"We are the ones we've been waiting for."

The Demon-crats blew it when they joined the far out reaches of the far left, who basically destroyed them with the common sense American voter. Now they have to sit back and just reflect upon how dammed stupid they had really gotten in life. The American people have awaken, and they aren't going back for no amount of money.
over the last 8 years, 100 Million Americans have finally concluded that Democrats are racists, and thats why Hillary lost by 23 Million votes!!!
The Demon-crats blew it when they joined the far out reaches of the far left, who basically destroyed them with the common sense American voter. Now they have to sit back and just reflect upon how dammed stupid they had really gotten in life. The American people have awaken, and they aren't going back for no amount of money.

"The American people have awaken, and they aren't going back for no amount of money."

The Left took a full century to get to this point.

The American people have yet to prove that their memory goes further than a week.
But....we can hope.
Yes, the American people have also voted out GOP led governments also...so whoop-de-duh-oh!!!
. Yep, but it was at a time when the Dems shockingly were able to work their lies and bull crap on the American voter. You know "taking a mole hill, and somehow making a mountain out of it".. Takes a special kind of voter base to believe them, but as it has been proven they are out there.
The Demon-crats blew it when they joined the far out reaches of the far left, who basically destroyed them with the common sense American voter. Now they have to sit back and just reflect upon how dammed stupid they had really gotten in life. The American people have awaken, and they aren't going back for no amount of money.

"The American people have awaken, and they aren't going back for no amount of money."

The Left took a full century to get to this point.

The American people have yet to prove that their memory goes further than a week.
But....we can hope.
Yes, the American people have also voted out GOP led governments also...so whoop-de-duh-oh!!!

There is no way to interpret your post other than one supporting the Left....these:
Nazism, communism, socialism..Liberalism, Progressivism,.and fascism....

...and your adherence to this:
The collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Why such hatred of America?

But he didn't do this:

1. Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

2. (CNSNews.com) – The unemployment rate for black Americans is more than double that of white Americans, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).... In the numbers released today, covering the month of June, the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for black Americans age 16 and over was 10.7%, reported the BLS. The unemployment rate for white Americans in the same age group and time-frame was 5.3%, said the BLS. Black Unemployment 10.7%, More Than Double White Unemployment 5.3%

3. "CHICAGO (Reuters) - Predominantly African-American neighborhoods in Chicago have seen poverty rise and services diminish even as the nation's third largest city has become less racially segregated,.... black areas are seeing economic stagnation or decline,.... mostly black areas have lost health clinics, social service agencies and other areas of support..." Exclusive: Poverty up, services diminished in Chicago's black neighborhoods - study
. This is something that we as a nation have got to get beyond.. This black and white comparison all the time needs to end. Blacks are just as much Americans as whites are, and this speaking on stats based on color is ridiculous. There are complex reasons that cause any group to suffer, and sometimes if a group does things that cause the group to suffer, then it's not another groups fault. This usage of white and black suggest that a group is being treated better or worse than another group, and that one group is at fault due to favoritism or what ever the claim may be. It's wrong and it needs to end.

Here's the problem with your post, your contention.

Democrats pander to this particular group, and will continue to do so for this reason: Without the black vote, they'd never win another national election.

... the Dems can's take a chance on losing the black constituency....so, here we are.
They're pretty much saddled with this donkey.

"...what would happen if a smaller percentage of blacks turned out:

- At 90 percent black turn-out, Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes slide into the GOP column.

- At 75 percent black turn-out, Pennsylvania’s 21 electoral votes go Republican.

- At 70 percent Michigan’s 17 electoral votes turn from blue to red.

- At 50 percent the GOP collects Delawre’s three electoral votes.

I don’t know what a realistic number to project is for the effects of angry black apathy, but I’ll stop at 50 percent. It may be that going as low as 75 percent is unrealistic. Most likely it’s impossible to say. (And this doesn’t take into account things like congressional districts where black voters make the margin of difference.)"
Do Democrats need the black vote? | RobertEmmet

But what exactly would that mean? In how many states do black voters make the difference? I ran some rough numbers over at Robert Emmet -- check them out. Depending on how much of a drop-off you assume, it could cost the Democrats 10 to 76 electoral votes.
The Democrats and the Black Vote | The Huffington Post
. So basically this is why the Dems pandered so hard for immigration on steroids and to say anything they have to in order to get power, create power bases, and secure the vote. Doesn't this basically say that racist tactics and rehtoric will be with us for years and years to come ? So there will be no getting rid of racism, because the Demon-crats have got to keep it alive in order to activate white guilt in such to keep whites from going to the polls or just hoping they will give into the bull crap.

The democrat party is the party of racism....it was created in the slave states and fought to keep the slaves, and when Republicans freed the slaves the democrats fought to keep them from getting the full Rights of citizens using lynching, jim crow laws and other forms of intimidation and murder....and when that wouldn't stop them from voting.....they decided to destroy them using the government handouts......destroying their family structure, trapping them in horrible government schools and creating a trap that keeps blacks and other minorities poor, uneducated, jobless and hopeless.....
. Well the part that they had planned to destroy them with the handouts, schools and so forth wasn't their intention, but it's just that they don't know what in the hell they are doing when they do something in which they think is right. They are bad managers of almost everything, and that is why the blacks have suffered so badly under their management, and it is why this nation suffered so badly under their leadership.

  1. "It was the misfortune of black Americans that they were just on the verge of passing through the immigrant experience when damaging ideas about welfare and the lenient attitude about crime took hold. It could have happened to the Italians, Germans, Jews or Irish, but luckily for them, there were no Liberals around to “help” when they arrived." Coulter
He divided the nation more than any other President in recent memory. And he was allowed to be above the law. For his awful IRS abuses alone, he should have been Impeached. He was what many of us knew he would be... An Anti-American Racist Communist Globalist bastard. Good riddance.
The last bastion of GOP skulduggery could only produce a Grate Recession, second class anti-capitalist...
How STUPID are you?

Is that why the vast majority of Americans have rejected the leftist agenda?

Is it because of president elect Trump that property values have sky rocketed up 9% already?
Is it because of president elect Trump that the dollar is now equal to the Euro?
Is it because of president elect Trump that the stock market is now at a record high?

You leftards truly are a bunch of brain dead idiots. If you couldn't talk SHIT, you'd have nothing to say at all, dumbass.
It's just around the corner now..Historically they have hit the first year of a GOP led govt...You shouldn't mock Mother Nature, or is it Father Time? For that fact what does the dog represent?
If it is just around the corner....Trump will not have caused it......oooooops.....
looks good so far

Readout from Saturday, November 19 Meetings with President-Elect Donald J. Trump and Vice President-Elect Mike Pence and National Leaders

(New York, NY) – President-elect Donald J. Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence today held meetings at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey. Their first meeting of the day was with Governor Mitt Romney. They had a substantive and in-depth conversation about world affairs, national security and the future of America. It was an extremely positive and productive conversation.

The President-elect and Vice President-elect then met with Ms. Michelle Rhee and enjoyed an in-depth discussion about the future of public education in our country. This included the possibility for increasing competition through charter and choice schools. They also brought the idea of merit pay for teachers going above and beyond in their classrooms into the conversation.

Their discussion with Ms. Betsy DeVos was focused on the Common Core mission, and setting higher national standards and promoting the growth of school choice across the nation.

The President-elect and Vice President-elect were very impressed in their meeting with the “real deal” and American hero General James Mattis. They had an incredibly in-depth conversation on plans for national security. The discussion included ISIS, the Middle East, North Korea, China, NATO and other hotspots around the world.

A constructive conversation occurred with Mr. Todd Ricketts. It involved domestic commerce, ingenuity and growth for our country. Discussions on tax reform regulations and entrepreneurial initiatives were also included.

The President-elect and Vice President-elect had a great discussion with Mr. Bob Woodson regarding community-based developments and opportunity. They also discussed plans to strengthen neighborhoods across America and faith-based initiatives.

Their conversation with Mr. Andy Puzder was regarding regulations, labor reforms, and freeing up small business loans for new and innovative business ventures. Discussion on international trade was also included.

In the meeting with Chairman Lew Eisenberg, President-elect Trump and Vice President-elect Pence discussed plans for America First initiatives, bringing Made in America manufacturing to the forefront and improving infrastructure.

Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong joined President-elect Trump and Vice President-elect Pence for dinner this evening. The renowned doctor has appeared on the cover of Forbes for his advances in finding a cure for cancer. They discussed innovation in the area of medicine and national medical priorities that need to be addressed in our country.

Trump Transition Team Releases Readout of Saturday's Meetings With Industry, Defense, Education Leaders
9."... a campaign that has united Americans of all parties, from all backgrounds, from all races, from all religions, around a common purpose. (Cheers, applause.)" Barack Obama’s Feb. 5 Speech


"And time and again, Obama stoked the two forces that militate against the nation state today: subnational groups and supranational threats. When speaking to ethnic groups, he hawked the victimhood that is the bonding agent of multiculturalism; when Congress stood in his way, he circumvented it by going to the United Nations.

....during the 2010 elections Obama brazenly called on Hispanics to say, “we’re gonna punish our enemies and were gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us.” There was also the time when he addressed the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and, after telling a 75-year-old story of how an L.A. cop had humiliated a Mexican-American ...."
Obama’s Contribution to Our Identity Politics Climate

10. "I'll be the president who ends the tax breaks to companies that ship our jobs overseas -- (cheers) -- and start putting them in the pockets of hard-working Americans who deserve them" Barack Obama’s Feb. 5 Speech

Not hardly.

a. The Obama administration had joined the new Arab-based International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), and agreed to provide millions to support international green energy jobs. “In its fiscal 2012 budget request for international programs, the administration has asked for $5.2 million for IRENA.”U.S. Taxpayers on the Hook As Obama Joins a New International Renewable Energy Agency | CNS News How many jobs in the United States will this endeavor provide?

b. “President Barack Obama will present his “jobs plan” on Wednesday at a company which is shipping jobs overseas…. WestStar is a high-end, specialty manufacturer that just opened a new facility in San Jose, Costa Rica — creating many new jobs there, but not in the United States.

c. “The Department of Energy estimated that 82,000 jobs have been created and has acknowledged that as much as 80 percent of some green programs, including $2.3 billion of manufacturing tax credits, went to foreign firms that employed workers primarily in countries includingChina, South Korea and Spain, rather than in the United States.”
'Green' jobs no longer golden in stimulus - Washington Times

d. “…Obama administration is now taking your American tax dollars and using them to fund the BBC World Service — Britain’s state-financed radio network.” The PJ Tatler » Your tax dollars now funding the BBC in addition to NPR

Jeeeeeeeezzzzzz.....what a lying sack of offal.

Which is the biggest mistake...electing this ingrate, or allowing Liberals to vote?
11. "I'll be the president who finally brings Democrats and Republicans together..." Barack Obama’s Feb. 5 Speech

Ya' think???

"President Obama listened to Republican gripes about his stimulus package during a meeting with congressional leaders Friday morning - but he also left no doubt about who's in charge of these negotiations. "I won," Obama noted matter-of-factly, according to sources familiar with the conversation."
Obama to GOP: 'I won'

12. "...keep going, to keep organizing, keep fighting for better schools, fighting for better jobs, fighting for better health care. And I did too. And slowly but surely, in the weeks and months to come, the community began to change."

"Obama's community organizing days involved training grievance-mongers from the far-left ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now). The ACORN mob is infamous for its bully tactics (which they dub "direct actions"); Obama supporters have recounted his role in organizing an ambush on a government planning meeting about a landfill project opposed by Chicago's minority lobbies." Michelle Malkin - Why Obama's "Community Organizer" Days Are a Joke

"In terms of concrete accomplishments, Obama and “hundreds of other organizers” were not able to transform the South Side neighborhoods or bring in new industries to provide jobs..."
Doug Ross @ Journal: The Illustrated Results of Obama's "Community Organizing"

Poor Gerry Ford, I guess he kept forgetting to put his glasses on every time he headed down a staircase

But he didn't do this:

1. Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

2. (CNSNews.com) – The unemployment rate for black Americans is more than double that of white Americans, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).... In the numbers released today, covering the month of June, the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for black Americans age 16 and over was 10.7%, reported the BLS. The unemployment rate for white Americans in the same age group and time-frame was 5.3%, said the BLS. Black Unemployment 10.7%, More Than Double White Unemployment 5.3%

3. "CHICAGO (Reuters) - Predominantly African-American neighborhoods in Chicago have seen poverty rise and services diminish even as the nation's third largest city has become less racially segregated,.... black areas are seeing economic stagnation or decline,.... mostly black areas have lost health clinics, social service agencies and other areas of support..." Exclusive: Poverty up, services diminished in Chicago's black neighborhoods - study
. This is something that we as a nation have got to get beyond.. This black and white comparison all the time needs to end. Blacks are just as much Americans as whites are, and this speaking on stats based on color is ridiculous. There are complex reasons that cause any group to suffer, and sometimes if a group does things that cause the group to suffer, then it's not another groups fault. This usage of white and black suggest that a group is being treated better or worse than another group, and that one group is at fault due to favoritism or what ever the claim may be. It's wrong and it needs to end.

Here's the problem with your post, your contention.

Democrats pander to this particular group, and will continue to do so for this reason: Without the black vote, they'd never win another national election.

... the Dems can's take a chance on losing the black constituency....so, here we are.
They're pretty much saddled with this donkey.

"...what would happen if a smaller percentage of blacks turned out:

- At 90 percent black turn-out, Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes slide into the GOP column.

- At 75 percent black turn-out, Pennsylvania’s 21 electoral votes go Republican.

- At 70 percent Michigan’s 17 electoral votes turn from blue to red.

- At 50 percent the GOP collects Delawre’s three electoral votes.

I don’t know what a realistic number to project is for the effects of angry black apathy, but I’ll stop at 50 percent. It may be that going as low as 75 percent is unrealistic. Most likely it’s impossible to say. (And this doesn’t take into account things like congressional districts where black voters make the margin of difference.)"
Do Democrats need the black vote? | RobertEmmet

But what exactly would that mean? In how many states do black voters make the difference? I ran some rough numbers over at Robert Emmet -- check them out. Depending on how much of a drop-off you assume, it could cost the Democrats 10 to 76 electoral votes.
The Democrats and the Black Vote | The Huffington Post
. So basically this is why the Dems pandered so hard for immigration on steroids and to say anything they have to in order to get power, create power bases, and secure the vote. Doesn't this basically say that racist tactics and rehtoric will be with us for years and years to come ? So there will be no getting rid of racism, because the Demon-crats have got to keep it alive in order to activate white guilt in such to keep whites from going to the polls or just hoping they will give into the bull crap.

Democrats will keep opening this wound.

But...in reality, the slavery issue means nothing....not a thing.
No one living today was a slave.
No one living today owned slaves.

'After defeating George Foreman for the heavyweight title in Zaire, Muhammad Ali returned to the United States where he was asked by a reporter, “Champ, what did you think of Africa?” Ali replied, “Thank God my granddaddy got on that boat.”'
How the West grew rich

He knew wereof he spoke.

So did Helen Keller:
'There is no king who has not had a slave among his ancestors, and no slave who has not had a king among his.'

The issue is moot for anyone not a Democrat pandering for votes.
The Demon-crats blew it when they joined the far out reaches of the far left, who basically destroyed them with the common sense American voter. Now they have to sit back and just reflect upon how dammed stupid they had really gotten in life. The American people have awaken, and they aren't going back for no amount of money.

"The American people have awaken, and they aren't going back for no amount of money."

The Left took a full century to get to this point.

The American people have yet to prove that their memory goes further than a week.
But....we can hope.
Yes, the American people have also voted out GOP led governments also...so whoop-de-duh-oh!!!
. Yep, but it was at a time when the Dems shockingly were able to work their lies and bull crap on the American voter. You know "taking a mole hill, and somehow making a mountain out of it".. Takes a special kind of voter base to believe them, but as it has been proven they are out there.

They own an operate the school system and the media.

"Texas high school students put on skit portraying Donald Trump assassination"
Texas students put on skit portraying Trump assassination

and this.....

"San Francisco Teachers Union Releases Anti-Trump Lesson Plan"
San Francisco Teachers Union Releases Anti-Trump Lesson Plan

and this....
Here’s what we’re up against: the Washington Post lies outright, describing Senator William Fulbright as “a progressive on racial issues.” Fulbright was a full-bore segregationist, voting against the 1957, 1960, 1964, and 1965 civil rights bills.

Harder to see a way back for American than there was a path for the Trump victory.
He divided the nation more than any other President in recent memory. And he was allowed to be above the law. For his awful IRS abuses alone, he should have been Impeached. He was what many of us knew he would be... An Anti-American Racist Communist Globalist bastard. Good riddance.

"... he was allowed to be above the law."

Wouldn't have been allowed to if we had principled Republicans instead of the 'go along to get along' variety.

"Senate 'just rewrote' Constitution to give Obama more power"
....talk-show host Mark Levin erupted.

“The United States Senate just rewrote the treaty provision of the Constitution,” he exclaimed. “This may be over the heads of most commentators … but it’s not over my head, and it won’t be over yours.”

He said under the Constitution, the president has the power to negotiate treaties, and they are approved “provided two-thirds of the senators present concur.”

What do YOU think? Are congressional Republicans naive or in Obama’s pocket? Sound off in today’s WND poll!

He said such a supermajority (67 votes) was called for by the nation’s Founders because they believed that leaving such decisions to a single person or a single body wasn’t responsible.

“Alexander Hamilton tells us” that joint possession of such power provides the greater prospect of success, he said.

Under the proposed legislation, Congress can review the president’s deal with the radical Islamists and can reject it with a 60-vote margin. But Obama then can veto it, and it would take a 67-vote total to overturn the veto.

“We’ve turned the treaty provision on its head,” Levin said. “Instead of requiring two-thirds of the senators present to approve, this bill explicitly” demands 67 votes to stop the president.
....[Republican Sen. Bob] Corker’s bill turns that on its head,...."
Read more at Senate ‘just rewrote’ Constitution to give Obama more power

PoliticalChic, the RWnut who repeatedly has called Clinton a rapist,

now supports Trump the rapist.

PoliticalChic, the RWnut who has repeatedly claimed that free trade was one of the founders' core principles,

now supports Trump the protectionist.

It is most amusing to watch RWnuts throw their own professed values under the Trump bus.
PoliticalChic, the RWnut who repeatedly has called Clinton a rapist,

now supports Trump the rapist.

PoliticalChic, the RWnut who has repeatedly claimed that free trade was one of the founders' core principles,

now supports Trump the protectionist.

It is most amusing to watch RWnuts throw their own professed values under the Trump bus.
. No it's more like reinstating ones values that had been lost in a sea of liberal lies and deception. Many had just bided their time until the libs failed (gave the idiots a chance), but now it's time to get this nation back out of the hands of these failures. I can't wait. If they can't see their idiocy by now then God help them.
PoliticalChic, the RWnut who repeatedly has called Clinton a rapist,

now supports Trump the rapist.

PoliticalChic, the RWnut who has repeatedly claimed that free trade was one of the founders' core principles,

now supports Trump the protectionist.

It is most amusing to watch RWnuts throw their own professed values under the Trump bus.
. At least RW's have values.
PoliticalChic, the RWnut who repeatedly has called Clinton a rapist,

now supports Trump the rapist.

PoliticalChic, the RWnut who has repeatedly claimed that free trade was one of the founders' core principles,

now supports Trump the protectionist.

It is most amusing to watch RWnuts throw their own professed values under the Trump bus.
. At least RW's have values.

Who? PoliticalChic? Her values went upside down when she got on the TRump bandwagon.
PoliticalChic, the RWnut who repeatedly has called Clinton a rapist,

now supports Trump the rapist.

PoliticalChic, the RWnut who has repeatedly claimed that free trade was one of the founders' core principles,

now supports Trump the protectionist.

It is most amusing to watch RWnuts throw their own professed values under the Trump bus.
. At least RW's have values.

Who? PoliticalChic? Her values went upside down when she got on the TRump bandwagon.
. And the butt hurt over those who finally saw the light continues....:boohoo:

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