"We are f***ed": Democrats despair over Biden debate performance

That is not true. You are obviously a liar. If you read a transcript of the debate last night, Biden would sound very competent based on the facts and Trump would sound like a rambling idiot. Specially, if you put parenthesis everything that would’ve been fact checked.

The problem we Biden supporters have was not that he was senile and coherent. It was that Trump put up so many puffballs and Biden didn’t even take a swing at many of them.

Trump sit on the stage last night that he had talked to Vladimir Putin after Putin invaded Ukraine. Trump said his good buddy Vlad Call him that it was his dream to invade Ukraine. That puts the lie to those who say the west Europe and NATO caused the war in Ukraine.

And what else did Putin and Trump talk about and that cozy conversation talking about their dreams. Is Alaska next if Trump gets elected
Putin didn't invade anyone while Trump was President...he invaded Ukraine while Biden as President. You can spin that all you want but that FACT isn't going to change!

It's stuff like this that is ending Joe Biden and Democrats in general.
Biden can’t be replaced. He is an American hero for defeating Trump for which a grateful nation shall never be forgotten. Getting old is not failure, so we’ll see what Joe decides.

I believe Biden will retire from the extraordinary great job he has done in a way that benefits the people he has served by making sure Trump goes down so hard that he cuts the head off of the MAGA snake and watch the Republican writhing in the pain they deserve for trying to ruin the Great American experiment in self-government.
The DNC has super delegates that's how Hillary stole the nomination from sanders
Now they know how border towns feel. The gaslighting for 4 years is disgusting.

I might listen to the Talking Heads at MSNBC just to see how they twist this. Apparently his team said that Biden has a cold, FYI American voters, it isn't as it seems.

Democrats are despairing over President Joe Biden’s debate performance Thursday night, a showing so halting some even privately raised questions about whether he should remain the party’s nominee.

Biden appeared onstage with a soft, halting voice and an open-mouthed, staring look. He struggled to finish thoughts at points, and ceded ground on issues like abortion where Democrats have an edge.

It took just minutes for Democrats to realize how bad it was becoming.

“Biden looks and sounds terrible. He’s incoherent,” one Democrat who spent time working in the Biden administration said.

“Horrific,” said another Democratic operative.

And one Democrat who’s worked on campaigns up and down the ballot said simply: “We are f***ed.”

The looming question as the debate came to a close was almost existential: Should someone else top the Democratic ticket?

“It’s hard to argue that Biden should be our nominee,” said an operative who’s worked on campaigns at all levels for over a decade.

This debate was historic for many reasons, but not least because it is taking place before each man is formally nominated at their respective conventions. The Democratic National Convention is set to convene August 19 in Chicago.

Democrats have spent much of the past year handwringing about Biden’s chances of beating Trump in an election many view as an existential one that will decide the very survival of American democracy. But Biden himself was determined to be the one to take on Trump, at one point even saying directly: “If Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running.”

No serious Democratic challengers stepped up to run against Biden, and at this point in the campaign he’d have to decide to step aside if Democrats were to pick another nominee. If Biden did withdraw, the Democratic nomination would be decided on the floor.

Democrats were even talking about who it might be instead: “If I was Gavin (Newsom) or Gretchen (Whitmer), I’d be making calls tonight,” one said.
MSNBC is twisting this to say that while Biden definitely lost, Trump didn't win. That's the best they could come up with.
Putin didn't invade anyone while Trump was President….
MSNBC is twisting this to say that while Biden definitely lost, Trump didn't win. That's the best they could come up with.
What could Trump and Putin win last night. Trump admitted he has talked to Putin after Putin invaded Ukraine where Putin shared with our Putin Poodle that he has always “dreamed” of taking over Ukraine. The phone sex genocide call was also after Biden shattered that dream big time - Biden pointed the latter out last night very lucidly, but he should have jumped on the Trump/Putin phone sex instantly. It’s not a batter of mental functionality / It’s a matter of sustained sharpness for ninety minutes in a high stakes presidential debate.

Trump has no sharpness just rote. / repeating the same set of lies over and over. Blaming everything on Democrat border policy and the invasion of non-white filth as Trump calls them when the vast majority are human beings in need.
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Now they know how border towns feel. The gaslighting for 4 years is disgusting.

I might listen to the Talking Heads at MSNBC just to see how they twist this. Apparently his team said that Biden has a cold, FYI American voters, it isn't as it seems.

Democrats are despairing over President Joe Biden’s debate performance Thursday night, a showing so halting some even privately raised questions about whether he should remain the party’s nominee.

Biden appeared onstage with a soft, halting voice and an open-mouthed, staring look. He struggled to finish thoughts at points, and ceded ground on issues like abortion where Democrats have an edge.

It took just minutes for Democrats to realize how bad it was becoming.

“Biden looks and sounds terrible. He’s incoherent,” one Democrat who spent time working in the Biden administration said.

“Horrific,” said another Democratic operative.

And one Democrat who’s worked on campaigns up and down the ballot said simply: “We are f***ed.”

The looming question as the debate came to a close was almost existential: Should someone else top the Democratic ticket?

“It’s hard to argue that Biden should be our nominee,” said an operative who’s worked on campaigns at all levels for over a decade.

This debate was historic for many reasons, but not least because it is taking place before each man is formally nominated at their respective conventions. The Democratic National Convention is set to convene August 19 in Chicago.

Democrats have spent much of the past year handwringing about Biden’s chances of beating Trump in an election many view as an existential one that will decide the very survival of American democracy. But Biden himself was determined to be the one to take on Trump, at one point even saying directly: “If Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running.”

No serious Democratic challengers stepped up to run against Biden, and at this point in the campaign he’d have to decide to step aside if Democrats were to pick another nominee. If Biden did withdraw, the Democratic nomination would be decided on the floor.

Democrats were even talking about who it might be instead: “If I was Gavin (Newsom) or Gretchen (Whitmer), I’d be making calls tonight,” one said.
This was my favorite quote of the day...

Desperate times call for desperate measures. The top democrat donors need to have the talk with Biden
Did Joe get senile over night...
Joe was not senile last night. He had command of the facts way more than Trump. The problem was that Joe couldn’t organize the facts in 90 seconds in an improvisational high pressure presidential debate to take Trump out when he was given the layup, it’s a aging problem where the nation needs to be saved from the existential threat from Trump and his league of loyal liars
He did not try to overturn it, he challenged it. And had every right to do so.

He said exactly that the election would be overturned on January 6, 2021. He said he was going to come out of the procedure on that day if Mike Pence did the right thing.

He told his followers and the angry mob that day that they would be the winners. Of course Trump is a dumbass and he didn’t get Mike Pence lined up before engaging in a criminal conspiracy to overturn the election in seven states were many of his co-conspirators have been indicted and many have pled guilty.

You shouldn’t be able to lie your way out of this one, but you know Trump voters do not exist without lies.
Democrats are despairing over President Joe Biden’s debate performance Thursday night,

In post debate fundraising terms - sore throat Joe beat obnoxious liar Don by $6 million

Fox: New fundraising numbers after last nights debate show last night's showdown between President Biden and Donald Trump. Trump raised $8 million, while the Biden campaign out-raised them at $14 million," wrote @bidenharrishq.​
In post debate fundraising terms - sore throat Joe beat obnoxious liar Don by $6 million

Fox: New fundraising numbers after last nights debate show last night's showdown between President Biden and Donald Trump. Trump raised $8 million, while the Biden campaign out-raised them at $14 million," wrote @bidenharrishq.​
Ok, so he can't keep that money in the GE if he drops out.

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