We Are Not Governed By Christ, Y'all.

You dont need a deity to have morals, so this post was irrelevant.

Have you looked at our society lately?
Our news lies
Our Government lies and cheats and steals and ignores the Constitution when it's for their causes.
People are lying to each other our companies are lying & cheating
Protesters are stealing
Our murder & suicide rates have gone up
Our children are out of control and have no respect
Youre really a victim of propoganda.

Crime rates are at all historic LOWS.

FBI Homepage look at the graph from 1965 to present.

Kids were way more disrespectful, in a much more impactful way, then they are now.

Thats just something old people say and think. Even Socrates has a "the damn youth are immoral" meme, and that was how many generations ago?

And in the end, this still has fuck all to do with morals not requiring religion, to exist.

Look what happened to the Greeks. Seems Socrates was right.
Any Nation that gets too selfish and arrogant falls.
Im going to ponder how stupid this response was for a few moments.

While I do, you should probably let it simmer that Nationalism is in and of itself arrogant and selfish.

Oh Brother!!!!!!
There is no help for you, you are too brainwashed by the libs.
This was a loony response that lacks substance.
It's pretty basic rules that America as well as any society has had throughout history.
Don't lie
Don't cheat
Don't Steal
Don't murder
You don't have to believe in God to keep these basic rules.
When a larger majority of any society starts to violate the above, you have chaos and then government has to take over.
This is why full communist countries like North Korea and the U.S.S.R. has no religion because they became society's controller.
This is what our Founders was always talking about to have freedom you have to have morals.

If you notice, collectivists today, outside of Islam, tend to be atheists. This is no coincidence.

I think deep down we all desire a king to rule over us, it's just natural. You then either pick God or man to fill the role.

What many find strange is the alliance collectivists have with Islam. Islam believes in God and they are collectivists. However, those leaders in Islam purport to speak for God.

Looking at the recorded human history in terms of collectivists, man first claimed to be a god, and when that no longer worked he then he claimed to speak for God, and when that no longer worked he claimed that God did not exist, thus making himself the ultimate authority. I presume when the later has run its course we will revert back to people speaking for God, which is why I think Islam is the up and coming new world religion.
Religion is the very definition of collectivism.
It's pretty basic rules that America as well as any society has had throughout history.
Don't lie
Don't cheat
Don't Steal
Don't murder
You don't have to believe in God to keep these basic rules.
When a larger majority of any society starts to violate the above, you have chaos and then government has to take over.
This is why full communist countries like North Korea and the U.S.S.R. has no religion because they became society's controller.
This is what our Founders was always talking about to have freedom you have to have morals.
You dont need a deity to have morals, so this post was irrelevant.

Have you looked at our society lately?
Our news lies
Our Government lies and cheats and steals and ignores the Constitution when it's for their causes.
People are lying to each other our companies are lying & cheating
Protesters are stealing
Our murder & suicide rates have gone up
Our children are out of control and have no respect
Can you name a country it has never happened in? To include the Papacy?

The point is to keep it in small numbers, because it has always been there and will always be there.
It's when the larger masses start to do it that nations fall.
Crime is DOWN

Do you know what DOWN means?

It means that your generation produced more criminals than the generations after it.

YOURE the ass holes.

And you are the ones who keep electing them.
Pelosi. Reid, Biden and so on.
You dont need a deity to have morals, so this post was irrelevant.

Have you looked at our society lately?
Our news lies
Our Government lies and cheats and steals and ignores the Constitution when it's for their causes.
People are lying to each other our companies are lying & cheating
Protesters are stealing
Our murder & suicide rates have gone up
Our children are out of control and have no respect
Can you name a country it has never happened in? To include the Papacy?

The point is to keep it in small numbers, because it has always been there and will always be there.
It's when the larger masses start to do it that nations fall.
Crime is DOWN

Do you know what DOWN means?

It means that your generation produced more criminals than the generations after it.

YOURE the ass holes.

And you are the ones who keep electing them.
Pelosi. Reid, Biden and so on.
Dip duck dodge
Have you looked at our society lately?
Our news lies
Our Government lies and cheats and steals and ignores the Constitution when it's for their causes.
People are lying to each other our companies are lying & cheating
Protesters are stealing
Our murder & suicide rates have gone up
Our children are out of control and have no respect
Can you name a country it has never happened in? To include the Papacy?

The point is to keep it in small numbers, because it has always been there and will always be there.
It's when the larger masses start to do it that nations fall.
Crime is DOWN

Do you know what DOWN means?

It means that your generation produced more criminals than the generations after it.

YOURE the ass holes.

And you are the ones who keep electing them.
Pelosi. Reid, Biden and so on.
Dip duck dodge

Thread about not governed by Christ, Op about a flag............and you are saying CRIME IS DOWN DUDE...............

Brain damage.....................If you are offended by my comments please deposit your complaints in the basement section of the 3rd port o let to the right.

Thank you.
Can you name a country it has never happened in? To include the Papacy?

The point is to keep it in small numbers, because it has always been there and will always be there.
It's when the larger masses start to do it that nations fall.
Crime is DOWN

Do you know what DOWN means?

It means that your generation produced more criminals than the generations after it.

YOURE the ass holes.

And you are the ones who keep electing them.
Pelosi. Reid, Biden and so on.
Dip duck dodge

Thread about not governed by Christ, Op about a flag............and you are saying CRIME IS DOWN DUDE...............

Brain damage.....................If you are offended by my comments please deposit your complaints in the basement section of the 3rd port o let to the right.

Thank you.
maybe you shouldn't butt into conversations when you don't know your head from your ass. I was responding to a poster who said that we are less moral. Crime being down is an indicator of our morals. Duh.
It's pretty basic rules that America as well as any society has had throughout history.
Don't lie
Don't cheat
Don't Steal
Don't murder
You don't have to believe in God to keep these basic rules.
When a larger majority of any society starts to violate the above, you have chaos and then government has to take over.
This is why full communist countries like North Korea and the U.S.S.R. has no religion because they became society's controller.
This is what our Founders was always talking about to have freedom you have to have morals.

If you notice, collectivists today, outside of Islam, tend to be atheists. This is no coincidence.

I think deep down we all desire a king to rule over us, it's just natural. You then either pick God or man to fill the role.

What many find strange is the alliance collectivists have with Islam. Islam believes in God and they are collectivists. However, those leaders in Islam purport to speak for God.

Looking at the recorded human history in terms of collectivists, man first claimed to be a god, and when that no longer worked he then he claimed to speak for God, and when that no longer worked he claimed that God did not exist, thus making himself the ultimate authority. I presume when the later has run its course we will revert back to people speaking for God, which is why I think Islam is the up and coming new world religion.
Religion is the very definition of collectivism.
heaven is a communist Utopian theory..With a cult personality..
This is unsurprisingly ignorant.

To follow the First Amendment is to neither 'hate Jesus' nor 'reject god.'
Talk about ignorance? The 1st guarantees our freedom OF religion not freedom FROM.
At least you're consistent at being ignorant and wrong.

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits government endorsement of religion, which in fact safeguards the right of citizens to be free from religion, to not be compelled by the state to follow a particular faith, prohibiting government from seeking to codify religious dogma into secular law.

The city government displaying a 'Christian flag' was clearly a potential violation of the Establishment Clause, and officials were wise to remove the 'flag' in accordance with the Framers' mandate that church and state remain separate.
The first amendment says gov't. shouldn't establish a religion and protects a persons right to worship God how he wishes. It does not say you should deny people from praying in school or placing the Ten Commandments in public like you idiot libtards mistakenly think it does.
This is unsurprisingly ignorant.

To follow the First Amendment is to neither 'hate Jesus' nor 'reject god.'
Talk about ignorance? The 1st guarantees our freedom OF religion not freedom FROM.
Exactly wrong.

Again, the Establishment Clause prohibits government from endorsing religion, or seeking to compel religious conformity through the force of law, ensuring citizens are indeed free from religion, and free from the arrogance and hate that often manifest as a consequence of religious extremism.
Jesus says to pray in private, hidden away from others and that praying in public is only for show to prove what a Christian you can be...and means nothing to Father in Heaven....
This is unsurprisingly ignorant.

To follow the First Amendment is to neither 'hate Jesus' nor 'reject god.'
Talk about ignorance? The 1st guarantees our freedom OF religion not freedom FROM.
Exactly wrong.

Again, the Establishment Clause prohibits government from endorsing religion, or seeking to compel religious conformity through the force of law, ensuring citizens are indeed free from religion, and free from the arrogance and hate that often manifest as a consequence of religious extremism.
You are exactly wrong libtard.
The point is to keep it in small numbers, because it has always been there and will always be there.
It's when the larger masses start to do it that nations fall.
Crime is DOWN

Do you know what DOWN means?

It means that your generation produced more criminals than the generations after it.

YOURE the ass holes.

And you are the ones who keep electing them.
Pelosi. Reid, Biden and so on.
Dip duck dodge

Thread about not governed by Christ, Op about a flag............and you are saying CRIME IS DOWN DUDE...............

Brain damage.....................If you are offended by my comments please deposit your complaints in the basement section of the 3rd port o let to the right.

Thank you.
maybe you shouldn't butt into conversations when you don't know your head from your ass. I was responding to a poster who said that we are less moral. Crime being down is an indicator of our morals. Duh.
If you can't see that our morals are down in this country.............then I suggest you hold your nose..............and blow REALLY HARD.............and dislodge your head from your ass..............

Does that clear it up for you.............if not seek Obamacare..............

Some of us, who know the Majority here are Christians..............are TIRED of your regular attempts to attack the religion of the majority.............because a few ass holes get offended.................hey buddy.........I'm offended that you dumb asses are Offended.................Perhaps you were dropped on your head at birth............I don't know...............I just think you people are LUNATICS................

It's time we tell you to shove it where the sun doesn't shine..............the same place your head is..............and if you don't like we don't fucking care...........So do us a favor with your attacks and play this song...........ENJOY

Crime is DOWN

Do you know what DOWN means?

It means that your generation produced more criminals than the generations after it.

YOURE the ass holes.

And you are the ones who keep electing them.
Pelosi. Reid, Biden and so on.
Dip duck dodge

Thread about not governed by Christ, Op about a flag............and you are saying CRIME IS DOWN DUDE...............

Brain damage.....................If you are offended by my comments please deposit your complaints in the basement section of the 3rd port o let to the right.

Thank you.
maybe you shouldn't butt into conversations when you don't know your head from your ass. I was responding to a poster who said that we are less moral. Crime being down is an indicator of our morals. Duh.
If you can't see that our morals are down in this country.............then I suggest you hold your nose..............and blow REALLY HARD.............and dislodge your head from your ass..............

Does that clear it up for you.............if not seek Obamacare..............

Some of us, who know the Majority here are Christians..............are TIRED of your regular attempts to attack the religion of the majority.............because a few ass holes get offended.................hey buddy.........I'm offended that you dumb asses are Offended.................Perhaps you were dropped on your head at birth............I don't know...............I just think you people are LUNATICS................

It's time we tell you to shove it where the sun doesn't shine..............the same place your head is..............and if you don't like we don't fucking care...........So do us a favor with your attacks and play this song...........ENJOY

You pray to baby Jesus with that mouth?
And you are the ones who keep electing them.
Pelosi. Reid, Biden and so on.
Dip duck dodge

Thread about not governed by Christ, Op about a flag............and you are saying CRIME IS DOWN DUDE...............

Brain damage.....................If you are offended by my comments please deposit your complaints in the basement section of the 3rd port o let to the right.

Thank you.
maybe you shouldn't butt into conversations when you don't know your head from your ass. I was responding to a poster who said that we are less moral. Crime being down is an indicator of our morals. Duh.
If you can't see that our morals are down in this country.............then I suggest you hold your nose..............and blow REALLY HARD.............and dislodge your head from your ass..............

Does that clear it up for you.............if not seek Obamacare..............

Some of us, who know the Majority here are Christians..............are TIRED of your regular attempts to attack the religion of the majority.............because a few ass holes get offended.................hey buddy.........I'm offended that you dumb asses are Offended.................Perhaps you were dropped on your head at birth............I don't know...............I just think you people are LUNATICS................

It's time we tell you to shove it where the sun doesn't shine..............the same place your head is..............and if you don't like we don't fucking care...........So do us a favor with your attacks and play this song...........ENJOY

You pray to baby Jesus with that mouth?

Eye for an eye.....................my deal isn't that I'm HOLY.................it's simply a member of the majority that like for all you offended people..............to ..................:anj_stfu:
Crime is DOWN

Do you know what DOWN means?

It means that your generation produced more criminals than the generations after it.

YOURE the ass holes.

And you are the ones who keep electing them.
Pelosi. Reid, Biden and so on.
Dip duck dodge

Thread about not governed by Christ, Op about a flag............and you are saying CRIME IS DOWN DUDE...............

Brain damage.....................If you are offended by my comments please deposit your complaints in the basement section of the 3rd port o let to the right.

Thank you.
maybe you shouldn't butt into conversations when you don't know your head from your ass. I was responding to a poster who said that we are less moral. Crime being down is an indicator of our morals. Duh.
If you can't see that our morals are down in this country.............then I suggest you hold your nose..............and blow REALLY HARD.............and dislodge your head from your ass..............

Does that clear it up for you.............if not seek Obamacare..............

Some of us, who know the Majority here are Christians..............are TIRED of your regular attempts to attack the religion of the majority.............because a few ass holes get offended.................hey buddy.........I'm offended that you dumb asses are Offended.................Perhaps you were dropped on your head at birth............I don't know...............I just think you people are LUNATICS................

It's time we tell you to shove it where the sun doesn't shine..............the same place your head is..............and if you don't like we don't fucking care...........So do us a favor with your attacks and play this song...........ENJOY

I am pro whatever causes epic meltdowns like this ^ ^ ^

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