"We are f***ed": Democrats despair over Biden debate performance

I didn't watch the debate, but I do watch news here in Canada. When the blatantly left of center CBC starts talking about a Democratic push for Biden's withdrawal because his performance was so bad, he must have had some kind of terrible night. Do I think for one second it will actually happen? No.

CTV which tends to be more conservative didn't spend as much time on the idea, but that network, too, agreed he really had a bad debate. It'll definitely change the minds of swing voters in several states.
I didn't watch the debate, but I do watch news here in Canada. When the blatantly left of center CBC starts talking about a Democratic push for Biden's withdrawal because his performance was so bad, he must have had some kind of terrible night. Do I think for one second it will actually happen? No.

CTV which tends to be more conservative didn't spend as much time on the idea, but that network, too, agreed he really had a bad debate. It'll definitely change the minds of swing voters in several states.

You realize nobody cares what anyone in or from Canada thinks, right?
Trump said Ukraine is losing and he says he will end the war before he takes office.

If True Trump just signaled Putin’s evil will win if evil Trump get’s another term.
Nobody cares about Ukraine. It's none of our business, despite what your indoctrination masters tell you.

I liked how the BBC described the debate in their second paragraph -

The president came into the debate with a low bar to clear, and he stumbled. He was flat. He was rambling. He was unclear.

Basically, Joe set himself a low standard and he failed to achieve it, classic.
I was hoping Biden would have done a little better. To give leftists a false sense of winning. Joe is out more than likely will be removed
I was hoping Biden would have done a little better.
You should. What if someone forty years younger then Trump gets to run on Biden’s accomplishments and the reality that Trump took credit for overturning Roe v Wade but now wants his Christian culture war voters to believe it’s ok to kill baby fetus if the voters in states decide that it is ok. Trumo mentioned Ohio and Kansas as the kind of baby killing success he is for.
You should. What if someone forty years younger then Trump gets to run on Biden’s accomplishments and the reality that Trump took credit for overturning Roe v Wade but now wants his Christian culture war voters to believe it’s ok to kill baby fetus if the voters in states decide that it is ok. Trumo mentioned Ohio and Kansas as the kind of baby killing success he is for.
Only unhinged leftists care about abortion. It's your go to deflection away from biden's failure
So you agree Biden flopped loaded with lies
No. No one is bringing up facts and the reality that Trump has to lie to be able to speak.So you are celebrating that Biden’s age should force him to resign not his policy. How does a serial liar unfit to be president convicted felon do against Biden’s policy if the policy is handed off to a forty something successor?

Next up - cuz you know the Deep State hates you Trumpers and if Biden can’t beat you they will install someone who can if you keep running old old old, and Putin friendly, anti woman Trump
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Only unhinged leftists care about abortion. It's your go to deflection away from biden's failure
Biden didn’t fail on policy tonight. he simply failed to be as young as he was in January at the State of the Union. Trump didn’t win the debate on policy and facts because that is not the “buzz” in your beloved news media right now..
Biden’s been mentally incompetent for the past 5 yrs. but I’m not the least bit surprised that Democrats didn’t catch on until now.

It’s a shame that Democrats are sooOo slow to catch on.
Not really the point. The US is hardly democratic, a vote for most people means nothing, in reality.

I come on here and I push Proportional Representation because I feel it's the only way of changing the shitshow that is the Repocrats control on the US electoral system
But, Who are you going to vote for - a Democrat for President or a Republican? politics is real simple right now if you are in the working class.
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