We Are Not Governed By Christ, Y'all.

Well the I hate Jesus crowd is posting another I Hate Jesus thread. They must be running away from their guilty conscience for rejecting God.

They tell us to keep our religion to ourselves. I say how about you keeping your hatred of God to yourself?

How about keeping a christian flag off of City Hall? That's it. Easy peasy.
What is it about the country's dominant religion that offends you to the point of spewing poisonous vitriol?
You libs freely support Islam. Yet you throw flames of hatred toward Christianity and Judaism. Why is that?
I find it interesting how you lefties run around screeching about "your rights" while using those rights to usurp and smother the very same rights of others with whom you disagree..
Now, answer to THAT.

Unlike many on the right, liberals correctly and in concert with the First Amendment support the religious liberty of Christians, Muslims, Jews, other theists, and those free from faith – the mistake you and others on the right make is to confuse legitimate, appropriate criticism of specific Christians with criticism of Christianity as a whole, which is clearly not the case; just as you and others on the right make the mistake of attacking Islam predicated solely on the acts of specific Muslims who are in no way 'representative' of Islam as a whole.

And liberals correctly and in concert with the First Amendment appropriately reject the ignorance and unwarranted hate you and most others on the right exhibit toward Islam, as an entire class of persons cannot be subject to criticism based solely on the criminal acts of the few.

Then I suggest the anti gun loons sit down and shut up
This is unsurprisingly ignorant.

To follow the First Amendment is to neither 'hate Jesus' nor 'reject god.'
Talk about ignorance? The 1st guarantees our freedom OF religion not freedom FROM.
At least you're consistent at being ignorant and wrong.

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits government endorsement of religion, which in fact safeguards the right of citizens to be free from religion, to not be compelled by the state to follow a particular faith, prohibiting government from seeking to codify religious dogma into secular law.

The city government displaying a 'Christian flag' was clearly a potential violation of the Establishment Clause, and officials were wise to remove the 'flag' in accordance with the Framers' mandate that church and state remain separate.
It is YOU who have it wrong. This country honored God and allowed it since its Founding up until you Liberals perverted the meaning of the First Amendment and declared God was unwelcome here. Flying a flag is not the government enforcing religion, it's just an acknowledgement that the people believe there is a God. This Country was founded by Christians and Jews and the land dedicated to God. Our Congress opens each session in prayer, we inaugurate our presidents with an opening prayer. So this Country still acknowledges God. It's just you atheists hate it and don't want anybody having the right to believe in God. So you come up with this foolish notion of freedom from religion -- for everybody. That sounds more like a communist country.
And this is an example of the ignorance, fear, hate, and stupidity that manifest as religious extremism, the religious extremism from which the Framers sought to protect the American people by codifying the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.
Oh bullshit....Your premise is just another left wing perversion of the facts.
Incorrect – it's settled and accepted First Amendment jurisprudence.

That you reject the Constitution and its case law is consistent with most on the right, reflecting the ignorance of the law common to most conservatives, where your subjective, errant rejection of the Constitution and its case law in no way renders First Amendment jurisprudence 'wrong.'
We may not be "governed" by Christ but many of us follow Christ and His word is paramount. I realize Obungles "THINKS" he is God but he's not

Which should the nation turn to for guidance....the Constitution or The Bible?
As a citizen of this country I look for guidance in the BIBLE.........................

If you are an Atheist perhaps you sacrifice a chicken on a make shift altar................

Countries are made up of people you dolt...............and most don't agree with Atheist's views...............

In this case, the flag shouldn't have been flown.............but it was only a problem to a small group of whining little bitches................Whether the flag there flew or not..............it doesn't change the price of rice in China..............

We've become a nation of I'M OFFENDED................If you OFFEND ME I'LL SUE..................which shows just how far down the drain we have come..............Can't offend anyone...............even if the OFFENDED regularily offend others...................

If you are Offended by the duality of this post.......................Then Sue me...............it's the American way.
This is unsurprisingly ignorant.

To follow the First Amendment is to neither 'hate Jesus' nor 'reject god.'
Talk about ignorance? The 1st guarantees our freedom OF religion not freedom FROM.
At least you're consistent at being ignorant and wrong.

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits government endorsement of religion, which in fact safeguards the right of citizens to be free from religion, to not be compelled by the state to follow a particular faith, prohibiting government from seeking to codify religious dogma into secular law.

The city government displaying a 'Christian flag' was clearly a potential violation of the Establishment Clause, and officials were wise to remove the 'flag' in accordance with the Framers' mandate that church and state remain separate.

Who cares? If you don't like it don't look at it. You fools just want something to whine about, miserable jackasses
Those who respect the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law care.

Those who correctly understand the propensity of many theists to seek to codify religious dogma into secular law care.

And those who wish to safeguard the religious liberties of all Americans care, to prohibit government from unwarranted intrusion into religious practice, and prohibiting government from compelling religious conformity.
This Judeo/Christian government has never compelled religious conformity. It is you atheists who are compelling conformity to your secular religion.
Well the I hate Jesus crowd is posting another I Hate Jesus thread. They must be running away from their guilty conscience for rejecting God.

They tell us to keep our religion to ourselves. I say how about you keeping your hatred of God to yourself?

How about keeping a christian flag off of City Hall? That's it. Easy peasy.
What is it about the country's dominant religion that offends you to the point of spewing poisonous vitriol?
You libs freely support Islam. Yet you throw flames of hatred toward Christianity and Judaism. Why is that?
I find it interesting how you lefties run around screeching about "your rights" while using those rights to usurp and smother the very same rights of others with whom you disagree..
Now, answer to THAT.

Unlike many on the right, liberals correctly and in concert with the First Amendment support the religious liberty of Christians, Muslims, Jews, other theists, and those free from faith – the mistake you and others on the right make is to confuse legitimate, appropriate criticism of specific Christians with criticism of Christianity as a whole, which is clearly not the case; just as you and others on the right make the mistake of attacking Islam predicated solely on the acts of specific Muslims who are in no way 'representative' of Islam as a whole.

And liberals correctly and in concert with the First Amendment appropriately reject the ignorance and unwarranted hate you and most others on the right exhibit toward Islam, as an entire class of persons cannot be subject to criticism based solely on the criminal acts of the few.

Then I suggest the anti gun loons sit down and shut up
That's the Second Amendment, not the First.

And those opposed to current Second Amendment jurisprudence have the First Amendment right to express their opinions, however ignorant and wrong those opinions might be.
Well the I hate Jesus crowd is posting another I Hate Jesus thread. They must be running away from their guilty conscience for rejecting God.

They tell us to keep our religion to ourselves. I say how about you keeping your hatred of God to yourself?

How about keeping a christian flag off of City Hall? That's it. Easy peasy.
What is it about the country's dominant religion that offends you to the point of spewing poisonous vitriol?
You libs freely support Islam. Yet you throw flames of hatred toward Christianity and Judaism. Why is that?
I find it interesting how you lefties run around screeching about "your rights" while using those rights to usurp and smother the very same rights of others with whom you disagree..
Now, answer to THAT.

Unlike many on the right, liberals correctly and in concert with the First Amendment support the religious liberty of Christians, Muslims, Jews, other theists, and those free from faith – the mistake you and others on the right make is to confuse legitimate, appropriate criticism of specific Christians with criticism of Christianity as a whole, which is clearly not the case; just as you and others on the right make the mistake of attacking Islam predicated solely on the acts of specific Muslims who are in no way 'representative' of Islam as a whole.

And liberals correctly and in concert with the First Amendment appropriately reject the ignorance and unwarranted hate you and most others on the right exhibit toward Islam, as an entire class of persons cannot be subject to criticism based solely on the criminal acts of the few.

Then I suggest the anti gun loons sit down and shut up
That's the Second Amendment, not the First.

And those opposed to current Second Amendment jurisprudence have the First Amendment right to express their opinions, however ignorant and wrong those opinions might be.

It still applies
We may not be "governed" by Christ but many of us follow Christ and His word is paramount. I realize Obungles "THINKS" he is God but he's not

Which should the nation turn to for guidance....the Constitution or The Bible?
As a citizen of this country I look for guidance in the BIBLE.........................

If you are an Atheist perhaps you sacrifice a chicken on a make shift altar................

Countries are made up of people you dolt...............and most don't agree with Atheist's views...............

In this case, the flag shouldn't have been flown.............but it was only a problem to a small group of whining little bitches................Whether the flag there flew or not..............it doesn't change the price of rice in China..............

We've become a nation of I'M OFFENDED................If you OFFEND ME I'LL SUE..................which shows just how far down the drain we have come..............Can't offend anyone...............even if the OFFENDED regularily offend others...................

If you are Offended by the duality of this post.......................Then Sue me...............it's the American way.
This is unsurprisingly ignorant.

To follow the First Amendment is to neither 'hate Jesus' nor 'reject god.'
Talk about ignorance? The 1st guarantees our freedom OF religion not freedom FROM.
At least you're consistent at being ignorant and wrong.

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits government endorsement of religion, which in fact safeguards the right of citizens to be free from religion, to not be compelled by the state to follow a particular faith, prohibiting government from seeking to codify religious dogma into secular law.

The city government displaying a 'Christian flag' was clearly a potential violation of the Establishment Clause, and officials were wise to remove the 'flag' in accordance with the Framers' mandate that church and state remain separate.

Who cares? If you don't like it don't look at it. You fools just want something to whine about, miserable jackasses
Those who respect the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law care.

Those who correctly understand the propensity of many theists to seek to codify religious dogma into secular law care.

And those who wish to safeguard the religious liberties of all Americans care, to prohibit government from unwarranted intrusion into religious practice, and prohibiting government from compelling religious conformity.
This Judeo/Christian government has never compelled religious conformity. It is you atheists who are compelling conformity to your secular religion.

Secular religion?

That's a winner right there.
We may not be "governed" by Christ but many of us follow Christ and His word is paramount. I realize Obungles "THINKS" he is God but he's not

Which should the nation turn to for guidance....the Constitution or The Bible?
As a citizen of this country I look for guidance in the BIBLE.........................

If you are an Atheist perhaps you sacrifice a chicken on a make shift altar................

Countries are made up of people you dolt...............and most don't agree with Atheist's views...............

In this case, the flag shouldn't have been flown.............but it was only a problem to a small group of whining little bitches................Whether the flag there flew or not..............it doesn't change the price of rice in China..............

We've become a nation of I'M OFFENDED................If you OFFEND ME I'LL SUE..................which shows just how far down the drain we have come..............Can't offend anyone...............even if the OFFENDED regularily offend others...................

If you are Offended by the duality of this post.......................Then Sue me...............it's the American way.
This is unsurprisingly ignorant.

To follow the First Amendment is to neither 'hate Jesus' nor 'reject god.'
Talk about ignorance? The 1st guarantees our freedom OF religion not freedom FROM.
At least you're consistent at being ignorant and wrong.

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits government endorsement of religion, which in fact safeguards the right of citizens to be free from religion, to not be compelled by the state to follow a particular faith, prohibiting government from seeking to codify religious dogma into secular law.

The city government displaying a 'Christian flag' was clearly a potential violation of the Establishment Clause, and officials were wise to remove the 'flag' in accordance with the Framers' mandate that church and state remain separate.

Who cares? If you don't like it don't look at it. You fools just want something to whine about, miserable jackasses
Those who respect the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law care.

Those who correctly understand the propensity of many theists to seek to codify religious dogma into secular law care.

And those who wish to safeguard the religious liberties of all Americans care, to prohibit government from unwarranted intrusion into religious practice, and prohibiting government from compelling religious conformity.
This Judeo/Christian government has never compelled religious conformity. It is you atheists who are compelling conformity to your secular religion.
There is no “Judeo/Christian government” in the United States, the notion is ignorant idiocy.

It's also factually incorrect to state that government is not seeking to compel religious conformity – the article in the OP is one of many examples of government seeking to compel religious conformity through endorsement of religion, in violation of the First Amendment; which is why the 'Christian flag' was appropriately removed by the city.

Indeed, there are myriad examples of government seeking to compel religious conformity:

Un-Constitutional 'ten commandment' displays

Un-Constitutional 'nativity scene' displays

Un-Constitutional endorsement of religion in public schools.

Government seeking to censor motion pictures because they are perceived to be 'offensive' to religious beliefs.

Un-Constitutional state measures seeking to ban the teaching of evolution in public schools.

Un-Constitutional state measures seeking to teach "creation science" in public schools, where the subject has nothing to do with 'science' and everything to do with religion.

And each of the above violations of the First Amendment were subject to judicial review by the Supreme Court, and ruled to in fact be an un-Constitutional attempt to conjoin church and state.
How about keeping a christian flag off of City Hall? That's it. Easy peasy.
What is it about the country's dominant religion that offends you to the point of spewing poisonous vitriol?
You libs freely support Islam. Yet you throw flames of hatred toward Christianity and Judaism. Why is that?
I find it interesting how you lefties run around screeching about "your rights" while using those rights to usurp and smother the very same rights of others with whom you disagree..
Now, answer to THAT.

Unlike many on the right, liberals correctly and in concert with the First Amendment support the religious liberty of Christians, Muslims, Jews, other theists, and those free from faith – the mistake you and others on the right make is to confuse legitimate, appropriate criticism of specific Christians with criticism of Christianity as a whole, which is clearly not the case; just as you and others on the right make the mistake of attacking Islam predicated solely on the acts of specific Muslims who are in no way 'representative' of Islam as a whole.

And liberals correctly and in concert with the First Amendment appropriately reject the ignorance and unwarranted hate you and most others on the right exhibit toward Islam, as an entire class of persons cannot be subject to criticism based solely on the criminal acts of the few.

Then I suggest the anti gun loons sit down and shut up
That's the Second Amendment, not the First.

And those opposed to current Second Amendment jurisprudence have the First Amendment right to express their opinions, however ignorant and wrong those opinions might be.

It still applies
As a non sequitur and red herring fallacy.
We may not be "governed" by Christ but many of us follow Christ and His word is paramount. I realize Obungles "THINKS" he is God but he's not

Which should the nation turn to for guidance....the Constitution or The Bible?
As a citizen of this country I look for guidance in the BIBLE.........................

If you are an Atheist perhaps you sacrifice a chicken on a make shift altar................

Countries are made up of people you dolt...............and most don't agree with Atheist's views...............

In this case, the flag shouldn't have been flown.............but it was only a problem to a small group of whining little bitches................Whether the flag there flew or not..............it doesn't change the price of rice in China..............

We've become a nation of I'M OFFENDED................If you OFFEND ME I'LL SUE..................which shows just how far down the drain we have come..............Can't offend anyone...............even if the OFFENDED regularily offend others...................

If you are Offended by the duality of this post.......................Then Sue me...............it's the American way.
This is unsurprisingly ignorant.

To follow the First Amendment is to neither 'hate Jesus' nor 'reject god.'
Talk about ignorance? The 1st guarantees our freedom OF religion not freedom FROM.
At least you're consistent at being ignorant and wrong.

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits government endorsement of religion, which in fact safeguards the right of citizens to be free from religion, to not be compelled by the state to follow a particular faith, prohibiting government from seeking to codify religious dogma into secular law.

The city government displaying a 'Christian flag' was clearly a potential violation of the Establishment Clause, and officials were wise to remove the 'flag' in accordance with the Framers' mandate that church and state remain separate.

Who cares? If you don't like it don't look at it. You fools just want something to whine about, miserable jackasses
Those who respect the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law care.

Those who correctly understand the propensity of many theists to seek to codify religious dogma into secular law care.

And those who wish to safeguard the religious liberties of all Americans care, to prohibit government from unwarranted intrusion into religious practice, and prohibiting government from compelling religious conformity.
This Judeo/Christian government has never compelled religious conformity. It is you atheists who are compelling conformity to your secular religion.
Those injuns you whites subjugated allowed them to carry on as they always had?
Talk about ignorance? The 1st guarantees our freedom OF religion not freedom FROM.
At least you're consistent at being ignorant and wrong.

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits government endorsement of religion, which in fact safeguards the right of citizens to be free from religion, to not be compelled by the state to follow a particular faith, prohibiting government from seeking to codify religious dogma into secular law.

The city government displaying a 'Christian flag' was clearly a potential violation of the Establishment Clause, and officials were wise to remove the 'flag' in accordance with the Framers' mandate that church and state remain separate.
It is YOU who have it wrong. This country honored God and allowed it since its Founding up until you Liberals perverted the meaning of the First Amendment and declared God was unwelcome here. Flying a flag is not the government enforcing religion, it's just an acknowledgement that the people believe there is a God. This Country was founded by Christians and Jews and the land dedicated to God. Our Congress opens each session in prayer, we inaugurate our presidents with an opening prayer. So this Country still acknowledges God. It's just you atheists hate it and don't want anybody having the right to believe in God. So you come up with this foolish notion of freedom from religion -- for everybody. That sounds more like a communist country.
And this is an example of the ignorance, fear, hate, and stupidity that manifest as religious extremism, the religious extremism from which the Framers sought to protect the American people by codifying the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.
Oh bullshit....Your premise is just another left wing perversion of the facts.
Incorrect – it's settled and accepted First Amendment jurisprudence.

That you reject the Constitution and its case law is consistent with most on the right, reflecting the ignorance of the law common to most conservatives, where your subjective, errant rejection of the Constitution and its case law in no way renders First Amendment jurisprudence 'wrong.'
No it isn't...Not even close.
Whether you left wing moon bats like it or not, our rights as listed in the US Constitution apply to everyone.
One may not use their rights to usurp the rights of others.....it cuts both ways...
Look, much to your chagrin, the pendulum is swinging back to the right. You libs have had your way and in doing so have sent this country to the precipice of failure.
The hard line left has made freedom and liberty their personal cause. They have institutionalized a double standard to the point of hypocrisy reigning supreme.
This is all coming to an end.
This is unsurprisingly ignorant.

To follow the First Amendment is to neither 'hate Jesus' nor 'reject god.'
Talk about ignorance? The 1st guarantees our freedom OF religion not freedom FROM.
At least you're consistent at being ignorant and wrong.

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits government endorsement of religion, which in fact safeguards the right of citizens to be free from religion, to not be compelled by the state to follow a particular faith, prohibiting government from seeking to codify religious dogma into secular law.

The city government displaying a 'Christian flag' was clearly a potential violation of the Establishment Clause, and officials were wise to remove the 'flag' in accordance with the Framers' mandate that church and state remain separate.
It is YOU who have it wrong. This country honored God and allowed it since its Founding up until you Liberals perverted the meaning of the First Amendment and declared God was unwelcome here. Flying a flag is not the government enforcing religion, it's just an acknowledgement that the people believe there is a God. This Country was founded by Christians and Jews and the land dedicated to God. Our Congress opens each session in prayer, we inaugurate our presidents with an opening prayer. So this Country still acknowledges God. It's just you atheists hate it and don't want anybody having the right to believe in God. So you come up with this foolish notion of freedom from religion -- for everybody. That sounds more like a communist country.
At least you're consistent at being ignorant and wrong.

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits government endorsement of religion, which in fact safeguards the right of citizens to be free from religion, to not be compelled by the state to follow a particular faith, prohibiting government from seeking to codify religious dogma into secular law.

The city government displaying a 'Christian flag' was clearly a potential violation of the Establishment Clause, and officials were wise to remove the 'flag' in accordance with the Framers' mandate that church and state remain separate.
It is YOU who have it wrong. This country honored God and allowed it since its Founding up until you Liberals perverted the meaning of the First Amendment and declared God was unwelcome here. Flying a flag is not the government enforcing religion, it's just an acknowledgement that the people believe there is a God. This Country was founded by Christians and Jews and the land dedicated to God. Our Congress opens each session in prayer, we inaugurate our presidents with an opening prayer. So this Country still acknowledges God. It's just you atheists hate it and don't want anybody having the right to believe in God. So you come up with this foolish notion of freedom from religion -- for everybody. That sounds more like a communist country.
And this is an example of the ignorance, fear, hate, and stupidity that manifest as religious extremism, the religious extremism from which the Framers sought to protect the American people by codifying the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.
Oh bullshit....Your premise is just another left wing perversion of the facts.
Incorrect – it's settled and accepted First Amendment jurisprudence.

That you reject the Constitution and its case law is consistent with most on the right, reflecting the ignorance of the law common to most conservatives, where your subjective, errant rejection of the Constitution and its case law in no way renders First Amendment jurisprudence 'wrong.'
No it isn't...Not even close.
Whether you left wing moon bats like it or not, our rights as listed in the US Constitution apply to everyone.
One may not use their rights to usurp the rights of others.....it cuts both ways...
Look, much to your chagrin, the pendulum is swinging back to the right. You libs have had your way and in doing so have sent this country to the precipice of failure.
The hard line left has made freedom and liberty their personal cause. They have institutionalized a double standard to the point of hypocrisy reigning supreme.
This is all coming to an end.

This dummy doesn't realize that we are getting LESS christian in this nation. I wonder why that fact escapes these nutjobs? The more they talk....the more young people run the other way.

Read this.

White Christian America in Decline Why Young People Are Sick of Conservative Religion Alternet
At least you're consistent at being ignorant and wrong.

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits government endorsement of religion, which in fact safeguards the right of citizens to be free from religion, to not be compelled by the state to follow a particular faith, prohibiting government from seeking to codify religious dogma into secular law.

The city government displaying a 'Christian flag' was clearly a potential violation of the Establishment Clause, and officials were wise to remove the 'flag' in accordance with the Framers' mandate that church and state remain separate.
It is YOU who have it wrong. This country honored God and allowed it since its Founding up until you Liberals perverted the meaning of the First Amendment and declared God was unwelcome here. Flying a flag is not the government enforcing religion, it's just an acknowledgement that the people believe there is a God. This Country was founded by Christians and Jews and the land dedicated to God. Our Congress opens each session in prayer, we inaugurate our presidents with an opening prayer. So this Country still acknowledges God. It's just you atheists hate it and don't want anybody having the right to believe in God. So you come up with this foolish notion of freedom from religion -- for everybody. That sounds more like a communist country.
And this is an example of the ignorance, fear, hate, and stupidity that manifest as religious extremism, the religious extremism from which the Framers sought to protect the American people by codifying the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.
Oh bullshit....Your premise is just another left wing perversion of the facts.
Incorrect – it's settled and accepted First Amendment jurisprudence.

That you reject the Constitution and its case law is consistent with most on the right, reflecting the ignorance of the law common to most conservatives, where your subjective, errant rejection of the Constitution and its case law in no way renders First Amendment jurisprudence 'wrong.'
No it isn't...Not even close.
Whether you left wing moon bats like it or not, our rights as listed in the US Constitution apply to everyone.
One may not use their rights to usurp the rights of others.....it cuts both ways...
Look, much to your chagrin, the pendulum is swinging back to the right. You libs have had your way and in doing so have sent this country to the precipice of failure.
The hard line left has made freedom and liberty their personal cause. They have institutionalized a double standard to the point of hypocrisy reigning supreme.
This is all coming to an end.
It's either freedom for all or none for any..The way of the society of the past in the US were a disgrace to equality, justice, fraternity and freedom...
Well the I hate Jesus crowd is posting another I Hate Jesus thread. They must be running away from their guilty conscience for rejecting God.

They tell us to keep our religion to ourselves. I say how about you keeping your hatred of God to yourself?

How about keeping a christian flag off of City Hall? That's it. Easy peasy.
I don't think it's any of your business to be deciding what is or is not a "christian flag".

So piss off.

Is it in the public sphere? It is my business. Don't like it? Don't let the border hit your ass on the way out of the country. This right here is the United States of America and the First Amendment means something.
Where does the 1st amendment say that you or anyone else has the purview to decide what is or is not religious?

The Establishment clause was incorporated in 1947. The Free exercise clause was incorporated in 1940.

Just like that. Cool, huh?
It is YOU who have it wrong. This country honored God and allowed it since its Founding up until you Liberals perverted the meaning of the First Amendment and declared God was unwelcome here. Flying a flag is not the government enforcing religion, it's just an acknowledgement that the people believe there is a God. This Country was founded by Christians and Jews and the land dedicated to God. Our Congress opens each session in prayer, we inaugurate our presidents with an opening prayer. So this Country still acknowledges God. It's just you atheists hate it and don't want anybody having the right to believe in God. So you come up with this foolish notion of freedom from religion -- for everybody. That sounds more like a communist country.
And this is an example of the ignorance, fear, hate, and stupidity that manifest as religious extremism, the religious extremism from which the Framers sought to protect the American people by codifying the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.
Oh bullshit....Your premise is just another left wing perversion of the facts.
Incorrect – it's settled and accepted First Amendment jurisprudence.

That you reject the Constitution and its case law is consistent with most on the right, reflecting the ignorance of the law common to most conservatives, where your subjective, errant rejection of the Constitution and its case law in no way renders First Amendment jurisprudence 'wrong.'
No it isn't...Not even close.
Whether you left wing moon bats like it or not, our rights as listed in the US Constitution apply to everyone.
One may not use their rights to usurp the rights of others.....it cuts both ways...
Look, much to your chagrin, the pendulum is swinging back to the right. You libs have had your way and in doing so have sent this country to the precipice of failure.
The hard line left has made freedom and liberty their personal cause. They have institutionalized a double standard to the point of hypocrisy reigning supreme.
This is all coming to an end.

This dummy doesn't realize that we are getting LESS christian in this nation. I wonder why that fact escapes these nutjobs? The more they talk....the more young people run the other way.

Read this.

White Christian America in Decline Why Young People Are Sick of Conservative Religion Alternet
Oh who says so?.....These guys ^?..
Yes church attendance is down. And that is because of many factors. One of which is time. Americans savor what little time they have with their families especially on weekends. many people have flexible schedules and work on Saturdays leaving Sunday as the one day where they can spend time together.
Another issue is the hard right. Most of us are believers in our faith. What we reject is one person telling us HOW to believe.
Anyway. that is not the issue here.
The far left has been on the attack against the Christian religion for 30 years. That while minority religions are under the protection of the far left. There is the hypocrisy.
It is YOU who have it wrong. This country honored God and allowed it since its Founding up until you Liberals perverted the meaning of the First Amendment and declared God was unwelcome here. Flying a flag is not the government enforcing religion, it's just an acknowledgement that the people believe there is a God. This Country was founded by Christians and Jews and the land dedicated to God. Our Congress opens each session in prayer, we inaugurate our presidents with an opening prayer. So this Country still acknowledges God. It's just you atheists hate it and don't want anybody having the right to believe in God. So you come up with this foolish notion of freedom from religion -- for everybody. That sounds more like a communist country.
And this is an example of the ignorance, fear, hate, and stupidity that manifest as religious extremism, the religious extremism from which the Framers sought to protect the American people by codifying the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.
Oh bullshit....Your premise is just another left wing perversion of the facts.
Incorrect – it's settled and accepted First Amendment jurisprudence.

That you reject the Constitution and its case law is consistent with most on the right, reflecting the ignorance of the law common to most conservatives, where your subjective, errant rejection of the Constitution and its case law in no way renders First Amendment jurisprudence 'wrong.'
No it isn't...Not even close.
Whether you left wing moon bats like it or not, our rights as listed in the US Constitution apply to everyone.
One may not use their rights to usurp the rights of others.....it cuts both ways...
Look, much to your chagrin, the pendulum is swinging back to the right. You libs have had your way and in doing so have sent this country to the precipice of failure.
The hard line left has made freedom and liberty their personal cause. They have institutionalized a double standard to the point of hypocrisy reigning supreme.
This is all coming to an end.
It's either freedom for all or none for any..The way of the society of the past in the US were a disgrace to equality, justice, fraternity and freedom...
Would you care to elaborate on that?
Well the I hate Jesus crowd is posting another I Hate Jesus thread. They must be running away from their guilty conscience for rejecting God.

They tell us to keep our religion to ourselves. I say how about you keeping your hatred of God to yourself?

How about keeping a christian flag off of City Hall? That's it. Easy peasy.
I don't think it's any of your business to be deciding what is or is not a "christian flag".

So piss off.

Is it in the public sphere? It is my business. Don't like it? Don't let the border hit your ass on the way out of the country. This right here is the United States of America and the First Amendment means something.
Where does the 1st amendment say that you or anyone else has the purview to decide what is or is not religious?

The Establishment clause was incorporated in 1947. The Free exercise clause was incorporated in 1940.

Just like that. Cool, huh?
That's ridiculous.
We may not be "governed" by Christ but many of us follow Christ and His word is paramount. I realize Obungles "THINKS" he is God but he's not

Which should the nation turn to for guidance....the Constitution or The Bible?
The Bible. Duh.

Why is it ALWAYS you rabid, ignorant RWs who hate the US Constitution the most and yet know the least about it?

And why are they always so damn eager to trash it?
And this is an example of the ignorance, fear, hate, and stupidity that manifest as religious extremism, the religious extremism from which the Framers sought to protect the American people by codifying the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.
Oh bullshit....Your premise is just another left wing perversion of the facts.
Incorrect – it's settled and accepted First Amendment jurisprudence.

That you reject the Constitution and its case law is consistent with most on the right, reflecting the ignorance of the law common to most conservatives, where your subjective, errant rejection of the Constitution and its case law in no way renders First Amendment jurisprudence 'wrong.'
No it isn't...Not even close.
Whether you left wing moon bats like it or not, our rights as listed in the US Constitution apply to everyone.
One may not use their rights to usurp the rights of others.....it cuts both ways...
Look, much to your chagrin, the pendulum is swinging back to the right. You libs have had your way and in doing so have sent this country to the precipice of failure.
The hard line left has made freedom and liberty their personal cause. They have institutionalized a double standard to the point of hypocrisy reigning supreme.
This is all coming to an end.

This dummy doesn't realize that we are getting LESS christian in this nation. I wonder why that fact escapes these nutjobs? The more they talk....the more young people run the other way.

Read this.

White Christian America in Decline Why Young People Are Sick of Conservative Religion Alternet
Oh who says so?.....These guys ^?..
Yes church attendance is down. And that is because of many factors. One of which is time. Americans savor what little time they have with their families especially on weekends. many people have flexible schedules and work on Saturdays leaving Sunday as the one day where they can spend time together.
Another issue is the hard right. Most of us are believers in our faith. What we reject is one person telling us HOW to believe.
Anyway. that is not the issue here.
The far left has been on the attack against the Christian religion for 30 years. That while minority religions are under the protection of the far left. There is the hypocrisy.

Do you think I respect any religion more than I respect Christianity?
Well the I hate Jesus crowd is posting another I Hate Jesus thread. They must be running away from their guilty conscience for rejecting God.

They tell us to keep our religion to ourselves. I say how about you keeping your hatred of God to yourself?

How about keeping a christian flag off of City Hall? That's it. Easy peasy.
What is it about the country's dominant religion that offends you to the point of spewing poisonous vitriol?
You libs freely support Islam. Yet you throw flames of hatred toward Christianity and Judaism. Why is that?
I find it interesting how you lefties run around screeching about "your rights" while using those rights to usurp and smother the very same rights of others with whom you disagree..
Now, answer to THAT.

Who is spewing what? The whole rational behind the Establishment and Free Exercise clauses comes from our history. Bloody Mary? Elizabeth 1? Any of this ring a bell? Beheadings? Burning at the stake? Incarceration? Three people on the corner? No guns? No? You keep saying that it's the dominant religion but you will quickly change your mind if you had a theocracy under a Mormon or Jehovah Witness or do you think you get cookies because well, you have the same God? I don't support Islam.

Keep the shit out of the public sphere and we are all good. It really is that simple.

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