We Are Not Governed By Christ, Y'all.

Which should the nation turn to for guidance....the Constitution or The Bible?

Do you know how much of our Constitution is based on the Bible?

We are founded on Natural Law that forbids our government from prohibiting.

Nothing. Nothing in our constitution is based on the bible.

You are a bit nutty,aren't you?

Talk abut ignorant - but that is because it has not been taught in our education system for many years because of secularists who are anti-Christian.
The Bible and Government - Faith Facts
American's Founding Fathers achieved a solid balance between church and state, one consistent with biblical concepts.

Nope. You can find all sorts of bullshit on the internet. The US Constitution has nothing in common with your bible.

Sorry but that was taught way before we ever had an Internet.
It was taught in our schools right after we became a Nation up until an atheist got God out of our schools in the 1960's.
Ignorant nonsense.

No one 'got god out of our schools,' the notion is a ridiculous lie.

Theists remain at liberty to practice their faith in public schools, to read their bibles, to pray their deities, and to adhere to the tenets of their faith.

In accordance with the Constitution and the original intent of the Framers, however, schools, as entities of the state, may not endorse, promote, or prohibit religious expression in the context of official school policy:

“It has been argued that to apply the Constitution in such a way as to prohibit state laws respecting an establishment of religious services in public schools is to indicate a hostility toward religion or toward prayer. Nothing, of course, could be more wrong.


It is neither sacrilegious nor anti-religious to say that each separate government in this country should stay out of the business of writing or sanctioning official prayers and leave that purely religious function to the people themselves and to those the people choose to look to for religious guidance.”

Engel v. Vitale US Law LII Legal Information Institute
Do you know how much of our Constitution is based on the Bible?

We are founded on Natural Law that forbids our government from prohibiting.

Nothing. Nothing in our constitution is based on the bible.

You are a bit nutty,aren't you?

Talk abut ignorant - but that is because it has not been taught in our education system for many years because of secularists who are anti-Christian.
The Bible and Government - Faith Facts
American's Founding Fathers achieved a solid balance between church and state, one consistent with biblical concepts.

Nope. You can find all sorts of bullshit on the internet. The US Constitution has nothing in common with your bible.

Sorry but that was taught way before we ever had an Internet.
It was taught in our schools right after we became a Nation up until an atheist got God out of our schools in the 1960's.
Ignorant nonsense.

No one 'got god out of our schools,' the notion is a ridiculous lie.

Theists remain at liberty to practice their faith in public schools, to read their bibles, to pray their deities, and to adhere to the tenets of their faith.

In accordance with the Constitution and the original intent of the Framers, however, schools, as entities of the state, may not endorse, promote, or prohibit religious expression in the context of official school policy:

“It has been argued that to apply the Constitution in such a way as to prohibit state laws respecting an establishment of religious services in public schools is to indicate a hostility toward religion or toward prayer. Nothing, of course, could be more wrong.


It is neither sacrilegious nor anti-religious to say that each separate government in this country should stay out of the business of writing or sanctioning official prayers and leave that purely religious function to the people themselves and to those the people choose to look to for religious guidance.”

Engel v. Vitale US Law LII Legal Information Institute

The U. S. Supreme Court issued two bans on prayer in public schools. The first ban came in 1962 and the second was issued in 1963. The bans were the result of a court case sponsored in part by Madalyn Murray O'Hare. She was but one of the litigants in the lawsuit, but her name became synonymous with the case and the promotion of atheism. The ban not only outlawed prayer in public schools but it also banned Bible reading in public schools.

Madalyn Murray O'Hare was the founder of American Atheists, Inc. which not only sought to ban prayer in public schools but also actively promoted atheism and the continued separation of church and school.
She did this all because of her selfishness of not wanting her son to be exposed to GOD & prayer. She could have taught him her views at home but she wanted no one to be exposed to God in school.
This was the start of our minority controlling the majority and is exactly why our Government continues to not function properly.

Between her, Government takeover of our schools and continued push for secularism, we are not able to teach much of our U.S. History, because our Founders used Biblical ideology and wrote about it in their personal papers.
Since then we have dropped from being number 3 in world for top education to 17th.

What is at the foundation of our Freedom is;
A free society must have an over-arching objective moral constraint upon its people. An absence of this moral constraint, as John Adams insisted will destroy not only government but business as well. Politicians without such constraint will find ways to destroy the Constitution to suit their desire for power. It is such moral constraint that monitors business people to charge a fair price, pay a fair wage, not cheat customers or employees, to help the needy, etc.
Moral Absolutes are a must for us to be free.
Without it Government must control us.
It's up to us as a nation whether we want to to choose more government or less government.
One is the path to freedom the other is for being controlled.
The Bible is like the Constitution. Both are warnings.

In the OT, we have the 10 commandments. Originally there were no penalties for violating these commandments. Likewise, there were no real penalties for violating the Constitution either.

Today, both are violated on a daily basis, but to what end? I think most will find that when men violate them society is not better off, it is worse off.

In fact, in 1 Samuel 9 we see Israel demanding a king to rule over them. Before this judges kept the peace and people lived as they liked. God then warned them of the abuses that would come from being ruled by a sinful man, but they would not listen, the people wanted to be just like all the other nations with their despotic tyrants.. Then God gave them Saul.
It's pretty basic rules that America as well as any society has had throughout history.
Don't lie
Don't cheat
Don't Steal
Don't murder
You don't have to believe in God to keep these basic rules.
When a larger majority of any society starts to violate the above, you have chaos and then government has to take over.
This is why full communist countries like North Korea and the U.S.S.R. has no religion because they became society's controller.
This is what our Founders was always talking about to have freedom you have to have morals.
It's pretty basic rules that America as well as any society has had throughout history.
Don't lie
Don't cheat
Don't Steal
Don't murder
You don't have to believe in God to keep these basic rules.
When a larger majority of any society starts to violate the above, you have chaos and then government has to take over.
This is why full communist countries like North Korea and the U.S.S.R. has no religion because they became society's controller.
This is what our Founders was always talking about to have freedom you have to have morals.
You dont need a deity to have morals, so this post was irrelevant.
Do you know how much of our Constitution is based on the Bible?

We are founded on Natural Law that forbids our government from prohibiting.

Nothing. Nothing in our constitution is based on the bible.

You are a bit nutty,aren't you?

Talk abut ignorant - but that is because it has not been taught in our education system for many years because of secularists who are anti-Christian.
The Bible and Government - Faith Facts
American's Founding Fathers achieved a solid balance between church and state, one consistent with biblical concepts.

Nope. You can find all sorts of bullshit on the internet. The US Constitution has nothing in common with your bible.

Sorry but that was taught way before we ever had an Internet.
It was taught in our schools right after we became a Nation up until an atheist got God out of our schools in the 1960's.
Ignorant nonsense.

No one 'got god out of our schools,' the notion is a ridiculous lie.

Theists remain at liberty to practice their faith in public schools, to read their bibles, to pray their deities, and to adhere to the tenets of their faith.

In accordance with the Constitution and the original intent of the Framers, however, schools, as entities of the state, may not endorse, promote, or prohibit religious expression in the context of official school policy:

“It has been argued that to apply the Constitution in such a way as to prohibit state laws respecting an establishment of religious services in public schools is to indicate a hostility toward religion or toward prayer. Nothing, of course, could be more wrong.


It is neither sacrilegious nor anti-religious to say that each separate government in this country should stay out of the business of writing or sanctioning official prayers and leave that purely religious function to the people themselves and to those the people choose to look to for religious guidance.”

Engel v. Vitale US Law LII Legal Information Institute

I experienced it first hand C ClaytonJones when it happened in 1962.
So don't tell me it's bullshit and a lie.
It's pretty basic rules that America as well as any society has had throughout history.
Don't lie
Don't cheat
Don't Steal
Don't murder
You don't have to believe in God to keep these basic rules.
When a larger majority of any society starts to violate the above, you have chaos and then government has to take over.
This is why full communist countries like North Korea and the U.S.S.R. has no religion because they became society's controller.
This is what our Founders was always talking about to have freedom you have to have morals.
You dont need a deity to have morals, so this post was irrelevant.

Have you looked at our society lately?
Our news lies
Our Government lies and cheats and steals and ignores the Constitution when it's for their causes.
People are lying to each other our companies are lying & cheating
Protesters are stealing
Our murder & suicide rates have gone up
Our children are out of control and have no respect
It's pretty basic rules that America as well as any society has had throughout history.
Don't lie
Don't cheat
Don't Steal
Don't murder
You don't have to believe in God to keep these basic rules.
When a larger majority of any society starts to violate the above, you have chaos and then government has to take over.
This is why full communist countries like North Korea and the U.S.S.R. has no religion because they became society's controller.
This is what our Founders was always talking about to have freedom you have to have morals.
You dont need a deity to have morals, so this post was irrelevant.

Have you looked at our society lately?
Our news lies
Our Government lies and cheats and steals and ignores the Constitution when it's for their causes.
People are lying to each other our companies are lying & cheating
Protesters are stealing
Our murder & suicide rates have gone up
Our children are out of control and have no respect
Youre really a victim of propoganda.

Crime rates are at all historic LOWS.

FBI Homepage look at the graph from 1965 to present.

Kids were way more disrespectable, in a much more impactful way, then they are now.

Thats just something old people say and think. Even Socrates has a "the damn youth are immoral" meme, and that was how many generations ago?

And in the end, this still has fuck all to do with morals not requiring religion, to exist.
It's pretty basic rules that America as well as any society has had throughout history.
Don't lie
Don't cheat
Don't Steal
Don't murder
You don't have to believe in God to keep these basic rules.
When a larger majority of any society starts to violate the above, you have chaos and then government has to take over.
This is why full communist countries like North Korea and the U.S.S.R. has no religion because they became society's controller.
This is what our Founders was always talking about to have freedom you have to have morals.
You dont need a deity to have morals, so this post was irrelevant.

Have you looked at our society lately?
Our news lies
Our Government lies and cheats and steals and ignores the Constitution when it's for their causes.
People are lying to each other our companies are lying & cheating
Protesters are stealing
Our murder & suicide rates have gone up
Our children are out of control and have no respect
Can you name a country it has never happened in? To include the Papacy?
It's pretty basic rules that America as well as any society has had throughout history.
Don't lie
Don't cheat
Don't Steal
Don't murder
You don't have to believe in God to keep these basic rules.
When a larger majority of any society starts to violate the above, you have chaos and then government has to take over.
This is why full communist countries like North Korea and the U.S.S.R. has no religion because they became society's controller.
This is what our Founders was always talking about to have freedom you have to have morals.
You dont need a deity to have morals, so this post was irrelevant.

Have you looked at our society lately?
Our news lies
Our Government lies and cheats and steals and ignores the Constitution when it's for their causes.
People are lying to each other our companies are lying & cheating
Protesters are stealing
Our murder & suicide rates have gone up
Our children are out of control and have no respect
Youre really a victim of propoganda.

Crime rates are at all historic LOWS.

FBI Homepage look at the graph from 1965 to present.

Kids were way more disrespectful, in a much more impactful way, then they are now.

Thats just something old people say and think. Even Socrates has a "the damn youth are immoral" meme, and that was how many generations ago?

And in the end, this still has fuck all to do with morals not requiring religion, to exist.

Look what happened to the Greeks. Seems Socrates was right.
Any Nation that gets too selfish and arrogant falls.
It's pretty basic rules that America as well as any society has had throughout history.
Don't lie
Don't cheat
Don't Steal
Don't murder
You don't have to believe in God to keep these basic rules.
When a larger majority of any society starts to violate the above, you have chaos and then government has to take over.
This is why full communist countries like North Korea and the U.S.S.R. has no religion because they became society's controller.
This is what our Founders was always talking about to have freedom you have to have morals.
You dont need a deity to have morals, so this post was irrelevant.

Have you looked at our society lately?
Our news lies
Our Government lies and cheats and steals and ignores the Constitution when it's for their causes.
People are lying to each other our companies are lying & cheating
Protesters are stealing
Our murder & suicide rates have gone up
Our children are out of control and have no respect
Can you name a country it has never happened in? To include the Papacy?

The point is to keep it in small numbers, because it has always been there and will always be there.
It's when the larger masses start to do it that nations fall.
It's pretty basic rules that America as well as any society has had throughout history.
Don't lie
Don't cheat
Don't Steal
Don't murder
You don't have to believe in God to keep these basic rules.
When a larger majority of any society starts to violate the above, you have chaos and then government has to take over.
This is why full communist countries like North Korea and the U.S.S.R. has no religion because they became society's controller.
This is what our Founders was always talking about to have freedom you have to have morals.
You dont need a deity to have morals, so this post was irrelevant.

Have you looked at our society lately?
Our news lies
Our Government lies and cheats and steals and ignores the Constitution when it's for their causes.
People are lying to each other our companies are lying & cheating
Protesters are stealing
Our murder & suicide rates have gone up
Our children are out of control and have no respect
Youre really a victim of propoganda.

Crime rates are at all historic LOWS.

FBI Homepage look at the graph from 1965 to present.

Kids were way more disrespectful, in a much more impactful way, then they are now.

Thats just something old people say and think. Even Socrates has a "the damn youth are immoral" meme, and that was how many generations ago?

And in the end, this still has fuck all to do with morals not requiring religion, to exist.

Look what happened to the Greeks. Seems Socrates was right.
Any Nation that gets too selfish and arrogant falls.
Im going to ponder how stupid this response was for a few moments.

While I do, you should probably let it simmer that Nationalism is in and of itself arrogant and selfish.
It's pretty basic rules that America as well as any society has had throughout history.
Don't lie
Don't cheat
Don't Steal
Don't murder
You don't have to believe in God to keep these basic rules.
When a larger majority of any society starts to violate the above, you have chaos and then government has to take over.
This is why full communist countries like North Korea and the U.S.S.R. has no religion because they became society's controller.
This is what our Founders was always talking about to have freedom you have to have morals.
You dont need a deity to have morals, so this post was irrelevant.

Have you looked at our society lately?
Our news lies
Our Government lies and cheats and steals and ignores the Constitution when it's for their causes.
People are lying to each other our companies are lying & cheating
Protesters are stealing
Our murder & suicide rates have gone up
Our children are out of control and have no respect
Can you name a country it has never happened in? To include the Papacy?

The point is to keep it in small numbers, because it has always been there and will always be there.
It's when the larger masses start to do it that nations fall.
Theist nations struggled with the issue as much as non-theist nations..Even in China where death is given for corruption by a civil official does not deter the act..
It's pretty basic rules that America as well as any society has had throughout history.
Don't lie
Don't cheat
Don't Steal
Don't murder
You don't have to believe in God to keep these basic rules.
When a larger majority of any society starts to violate the above, you have chaos and then government has to take over.
This is why full communist countries like North Korea and the U.S.S.R. has no religion because they became society's controller.
This is what our Founders was always talking about to have freedom you have to have morals.
You dont need a deity to have morals, so this post was irrelevant.

Have you looked at our society lately?
Our news lies
Our Government lies and cheats and steals and ignores the Constitution when it's for their causes.
People are lying to each other our companies are lying & cheating
Protesters are stealing
Our murder & suicide rates have gone up
Our children are out of control and have no respect
Youre really a victim of propoganda.

Crime rates are at all historic LOWS.

FBI Homepage look at the graph from 1965 to present.

Kids were way more disrespectable, in a much more impactful way, then they are now.

Thats just something old people say and think. Even Socrates has a "the damn youth are immoral" meme, and that was how many generations ago?

And in the end, this still has fuck all to do with morals not requiring religion, to exist.

Think you'll get a retraction?
It's pretty basic rules that America as well as any society has had throughout history.
Don't lie
Don't cheat
Don't Steal
Don't murder
You don't have to believe in God to keep these basic rules.
When a larger majority of any society starts to violate the above, you have chaos and then government has to take over.
This is why full communist countries like North Korea and the U.S.S.R. has no religion because they became society's controller.
This is what our Founders was always talking about to have freedom you have to have morals.
You dont need a deity to have morals, so this post was irrelevant.

Have you looked at our society lately?
Our news lies
Our Government lies and cheats and steals and ignores the Constitution when it's for their causes.
People are lying to each other our companies are lying & cheating
Protesters are stealing
Our murder & suicide rates have gone up
Our children are out of control and have no respect
Can you name a country it has never happened in? To include the Papacy?

The point is to keep it in small numbers, because it has always been there and will always be there.
It's when the larger masses start to do it that nations fall.
Crime is DOWN

Do you know what DOWN means?

It means that your generation produced more criminals than the generations after it.

YOURE the ass holes.
It's pretty basic rules that America as well as any society has had throughout history.
Don't lie
Don't cheat
Don't Steal
Don't murder
You don't have to believe in God to keep these basic rules.
When a larger majority of any society starts to violate the above, you have chaos and then government has to take over.
This is why full communist countries like North Korea and the U.S.S.R. has no religion because they became society's controller.
This is what our Founders was always talking about to have freedom you have to have morals.

If you notice, collectivists today, outside of Islam, tend to be atheists. This is no coincidence.

I think deep down we all desire a king to rule over us, it's just natural. You then either pick God or man to fill the role.

What many find strange is the alliance collectivists have with Islam. Islam believes in God and they are collectivists, however, those leaders in Islam purport to speak for God.

Looking at the recorded human history in terms of collectivists, man first claimed to be a god, and when that no longer worked he then he claimed to speak for God, and when that no longer worked he claimed that God did not exist, thus making himself the ultimate authority. I presume when the later has run its course we will revert back to people speaking for God, which is why I think Islam is the up and coming new world religion.
It's pretty basic rules that America as well as any society has had throughout history.
Don't lie
Don't cheat
Don't Steal
Don't murder
You don't have to believe in God to keep these basic rules.
When a larger majority of any society starts to violate the above, you have chaos and then government has to take over.
This is why full communist countries like North Korea and the U.S.S.R. has no religion because they became society's controller.
This is what our Founders was always talking about to have freedom you have to have morals.
You dont need a deity to have morals, so this post was irrelevant.

Have you looked at our society lately?
Our news lies
Our Government lies and cheats and steals and ignores the Constitution when it's for their causes.
People are lying to each other our companies are lying & cheating
Protesters are stealing
Our murder & suicide rates have gone up
Our children are out of control and have no respect
Youre really a victim of propoganda.

Crime rates are at all historic LOWS.

FBI Homepage look at the graph from 1965 to present.

Kids were way more disrespectful, in a much more impactful way, then they are now.

Thats just something old people say and think. Even Socrates has a "the damn youth are immoral" meme, and that was how many generations ago?

And in the end, this still has fuck all to do with morals not requiring religion, to exist.

Look what happened to the Greeks. Seems Socrates was right.
Any Nation that gets too selfish and arrogant falls.
Im going to ponder how stupid this response was for a few moments.

While I do, you should probably let it simmer that Nationalism is in and of itself arrogant and selfish.

Oh Brother!!!!!!
There is no help for you, you are too brainwashed by the libs.
We may not be "governed" by Christ but many of us follow Christ and His word is paramount. I realize Obungles "THINKS" he is God but he's not

Which should the nation turn to for guidance....the Constitution or The Bible?
As a citizen of this country I look for guidance in the BIBLE.........................

If you are an Atheist perhaps you sacrifice a chicken on a make shift altar................

Countries are made up of people you dolt...............and most don't agree with Atheist's views...............

In this case, the flag shouldn't have been flown.............but it was only a problem to a small group of whining little bitches................Whether the flag there flew or not..............it doesn't change the price of rice in China..............

We've become a nation of I'M OFFENDED................If you OFFEND ME I'LL SUE..................which shows just how far down the drain we have come..............Can't offend anyone...............even if the OFFENDED regularily offend others...................

If you are Offended by the duality of this post.......................Then Sue me...............it's the American way.
This is unsurprisingly ignorant.

To follow the First Amendment is to neither 'hate Jesus' nor 'reject god.'
Talk about ignorance? The 1st guarantees our freedom OF religion not freedom FROM.
At least you're consistent at being ignorant and wrong.

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits government endorsement of religion, which in fact safeguards the right of citizens to be free from religion, to not be compelled by the state to follow a particular faith, prohibiting government from seeking to codify religious dogma into secular law.

The city government displaying a 'Christian flag' was clearly a potential violation of the Establishment Clause, and officials were wise to remove the 'flag' in accordance with the Framers' mandate that church and state remain separate.

Who cares? If you don't like it don't look at it. You fools just want something to whine about, miserable jackasses
Those who respect the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law care.

Those who correctly understand the propensity of many theists to seek to codify religious dogma into secular law care.

And those who wish to safeguard the religious liberties of all Americans care, to prohibit government from unwarranted intrusion into religious practice, and prohibiting government from compelling religious conformity.
What intrusion..............a freaking flag flying................did the protest come from the town or the people there themselves or some Crusading Law Firm who make a living of attacking the church..............

As I've already said, they shouldn't have done so to begin with, but it doesn't make a bit of difference in the world anyway.................except to the likes of the ACLU who have a history of attacking the cross....................spouting the same shit you are here.

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