We are officially in a Recession.

It seems like it would be to me, but I am no economics expert.
oh i don't thing you need a crystal ball GG

this is just another round of what we went through many times

the partisans will play the blame game , the fed will forward something completely unintelligible, as will the WH, and the real perps will skate yet again

ho hum!

Nothing like Obama and Manchin BOTH saying the last thing you do during a recession is raise taxes. Then Manchin votes to raise taxes during a recession.

I thought he was a decent dude. He's a fucking idiot like the rest of them.
As they did with the definition of woman, they have redefined what a recession is.
They did No Such Thing.They may have attempted to act along with
a " Corrupted " MSM to have a somewhat halfassed way of
having the appearance of Redefining the defintion of - Recession -.
But We the People are thankfully no longer open to these
Leftists word games.In fact we are watching out for them.
It's half the entire Democrat Party playbook.Which strategically
Depends on a willing and corrupted Mainstream media.
Plus this Unemployment rate is not binding.Because the Labor
Force participation rate has been neutered.Many working americans
are now working 2 jobs to make ends meet.Plus those using Unemployment
benefits.How are they counted.
We are headed straight towards the dreaded Stagflation.
We are now fully realizing a 40 year high of Inflation.
Which suppresses demand due to cost of living.
Americans have little choice but to watch their kitchen
finances.Shop smarter at the Grocery store and travel less due
to gas prices.
Since realistically with 9 % inflation,it means one out of
12 americans paychecks have been lost.
Which doesn't bug Old Senile Joe,in fact he's seems
tickled pink to double down { An Obama learned trait }and
pile on with the spending.No Economist with even half a brain
tied behind their back would advise More Government spending.
But then this Economy is being micromanaged for a purpose.
To Transform this Country into a Klaus Schwab New World Order.
Nothing could be more In Plain Sight.Using multi-faced degrees of
manifest Lying to further hoodwink the vast Populace.
" Character of a Happy Life "
" How happy is he born and taught
That serveth not another's will ; ...
This man is freed from servile bonds
Of Hope to rise and fear to fall;
Lord of himself,though not of lands,
And having nothing,yet hath all. "
Sir Winston Wotton { 1568-1639 } British diplomat,writer
Nothing like Obama and Manchin BOTH saying the last thing you do during a recession is raise taxes. Then Manchin votes to raise taxes during a recession.

I thought he was a decent dude. He's a fucking idiot like the rest of them.

It just goes to show that saying one thing and doing another is what democrats do. I still give Manchin a lot of credit for staunchly refusing to abolish the filibuster and killing the big spending bills that the rest of the democrats wanted, except for Sinema. It coulda been a lot worse, and it clearly tells you what their priorities are.

Manchin is up for re-election in 2024, we'll see if what he did this week comes back to bit him in the ass.
This stupid stolen Administration is full of morons!:mad:

Like we are going to pay attention to them!

Oh which reminds me. Has the Russian economy collapsed yet?
Nope it doesn't appear so.... Had a Russian couple bookmarked on YouTube, otherwise that broadcast video's from over there about their daily economic circumstances during Russia's time in Ukraine. Can't find it now, but anyways it seemed to have some sort of insight as to what's going on in that place as far as their economy goes during war time.

It was interesting to get that perspective also, so anyways it didn't appear as if the Russian economy was collapsing under pressure. I'm thinking that it just turned it's own resource's within, otherwise in order to sustain itself during a war time situation.

So how rich is Russia in natural resources is the thing that most aren't thinking about, and the same goes for any nation. Do they have enough natural resources and independence that they could sustain themselves after being severed from the world platform if such a thing should happen ? Most I would say do, but how vulnerable have they become in their most prescious resource of all (their human resources), and how strong individually are they, otherwise in helping their nation sustain in times of war ?? A dependent ladened human resource is a very bad thing if hovered around in the 75% range verses a more stable 25% range.

Wonder where America is on the scale of dependency verses independency among it's core citizenry ??
Joe Biden in the Democrat party have officially put us in a recession

Brain-dead Biden wants his minion followers to believe we are not in a recession but instead in a "transition" period. Only the most STUPID would believe this and unfortunately you have Biden fans that eat up his every word!
Nope it doesn't appear so.... Had a Russian couple bookmarked on YouTube, otherwise that broadcast video's from over there about their daily economic circumstances during Russia's time in Ukraine. Can't find it now, but anyways it seemed to have some sort of insight as to what's going on in that place as far as their economy goes during war time.

It was interesting to get that perspective also, so anyways it didn't appear as if the Russian economy was collapsing under pressure. I'm thinking that it just turned it's own resource's within, otherwise in order to sustain itself during a war time situation.

So how rich is Russia in natural resources is the thing that most aren't thinking about, and the same goes for any nation. Do they have enough natural resources and independence that they could sustain themselves after being severed from the world platform if such a thing should happen ? Most I would say do, but how vulnerable have they become in their most prescious resource of all (their human resources), and how strong individually are they, otherwise in helping their nation sustain in times of war ?? A dependent ladened human resource is a very bad thing if hovered around in the 75% range verses a more stable 25% range.

Wonder where America is on the scale of dependency verses independency among it's core citizenry ??
Get off YouTube conspiracy nutjobs and idiots and Russian propaganda. Putler is scum.
Brain-dead Biden wants his minion followers to believe we are not in a recession but instead in a "transition" period. Only the most STUPID would believe this and unfortunately you have Biden fans that eat up his every word!
He has a stutter and that is not brain death, brainwashed functional moron. We have 3.6% unemployment and lessening inflation caused by Putin mainly and supply chain problems caused by the pandemic. Thank you very much GOP for all the misinformation spread around the world that has caused a lot of these problems. And the stupidest voters in the modern world by far oops brainwashed functional stupidity
But the Russian economy has collapsed right? That was eminent like 4 months ago.
The Russian economy has collapsed right? That was eminent like 4 months ago.

They are screwed as long as Putin is in power. change the channel from the gd russian propaganda.... Try the BBC and France 24 to start with then our fine journalists, and get back to reality for God's sake. Your incredible disrespect for our great institutions is anti American garbage. Poor America.
I'm just here for the leftist shill denials. :abgg2q.jpg:
We have 3.6% unemployment and lessening inflation caused by Putin mainly and supply chain problems caused by the pandemic. Everything else is healthy, this is a pandemic technical recession if anything period but carry on with your bs. Thank you very much GOP for all the misinformation spread around the world that has caused a lot of these problems. And the stupidest voters in the modern world by far oops brainwashed functional stupidity

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