"We are f***ed": Democrats despair over Biden debate performance

I previously thought Biden would remove himself from the race sometime between the Republican and Democrat conventions. I didn't watch last night but seeing reaction to Biden's performance I now doubt they can wait that long as campaign donations are sure to dry up.
Biden didn’t fail on policy tonight. he simply failed to be as young as he was in January at the State of the Union. Trump didn’t win the debate on policy and facts because that is not the “buzz” in your beloved news media right now..
No. No one is bringing up facts and the reality that Trump has to lie to be able to speak.So you are celebrating that Biden’s age should force him to resign not his policy. How does a serial liar unfit to be president convicted felon do against Biden’s policy if the policy is handed off to a forty something successor?

Next up - cuz you know the Deep State hates you Trumpers and if Biden can’t beat you they will install someone who can if you keep running old old old, and Putin friendly, anti woman Trump
So tell me when the DNC replaces Biden are you going to be upset? Dude Biden was a disappointment I had wished he would have done a little better. Now your controllers in the cult are panicking.
Biden didn’t fail on policy tonight. he simply failed to be as young as he was in January at the State of the Union. Trump didn’t win the debate on policy and facts because that is not the “buzz” in your beloved news media right now..
They didn't get Biden's meds right for this one! At the State of the Union he was so wired he was almost foaming at the mouth. This time he was almost catatonic at times.
So tell me when the DNC replaces Biden are you going to be upset?
Biden can’t be replaced. He is an American hero for defeating Trump for which a grateful nation shall never be forgotten. Getting old is not failure, so we’ll see what Joe decides.

I believe Biden will retire from the extraordinary great job he has done in a way that benefits the people he has served by making sure Trump goes down so hard that he cuts the head off of the MAGA snake and watch the Republican writhing in the pain they deserve for trying to ruin the Great American experiment in self-government.
The only real comparison is to Trump’s 3 1/2 years which sucked.

So there’s that reality.
Reality is that Trump's pre-covid Budget was $4T, Biden's 2024 Budget is $7.3T

Reality is that US families lost $1,000 a month in buying power due to Biden's inflation

Trump's term was way better than Biden's especially his open borders and his letting into the US 100,000 Chinese, 50,000 Russians, thousands of criminals and terrorists including ISIS.

The democrat's lies were exposed last night.
Biden can’t be replaced. He is an American hero for defeating Trump for which a grateful nation shall never be forgotten. Getting old is not failure, so we’ll see what Joe decides.

I believe Biden will retire from the extraordinary great job he has done in a way that benefits the people he has served by making sure Trump goes down so hard that he cuts the head off of the MAGA snake and watch the Republican writhing in the pain they deserve for trying to ruin the Great American experiment in self-government.
Joe Biden is senile. No other way to put it. He's obviously not running the country. Claiming that a figurehead like him can't be replaced is laughable. He's literally the most replaceable President we've EVER had! The question is...who do you replace him with? Kamala can't handle being Vice President let alone President. Hillary is a no go. Gavin Newsome's record with California is undefendable. Gretchen Whitmere? She barely won reelection in her home State! Bernie? He's as old news as Hillary! So who do the Dems run now that it's obvious that Joe isn't up to the job NOW let alone years from now?
He's obviously not running the country
That is not true. You are obviously a liar. If you read a transcript of the debate last night, Biden would sound very competent based on the facts and Trump would sound like a rambling idiot. Specially, if you put parenthesis everything that would’ve been fact checked.

The problem we Biden supporters have was not that he was senile and coherent. It was that Trump put up so many puffballs and Biden didn’t even take a swing at many of them.

Trump sit on the stage last night that he had talked to Vladimir Putin after Putin invaded Ukraine. Trump said his good buddy Vlad Call him that it was his dream to invade Ukraine. That puts the lie to those who say the west Europe and NATO caused the war in Ukraine.

And what else did Putin and Trump talk about and that cozy conversation talking about their dreams. Is Alaska next if Trump gets elected
This is one for the books! I've seen that look before..:abgg2q.jpg:

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