We are experiencing the biggest scandal in America's political history right now.

No, it was not the long-standing practice for any former President to have documents not approved by the Records Administration.
Name a President that hasn't taken documents with him when he left office, John! They've all done it and what they took has never had to be approved by the Records Administration! That's a flat out lie!
The documents and the information in them would be the property of a former President. That's been the long standing practice of other President's upon leaving office. They take personal papers with them. It's what EVERY President before Trump has done and none of them were ever subjected to a raid at their home!

I notice that you don't even want to talk about documents at Joe Biden's home and at his office at UPenn. Why is that, Marener?
And now you’re trying to evade the fact that you’re claiming they’re declassified because you didn’t understand what that means. It means the information on those documents are public, which risks national security.

Classified national security documents are not personal documents. That’s the height of stupidity. There’s nothing personal about military’s plan to invade Iran.
And now you’re trying to evade the fact that you’re claiming they’re declassified because you didn’t understand what that means. It means the information on those documents are public, which risks national security.

Classified national security documents are not personal documents. That’s the height of stupidity. There’s nothing personal about military’s plan to invade Iran.
Once again we return to the same legal issue, Marener! The President is the ultimate authority on what is and isn't classified. If Trump decided that those plans should be made public then he is well within his rights to do so. If you don't like that then take it to court and establish a new precedent!
Once again we return to the same legal issue, Marener! The President is the ultimate authority on what is and isn't classified. If Trump decided that those plans should be made public then he is well within his rights to do so. If you don't like that then take it to court and establish a new precedent!
Like I said, it’s arguably worse that he supposedly declassified hundreds of highly classified documents for no reason.

You support someone who has so little care for national security?

That being said, we don’t know if he declassified them or not and so the DoJ is going to treat them as classified. Therefore, Trump is being prosecuted for keeping them.
Like I said, it’s arguably worse that he supposedly declassified hundreds of highly classified documents for no reason.

You support someone who has so little care for national security?

That being said, we don’t know if he declassified them or not and so the DoJ is going to treat them as classified. Therefore, Trump is being prosecuted for keeping them.
Let's be honest here, Marener. We have absolutely zero idea just how "highly classified" any of those documents at Mar A Lago were! We're taking the word of high ranking people in the Justice Department who had an obvious axe to grind with Trump that is the case and Democrats like Adam Schiff who have been shown to be willing to lie about evidence time after time!

Once again. This is something that should have been hashed out in court just as it was with Bill Clinton. Sending a swat team to raid a former President's home is so far over the line that it borders on farce!

Again...why are you ignoring what Joe Biden did with classified documents?
Let's be honest here, Marener. We have absolutely zero idea just how "highly classified" any of those documents at Mar A Lago were! We're taking the word of high ranking people in the Justice Department who had an obvious axe to grind with Trump that is the case and Democrats like Adam Schiff who have been shown to be willing to lie about evidence time after time!

Once again. This is something that should have been hashed out in court just as it was with Bill Clinton. Sending a swat team to raid a former President's home is so far over the line that it borders on farce!

Again...why are you ignoring what Joe Biden did with classified documents?
Trump could tell us exactly what’s on them if he actually declassified them.

The DoJ takes classified documents pretty seriously. If he had merely complied with the subpoena, there would have been no search warrant.

Alas, Trump decided to play games with national security and so he gets to deal with the consequences.
Like I said, it’s arguably worse that he supposedly declassified hundreds of highly classified documents for no reason.

You support someone who has so little care for national security?

That being said, we don’t know if he declassified them or not and so the DoJ is going to treat them as classified. Therefore, Trump is being prosecuted for keeping them.
Imagine having the audacity to send your DOJ to raid the home of your biggest political rival for possessing classified documents when YOU have classified documents at your office and at your two homes dating all the way back to when you were just a Senator! That's literally what Joe Biden has done! He stood there in front of cameras and lectured pompously about how Trump was endangering national security when he KNEW that he'd done the exact same thing FOR DECADES!
Imagine having the audacity to send your DOJ to raid the home of your biggest political rival for possessing classified documents when YOU have classified documents at your office and at your two homes dating all the way back to when you were just a Senator! That's literally what Joe Biden has done! He stood there in front of cameras and lectured pompously about how Trump was endangering national security when he KNEW that he'd done the exact same thing FOR DECADES!
Biden had nothing to do with the search warrant.

It’s absolutely not what happened.

The DoJ was doing exactly what it was supposed to do and protected national security by recovering highly classified documents from someone who had taken them and illegally hid them from the government.
Trump could tell us exactly what’s on them if he actually declassified them.

The DoJ takes classified documents pretty seriously. If he had merely complied with the subpoena, there would have been no search warrant.

Alas, Trump decided to play games with national security and so he gets to deal with the consequences.
Funny how the DOJ didn't seem to take the classified documents at Joe Biden's homes and office all that seriously, Marener! They just had Biden's attorney's give it a once over and didn't even bother to accompany them! So one guy gets a Swat raid...the other guy just gets a courtesy call on the phone? Seriously?
Biden had nothing to do with the search warrant.

It’s absolutely not what happened.

The DoJ was doing exactly what it was supposed to do and protected national security by recovering highly classified documents from someone who had taken them and illegally hid them from the government.
You don't think that a sitting President of the United States would have known that his DOJ was about to send a Swat team to raid the home of a former President who is his biggest political rival? Come on, Marener...don't embarrass yourself!
Funny how the DOJ didn't seem to take the classified documents at Joe Biden's homes and office all that seriously, Marener! They just had Biden's attorney's give it a once over and didn't even bother to accompany them! So one guy gets a Swat raid...the other guy just gets a courtesy call on the phone? Seriously?
Trump was given the exact same opportunity to have his lawyers go over his home to find and return the documents.

Trump decided to play games and illegally keep documents from the DoJ, which he definitely knew was illegal.
You don't think that a sitting President of the United States would have known that his DOJ was about to send a Swat team to raid the home of a former President who is his biggest political rival? Come on, Marener...don't embarrass yourself!
The DoJ has no reason to tell Biden and every reason not to tell him.

Dont make shit up, it’s embarrassing.
Kudlow is a hardcore right wing partisan ideologue.

A former President trying to overthrow a free and fair election, using his own manipulated rubes to attack our nation's Capitol during the constitutional peaceful transfer of presidential power on a lie, dwarfs this to an absurd degree. And the history books will certainly reflect that.

Why is Kudlow even allowed to spew this hate speech? Right Komrade? He's in NYM Gov Hochul needs to silence him!
Trump was given the exact same opportunity to have his lawyers go over his home to find and return the documents.

Trump decided to play games and illegally keep documents from the DoJ, which he definitely knew was illegal.
Trump asking for the same rights as Presidents before him isn't playing games, Marener. Why would it be illegal? It wasn't illegal when Bill Clinton did it. Would you like me to quote the judge's opinion on that?
Trump asking for the same rights as Presidents before him isn't playing games, Marener. Why would it be illegal? It wasn't illegal when Bill Clinton did it. Would you like me to quote the judge's opinion on that?
No president has the right to defy a grand jury subpoena and hide documents from the DoJ, which is what Trump did even though his lawyers told him it was illegal. Trump didn’t ask for anything. He decided on his own to hide the documents.

He could have avoided getting his house searched if he had just followed the law.
Name a President that hasn't taken documents with him when he left office, John! They've all done it and what they took has never had to be approved by the Records Administration! That's a flat out lie!
You are now acting like a know-nothing muttering nut job, which you are not.

Yes, they have to be approved the RA.

No, he would not give them back.
You are now acting like a know-nothing muttering nut job, which you are not.

Yes, they have to be approved the RA.

No, he would not give them back.
The 2012 case arose when the organization Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit seeking Clinton’s documents pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act. Litigation ensued to pressure the National Archives into retrieving the materials. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson ruled that control over presidential records rests squarely in the hands of a former president:

“The National Archives does not have the authority to designate materials as ‘presidential records.’ It lacks any right, duty, or means to seize control of them.”

The judge adopted the very argument made in court by the Justice Department:

“(Seizing the records) is an ‘extraordinary request’ that is ‘unfounded, contrary to the Presidential Records Act’s express terms, and contrary to the traditional principles of administrative law’.”
No president has the right to defy a grand jury subpoena and hide documents from the DoJ, which is what Trump did even though his lawyers told him it was illegal. Trump didn’t ask for anything. He decided on his own to hide the documents.

He could have avoided getting his house searched if he had just followed the law.
The 2012 case arose when the organization Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit seeking Clinton’s documents pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act. Litigation ensued to pressure the National Archives into retrieving the materials. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson ruled that control over presidential records rests squarely in the hands of a former president:

“The National Archives does not have the authority to designate materials as ‘presidential records.’ It lacks any right, duty, or means to seize control of them.”

The judge adopted the very argument made in court by the Justice Department:

“(Seizing the records) is an ‘extraordinary request’ that is ‘unfounded, contrary to the Presidential Records Act’s express terms, and contrary to the traditional principles of administrative law’.”
Are we following THAT precedent, Marener?

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