We are officially in a Recession.

You were an adult in 1981, really? You strike me as much younger and a liar.

I could be wrong, have been before, but I don't think so on this.

I turned 18 in 1982 actually. the recession did not end till Nov of 82.
I think while the Trump trolls are tearing down America, just to hurt Biden, theyre losing on every other metric.

Biden just got a huge victory with that CHIPs bill that passed, and another one is right behind that one.

While Biden is doing things for the country, the rightards are taking away rights, and talking about what theyre not going do. You stick with that strategy, and we’ll see how it plays out.
No one has to do anything to tear Biden down, he does it all by himself.
Nobody is losing their job. Gas prices continue to fall. The housing bubble is collapsing. The start of a bull market is happening. The CHIPs bill just passed, which brings semi conductor manufacturing back from China, lowers prescription drug costs, and lowers the deficit. Social Security recipients are about to get a 10.5% cost of living raise. It extends healthcare credits for another 3 years, helping 13 million voters.

So what do Republicans do?

Punish disabled veterans.

See you in November assholes.

You read the daily kooks and believe it!

When did you vote for him and why?

Vote for him in 84 because I was raised a die hard Repub. Then I voted for Bush I in 88 and then he lied to me so I voted for Bill in 92. That was the last time I ever voted for the duopoly in any national level election.
Vote for him in 84 because I was raised a die hard Repub. Then I voted for Bush I in 88 and then he lied to me so I voted for Bill in 92. That was the last time I ever voted for the duopoly in any national level election.
Ronnie was elected in 1980, brah. '84 too, but the big one was in 1980.
and 1984 also.

How do you not know this?

There are no edits in the post you disingenuously clipped. Dishonest shitbag.

I know I typed it all in 1 fluid motion.

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