listen to your nasty ace, but you want people to take your bull shite seriously. First sign of mental problems is not knowing you have them, otherwise when you reveal them everytime you open that mouth.
The evidence of Trump's crimes and guilt is devastating and credible.

We are a nation of laws and nobody at all is above the law at all. Trump only has himself to blame for all the crimes he comitted.

The evidence against Trump is massive and credible and corroborated, Trump's trial is going to be a gut punch for you.
There is no way this comes out of your mouth unless Biden is added to your scrutiny, so we know you hate Trump, and it hasn't got a damned thing to do with the law.
IMHO a few Republican DAs need to indict Hunter Biden for his obvious crimes.

Which crimes?

Real, actual crimes?

Or imaginary, made-up crimes Democrats commit that right-wing media has been telling their viewers for 30 years yet - surprise, surprise - no one ever goes to court for let alone convicted?

But keep on believing, suckers. You're making them rich!
The evidence of Trump's crimes and guilt is devastating and credible.

We are a nation of laws and nobody at all is above the law at all. Trump only has himself to blame for all the crimes he comitted.

The evidence against Trump is massive and credible and corroborated, Trump's trial is going to be a gut punch for you.
What has been revealed in the indictments only scratches the surface of what Smith has on Trump. Trump's is done, stick a fork on him & he knows it.
Yes, yes we know, you want to show us your IQ now... Poor wittle fella.
Your IQ drops every time you swear by every word puked by your cult leader. How low will it go before you wise up? Single digits.
There is no way this comes out of your mouth unless Biden is added to your scrutiny, so we know you hate Trump, and it hasn't got a damned thing to do with the law.
The evidence of Trump's numerous crimes is extremely credible and overwhelming

The evidence of any Joe Biden wrongdoing is non-existent and a total fabrication.

get back to us when there is real evidence against Biden, which you don't have at all.
But we have devastating and credible evidence against Trump.

Enjoy Trump's trial(s), they are going to be a gut punch for you
What has been revealed in the indictments only scratches the surface of what Smith has on Trump. Trump's is done, stick a fork on him & he knows it.
The evidence against Trump is the Gold standard of evidence
Which crimes?

Real, actual crimes?

Or imaginary, made-up crimes Democrats commit that right-wing media has been telling their viewers for 30 years yet - surprise, surprise - no one ever goes to court for let alone convicted?

But keep on believing, suckers. You're making them rich!
You're right about one thing. The odds of any Biden going to court are slim. The reason is because the Bidens are part of the uniparty. Trump isn't.

Depending on what happens to Trump, the GOP may have a different candidate for president, but whoever it is will be part of the uniparty as well. Most federal elections are held with uniparty candidates on each side to provide the illusion of choice.
You're right about one thing. The odds of any Biden going to court are slim. The reason is because the Bidens are part of the uniparty. Trump isn't.

Depending on what happens to Trump, the GOP may have a different candidate for president, but whoever it is will be part of the uniparty as well. Most federal elections are held with uniparty candidates on each side to provide the illusion of choice.
Hunter was in court....and the judge started asking questions on that bogus plea-deal....and she threw it out. So he plead not guilty....and he's going to trial.
If the Supreme Court was against it, that should tell you something.
Yeah....it tells me that Judge Roberts was in on a conspiracy to remove Trump from office.

James Clapper explains some of the details about it. Who was involved.

Which crimes?

Real, actual crimes?

Or imaginary, made-up crimes that right-wing media has been telling their viewers for 30 years yet - surprise, surprise - no one ever goes to court for let alone convicted?

But keep on believing, suckers. You're making them rich!
Now this was a desperate post... Talk about deflection or just down right ignorant denial on your part. Yeah we're going to believe your bull shite over actual evidence that revealed the lap top as being real, especially after y'all did everything y'all could to lie and say it was Russian disinformation..

Tell ya one thing, we all best hope that Russia loses big time in Ukraine, because if they don't, it's going to be hell explaining to whom it may concern about such things that went on right here in regards too, otherwise to explain about all the alleged lies that were told about the Russians being instrumental in the so called disinformation campaign that was being waged in order to interfere with the 2016 election.....Also it seems that we were blaming the Russians again for the Hunter lap top debacle or story too ... Yikes 😬

Then we have Hunter Biden in Ukraine doing business with an energy company even though he had zero experience in that industry, and then his dad talking about a quid pro quo on top of that, in which was caught on video with him bragging worse than Donald Trump about it........ Unbelievable.

Didn't the media or Democrat's claim that the Russians were doing everything they could to overthrow our election's during 2016(?), but so far when looking back, we have had an alleged suspicious fisa court warrant issued in which turned out to be orchestrated by the Hillary campaign right(?), and wasn't it blamed on the Russian's(?), and then we have a lap top issue, and wasn't that also blamed on the Russians, although it turns out that the laptop belonged to Hunter Biden after all ?

What the hell is going on ?

After they find out it was all a lie to cover up or hide the truth about the corruption now being found out about ourselves, I have to ask, where will our dumb aces be within the Russian relations game then ????

What a damned disaster it all is, but that's what happens when you go down the wrong paths in life, and as a nation.
So then neither Trump nor Hunter should be running for president.
Sealy? If you think Joe didn't know EXACTLY what Hunter was doing then you're extremely naive! You honestly think you wouldn't know about it if someone in your family just made 50 million? Come on...you know Joe's dirty. Just admit it and move on!

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