"We are the ones we've been waiting for."


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Gee....I sure hope not.

Those were among the empty, over-inflated verbiage of the boaster in chief.

Jump to the present:
'And now, the end is near
And so I face the final curtain
My friend, I'll say it clear
I'll state my case, of which I'm certain
....I did it my way'

His way:....in his own words: a flop and a failure.

The following recounts his speech of February 2008 explaining exactly what the nation could expect from an Obama era.
Barack Obama’s Feb. 5 Speech

Let's see how the bungler did:

1. ".... first of all, let me just say I could not have a better senior senator than our great senator from the state of Illinois, Dick Durbin."

Can't argue with that: Dick Durbin was the dunce who called for "... 65,000 Syrian refugees by the end of 2016.... Of the 843 Syrians resettled in the U.S. since the start of the Syrian civil war, 92 percent have been Muslim and about 7 percent Christian.
Read more at Democrats call for ‘flood’ of Muslims to U.S.

Tens of thousands of unvetted hordes from terrorist havens. Great idea.

2. "Our time has come. (Cheers, applause.) Our time has come. Our movement is real. (Cheers, applause.) And change is coming to America. (Cheers, applause.)"

Gee....right again! Americans are told to get ready for under 3% economic growth as the norm, and for grown men to be in little girl's bathrooms, and gay marriage.

Oh...and the 'movement'??? A President who is titular head of the LGBT Movement.

3. "...we stood on the steps of the old state capitol to reaffirm a truth that was spoken there so many generations ago, that a house divided cannot stand -- (cheers) -- that we are more than a collection of red states and blue states. We are and always will be the United States of America. (Cheers, applause.)"


"Obama’s presidency polarizes Americans over race, politics like never before" Obama’s ‘racial political era’ topic of book

4. "...farmers and factory workers, students and seniors stood up in numbers we have never seen before. They stood up to say that maybe this year we don't have to settle for politics where scoring points is more important than solving problems."

I don't think so. Not under this guy.

. "...take-home pay for many American workers has effectively fallen since the economic recovery began in 2009, according to a new study by an advocacy group that is to be released on Thursday.
The declines were greatest for the lowest-paid workers in sectors where hiring has been strong — home health care, food preparation and retailing — even though wages were already below average to begin with in those service industries.
“Stagnant wages are a problem for everyone at this point, but the imbalance in the economy has become more pronounced since the recession,”..."

Quite the Carter-like success, Barack Obama, huh?

Soooo....what sort of dolt voted for a second term for this fool????
Soooo....what sort of dolt voted for a second term for this fool????

The ones that didn't want another GOP led great depression...
Soooo....what sort of dolt voted for a second term for this fool????

The ones that didn't want another GOP led great depression...

Since there never was any such 'Depression' on the horizon, this post identifies you as just such a dolt.

"What Obama is claiming — that his presidency is responsible for "saving the world economy from a Great Depression" — is nonsense, but he's clearly beginning to lobby for it to become the historical narrative. This may explain why the Associated Press, while running a story on what Obama said, has made it pretty difficult to find. But it will be there for agenda-driven hacks to locate when it becomes time to spin the history. If a Republican or conservative president made such a claim, the fact checkers would already have been out in force.

At a townhall in London, Obama was asked: "After eight years, what would you say you want your legacy to be?" Here was his response, as it related to the "world economy":
"Saving the world economy from a Great Depression -- that was pretty good. (Laughter and applause.)"

[Obama:] "The first time I came to London was April of 2009, and the world economy was in a free fall, in part because of the reckless behavior of folks on Wall Street, but in part because of reckless behavior of a lot of financial institutions around the globe. For us to be able to mobilize the world community to take rapid action to stabilize the financial markets, and then in the United States to pass Wall Street reforms that make it much less likely that a crisis like that can happen again, I'm proud of that."

It's almost as if AP recognizes how absurd Obama's claim is, and wants to have it for the record so the historical revisionists can find it — but would rather as few people as possible know about it just yet." Obama Takes Credit For 'Saving the World Economy From a Great Depression'

If I may paraphrase Rudyard Kipling....
'Trust a Brahmin before a snake, and a snake before a harlot, and a harlot before a Democrat"
The last bastion of GOP skulduggery could only produce a Grate Recession, second class anti-capitalist...
The last bastion of GOP skulduggery could only produce a Grate Recession, second class anti-capitalist...

If you are referring to the mortgage meltdown....it was due entirely to Democrat/Liberal policies.

1. Democrat FDR shredded the Constitution....ignoring article I, section 8, the enumerated powers.

He created GSE's Fannie, and his drones followed with Freddie, to do something the Constitution didn't authorize: meddle in housing.

2. Democrat Carter....the CRA, constraining banking policy

3. Democrat Clinton....strengthened the CRA

Under Clinton, HUD threatened banks, again, to give unrequited loans.

Henchmen: Democrats Cisneros and Cuomo.

4. Democrats Frank and Dodd barred any governmental discipline in this area.

It was Democrats and Democrat policies that caused the Mortgage Meltdown

That's the CliffNotes version.

I don't believe you can handle the details.

It wasn't the GOP that insisted on NINJA loans.
The last bastion of GOP skulduggery could only produce a Grate Recession, second class anti-capitalist...
How STUPID are you?

Is that why the vast majority of Americans have rejected the leftist agenda?

Is it because of president elect Trump that property values have sky rocketed up 9% already?
Is it because of president elect Trump that the dollar is now equal to the Euro?
Is it because of president elect Trump that the stock market is now at a record high?

You leftards truly are a bunch of brain dead idiots. If you couldn't talk SHIT, you'd have nothing to say at all, dumbass.
The last bastion of GOP skulduggery could only produce a Grate Recession, second class anti-capitalist...
How STUPID are you?

Is that why the vast majority of Americans have rejected the leftist agenda?

Is it because of president elect Trump that property values have sky rocketed up 9% already?
Is it because of president elect Trump that the dollar is now equal to the Euro?
Is it because of president elect Trump that the stock market is now at a record high?

You leftards truly are a bunch of brain dead idiots. If you couldn't talk SHIT, you'd have nothing to say at all, dumbass.
It's just around the corner now..Historically they have hit the first year of a GOP led govt...You shouldn't mock Mother Nature, or is it Father Time? For that fact what does the dog represent?
when Obama said that...or was it the democrats? what they were referring to was,,,,we are the dumbasses that have been waiting for one of our kind to become President.
when Obama said that...or was it the democrats? what they were referring to was,,,,we are the dumbasses that have been waiting for one of our kind to become President.
I still miss Bush junior,,, he was the funniest president since Teddy Roosevelt...
when Obama said that...or was it the democrats? what they were referring to was,,,,we are the dumbasses that have been waiting for one of our kind to become President.
I still miss Bush junior,,, he was the funniest president since Teddy Roosevelt...
Bush Jr: We need to love our hot and sexy white gyne patients! Hey, maybe when Im done being President, I may just open my own office,,,yah, maybe call it "Bush's R Us".
Soooo....what sort of dolt voted for a second term for this fool????

The ones that didn't want another GOP led great depression...
Dear Moonglow After 9/11 which cost US citizens, businesses and economy untold losses we may never be able to measure (just imagine all the costs trickling through govt as "business losses deducted from taxes" and all the govt depts who lost key staff, all the families who lost loves ones or lost their own health and who ran up costs that have to zap resources to go to recovery from damages that could have been invested in building forward instead of getting back to normal), I think America is LUCKY we didn't go into worse debt and economic woes than we did.

Despite Bush spending over 30 trillion on contested war spending and Obama handing trillions to corporate insurance under ACA including funds through Congress later ruled unconstitutional where the court agreed that was NOT authorized (where I would further demand that both cases of unauthorized expenses on illicit contracts be REFUNDED AND CREDITED back to the taxpayers instead of charging us for abuse and corruption the Corporate recipients and officials should be held responsible for collecting back at wrongdoers expense),
The US and working people who took this massive hit still went on despite losing job, health insurance, and representation in govt for those left out of Obamas partisan agenda and beliefs imposed on the public.

You can blame both Bush and Obama for adding debts without solving the root problems, but America went on anyway.

DESPITE the govt spending that just made the debts grow larger, producing More disabled vets, More losses and mandates for taxpayers to cover, and more strain on both workers out of jobs and businesses facing shut downs.

How much of this would have trickled down from 9/11 regardless?
We can't measure that.

Instead of blaming Bush or Obama more, why not team up left and right, get help from third parties who can research the cost to the public of failed partisan policies argued as Unconstitutional and demand reimbursement and restitution

By crediting back those debts and charging costs of collection to officials and corporate crooks responsible, wouldn't that do more to bring balance to the budget and deter abuses if every such unauthorized bailout has to be paid back with interest and collection fees added.

Could we create jobs for vets and other people setting up systems for collecting restitution owed to taxpayers? By teaming parties up instead of dividing while the crooks get away with our money?
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when Obama said that...or was it the democrats? what they were referring to was,,,,we are the dumbasses that have been waiting for one of our kind to become President.
I still miss Bush junior,,, he was the funniest president since Teddy Roosevelt...

I thought you were as old as me? Ford was was funnier Chevy played him well
In a physical comedy form, but Bush had that stupid as fuck act...
when Obama said that...or was it the democrats? what they were referring to was,,,,we are the dumbasses that have been waiting for one of our kind to become President.
I still miss Bush junior,,, he was the funniest president since Teddy Roosevelt...

I thought you were as old as me? Ford was was funnier Chevy played him well
In a physical comedy form, but Bush had that stupid as fuck act...

OK you win he was a clown..

Soooo....what sort of dolt voted for a second term for this fool????

The ones that didn't want another GOP led great depression...
Dear Moonglow After 9/11 which cost US citizens, businesses and economy untold losses we may never be able to measure (just imagine all the costs trickling through govt as "business losses deducted from taxes" and all the govt depts who lost key staff, all the families who lost loves ones or lost their own health and who ran up costs that have to zap resources to go to recovery from damages that could have been invested in building forward instead of getting back to normal), I think America is LUCKY we didn't go into worse debt and economic woes than we did.

Despite Bush spending over 30 trillion on contested war spending and Obama handing trillions to corporate insurance under ACS including funds through Congress later ruled unconstitutional where the court agreed that was NOT authorized (where I would further demand that both cases of unauthorized expenses on illicit contracts be REFUNDED AND CREDITED back to the taxpayers instead of charging us for abuse and corruption the Corporate recipients and officials should be held responsible for collecting back at wrongdoers expense),
The US and working people who took this massive hit still went on despite losing job, health insurance, and representation in govt for those left out of Obamas partisan agenda and beliefs imposed on the public.

You can blame both Bush and Obama for adding debts without solving the root problems, but America went on anyway.

DESPITE the govt spending that just made the debts grow larger, producing More disabled vets, More losses and mandates for taxpayers to cover, and more strain on both workers out of job and businesses facing shut downs.

How much of this would have trickled down from 9/11 regardless?
We can't measure that.

Instead of blaming Bush or Obama more, why not team up left and right, get help from third parties who can research the cost to the public of failed partisan policies argued as Unconstitutional and demand reimbursement and restitution

By crediting back those debts and charging costs of collection to officials and corporate crooks responsible, wouldn't that do more to bring balance to the budget and deter abuses if every such unauthorized bailout has to be paid back with interest and collection fees added.

Could we create jobs for vets and other people setting up systems for collecting restitution owed to taxpayers? By teaming parties up instead of dividing while the crooks get away with our money?
They already do an accounting of failed and successful policies, bills, etc...,,,,,,The CBO..and other think tank institutions that have nothing better to do than play bean counter's version of statistics class...
when Obama said that...or was it the democrats? what they were referring to was,,,,we are the dumbasses that have been waiting for one of our kind to become President.
I still miss Bush junior,,, he was the funniest president since Teddy Roosevelt...

I thought you were as old as me? Ford was was funnier Chevy played him well
In a physical comedy form, but Bush had that stupid as fuck act...

OK you win he was a clown..

But Ford did make for a funny straight man..
when Obama said that...or was it the democrats? what they were referring to was,,,,we are the dumbasses that have been waiting for one of our kind to become President.
I still miss Bush junior,,, he was the funniest president since Teddy Roosevelt...

I thought you were as old as me? Ford was was funnier Chevy played him well
In a physical comedy form, but Bush had that stupid as fuck act...

OK you win he was a clown..

He reminded me of 20 years of watching Hee-Haw...
when Obama said that...or was it the democrats? what they were referring to was,,,,we are the dumbasses that have been waiting for one of our kind to become President.
I still miss Bush junior,,, he was the funniest president since Teddy Roosevelt...

Wishing to change the subject is...what?....the best hope you Liberals can reach for?

Sort of like "The Truth Must Be Hidden," huh?

The OP to which you subscribed is a comparison of Obama's words and promises with what he actually did.


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