We are now less safe thanks to Trump


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Elite terrorist interrogation team withers under Trump

To many U.S. officials, it seemed like a perfect job for the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group (HIG) — an interagency team formed by the Obama administration after a wrenching national debate over Bush-era torture practices and charged with developing humane interrogation methods based on academic research.

But the Trump administration never deployed the elite team to question the American captured in Syria, according to two sources with knowledge of the group’s deployments. The group’s exclusion rattled those who work for it, who fear its days could be numbered under a president who has openly endorsed the torture of terror suspects. In the last week alone, two members of the group’s critical research arm announced their departure, and warned colleagues the organization was in danger.

“We run the risk of losing this innovative and important instrument of national power,” said Bobby Chesney, a professor at the University of Texas at Austin who has advised the U.S. government on detainee policy. “It’s such an obviously good idea. But it also treads on the turf of several agencies. What’s likely to happen if it doesn’t have strong institutional support? It will lose budget and personnel, and no one will push back.”

Sources involved or familiar with the organization who spoke to POLITICO warned that its absence in the case of the American captured in Syria is just the latest sign, dating back to the late Obama era, that the HIG has struggled to win support throughout the turf-conscious U.S. law enforcement and intelligence establishments.

When will the dopes realize Trump is the opposite of everything he says...

He's not smart, a winner, or a deal maker.

He's liar, a cheat, a thief, and a puss-grabber...
Elite terrorist interrogation team withers under Trump

To many U.S. officials, it seemed like a perfect job for the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group (HIG) — an interagency team formed by the Obama administration after a wrenching national debate over Bush-era torture practices and charged with developing humane interrogation methods based on academic research.

But the Trump administration never deployed the elite team to question the American captured in Syria, according to two sources with knowledge of the group’s deployments. The group’s exclusion rattled those who work for it, who fear its days could be numbered under a president who has openly endorsed the torture of terror suspects. In the last week alone, two members of the group’s critical research arm announced their departure, and warned colleagues the organization was in danger.

“We run the risk of losing this innovative and important instrument of national power,” said Bobby Chesney, a professor at the University of Texas at Austin who has advised the U.S. government on detainee policy. “It’s such an obviously good idea. But it also treads on the turf of several agencies. What’s likely to happen if it doesn’t have strong institutional support? It will lose budget and personnel, and no one will push back.”

Sources involved or familiar with the organization who spoke to POLITICO warned that its absence in the case of the American captured in Syria is just the latest sign, dating back to the late Obama era, that the HIG has struggled to win support throughout the turf-conscious U.S. law enforcement and intelligence establishments.

When will the dopes realize Trump is the opposite of everything he says...

He's not smart, a winner, or a deal maker.

He's liar, a cheat, a thief, and a puss-grabber...

At least he didnt trade 5 high level terrorists for a traitor.
Elite terrorist interrogation team withers under Trump

To many U.S. officials, it seemed like a perfect job for the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group (HIG) — an interagency team formed by the Obama administration after a wrenching national debate over Bush-era torture practices and charged with developing humane interrogation methods based on academic research.

But the Trump administration never deployed the elite team to question the American captured in Syria, according to two sources with knowledge of the group’s deployments. The group’s exclusion rattled those who work for it, who fear its days could be numbered under a president who has openly endorsed the torture of terror suspects. In the last week alone, two members of the group’s critical research arm announced their departure, and warned colleagues the organization was in danger.

“We run the risk of losing this innovative and important instrument of national power,” said Bobby Chesney, a professor at the University of Texas at Austin who has advised the U.S. government on detainee policy. “It’s such an obviously good idea. But it also treads on the turf of several agencies. What’s likely to happen if it doesn’t have strong institutional support? It will lose budget and personnel, and no one will push back.”

Sources involved or familiar with the organization who spoke to POLITICO warned that its absence in the case of the American captured in Syria is just the latest sign, dating back to the late Obama era, that the HIG has struggled to win support throughout the turf-conscious U.S. law enforcement and intelligence establishments.

When will the dopes realize Trump is the opposite of everything he says...

He's not smart, a winner, or a deal maker.

He's liar, a cheat, a thief, and a puss-grabber...

Torture works better.
Let's see...we have the largest military, by a country mile. Yet on 9/11 a bunch of kooky Saudis managed to hijack jetliners and murder thousands of Americans, but where was our HUGE wonderful military? No where to be found.

It would seem keeping Americans safe is not a priority. Growing the power and wealth of the central government is.
Elite terrorist interrogation team withers under Trump

To many U.S. officials, it seemed like a perfect job for the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group (HIG) — an interagency team formed by the Obama administration after a wrenching national debate over Bush-era torture practices and charged with developing humane interrogation methods based on academic research.

But the Trump administration never deployed the elite team to question the American captured in Syria, according to two sources with knowledge of the group’s deployments. The group’s exclusion rattled those who work for it, who fear its days could be numbered under a president who has openly endorsed the torture of terror suspects. In the last week alone, two members of the group’s critical research arm announced their departure, and warned colleagues the organization was in danger.

“We run the risk of losing this innovative and important instrument of national power,” said Bobby Chesney, a professor at the University of Texas at Austin who has advised the U.S. government on detainee policy. “It’s such an obviously good idea. But it also treads on the turf of several agencies. What’s likely to happen if it doesn’t have strong institutional support? It will lose budget and personnel, and no one will push back.”

Sources involved or familiar with the organization who spoke to POLITICO warned that its absence in the case of the American captured in Syria is just the latest sign, dating back to the late Obama era, that the HIG has struggled to win support throughout the turf-conscious U.S. law enforcement and intelligence establishments.

When will the dopes realize Trump is the opposite of everything he says...

He's not smart, a winner, or a deal maker.

He's liar, a cheat, a thief, and a puss-grabber...
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- an interagency team formed by MROBAMA eh ?? So probably a mrobama holdover interrogation team eh Nat :afro: ??
an interagency team formed by the Obama administration after a wrenching national debate over Bush-era torture practices and charged with developing humane interrogation methods based on academic research.
Yeah, I still can't get over the "academic research" that went into the "humane" interrogation methods.

How was this research conducted?
Elite terrorist interrogation team withers under Trump

To many U.S. officials, it seemed like a perfect job for the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group (HIG) — an interagency team formed by the Obama administration after a wrenching national debate over Bush-era torture practices and charged with developing humane interrogation methods based on academic research.

But the Trump administration never deployed the elite team to question the American captured in Syria, according to two sources with knowledge of the group’s deployments. The group’s exclusion rattled those who work for it, who fear its days could be numbered under a president who has openly endorsed the torture of terror suspects. In the last week alone, two members of the group’s critical research arm announced their departure, and warned colleagues the organization was in danger.

“We run the risk of losing this innovative and important instrument of national power,” said Bobby Chesney, a professor at the University of Texas at Austin who has advised the U.S. government on detainee policy. “It’s such an obviously good idea. But it also treads on the turf of several agencies. What’s likely to happen if it doesn’t have strong institutional support? It will lose budget and personnel, and no one will push back.”

Sources involved or familiar with the organization who spoke to POLITICO warned that its absence in the case of the American captured in Syria is just the latest sign, dating back to the late Obama era, that the HIG has struggled to win support throughout the turf-conscious U.S. law enforcement and intelligence establishments.

When will the dopes realize Trump is the opposite of everything he says...

He's not smart, a winner, or a deal maker.

He's liar, a cheat, a thief, and a puss-grabber...

Republicans have no clue about how to conduct foreign relations or use the military. They always act like a 7 year old with his dad's BB gun.
How much less safe did Obama make the world picking Iran off the deck and pumping them up with cash and a green light on their Nuclear program? There are none so blind as Liberals who will not see.
How did Obama green light Irans Nuclear program?

And are you trying to make the point that if Obama did something that made us less safe then we shouldn't be critical if Trump does something to make us less safe?
an interagency team formed by the Obama administration after a wrenching national debate over Bush-era torture practices and charged with developing humane interrogation methods based on academic research.
Yeah, I still can't get over the "academic research" that went into the "humane" interrogation methods.

How was this research conducted?

I think I'd be more inclined to talk if they said they were going to hook jumper cables to my huevos than threatening me with a harsh talking to.
mrobama formed the teams , thats all that needs be said for me to know that this team needs to be disbanded and all mrobama holdovers in USA Government need to be fired .
Elite terrorist interrogation team withers under Trump

To many U.S. officials, it seemed like a perfect job for the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group (HIG) — an interagency team formed by the Obama administration after a wrenching national debate over Bush-era torture practices and charged with developing humane interrogation methods based on academic research.

But the Trump administration never deployed the elite team to question the American captured in Syria, according to two sources with knowledge of the group’s deployments. The group’s exclusion rattled those who work for it, who fear its days could be numbered under a president who has openly endorsed the torture of terror suspects. In the last week alone, two members of the group’s critical research arm announced their departure, and warned colleagues the organization was in danger.

“We run the risk of losing this innovative and important instrument of national power,” said Bobby Chesney, a professor at the University of Texas at Austin who has advised the U.S. government on detainee policy. “It’s such an obviously good idea. But it also treads on the turf of several agencies. What’s likely to happen if it doesn’t have strong institutional support? It will lose budget and personnel, and no one will push back.”

Sources involved or familiar with the organization who spoke to POLITICO warned that its absence in the case of the American captured in Syria is just the latest sign, dating back to the late Obama era, that the HIG has struggled to win support throughout the turf-conscious U.S. law enforcement and intelligence establishments.

When will the dopes realize Trump is the opposite of everything he says...

He's not smart, a winner, or a deal maker.

He's liar, a cheat, a thief, and a puss-grabber...

Sounds like a stupid idea and the obvious reason is that a more effective team is filling that role with more effective methods.
Elite terrorist interrogation team withers under Trump

To many U.S. officials, it seemed like a perfect job for the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group (HIG) — an interagency team formed by the Obama administration after a wrenching national debate over Bush-era torture practices and charged with developing humane interrogation methods based on academic research.

But the Trump administration never deployed the elite team to question the American captured in Syria, according to two sources with knowledge of the group’s deployments. The group’s exclusion rattled those who work for it, who fear its days could be numbered under a president who has openly endorsed the torture of terror suspects. In the last week alone, two members of the group’s critical research arm announced their departure, and warned colleagues the organization was in danger.

“We run the risk of losing this innovative and important instrument of national power,” said Bobby Chesney, a professor at the University of Texas at Austin who has advised the U.S. government on detainee policy. “It’s such an obviously good idea. But it also treads on the turf of several agencies. What’s likely to happen if it doesn’t have strong institutional support? It will lose budget and personnel, and no one will push back.”

Sources involved or familiar with the organization who spoke to POLITICO warned that its absence in the case of the American captured in Syria is just the latest sign, dating back to the late Obama era, that the HIG has struggled to win support throughout the turf-conscious U.S. law enforcement and intelligence establishments.

When will the dopes realize Trump is the opposite of everything he says...

He's not smart, a winner, or a deal maker.

He's liar, a cheat, a thief, and a puss-grabber...

Republicans have no clue about how to conduct foreign relations or use the military. They always act like a 7 year old with his dad's BB gun.

That your dad owned a BB gun is telling....
Elite terrorist interrogation team withers under Trump

To many U.S. officials, it seemed like a perfect job for the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group (HIG) — an interagency team formed by the Obama administration after a wrenching national debate over Bush-era torture practices and charged with developing humane interrogation methods based on academic research.

But the Trump administration never deployed the elite team to question the American captured in Syria, according to two sources with knowledge of the group’s deployments. The group’s exclusion rattled those who work for it, who fear its days could be numbered under a president who has openly endorsed the torture of terror suspects. In the last week alone, two members of the group’s critical research arm announced their departure, and warned colleagues the organization was in danger.

“We run the risk of losing this innovative and important instrument of national power,” said Bobby Chesney, a professor at the University of Texas at Austin who has advised the U.S. government on detainee policy. “It’s such an obviously good idea. But it also treads on the turf of several agencies. What’s likely to happen if it doesn’t have strong institutional support? It will lose budget and personnel, and no one will push back.”

Sources involved or familiar with the organization who spoke to POLITICO warned that its absence in the case of the American captured in Syria is just the latest sign, dating back to the late Obama era, that the HIG has struggled to win support throughout the turf-conscious U.S. law enforcement and intelligence establishments.

When will the dopes realize Trump is the opposite of everything he says...

He's not smart, a winner, or a deal maker.

He's liar, a cheat, a thief, and a puss-grabber...

Republicans have no clue about how to conduct foreign relations or use the military. They always act like a 7 year old with his dad's BB gun.

Who won the cold war, moron?
You gotta scratch your head over the angry incoherent leftist rants against the President especially when he defeated the biggest professional sexual abuse enabler in history. Hillary's husband had the gall to say "for the first time in history there are no ICBM's pointed at America" after he sold ICBM technology to China and nuclear technology to North Korea. Bill Clinton was diddling Monica when the 9-11 terrorists were planning their second assault on the World Trade Center and he authorized freaking carpet bombing on a defenseless country when he was caught with his freaking pants down while 9-11 terrorists were illegally in the U.S. and attending flight school.
Let's see...we have the largest military, by a country mile. Yet on 9/11 a bunch of kooky Saudis managed to hijack jetliners and murder thousands of Americans, but where was our HUGE wonderful military? No where to be found.

It would seem keeping Americans safe is not a priority. Growing the power and wealth of the central government is.
gipper i dont care if even you was president at that time,9/11 would have still happened....sometimes the bad guys get a shot in,fact of life,deal with it...
Elite terrorist interrogation team withers under Trump

To many U.S. officials, it seemed like a perfect job for the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group (HIG) — an interagency team formed by the Obama administration after a wrenching national debate over Bush-era torture practices and charged with developing humane interrogation methods based on academic research.

But the Trump administration never deployed the elite team to question the American captured in Syria, according to two sources with knowledge of the group’s deployments. The group’s exclusion rattled those who work for it, who fear its days could be numbered under a president who has openly endorsed the torture of terror suspects. In the last week alone, two members of the group’s critical research arm announced their departure, and warned colleagues the organization was in danger.

“We run the risk of losing this innovative and important instrument of national power,” said Bobby Chesney, a professor at the University of Texas at Austin who has advised the U.S. government on detainee policy. “It’s such an obviously good idea. But it also treads on the turf of several agencies. What’s likely to happen if it doesn’t have strong institutional support? It will lose budget and personnel, and no one will push back.”

Sources involved or familiar with the organization who spoke to POLITICO warned that its absence in the case of the American captured in Syria is just the latest sign, dating back to the late Obama era, that the HIG has struggled to win support throughout the turf-conscious U.S. law enforcement and intelligence establishments.

When will the dopes realize Trump is the opposite of everything he says...

He's not smart, a winner, or a deal maker.

He's liar, a cheat, a thief, and a puss-grabber...

Republicans have no clue about how to conduct foreign relations or use the military. They always act like a 7 year old with his dad's BB gun.

That your dad owned a BB gun is telling....

That you've never heard that saying it moronic. And again, can't defend the point so change the subject and deflect. Cons you really need to get a new schtick by now.

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