We Are Not Governed By Christ, Y'all.

Dip duck dodge

Thread about not governed by Christ, Op about a flag............and you are saying CRIME IS DOWN DUDE...............

Brain damage.....................If you are offended by my comments please deposit your complaints in the basement section of the 3rd port o let to the right.

Thank you.
maybe you shouldn't butt into conversations when you don't know your head from your ass. I was responding to a poster who said that we are less moral. Crime being down is an indicator of our morals. Duh.
If you can't see that our morals are down in this country.............then I suggest you hold your nose..............and blow REALLY HARD.............and dislodge your head from your ass..............

Does that clear it up for you.............if not seek Obamacare..............

Some of us, who know the Majority here are Christians..............are TIRED of your regular attempts to attack the religion of the majority.............because a few ass holes get offended.................hey buddy.........I'm offended that you dumb asses are Offended.................Perhaps you were dropped on your head at birth............I don't know...............I just think you people are LUNATICS................

It's time we tell you to shove it where the sun doesn't shine..............the same place your head is..............and if you don't like we don't fucking care...........So do us a favor with your attacks and play this song...........ENJOY

You pray to baby Jesus with that mouth?

Eye for an eye.....................my deal isn't that I'm HOLY.................it's simply a member of the majority that like for all you offended people..............to ..................:anj_stfu:

I am not offended, that is the fallacy of your logic..
The point is to keep it in small numbers, because it has always been there and will always be there.
It's when the larger masses start to do it that nations fall.
Crime is DOWN

Do you know what DOWN means?

It means that your generation produced more criminals than the generations after it.

YOURE the ass holes.

And you are the ones who keep electing them.
Pelosi. Reid, Biden and so on.
Dip duck dodge

Thread about not governed by Christ, Op about a flag............and you are saying CRIME IS DOWN DUDE...............

Brain damage.....................If you are offended by my comments please deposit your complaints in the basement section of the 3rd port o let to the right.

Thank you.
maybe you shouldn't butt into conversations when you don't know your head from your ass. I was responding to a poster who said that we are less moral. Crime being down is an indicator of our morals. Duh.

FBI records say you're wrong.
United States Crime Rate
Crime is DOWN

Do you know what DOWN means?

It means that your generation produced more criminals than the generations after it.

YOURE the ass holes.

And you are the ones who keep electing them.
Pelosi. Reid, Biden and so on.
Dip duck dodge

Thread about not governed by Christ, Op about a flag............and you are saying CRIME IS DOWN DUDE...............

Brain damage.....................If you are offended by my comments please deposit your complaints in the basement section of the 3rd port o let to the right.

Thank you.
maybe you shouldn't butt into conversations when you don't know your head from your ass. I was responding to a poster who said that we are less moral. Crime being down is an indicator of our morals. Duh.

FBI records say you're wrong.
United States Crime Rate
From 2002...
This is unsurprisingly ignorant.

To follow the First Amendment is to neither 'hate Jesus' nor 'reject god.'
Talk about ignorance? The 1st guarantees our freedom OF religion not freedom FROM.
At least you're consistent at being ignorant and wrong.

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits government endorsement of religion, which in fact safeguards the right of citizens to be free from religion, to not be compelled by the state to follow a particular faith, prohibiting government from seeking to codify religious dogma into secular law.

The city government displaying a 'Christian flag' was clearly a potential violation of the Establishment Clause, and officials were wise to remove the 'flag' in accordance with the Framers' mandate that church and state remain separate.
The first amendment says gov't. shouldn't establish a religion and protects a persons right to worship God how he wishes. It does not say you should deny people from praying in school or placing the Ten Commandments in public like you idiot libtards mistakenly think it does.
Wrong again.

The prohibition of public schools endorsing or promoting religion can be found here in the First Amendment:

'Because of the prohibition of the First Amendment against the enactment of any law "respecting an establishment of religion," which is made applicable to the States by the Fourteenth Amendment, state officials may not compose an official state prayer and require that it be recited in the public schools of the State at the beginning of each school day -- even if the prayer is denominationally neutral and pupils who wish to do so may remain silent or be excused from the room while the prayer is being recited.'

Engel v. Vitale US Law LII Legal Information Institute

The First Amendment is clear and specific that the Establishment Clause indeed protects citizens from religion and religious extremism as expressed through the force of law.

Moreover, the First Amendment in no way seeks to 'deny' any private person the right to religious expression in public schools or any other public venue – students and teachers are at liberty to pray to their deity, provided such religious expression does not have the principal or primary effect to advance or inhibit religion or to otherwise manifest in an excessive government entanglement with religion. (Lemon v Kurtzman)
Crime is DOWN

Do you know what DOWN means?

It means that your generation produced more criminals than the generations after it.

YOURE the ass holes.

And you are the ones who keep electing them.
Pelosi. Reid, Biden and so on.
Dip duck dodge

Thread about not governed by Christ, Op about a flag............and you are saying CRIME IS DOWN DUDE...............

Brain damage.....................If you are offended by my comments please deposit your complaints in the basement section of the 3rd port o let to the right.

Thank you.
maybe you shouldn't butt into conversations when you don't know your head from your ass. I was responding to a poster who said that we are less moral. Crime being down is an indicator of our morals. Duh.

FBI records say you're wrong.
United States Crime Rate
Umm....read the fine print where i said to start in the 60's. Jeebus
And you are the ones who keep electing them.
Pelosi. Reid, Biden and so on.
Dip duck dodge

Thread about not governed by Christ, Op about a flag............and you are saying CRIME IS DOWN DUDE...............

Brain damage.....................If you are offended by my comments please deposit your complaints in the basement section of the 3rd port o let to the right.

Thank you.
maybe you shouldn't butt into conversations when you don't know your head from your ass. I was responding to a poster who said that we are less moral. Crime being down is an indicator of our morals. Duh.

FBI records say you're wrong.
United States Crime Rate
Umm....read the fine print where i said to start in the 60's. Jeebus

1960 to 2002
This is unsurprisingly ignorant.

To follow the First Amendment is to neither 'hate Jesus' nor 'reject god.'
Talk about ignorance? The 1st guarantees our freedom OF religion not freedom FROM.
At least you're consistent at being ignorant and wrong.

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits government endorsement of religion, which in fact safeguards the right of citizens to be free from religion, to not be compelled by the state to follow a particular faith, prohibiting government from seeking to codify religious dogma into secular law.

The city government displaying a 'Christian flag' was clearly a potential violation of the Establishment Clause, and officials were wise to remove the 'flag' in accordance with the Framers' mandate that church and state remain separate.
It is YOU who have it wrong. This country honored God and allowed it since its Founding up until you Liberals perverted the meaning of the First Amendment and declared God was unwelcome here. Flying a flag is not the government enforcing religion, it's just an acknowledgement that the people believe there is a God. This Country was founded by Christians and Jews and the land dedicated to God. Our Congress opens each session in prayer, we inaugurate our presidents with an opening prayer. So this Country still acknowledges God. It's just you atheists hate it and don't want anybody having the right to believe in God. So you come up with this foolish notion of freedom from religion -- for everybody. That sounds more like a communist country.
Last edited:
And you are the ones who keep electing them.
Pelosi. Reid, Biden and so on.
Dip duck dodge

Thread about not governed by Christ, Op about a flag............and you are saying CRIME IS DOWN DUDE...............

Brain damage.....................If you are offended by my comments please deposit your complaints in the basement section of the 3rd port o let to the right.

Thank you.
maybe you shouldn't butt into conversations when you don't know your head from your ass. I was responding to a poster who said that we are less moral. Crime being down is an indicator of our morals. Duh.
If you can't see that our morals are down in this country.............then I suggest you hold your nose..............and blow REALLY HARD.............and dislodge your head from your ass..............

Does that clear it up for you.............if not seek Obamacare..............

Some of us, who know the Majority here are Christians..............are TIRED of your regular attempts to attack the religion of the majority.............because a few ass holes get offended.................hey buddy.........I'm offended that you dumb asses are Offended.................Perhaps you were dropped on your head at birth............I don't know...............I just think you people are LUNATICS................

It's time we tell you to shove it where the sun doesn't shine..............the same place your head is..............and if you don't like we don't fucking care...........So do us a favor with your attacks and play this song...........ENJOY

I am pro whatever causes epic meltdowns like this ^ ^ ^

You are a legend in your own mind.............meltdown................LOL

Whatever dude.................sacrifice a chicken and pray to your idol man......................

Are you still scared of a Flag.........................Oh my God did you here..............these guys flew a Christian flag at the Capital...................The Nerve...................


This is what drives you people................

Dip duck dodge

Thread about not governed by Christ, Op about a flag............and you are saying CRIME IS DOWN DUDE...............

Brain damage.....................If you are offended by my comments please deposit your complaints in the basement section of the 3rd port o let to the right.

Thank you.
maybe you shouldn't butt into conversations when you don't know your head from your ass. I was responding to a poster who said that we are less moral. Crime being down is an indicator of our morals. Duh.
If you can't see that our morals are down in this country.............then I suggest you hold your nose..............and blow REALLY HARD.............and dislodge your head from your ass..............

Does that clear it up for you.............if not seek Obamacare..............

Some of us, who know the Majority here are Christians..............are TIRED of your regular attempts to attack the religion of the majority.............because a few ass holes get offended.................hey buddy.........I'm offended that you dumb asses are Offended.................Perhaps you were dropped on your head at birth............I don't know...............I just think you people are LUNATICS................

It's time we tell you to shove it where the sun doesn't shine..............the same place your head is..............and if you don't like we don't fucking care...........So do us a favor with your attacks and play this song...........ENJOY

I am pro whatever causes epic meltdowns like this ^ ^ ^

You are a legend in your own mind.............meltdown................LOL

Whatever dude.................sacrifice a chicken and pray to your idol man......................

Are you still scared of a Flag.........................Oh my God did you here..............these guys flew a Christian flag at the Capital...................The Nerve...................


This is what drives you people................



Ignoramusses unite.

Thread about not governed by Christ, Op about a flag............and you are saying CRIME IS DOWN DUDE...............

Brain damage.....................If you are offended by my comments please deposit your complaints in the basement section of the 3rd port o let to the right.

Thank you.
maybe you shouldn't butt into conversations when you don't know your head from your ass. I was responding to a poster who said that we are less moral. Crime being down is an indicator of our morals. Duh.
If you can't see that our morals are down in this country.............then I suggest you hold your nose..............and blow REALLY HARD.............and dislodge your head from your ass..............

Does that clear it up for you.............if not seek Obamacare..............

Some of us, who know the Majority here are Christians..............are TIRED of your regular attempts to attack the religion of the majority.............because a few ass holes get offended.................hey buddy.........I'm offended that you dumb asses are Offended.................Perhaps you were dropped on your head at birth............I don't know...............I just think you people are LUNATICS................

It's time we tell you to shove it where the sun doesn't shine..............the same place your head is..............and if you don't like we don't fucking care...........So do us a favor with your attacks and play this song...........ENJOY

I am pro whatever causes epic meltdowns like this ^ ^ ^

You are a legend in your own mind.............meltdown................LOL

Whatever dude.................sacrifice a chicken and pray to your idol man......................

Are you still scared of a Flag.........................Oh my God did you here..............these guys flew a Christian flag at the Capital...................The Nerve...................


This is what drives you people................



Ignoramusses unite.

Well the I hate Jesus crowd is posting another I Hate Jesus thread. They must be running away from their guilty conscience for rejecting God.

They tell us to keep our religion to ourselves. I say how about you keeping your hatred of God to yourself?

How about keeping a christian flag off of City Hall? That's it. Easy peasy.
What is it about the country's dominant religion that offends you to the point of spewing poisonous vitriol?
You libs freely support Islam. Yet you throw flames of hatred toward Christianity and Judaism. Why is that?
I find it interesting how you lefties run around screeching about "your rights" while using those rights to usurp and smother the very same rights of others with whom you disagree..
Now, answer to THAT.
This is unsurprisingly ignorant.

To follow the First Amendment is to neither 'hate Jesus' nor 'reject god.'
Talk about ignorance? The 1st guarantees our freedom OF religion not freedom FROM.
At least you're consistent at being ignorant and wrong.

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits government endorsement of religion, which in fact safeguards the right of citizens to be free from religion, to not be compelled by the state to follow a particular faith, prohibiting government from seeking to codify religious dogma into secular law.

The city government displaying a 'Christian flag' was clearly a potential violation of the Establishment Clause, and officials were wise to remove the 'flag' in accordance with the Framers' mandate that church and state remain separate.
It is YOU who have it wrong. This country honored God and allowed it since its Founding up until you Liberals perverted the meaning of the First Amendment and declared God was unwelcome here. Flying a flag is not the government enforcing religion, it's just an acknowledgement that the people believe there is a God. This Country was founded by Christians and Jews and the land dedicated to God. Our Congress opens each session in prayer, we inaugurate our presidents with an opening prayer. So this Country still acknowledges God. It's just you atheists hate it and don't want anybody having the right to believe in God. So you come up with this foolish notion of freedom from religion -- for everybody. That sounds more like a communist country.
And this is an example of the ignorance, fear, hate, and stupidity that manifest as religious extremism, the religious extremism from which the Framers sought to protect the American people by codifying the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.
We may not be "governed" by Christ but many of us follow Christ and His word is paramount. I realize Obungles "THINKS" he is God but he's not

Which should the nation turn to for guidance....the Constitution or The Bible?
The Bible. Duh.

Sounds like Sharia to me.

girl gets raped, citizens stone the raped woman instead of the Rapist.........yep..............that's really going on here..............

No Get off of your High Horse....................You know...............how the Crusades Justify Islamic Barbarians.................

You guys really shouldn't have done drugs early in life.

Well the I hate Jesus crowd is posting another I Hate Jesus thread. They must be running away from their guilty conscience for rejecting God.

They tell us to keep our religion to ourselves. I say how about you keeping your hatred of God to yourself?

How about keeping a christian flag off of City Hall? That's it. Easy peasy.
What is it about the country's dominant religion that offends you to the point of spewing poisonous vitriol?
You libs freely support Islam. Yet you throw flames of hatred toward Christianity and Judaism. Why is that?
I find it interesting how you lefties run around screeching about "your rights" while using those rights to usurp and smother the very same rights of others with whom you disagree..
Now, answer to THAT.

Nothing you said is accurate. That's why you are confused.
We may not be "governed" by Christ but many of us follow Christ and His word is paramount. I realize Obungles "THINKS" he is God but he's not

Which should the nation turn to for guidance....the Constitution or The Bible?

Do you know how much of our Constitution is based on the Bible?

We are founded on Natural Law that forbids our government from prohibiting.

Nothing. Nothing in our constitution is based on the bible.

You are a bit nutty,aren't you?

Talk abut ignorant - but that is because it has not been taught in our education system for many years because of secularists who are anti-Christian.
The Bible and Government - Faith Facts
American's Founding Fathers achieved a solid balance between church and state, one consistent with biblical concepts.

Nope. You can find all sorts of bullshit on the internet. The US Constitution has nothing in common with your bible.
This tirade by the atheists here is just them rejecting God and trying to convince themselves God isn't real. Hell, even Satan, who us controlling them, believes in God and His Son, Jesus.
This is unsurprisingly ignorant.

To follow the First Amendment is to neither 'hate Jesus' nor 'reject god.'
Talk about ignorance? The 1st guarantees our freedom OF religion not freedom FROM.
At least you're consistent at being ignorant and wrong.

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits government endorsement of religion, which in fact safeguards the right of citizens to be free from religion, to not be compelled by the state to follow a particular faith, prohibiting government from seeking to codify religious dogma into secular law.

The city government displaying a 'Christian flag' was clearly a potential violation of the Establishment Clause, and officials were wise to remove the 'flag' in accordance with the Framers' mandate that church and state remain separate.
It is YOU who have it wrong. This country honored God and allowed it since its Founding up until you Liberals perverted the meaning of the First Amendment and declared God was unwelcome here. Flying a flag is not the government enforcing religion, it's just an acknowledgement that the people believe there is a God. This Country was founded by Christians and Jews and the land dedicated to God. Our Congress opens each session in prayer, we inaugurate our presidents with an opening prayer. So this Country still acknowledges God. It's just you atheists hate it and don't want anybody having the right to believe in God. So you come up with this foolish notion of freedom from religion -- for everybody. That sounds more like a communist country.
And this is an example of the ignorance, fear, hate, and stupidity that manifest as religious extremism, the religious extremism from which the Framers sought to protect the American people by codifying the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

Christianity is not religious extremism.
More the 98% of the Country was Christian at the time of the writing of our Constitution.
Muslim Jihadists are religious extremism.
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However, both those that are Christian and those that are not may vote their conscience at the ballot box, thus effecting the laws of the land. If the population is overwhelming Christian, that will be reflected in the laws. If not, that will also be reflected in the laws.
Correct....Utah is owned and operated by the Mormon church. I don't see these libs spending their money on an army of ACLU attorneys to put a stop to that.
New Jersey ( blue state) has some of the most restrictive Blue Laws in the nation. Where are the flaming libs and the ACLU on that?
Across the southeast, we have laws by and for the pleasure of Baptists and Presbyterians.....ACLU and the left wing moon bats.....HELLOOOOO.....
You people are as fake and transparent as a one sided three dollar bill.
The ACLU is no better than these ambulance chasing parachute attorneys......They are vultures.
This is unsurprisingly ignorant.

To follow the First Amendment is to neither 'hate Jesus' nor 'reject god.'
Talk about ignorance? The 1st guarantees our freedom OF religion not freedom FROM.
At least you're consistent at being ignorant and wrong.

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits government endorsement of religion, which in fact safeguards the right of citizens to be free from religion, to not be compelled by the state to follow a particular faith, prohibiting government from seeking to codify religious dogma into secular law.

The city government displaying a 'Christian flag' was clearly a potential violation of the Establishment Clause, and officials were wise to remove the 'flag' in accordance with the Framers' mandate that church and state remain separate.
It is YOU who have it wrong. This country honored God and allowed it since its Founding up until you Liberals perverted the meaning of the First Amendment and declared God was unwelcome here. Flying a flag is not the government enforcing religion, it's just an acknowledgement that the people believe there is a God. This Country was founded by Christians and Jews and the land dedicated to God. Our Congress opens each session in prayer, we inaugurate our presidents with an opening prayer. So this Country still acknowledges God. It's just you atheists hate it and don't want anybody having the right to believe in God. So you come up with this foolish notion of freedom from religion -- for everybody. That sounds more like a communist country.
And this is an example of the ignorance, fear, hate, and stupidity that manifest as religious extremism, the religious extremism from which the Framers sought to protect the American people by codifying the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.
Oh bullshit....Your premise is just another left wing perversion of the facts.
Well the I hate Jesus crowd is posting another I Hate Jesus thread. They must be running away from their guilty conscience for rejecting God.

They tell us to keep our religion to ourselves. I say how about you keeping your hatred of God to yourself?

How about keeping a christian flag off of City Hall? That's it. Easy peasy.
What is it about the country's dominant religion that offends you to the point of spewing poisonous vitriol?
You libs freely support Islam. Yet you throw flames of hatred toward Christianity and Judaism. Why is that?
I find it interesting how you lefties run around screeching about "your rights" while using those rights to usurp and smother the very same rights of others with whom you disagree..
Now, answer to THAT.

Unlike many on the right, liberals correctly and in concert with the First Amendment support the religious liberty of Christians, Muslims, Jews, other theists, and those free from faith – the mistake you and others on the right make is to confuse legitimate, appropriate criticism of specific Christians with criticism of Christianity as a whole, which is clearly not the case; just as you and others on the right make the mistake of attacking Islam predicated solely on the acts of specific Muslims who are in no way 'representative' of Islam as a whole.

And liberals correctly and in concert with the First Amendment appropriately reject the ignorance and unwarranted hate you and most others on the right exhibit toward Islam, as an entire class of persons cannot be subject to criticism based solely on the criminal acts of the few.

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