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We are in a Holy War ! like it or not 's its the truth !

Apparently, you do not understand the concept of bell shaped curves. The cited opinion of a leader among atheists shows that there are atheists that do not share the live and let live philosophy espoused by yourself. You appeared to be on the opposite side of the bell shaped curve that applies to the degree to which atheists promote their beliefs. That is all.

Right, but your argument relied on the other extreme end of the bell curve, not the majority. If you can summarily dismiss my live and let live view as not applicable because of the bell curve, then you should also dismiss the other far end of it (the radical view)
I did not dismiss your view at all. I applaud your view. Stay among the non-activist atheists and leave your religious friends to their beliefs.

...and just for your edification, I did not imply that you are at the extreme end of the curve. Nor did I imply that the cited activist atheist was at the extreme opposite end...just that you are each on opposite sides on the hump.
A bell shaped curve can be applied to any large sample...concerning any one characteristic of objects being sampled. That you are not among the cry babies within the sampling of atheists does not mean they do not exist.

You seem able to live and let live.

Here is just one example of those whom I consider cry babies...insecure proponents of atheism.

Rules for Atheist Radicals - Ideas Tactics for Atheist Activism Politics - Saul Alinsky s Rules for Radicals Can Teach a lot to Atheist Activists

Wait, wait, wait... Did you really just argue bell curve application then provide the opinion of one atheists opinion on how to be a radical?
Apparently, you do not understand the concept of bell shaped curves. The cited opinion of a leader among atheists shows that there are atheists that do not share the live-and-let live philosophy espoused by yourself. You appeared to be on the opposite side of the bell shaped curve that applies to the degree to which atheists promote their beliefs. That is all.

We don't have leaders. We're atheists. I've never even heard of that guy.
many on the left will not admit or accept this but it is true ! Islam has declared war on Christians and Jews all over the world ! and it is not just the so called radicals that are waging this war ! they get much of their support and funding from so called no radicle tolerant Mosque's Muslims,and Islamic countries ! we can only win by declaring war on Islam !

Move this shit to conspiracy theory.

There is no Holy War. We are a Nation of many religious and spiritual beliefs.

Islamic fundamentalists have been at war against the West for decades or longer!

Hell, since the beginning of Islam, technically.
Last edited:
I did not dismiss your view at all. I applaud your view. Stay among the non-activist atheists and leave your religious friends to their beliefs.

...and just for your edification, I did not imply that you are at the extreme end of the curve. Nor did I imply that the cited activist atheist was at the extreme opposite end...just that you are each on opposite sides on the hump.

You seem to have changed your position... Or perhaps you've simply decided to qualify it with the "activist" part after the fact. Which is admissible I suppose, though I'd argue that since not one of my many atheist friends are activists either, I'm not sure where that puts the [radical] 'activist' end of the curve. Perhaps some actual evidence of such activist views would help me understand your anger.

Technically less, since atheism is the only one that doesn't project an ideology...
Let's face it, nobody ever went into war "with non-God on our side".

To which you responded:

Negative! The overly-sensitive atheists are "at war" with religion and the public display of religious symbols. They are insecure and seek agreement in their ridiculous posit that there is no higher being. Atheists are cry babies seeking comfort and confirmation from the general public for their unconfirmed disbelief, often depending upon sheer ridicule to convince others that religion is phony.

We have little trouble showing evidence that God exists, you atheists cannot prove that God does not exist.

Even Einstein said there must be God.

There have been numerous well known atheists that recanted on their death beds...just in case.

If atheists would just shut the fuck up and quit trying to proselytize for the cause, those people practicing various religions would respect them more. As it is, you're just a bunch of goddamned babies crying because someone else relishes something that you don't really want.

It doesn't take a brilliant mind to figure you people out.

I replied and requested evidence of your presumed atheist crybaby accusation:

Huh? I consider myself an Atheist. I think organized religion is nothing more than a method to control people who have an innate need to be guided.

That said, I've never once gave a shit about the display of religious symbols or who folks who want to believe in God/Gods. At most I just see folks getting fleeced by their churches, but that's their right and faith to do so.

Could you provide some basis for this claim about other atheists 'crying' cause I honestly can't say I've heard anything about this matter. Except 'maybe' the pledge of allegiance at schools, but that's a bit of a stretch cause it was my understanding the angst was actually more about that was schools suspending kids because they don't want to say it (aka kids being forced into pledging something they don't actually believe in.)

You have responded to my request for some basis for your crybaby atheist view with an opinion piece about radical atheists, while dismissing my 'live and let live' viewpoint essentially as 'not the norm' for atheists. I argue that your narrow opinion of atheists as cry babies is also not the norm.

I did a bit more searching on your source there (cause I'm curious about everything) and I found a few more pieces, by the same guy you sourced, which you might want to read:

Is Atheism an Ism Atheism is No Religion Philosophy Ideology Belief System

When people talk about "isms," they are referring to some "distinctive doctrine, theory, system, or practice" like liberalism, communism, conservatism, or pacifism. Atheism has the suffix "ism," so it belongs in this group, right? Wrong: the suffix "ism" also means a "state, condition, attribute, or quality" like pauperism, astigmatism, heroism, anachronism, or metabolism. Is astigmatism a theory? Is metabolism a doctrine? Is anachronism a practice? Not every word that ends in "ism" is a system of beliefs or an "ism" in the way people usually mean it. Failure to realize this can be behind other errors here.


Atheism is Not an Ideology:
An ideology is any "body of doctrine, myth, belief, etc., that guides an individual, social movement, institution, class, or large group." There are two key elements necessary for an ideology: it must be a group of ideas or beliefs and this group must provide guidance. Neither is true of atheism. First, atheism is by itself just the absence of belief in gods; it's not even a single belief, much less a body of beliefs. Second, atheism by itself offers no guidance on moral, social, or political matters. Atheism, like theism, can be part of an ideology, but neither can be an ideology by themselves.

Atheism is Not a Philosophy:
A person's philosophy is their "system of principles for guidance in practical affairs." Like ideology, a philosophy comprises of two key elements: it must be a group of beliefs and it must provide guidance. Atheism is not a philosophy for the same reason that it is not an ideology: it's not even a single belief, much less a system of interconnected beliefs, and by itself atheism does not guide anyone anywhere. The same would be true if we defined atheism narrowly as denial of the existence of gods: that single belief is not a system of principles. As with ideology, atheism can be part of a philosophy.

Atheism is Not a Belief System:
A belief system is a "faith based on a series of beliefs but not formalized into a religion; also, a fixed coherent set of beliefs prevalent in a community or society." This is simpler than an ideology or philosophy because it's just a group of beliefs; they don't have to be interconnected and they don't have to provide guidance. This still doesn't describe atheism; even if we narrowed atheism to denying the existence of gods, that's still just one belief and a single belief is not a set of beliefs. Theism is also a single belief that is not a belief system. Both theism and atheism are part of belief systems, though.

Atheism is Not a Creed:
A creed is a "system, doctrine, or formula of religious belief, as of a denomination" or "any system or codification of belief or of opinion." Atheism is not a creed in the first sense for the same reasons it's not an ideology or philosophy, with the additional factor that that it has nothing inherently to do with religious belief. There are no atheist "denominations" and even narrowly defined it is not a religious formula. Atheism might appear as part of someone's creed in the second sense because a person might codify their positions, including atheism. Otherwise, though, atheism has nothing to do with creeds.

Atheism is Not a World View:
A world view is a "a comprehensive conception or image of the universe and of humanity's relation to it." This comes a little bit closer to atheism than anything thus far. Although atheism by itself does not offer any guidance on how to conceive of the universe and humanity's relation to it, it does exclude certain options — namely, those centered around some god. Excluding certain types of world views as options does not, however, qualify as a world view itself; at most, it might be part of a world view. Atheism is certainly not comprehensive in anything it might have to say, not even if defined narrowly.

Also this one from the same site (which appears to be this guy Austin Cline's personal about.com page) It doesn't specifically cite that he wrote it:

Do All Atheists Believe the Same Things Follow the Same Philosophies

Do All Atheists Believe the Same Things? Follow the Same Philosophies?
Atheists believe many different things, and they believe in different things as well, but there is a popular misconception among religious theists that all atheists hold certain political, philosophical, or social views in common. This is a mistake because atheism is nothing more or less than the absence of belief in gods; what atheists go on to believe or deny is entirely up to them. No two atheists may share in common anything more than disbelief in gods.

Therefore I argue that, no, atheists as a whole are NOT a) "[theists are] "at war" with religion and the public display of religious symbols." b) "[Atheists are] cry babies seeking comfort and confirmation from the general public for their unconfirmed disbelief, often depending upon sheer ridicule to convince others that religion is phony." and c) "[If atheists would just shut the fuck up and quit trying to proselytize for the cause, those people practicing various religions would respect them more. As it is, you're] just a bunch of goddamned babies crying because someone else relishes something that you don't really want."

Don't you find your comments a bit ironic? Not to insult you, but it seems to me that you were quite mistaken when you proclaimed, "It doesn't take a brilliant mind to figure you people out." If you were basing your hostility toward atheists on that single post by this Austin Cline guy, then you are going off half cocked over something you do not understand which makes you just as guilty as the people you profess to be angry with.

That said, I am open to more evidence to support your claims as factual. I have no real skin in a fight here because I am secure in my... non-belief, I suppose in this case.
We are in a Holy War ! like it or not 's its the truth !

No, we're not - the notion is idiocy.

You and others on the right are doing exactly what the terrorists want: panicking and overreacting.

I've never seen a bigger bunch of chicken shits in all my life! I guess fear sells.

It also gets them motivated to vote...


More of the inane rightwing 'gloom and doom' misery offensive.
Of course we're in a holy war. Whether we like it or not. Muslims are in a holy war against us. By default we are dragged into a holy war with them. AS WELL as a race war within our own borders.
Another nitwit from the right doing what the terrorists want.

You're obviously too stupid to understand that terrorists exploit your ignorance and hate, they use it to justify their criminal acts of terrorism, and recruit terrorists to their ranks.

Well done.
Of course we're in a holy war. Whether we like it or not. Muslims are in a holy war against us. By default we are dragged into a holy war with them. AS WELL as a race war within our own borders.
Another nitwit from the right doing what the terrorists want.

You're obviously too stupid to understand that terrorists exploit your ignorance and hate, they use it to justify their criminal acts of terrorism, and recruit terrorists to their ranks.

Well done.

Hey Ajole,

Why not explain what we SHOULD do, in your humble opinion?

Either you HAVE no answers.

Or, you know your answers are teh shitz.


Therefore I argue that, no, atheists as a whole are NOT a) "[theists are] "at war" with religion and the public display of religious symbols." b) "[Atheists are] cry babies seeking comfort and confirmation from the general public for their unconfirmed disbelief, often depending upon sheer ridicule to convince others that religion is phony." and c) "[If atheists would just shut the fuck up and quit trying to proselytize for the cause, those people practicing various religions would respect them more. As it is, you're] just a bunch of goddamned babies crying because someone else relishes something that you don't really want."

Don't you find your comments a bit ironic? Not to insult you, but it seems to me that you were quite mistaken when you proclaimed, "It doesn't take a brilliant mind to figure you people out." If you were basing your hostility toward atheists on that single post by this Austin Cline guy, then you are going off half cocked over something you do not understand which makes you just as guilty as the people you profess to be angry with.

That said, I am open to more evidence to support your claims as factual. I have no real skin in a fight here because I am secure in my... non-belief, I suppose in this case.
We've already hijacked this thread aimed at the war against radical terrorism by conversing repeatedly about the war between atheists and believers.

I do not intend to research the configuration of the bell shaped curve regarding atheist activism. I have no doubt that it exists. Here is a partial list of known atheist activists.

List of atheist activists and educators - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
for your reading pleasure.

I'm not aware of the ratio of atheists to believers, but I suspect that if atheists number in the millions, believers number in the billions.

I am not angry at you or the activist side of atheism...just saying that there is no justification for the atheist activism. I commend you for having the sense to know this...and I suspect that you have some believers on your list of friends.
The operative word here is eradicate!

Kill :Boom2:All radical Muslims...and their children!

....and their children!
Now there's an idea straight out of the Old Testament, no namby pamby Christ-on-the-cross forgiveness shit for you eh? I'm sure Yahweh would approve. Too bad for you, he seems to have left the building, for a few thousand years.

And as luck would have it those who are actually sane don't share your simple-minded video game mentality.
Having failed with their inane 'holy war' nonsense, nitwits on the right have trotted out the ridiculous 'atheism is religion' lie.

The operative word here is eradicate!

Kill :Boom2:All radical Muslims...and their children!

....and their children!
Now there's an idea straight out of the Old Testament, no namby pamby Christ-on-the-cross forgiveness shit for you eh? I'm sure Yahweh would approve. Too bad for you, he seems to have left the building, for a few thousand years.

And as luck would have it those who are actually sane don't share your simple-minded video game mentality.
If you've seen the videos of the terrorists children in training, proudly proclaiming that they are to be suicide bombers when they grow up, you might agree that they need to be killed also. The only way to rid yourself of the threat of being killed by a jihadist is to kill him first regardless of his age. If that sounds insane to you, so be it. You would be insane to think that you can change their minds.

I would relate to you some true experiences of some real snipers but you're hardly worth the effort.
Having failed with their inane 'holy war' nonsense, nitwits on the right have trotted out the ridiculous 'atheism is religion' lie.

What failure? What lie? I just got through saying we shouldn't have hijacked this thread about the war against radical Islam. The diversion was not intended...just happened.

..and atheism is just a religion without a god.
Well, if we are in a holy war, then I guess that I am excused, since I am an atheist, and don't believe in "holiness".

I wish it had been this easy in Vietnam....
many on the left will not admit or accept this but it is true ! Islam has declared war on Christians and Jews all over the world ! and it is not just the so called radicals that are waging this war ! they get much of their support and funding from so called no radical tolerant Mosque's Muslims,and Islamic countries ! we can only win by declaring war on Islam !
Back to the OP....

This is true.

Here's an article from 2002.
At War With Whom A short history of radical Islam Middle East Forum

the link said:
At War With Whom?A short history of radical Islam

by Jonathan Schanzer
Spring 2002


To its credit, the Bush administration has made all the right moves so far. For the moment, radical Islam appears to be beating a retreat. But the battle is not yet won. The roots of militant Islam run deep and may take many years to eradicate. Accordingly, this country must prepare itself for future confrontations. More importantly, Americans must understand that this is not a war on terrorism. Indeed, terrorism is only a tactic. This struggle is against a radical, utopian ideology and those who carry out violence in its name.

The operative word here is eradicate!

Kill :Boom2:All radical Muslims...and their children!

You actually posted that?
Are you drunk?
Having failed with their inane 'holy war' nonsense, nitwits on the right have trotted out the ridiculous 'atheism is religion' lie.

What failure? What lie? I just got through saying we shouldn't have hijacked this thread about the war against radical Islam. The diversion was not intended...just happened.

..and atheism is just a religion without a god.

Yuh huh. In the same sense that a lake is just a mountain without dirt.
Negative! The overly-sensitive atheists are "at war" with religion and the public display of religious symbols. They are insecure and seek agreement in their ridiculous posit that there is no higher being. Atheists are cry babies seeking comfort and confirmation from the general public for their unconfirmed disbelief, often depending upon sheer ridicule to convince others that religion is phony.

We have little trouble showing evidence that God exists, you atheists cannot prove that God does not exist.

Even Einstein said there must be God.

There have been numerous well known atheists that recanted on their death beds...just in case.

If atheists would just shut the fuck up and quit trying to proselytize for the cause, those people practicing various religions would respect them more. As it is, you're just a bunch of goddamned babies crying because someone else relishes something that you don't really want.

It doesn't take a brilliant mind to figure you people out.

Huh? I consider myself an Atheist. I think organized religion is nothing more than a method to control people who have an innate need to be guided.

That said, I've never once gave a shit about the display of religious symbols or who folks who want to believe in God/Gods. At most I just see folks getting fleeced by their churches, but that's their right and faith to do so.

Could you provide some basis for this claim about other atheists 'crying' cause I honestly can't say I've heard anything about this matter. Except 'maybe' the pledge of allegiance at schools, but that's a bit of a stretch cause it was my understanding the angst was actually more about that was schools suspending kids because they don't want to say it (aka kids being forced into pledging something they don't actually believe in.)
A bell shaped curve can be applied to any large sample...concerning any one characteristic of objects being sampled. That you are not among the cry babies within the sampling of atheists does not mean they do not exist.

You seem able to live and let live.

Here is just one example of those whom I consider cry babies...insecure proponents of atheism.

Rules for Atheist Radicals - Ideas Tactics for Atheist Activism Politics - Saul Alinsky s Rules for Radicals Can Teach a lot to Atheist Activists

the link said:

6. Use Ridicule and Mockery
"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."
The tactic that people seem to complain most about is also one that can be most effective... if used well. First, satirists have known for centuries that humor, satire, and mockery can cut through a lot of BS and reveal truths that would otherwise be covered over by needlessly complex arguments. Getting your message across quickly and simply counts for a lot. Second, the more you encourage people to laugh derisively at some organization or institution, the less they will take it seriously. This will reduce that group's social, political, and cultural power over time. Third, it's difficult to effectively counter ridicule. It's not amenable to logical counter-arguments. Finally, ridicule might make your opponent lose their cool, scoring you sympathy points in the court of public opinion. Key in all of this, though, is that the ridicule be done well. Poorly executed, it will backfire (and that's admittedly a risk even under the best of circumstances).


Read the whole article.

Any claim that there is no organized war on religion being waged by atheists can be easily debunked.

Common tactics and goals of atheism Sun Shield

the link above said:
Common tactics and goals of atheism
August 15, 2012 / Harry A. Gaylord

It’s good for us to know some basic atheist tactics and goals to prepare ourselves in the war they rage against us. Here are a few:

Lie & deny. In July, Janet Parshall spoke with William Murray, son of the late atheist Madelyn Murray O’hair who is now a Christian. In that broadcast, Murray said his mom taught him growing up that it was okay to lie whenever a lie served to further their atheist cause. So never assume an atheist is truthful. When they claim “we can be good without God,” they just lied, so they’re not really good. When they deny that murderers like Mao Tsetung, Pol Pot, and Josef Stalin killed as a result of their atheism, this is one of their favorite lies.

Wherever Christians gather, invade their camp and attack. This is done because they want to weaken churches to the point of winning converts and to totally wipe Christianity from the earth. I prefer to call it the “misery loves company” tactic since atheists are really miserable inside. You will find atheists attending church and bombarding Christian websites with comments based on this mentality.

Pretend to be Christians. This is used to further the tactic mentioned above. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing who gather at Christian assemblies to learn the proper religious language and sometimes seek leadership roles. They pretend to be nice, sweet, and caring before they move in with the goal of causing divisions and doubts, like the claim that the Bible never speaks against homosexuality. Incidentally, new agers, witches, and freemasons use these same tactics. I’ll tell you why they are so similar in my next post. The gay rights movement, socialism, and atheism all go hand-in-hand when promoted in church and society.

Quote scripture out of context. Since most Christians are Biblically illiterate and atheists know this, they see misquoting the Bible as an easy way to dupe Christians into doubting because they think of themselves as superior to Christians in every way. This is why they say the Bible has contradictions and call God a “psychopathic” murderer. Additionally, Satan has blinded their minds to recognizing truth.

Rid the educational system and public forums of everything resembling the God of the Bible. This is done to convert young minds to their way of thinking so they can rid society of everything that places boundaries on what they desire to do. Christianity resists their sinful wishes so they want to kill it off.

Toss out all laws regarding sex and sexuality. This is what I learned from an atheist gay rights professor I had in college. He felt that everyone should be free to have sex with whatever and whoever they wanted, whether animal, child, married adult, or unmarried adult of either gender. On the one hand, he argued science and human advances did away with the need for religion, while on the other hand he wanted society to practice barbaric, debauched, corrupt ways of less advanced ancient civilizations. That’s what many atheists want and if they claim differently, refer to my first point above.

Misrepresent extra-biblical facts that prove the Bible true. There is a lot of scientific, historical, and spiritual proof (including miraculous healings and accounts like the book “Heaven is for Real”) that backs what the Bible says. When presented with the facts, atheists will argue against them and try to tear them down any way they can. Don’t let them get away with it. Stand firm on those facts because they have been verified by even non-Christian experts who are most likely more educated than the atheist. Therefore, their disputing such facts, if anything, shows they are full of themselves. If they are full of themselves, how can they really be good, like they say they are?

So you are drunk.

Therefore I argue that, no, atheists as a whole are NOT a) "[theists are] "at war" with religion and the public display of religious symbols." b) "[Atheists are] cry babies seeking comfort and confirmation from the general public for their unconfirmed disbelief, often depending upon sheer ridicule to convince others that religion is phony." and c) "[If atheists would just shut the fuck up and quit trying to proselytize for the cause, those people practicing various religions would respect them more. As it is, you're] just a bunch of goddamned babies crying because someone else relishes something that you don't really want."

Don't you find your comments a bit ironic? Not to insult you, but it seems to me that you were quite mistaken when you proclaimed, "It doesn't take a brilliant mind to figure you people out." If you were basing your hostility toward atheists on that single post by this Austin Cline guy, then you are going off half cocked over something you do not understand which makes you just as guilty as the people you profess to be angry with.

That said, I am open to more evidence to support your claims as factual. I have no real skin in a fight here because I am secure in my... non-belief, I suppose in this case.
We've already hijacked this thread aimed at the war against radical terrorism by conversing repeatedly about the war between atheists and believers.

I do not intend to research the configuration of the bell shaped curve regarding atheist activism. I have no doubt that it exists. Here is a partial list of known atheist activists.

List of atheist activists and educators - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
for your reading pleasure.

I'm not aware of the ratio of atheists to believers, but I suspect that if atheists number in the millions, believers number in the billions.

I am not angry at you or the activist side of atheism...just saying that there is no justification for the atheist activism. I commend you for having the sense to know this...and I suspect that you have some believers on your list of friends.

Therefore I argue that, no, atheists as a whole are NOT a) "[theists are] "at war" with religion and the public display of religious symbols." b) "[Atheists are] cry babies seeking comfort and confirmation from the general public for their unconfirmed disbelief, often depending upon sheer ridicule to convince others that religion is phony." and c) "[If atheists would just shut the fuck up and quit trying to proselytize for the cause, those people practicing various religions would respect them more. As it is, you're] just a bunch of goddamned babies crying because someone else relishes something that you don't really want."

Don't you find your comments a bit ironic? Not to insult you, but it seems to me that you were quite mistaken when you proclaimed, "It doesn't take a brilliant mind to figure you people out." If you were basing your hostility toward atheists on that single post by this Austin Cline guy, then you are going off half cocked over something you do not understand which makes you just as guilty as the people you profess to be angry with.

That said, I am open to more evidence to support your claims as factual. I have no real skin in a fight here because I am secure in my... non-belief, I suppose in this case.
We've already hijacked this thread aimed at the war against radical terrorism by conversing repeatedly about the war between atheists and believers.

I do not intend to research the configuration of the bell shaped curve regarding atheist activism. I have no doubt that it exists. Here is a partial list of known atheist activists.

List of atheist activists and educators - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
for your reading pleasure.

I'm not aware of the ratio of atheists to believers, but I suspect that if atheists number in the millions, believers number in the billions.

I am not angry at you or the activist side of atheism...just saying that there is no justification for the atheist activism. I commend you for having the sense to know this...and I suspect that you have some believers on your list of friends.

There's no war between atheists and Christians. These wars are all in your head.

There is no war on Christmas either.

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