We are experiencing the biggest scandal in America's political history right now.

The evidence of Trump's numerous crimes is extremely credible and overwhelming

The evidence of any Joe Biden wrongdoing is non-existent and a total fabrication.

get back to us when there is real evidence against Biden, which you don't have at all.
But we have devastating and credible evidence against Trump.

Enjoy Trump's trial(s), they are going to be a gut punch for you
Can't wait for any kangaroo trial you all will orchestrate against a former American President, otherwise that will be based upon alleged fabricated lies and innuendo in your sicko get Trump fantasy's. We can't wait.
Sealy? If you think Joe didn't know EXACTLY what Hunter was doing then you're extremely naive! You honestly think you wouldn't know about it if someone in your family just made 50 million? Come on...you know Joe's dirty. Just admit it and move on!
He thinks that we are the extremely naive or he wishes that we were.
Well they tried that shit in 2000 and it cost Gore the recount. Republicans started a riot and it stopped the recount. That's stealing an election. That was easy stealing just one state. Trump tried to steal the election even though he lost badly in 5 states. Claimed all 5 swing states were rigged. It was laughable.

Stewart Rhodes, the founder of the far-right militia group Oath Keepers, is serving one the longest sentences thus far with an 18-year prison term.

Alberts, who told jurors that he “felt like it was a fraudulent election," was one of just a handful of rioters who was actually arrested on Jan. 6, 2021. Had he not been taken into custody that day, federal investigators might never have realized he had a gun during the Capitol attack. The total number of guns in the mob that day will never be known, but other defendants have admitted they were armed, including Mark Mazza, who was carrying two firearms and received five years in federal prison when he was sentenced last year. Guy Reffitt, a Jan. 6 rioter who charged up the stairs alongside Alberts and was the first Capitol rioter to go to trial, also had a gun. He was sentenced to more than seven years in federal prison.
The Democrats tried stealing the election by hiding the counting of ballots in the state of FL. They only wanted recounts in heavy Democrat districts where they could steal votes during the recount.

Remember "Hanging Chads"?

They were desperately trying to weasel their way into a win by fiddling with butterfly ballots. They tried pulling the shit they pulled in GA and AZ but GOP pollwatchers broke into the counting rooms and stopped them from doing it.

Bush went to the Supreme Court and said that most of the state was being screwed out of their vote by slanted recount process....and the Supreme Court agreed.

That put an end to the attempted steal of the 2000 election.
A prominent financial reporter, Mr. Kudlow, presents a case that claims the biggest scandal in American history is a current President of the United States who is trying to eliminate his strong political opponent in the 2024 election by jailing his chief opponent. Here is his imaculately-researched case that can only be fixed by impeachment of the current president, his weaponized DOJ supporters, and his sell-out of America to China co-scandal to the demise of the Constitution of the United States of America. Regardless of your party, you need to reconcile in favor of the Constitution or become the weakest member due to the continuation of a Communist pursuit of powerful ownership by the Feds over every aspect of human life in America, where people can be thrown into jail or executed by whim of the Party in charge, and by design President Biden's Democrat Party that can incarcerate political opponents by whim. We're in dangerous territory, but I'll let one of the best fiscal reporters in America explain the upside down world of today's White House. I hope it sinks in to both sides of the aisle, as hearing this will be the best hour you ever spent understanding how to survive this crisis without destroying the Constitution intelligent men of the eighteenth century, our Founders, delivered a plan, which if respected, will restore the nation to some semblance of reality of dealing with prices of cars being $48,000, gas prices high, to be lowered for a short time before the election, then restored to its double or triple price before Joe Biden sold out America to the Communist Chinese for $5 million dollars for himself, and $5 million dollars for his son, Hunter Biden. Do you want to become a subservant of the person in power's demands? Please take an hour of your precious time to hear out Mr. Kudlow's research and commentary.

Biden, as usual, blames other people for his actions of pay to play,
in an unprecedented scandal to jail his formidable political opponent of our 247 year American History.
It's never been done before, and I hope it never happens again.

It's getting even worse, Democrats are floating the 14th amendment as a way to preclude Trump from running. All it takes is a couple of far lefties to declare Trump incapable of running.
Since Joe did none of those illegal things that Putin told you he did, why are you still posting Russian propaganda here Rigby. Do you want everyone to know you're a Russian plant????

Does Putin talk to you?
Can you hear him right now?
Which crimes?

Real, actual crimes?

Or imaginary, made-up crimes Democrats commit that right-wing media has been telling their viewers for 30 years yet - surprise, surprise - no one ever goes to court for let alone convicted?

But keep on believing, suckers. You're making them rich!

I guess we could start with the crimes that he agreed to plead guilty to.
We're those made up?
Yep...after years of not doing anything about Hunter....you just want to move on.

Just like the time Hillary destroyed her phones and her server.
What difference at this point does it make.
I don’t. I want Hunter Biden’s pedo ,coke head ass in prison.
It's getting even worse, Democrats are floating the 14th amendment as a way to preclude Trump from running. All it takes is a couple of far lefties to declare Trump incapable of running.
Already happening.
All it takes is a lefty judge.
Mitch didn't start going downhill till the 2020 election.
Now he has to be led around by a nurse like Biden.
Dianne Feinstein has to be wheeled around and told when to vote yay or nay.
What happened after the 2020 to cause so many people to turn into vegetables?
The clot shot?
The evidence is obvious that Joe used others as the bagman, like Hunter.
The proof of monkey business is obvious.
And the criminal acts by Joe are also obvious.
It was illegal to threaten the Ukraine.
It was illegal to threaten to withhold congressional aid.
It was illegal to demand a civil servant like Shokin be fired.
It was illegal to not investigate Burisma Holdings,
It was illegal to support the Maidan coup.
It was illegal to impose economic sanctions on Russia.
It was illegal to violate treaties by arming the Ukraine.
It was illegal to try to prevent Russia from use of Sevastopol.

There is NO evidence whatsoever

None of your claims are accurate all of those actions were legal

And there was no fucking treeaty

There is NO evidence whatsoever

None of your claims are accurate all of those actions were legal

And there was no fucking treeaty
There is a video of Joe Biden bragging about bribing the Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating his son and the company where he sat on the board...Burisma. Joe did that by using the threat of withholding American aid $$$. While he was VP!!! He used our tax dollars and the good faith of the American people to get rid of Shokin the guy going after his son and probably about to expose all the corruption in Burisma which would have outed him and probably many other Democrat politicos including John Kerry.

But, Joe is pretty slimy, he did what all Marxies do....Blamed his target for the exact same thing he himself was doing!!! He said Shokin was the corrupt one!!
There is a video of Joe Biden bragging about bribing the Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating his son and the company where he sat on the board...Burisma. Joe did that by using the threat of withholding American aid $$$. While he was VP!!! He used our tax dollars and the good faith of the American people to get rid of Shokin the guy going after his son and probably about to expose all the corruption in Burisma which would have outed him and probably many other Democrat politicos including John Kerry.

But, Joe is pretty slimy, he did what all Marxies do....Blamed his target for the exact same thing he himself was doing!!! He said Shokin was the corrupt one!!
Great now link to the video
So, NO ONE has been charged with, or convicted of INSURRECTION but you insist on accusing them of insurrection.

Have you stopped trying to poison your gay lover yet??
I can see that you're confused. I didn't "accuse" anyone of insurrection. I referred to the event as The Insurrection.

I made that clear. I was specific. I really do try to keep things simple for you people, but I can only do so much.

Please try to calm down.
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They've been desperately trying to downplay and trivialize the Insurrection since before the violence was even over that day.

It won't work.
It was so highly organized they forgot to bring guns!
True enough. You have to have a plot like pressuring the VP as President of the Senate into trying an unconstitutional and illegal act by denying the certified votes from states that the President directed him too, based on no legal case but because of the months of unproven allegations coming from the Benedict Donald and his Company of budding fascist.

LOL…Trump wanted Pence to delay the certification amidst a slew of very shady election results. He didn’t want to stop the count and take control of the government forever. He was asking for a delay so the many anomalies could be investigated and some recounts could take place. That is quite different than attempting to take over the government, particularly when virtually any non-interested 3rd party(a person from Finland for example) that was paying attention would have had questions/concerns if they had watched the election results that night.
It's true, Trump cult traitors. If you just make up enough craycray stories, reality itself will shift, and all your corrupt traitor leaders will beat the rap!

Not really. But it's cute how Trump cult traitors actually think that's the case. They're going to be ranting lunatic conspiracies until the day they die, and then past that. When they're down in Hell, they'll be screaming how God was corrupted by the DeepState.


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