We Are Not Governed By Christ, Y'all.

Well the I hate Jesus crowd is posting another I Hate Jesus thread. They must be running away from their guilty conscience for rejecting God.

They tell us to keep our religion to ourselves. I say how about you keeping your hatred of God to yourself?

How about keeping a Christian flag off of City Hall? That's it. Easy peasy.
What is it about the country's dominant religion that offends you to the point of spewing poisonous vitriol?
You libs freely support Islam. Yet you throw flames of hatred toward Christianity and Judaism. Why is that?
I find it interesting how you lefties run around screeching about "your rights" while using those rights to usurp and smother the very same rights of others with whom you disagree..
Now, answer to THAT.

Who is spewing what? The whole rational behind the Establishment and Free Exercise clauses comes from our history. Bloody Mary? Elizabeth 1? Any of this ring a bell? Beheadings? Burning at the stake? Incarceration? Three people on the corner? No guns? No? You keep saying that it's the dominant religion but you will quickly change your mind if you had a theocracy under a Mormon or Jehovah Witness or do you think you get cookies because well, you have the same God? I don't support Islam.

Keep the shit out of the public sphere and we are all good. It really is that simple.

I liked it better when our State Court houses decorated for Christmas time and had the 10 Commandments in our Courts like the Supreme Court still does.
Well the I hate Jesus crowd is posting another I Hate Jesus thread. They must be running away from their guilty conscience for rejecting God.

They tell us to keep our religion to ourselves. I say how about you keeping your hatred of God to yourself?
You first. We dont hate god we hate it our society worships something that doesnt even exist and that you're too dumb to not keep it to yourselves. We dont hate god we hate stupid. We hate you.
Well the I hate Jesus crowd is posting another I Hate Jesus thread. They must be running away from their guilty conscience for rejecting God.

They tell us to keep our religion to ourselves. I say how about you keeping your hatred of God to yourself?

How about keeping a Christian flag off of City Hall? That's it. Easy peasy.
What is it about the country's dominant religion that offends you to the point of spewing poisonous vitriol?
You libs freely support Islam. Yet you throw flames of hatred toward Christianity and Judaism. Why is that?
I find it interesting how you lefties run around screeching about "your rights" while using those rights to usurp and smother the very same rights of others with whom you disagree..
Now, answer to THAT.

Who is spewing what? The whole rational behind the Establishment and Free Exercise clauses comes from our history. Bloody Mary? Elizabeth 1? Any of this ring a bell? Beheadings? Burning at the stake? Incarceration? Three people on the corner? No guns? No? You keep saying that it's the dominant religion but you will quickly change your mind if you had a theocracy under a Mormon or Jehovah Witness or do you think you get cookies because well, you have the same God? I don't support Islam.

Keep the shit out of the public sphere and we are all good. It really is that simple.

I liked it better when our State Court houses decorated for Christmas time and had the 10 Commandments in our Courts like the Supreme Court still does.

Why? Think about why.
Well the I hate Jesus crowd is posting another I Hate Jesus thread. They must be running away from their guilty conscience for rejecting God.

They tell us to keep our religion to ourselves. I say how about you keeping your hatred of God to yourself?

How about keeping a Christian flag off of City Hall? That's it. Easy peasy.
What is it about the country's dominant religion that offends you to the point of spewing poisonous vitriol?
You libs freely support Islam. Yet you throw flames of hatred toward Christianity and Judaism. Why is that?
I find it interesting how you lefties run around screeching about "your rights" while using those rights to usurp and smother the very same rights of others with whom you disagree..
Now, answer to THAT.

Who is spewing what? The whole rational behind the Establishment and Free Exercise clauses comes from our history. Bloody Mary? Elizabeth 1? Any of this ring a bell? Beheadings? Burning at the stake? Incarceration? Three people on the corner? No guns? No? You keep saying that it's the dominant religion but you will quickly change your mind if you had a theocracy under a Mormon or Jehovah Witness or do you think you get cookies because well, you have the same God? I don't support Islam.

Keep the shit out of the public sphere and we are all good. It really is that simple.

I liked it better when our State Court houses decorated for Christmas time and had the 10 Commandments in our Courts like the Supreme Court still does.

Why? Think about why.

Because the Supreme Court was Liberal in 1963 and took away almost 200 years of our history and made it so that the small minority of atheists rule over the majority.
That was the start of the minority ruling over the majority of this nation and the libs have continued to mess it up ever since.
How about keeping a Christian flag off of City Hall? That's it. Easy peasy.
What is it about the country's dominant religion that offends you to the point of spewing poisonous vitriol?
You libs freely support Islam. Yet you throw flames of hatred toward Christianity and Judaism. Why is that?
I find it interesting how you lefties run around screeching about "your rights" while using those rights to usurp and smother the very same rights of others with whom you disagree..
Now, answer to THAT.

Who is spewing what? The whole rational behind the Establishment and Free Exercise clauses comes from our history. Bloody Mary? Elizabeth 1? Any of this ring a bell? Beheadings? Burning at the stake? Incarceration? Three people on the corner? No guns? No? You keep saying that it's the dominant religion but you will quickly change your mind if you had a theocracy under a Mormon or Jehovah Witness or do you think you get cookies because well, you have the same God? I don't support Islam.

Keep the shit out of the public sphere and we are all good. It really is that simple.

I liked it better when our State Court houses decorated for Christmas time and had the 10 Commandments in our Courts like the Supreme Court still does.

Why? Think about why.

Because the Supreme Court was Liberal in 1963 and took away almost 200 years of our history and made it so that the small minority of atheists rule over the majority.
That was the start of the minority ruling over the majority of this nation and the libs have continued to mess it up ever since.

No. You want the Ten Commandments in the courthouse because you are a devout Christian. You think the bible is more important than the constitution. You are kind of nutty like that. That's why.

Are you ready to answer a question with absolute honesty yet?
Well the I hate Jesus crowd is posting another I Hate Jesus thread. They must be running away from their guilty conscience for rejecting God.

They tell us to keep our religion to ourselves. I say how about you keeping your hatred of God to yourself?

How about keeping a Christian flag off of City Hall? That's it. Easy peasy.
What is it about the country's dominant religion that offends you to the point of spewing poisonous vitriol?
You libs freely support Islam. Yet you throw flames of hatred toward Christianity and Judaism. Why is that?
I find it interesting how you lefties run around screeching about "your rights" while using those rights to usurp and smother the very same rights of others with whom you disagree..
Now, answer to THAT.

Who is spewing what? The whole rational behind the Establishment and Free Exercise clauses comes from our history. Bloody Mary? Elizabeth 1? Any of this ring a bell? Beheadings? Burning at the stake? Incarceration? Three people on the corner? No guns? No? You keep saying that it's the dominant religion but you will quickly change your mind if you had a theocracy under a Mormon or Jehovah Witness or do you think you get cookies because well, you have the same God? I don't support Islam.

Keep the shit out of the public sphere and we are all good. It really is that simple.

I liked it better when our State Court houses decorated for Christmas time and had the 10 Commandments in our Courts like the Supreme Court still does.

The 10 commandments don't belong in our Courts. In fact, they don't belong anywhere in the public sphere.
Is it in the public sphere? It is my business. Don't like it? Don't let the border hit your ass on the way out of the country. This right here is the United States of America and the First Amendment means something.
Where does the 1st amendment say that you or anyone else has the purview to decide what is or is not religious?

The Establishment clause was incorporated in 1947. The Free exercise clause was incorporated in 1940.

Just like that. Cool, huh?
That's ridiculous.

The Constitution is the highest law of the land. Don't like it? Move.
You libs have no right using the US Constitution to support your arguments as you view this document as a mere roadblock to your agenda.
Another example of left wing hypocrisy.


The first amendment was incorporated. It damn sure is my right.
Well the I hate Jesus crowd is posting another I Hate Jesus thread. They must be running away from their guilty conscience for rejecting God.

They tell us to keep our religion to ourselves. I say how about you keeping your hatred of God to yourself?

How about keeping a christian flag off of City Hall? That's it. Easy peasy.
What is it about the country's dominant religion that offends you to the point of spewing poisonous vitriol?
You libs freely support Islam. Yet you throw flames of hatred toward Christianity and Judaism. Why is that?
I find it interesting how you lefties run around screeching about "your rights" while using those rights to usurp and smother the very same rights of others with whom you disagree..
Now, answer to THAT.

Who is spewing what? The whole rational behind the Establishment and Free Exercise clauses comes from our history. Bloody Mary? Elizabeth 1? Any of this ring a bell? Beheadings? Burning at the stake? Incarceration? Three people on the corner? No guns? No? You keep saying that it's the dominant religion but you will quickly change your mind if you had a theocracy under a Mormon or Jehovah Witness or do you think you get cookies because well, you have the same God? I don't support Islam.

Keep the shit out of the public sphere and we are all good. It really is that simple.
No one is wishing for a government backed theocracy. That is not what the freedom of religion movement is about.
The issue here is freedom.
Too often we see decades of tradition being turned on its head by one loudmouth who feels "offended" and runs to the ACLU crying like a two year old enduring a tantrum.
And here we go. The ACLU shows up with an army of lawyers whose only goal is to place another "we what we did" notch in their belt. More often then not the ACLU targets smaller communities unable to fund a legal defense against the ACLU which offers their services pro bono.
Once the decisions are adjudicated, the ACLU attorneys are of to the next liberal cause while the community is left to pick up the pieces.
I am waiting for the day when a community just flips the bird to the ruling. Sort of like how our current POTUS operates.
In fact, there is a small town doing just that.
Great Falls, SC a small tightly knit community of mainly church going people was sued...SUED by this woman who NEVER attended a town council meeting until her daughter got into trouble in school. The woman claimed to be of the Wiccan religion. She lost her battle with the town. Well, she sought the help of....wait for it.....The ACLU. She got them to file a suit over their opening prayer. And why did she do this....She claimed she was....wait for it.....Offended and felt harmed....The ACLU swooped in. The town was powerless to fight due to lack of funding. Of course the ACLU as always filed a suit in a court where the judges were more likely to be liberal( Columbia)...Judge shopping, they call it.
Great Falls lost the case. Guess what? Great Falls is STILL opening their meetings with a prayer. The old Wyoming salute.....Good.
So per your comment about the public square.....What's next? Churches can't erect signs adjacent to public rights of way that indicate that the building is a church? The Church bazaar sign is now banned because it may offend some whiny little bitch?
Oh, the village Christmas tree? Burn it down?
You people have pushed way too far and now the backslash is in full force.
Deal with it.

In order for there to be freedom of religion there must be freedom from religion. Two clauses.

Churches can erect signs. You're going to a place that is unnecessary and will not occur.
What is it about the country's dominant religion that offends you to the point of spewing poisonous vitriol?
You libs freely support Islam. Yet you throw flames of hatred toward Christianity and Judaism. Why is that?
I find it interesting how you lefties run around screeching about "your rights" while using those rights to usurp and smother the very same rights of others with whom you disagree..
Now, answer to THAT.

Who is spewing what? The whole rational behind the Establishment and Free Exercise clauses comes from our history. Bloody Mary? Elizabeth 1? Any of this ring a bell? Beheadings? Burning at the stake? Incarceration? Three people on the corner? No guns? No? You keep saying that it's the dominant religion but you will quickly change your mind if you had a theocracy under a Mormon or Jehovah Witness or do you think you get cookies because well, you have the same God? I don't support Islam.

Keep the shit out of the public sphere and we are all good. It really is that simple.

I liked it better when our State Court houses decorated for Christmas time and had the 10 Commandments in our Courts like the Supreme Court still does.

Why? Think about why.

Because the Supreme Court was Liberal in 1963 and took away almost 200 years of our history and made it so that the small minority of atheists rule over the majority.
That was the start of the minority ruling over the majority of this nation and the libs have continued to mess it up ever since.

No. You want the Ten Commandments in the courthouse because you are a devout Christian. You think the bible is more important than the constitution. You are kind of nutty like that. That's why.

Are you ready to answer a question with absolute honesty yet?

The Ten Commandments have been in the Supreme Court since it was built.
You can't have freedom without the majority of society having absolute morals.
Tearing down those morals is what makes any government able to be in more control of the people, which is what has happened over the last 50 years.
The Bible and the Constitution go hand in hand.
The Ten Commandments are still in several places in the Supreme Court and we still have prayer before each opening day when the House and Senate start their business day and the Chaplains are paid with our taxes.

You can post anything that you wish because of our 1st amendment.
Who is spewing what? The whole rational behind the Establishment and Free Exercise clauses comes from our history. Bloody Mary? Elizabeth 1? Any of this ring a bell? Beheadings? Burning at the stake? Incarceration? Three people on the corner? No guns? No? You keep saying that it's the dominant religion but you will quickly change your mind if you had a theocracy under a Mormon or Jehovah Witness or do you think you get cookies because well, you have the same God? I don't support Islam.

Keep the shit out of the public sphere and we are all good. It really is that simple.

I liked it better when our State Court houses decorated for Christmas time and had the 10 Commandments in our Courts like the Supreme Court still does.

Why? Think about why.

Because the Supreme Court was Liberal in 1963 and took away almost 200 years of our history and made it so that the small minority of atheists rule over the majority.
That was the start of the minority ruling over the majority of this nation and the libs have continued to mess it up ever since.

No. You want the Ten Commandments in the courthouse because you are a devout Christian. You think the bible is more important than the constitution. You are kind of nutty like that. That's why.

Are you ready to answer a question with absolute honesty yet?

The Ten Commandments have been in the Supreme Court since it was built.
You can't have freedom without the majority of society having absolute morals.
Tearing down those morals is what makes any government able to be in more control of the people, which is what has happened over the last 50 years.
The Bible and the Constitution go hand in hand.
The Ten Commandments are still in several places in the Supreme Court and we still have prayer before each opening day when the House and Senate start their business day and the Chaplains are paid with our taxes.

You can post anything that you wish because of our 1st amendment.

You are implying that only Christians have morals. Clearly that is not true.

The Constitution is the highest law in the land. Period.

snopes.com Religious Symbols in the U.S. National Capital
Well the I hate Jesus crowd is posting another I Hate Jesus thread. They must be running away from their guilty conscience for rejecting God.

They tell us to keep our religion to ourselves. I say how about you keeping your hatred of God to yourself?

How about keeping a christian flag off of City Hall? That's it. Easy peasy.
What is it about the country's dominant religion that offends you to the point of spewing poisonous vitriol?
You libs freely support Islam. Yet you throw flames of hatred toward Christianity and Judaism. Why is that?
I find it interesting how you lefties run around screeching about "your rights" while using those rights to usurp and smother the very same rights of others with whom you disagree..
Now, answer to THAT.

Who is spewing what? The whole rational behind the Establishment and Free Exercise clauses comes from our history. Bloody Mary? Elizabeth 1? Any of this ring a bell? Beheadings? Burning at the stake? Incarceration? Three people on the corner? No guns? No? You keep saying that it's the dominant religion but you will quickly change your mind if you had a theocracy under a Mormon or Jehovah Witness or do you think you get cookies because well, you have the same God? I don't support Islam.

Keep the shit out of the public sphere and we are all good. It really is that simple.
No one is wishing for a government backed theocracy. That is not what the freedom of religion movement is about.
The issue here is freedom.
Too often we see decades of tradition being turned on its head by one loudmouth who feels "offended" and runs to the ACLU crying like a two year old enduring a tantrum.
And here we go. The ACLU shows up with an army of lawyers whose only goal is to place another "we what we did" notch in their belt. More often then not the ACLU targets smaller communities unable to fund a legal defense against the ACLU which offers their services pro bono.
Once the decisions are adjudicated, the ACLU attorneys are of to the next liberal cause while the community is left to pick up the pieces.
I am waiting for the day when a community just flips the bird to the ruling. Sort of like how our current POTUS operates.
In fact, there is a small town doing just that.
Great Falls, SC a small tightly knit community of mainly church going people was sued...SUED by this woman who NEVER attended a town council meeting until her daughter got into trouble in school. The woman claimed to be of the Wiccan religion. She lost her battle with the town. Well, she sought the help of....wait for it.....The ACLU. She got them to file a suit over their opening prayer. And why did she do this....She claimed she was....wait for it.....Offended and felt harmed....The ACLU swooped in. The town was powerless to fight due to lack of funding. Of course the ACLU as always filed a suit in a court where the judges were more likely to be liberal( Columbia)...Judge shopping, they call it.
Great Falls lost the case. Guess what? Great Falls is STILL opening their meetings with a prayer. The old Wyoming salute.....Good.
So per your comment about the public square.....What's next? Churches can't erect signs adjacent to public rights of way that indicate that the building is a church? The Church bazaar sign is now banned because it may offend some whiny little bitch?
Oh, the village Christmas tree? Burn it down?
You people have pushed way too far and now the backslash is in full force.
Deal with it.

In order for there to be freedom of religion there must be freedom from religion. Two clauses.

Churches can erect signs. You're going to a place that is unnecessary and will not occur.

Then those of you who want freedom from religion need to add it to the 1st amendment because there is no two clauses in the 1st amendment.
How about keeping a christian flag off of City Hall? That's it. Easy peasy.
What is it about the country's dominant religion that offends you to the point of spewing poisonous vitriol?
You libs freely support Islam. Yet you throw flames of hatred toward Christianity and Judaism. Why is that?
I find it interesting how you lefties run around screeching about "your rights" while using those rights to usurp and smother the very same rights of others with whom you disagree..
Now, answer to THAT.

Who is spewing what? The whole rational behind the Establishment and Free Exercise clauses comes from our history. Bloody Mary? Elizabeth 1? Any of this ring a bell? Beheadings? Burning at the stake? Incarceration? Three people on the corner? No guns? No? You keep saying that it's the dominant religion but you will quickly change your mind if you had a theocracy under a Mormon or Jehovah Witness or do you think you get cookies because well, you have the same God? I don't support Islam.

Keep the shit out of the public sphere and we are all good. It really is that simple.
No one is wishing for a government backed theocracy. That is not what the freedom of religion movement is about.
The issue here is freedom.
Too often we see decades of tradition being turned on its head by one loudmouth who feels "offended" and runs to the ACLU crying like a two year old enduring a tantrum.
And here we go. The ACLU shows up with an army of lawyers whose only goal is to place another "we what we did" notch in their belt. More often then not the ACLU targets smaller communities unable to fund a legal defense against the ACLU which offers their services pro bono.
Once the decisions are adjudicated, the ACLU attorneys are of to the next liberal cause while the community is left to pick up the pieces.
I am waiting for the day when a community just flips the bird to the ruling. Sort of like how our current POTUS operates.
In fact, there is a small town doing just that.
Great Falls, SC a small tightly knit community of mainly church going people was sued...SUED by this woman who NEVER attended a town council meeting until her daughter got into trouble in school. The woman claimed to be of the Wiccan religion. She lost her battle with the town. Well, she sought the help of....wait for it.....The ACLU. She got them to file a suit over their opening prayer. And why did she do this....She claimed she was....wait for it.....Offended and felt harmed....The ACLU swooped in. The town was powerless to fight due to lack of funding. Of course the ACLU as always filed a suit in a court where the judges were more likely to be liberal( Columbia)...Judge shopping, they call it.
Great Falls lost the case. Guess what? Great Falls is STILL opening their meetings with a prayer. The old Wyoming salute.....Good.
So per your comment about the public square.....What's next? Churches can't erect signs adjacent to public rights of way that indicate that the building is a church? The Church bazaar sign is now banned because it may offend some whiny little bitch?
Oh, the village Christmas tree? Burn it down?
You people have pushed way too far and now the backslash is in full force.
Deal with it.

In order for there to be freedom of religion there must be freedom from religion. Two clauses.

Churches can erect signs. You're going to a place that is unnecessary and will not occur.

Then those of you who want freedom from religion need to add it to the 1st amendment because there is no two clauses in the 1st amendment.
Congress shall make no law (A) respecting an establishment of religion, or (B) prohibiting the free exercise thereof” —

There is no state religion.
I liked it better when our State Court houses decorated for Christmas time and had the 10 Commandments in our Courts like the Supreme Court still does.

Why? Think about why.

Because the Supreme Court was Liberal in 1963 and took away almost 200 years of our history and made it so that the small minority of atheists rule over the majority.
That was the start of the minority ruling over the majority of this nation and the libs have continued to mess it up ever since.

No. You want the Ten Commandments in the courthouse because you are a devout Christian. You think the bible is more important than the constitution. You are kind of nutty like that. That's why.

Are you ready to answer a question with absolute honesty yet?

The Ten Commandments have been in the Supreme Court since it was built.
You can't have freedom without the majority of society having absolute morals.
Tearing down those morals is what makes any government able to be in more control of the people, which is what has happened over the last 50 years.
The Bible and the Constitution go hand in hand.
The Ten Commandments are still in several places in the Supreme Court and we still have prayer before each opening day when the House and Senate start their business day and the Chaplains are paid with our taxes.

You can post anything that you wish because of our 1st amendment.

You are implying that only Christians have morals. Clearly that is not true.

The Constitution is the highest law in the land. Period.

snopes.com Religious Symbols in the U.S. National Capital

No I said that the majority of society has to have absolute morals.
Why? Think about why.

Because the Supreme Court was Liberal in 1963 and took away almost 200 years of our history and made it so that the small minority of atheists rule over the majority.
That was the start of the minority ruling over the majority of this nation and the libs have continued to mess it up ever since.

No. You want the Ten Commandments in the courthouse because you are a devout Christian. You think the bible is more important than the constitution. You are kind of nutty like that. That's why.

Are you ready to answer a question with absolute honesty yet?

The Ten Commandments have been in the Supreme Court since it was built.
You can't have freedom without the majority of society having absolute morals.
Tearing down those morals is what makes any government able to be in more control of the people, which is what has happened over the last 50 years.
The Bible and the Constitution go hand in hand.
The Ten Commandments are still in several places in the Supreme Court and we still have prayer before each opening day when the House and Senate start their business day and the Chaplains are paid with our taxes.

You can post anything that you wish because of our 1st amendment.

You are implying that only Christians have morals. Clearly that is not true.

The Constitution is the highest law in the land. Period.

snopes.com Religious Symbols in the U.S. National Capital

No I said that the majority of society has to have absolute morals.

No. Morals are subjective. Law is (supposed to be) objective.
Because the Supreme Court was Liberal in 1963 and took away almost 200 years of our history and made it so that the small minority of atheists rule over the majority.
That was the start of the minority ruling over the majority of this nation and the libs have continued to mess it up ever since.

No. You want the Ten Commandments in the courthouse because you are a devout Christian. You think the bible is more important than the constitution. You are kind of nutty like that. That's why.

Are you ready to answer a question with absolute honesty yet?

The Ten Commandments have been in the Supreme Court since it was built.
You can't have freedom without the majority of society having absolute morals.
Tearing down those morals is what makes any government able to be in more control of the people, which is what has happened over the last 50 years.
The Bible and the Constitution go hand in hand.
The Ten Commandments are still in several places in the Supreme Court and we still have prayer before each opening day when the House and Senate start their business day and the Chaplains are paid with our taxes.

You can post anything that you wish because of our 1st amendment.

You are implying that only Christians have morals. Clearly that is not true.

The Constitution is the highest law in the land. Period.

snopes.com Religious Symbols in the U.S. National Capital

No I said that the majority of society has to have absolute morals.

No. Morals are subjective. Law is (supposed to be) objective.

That is exactly what the left have taught and that wipes out that right and wrong exist independent of our individual or collective preferences.

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