We are three months into the Republican Congress.....Why haven't they accomplished anything yet?

Go to this website and go to the Legislative Digest and find out what they are up to.

Here's just a few days into March.

Long-Term Care Veteran Choice Act, as amended

Sponsor: Rep. Jeff Miller (Veterans Affairs)
March 2, 2015


To authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to recoup bonuses and awards paid to employees of the Department of Veterans Affairs, as amended

Sponsor: Rep. Jeff Miller (Veterans Affairs)
March 2, 2015

Monday March 2 2015 gop.gov

Passenger Rail Reform and Investment Act of 2015

Sponsor: Rep. Bill Shuster (Transportation and Infrastructure)
March 3, 2015

Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2015

March 3, 2015

Tuesday March 3 2015 gop.gov

Passenger Rail Reform and Investment Act of 2015

Sponsor: Rep. Bill Shuster (Transportation and Infrastructure)
March 3, 2015

Wednesday March 4 2015 gop.gov

And on it goes.

Thats it?

That is what they have been waiting eight years for?

Where is the repeal of Obamacare?
Where is the balanced budget?
Where is immigration reform?
Where is the Lynch vote?
Where is the impeachment of Obama?
Why do I ask so many questions?

Taking care of the country's business. TCB everyday.
Doing what they are paid to do.

And the legislative digest has a pretty good record to date since they've been sworn in.

Thats it?

Mundane legislation?
No sweeping reform?
Thats what we elected them for?

Why did they lie?
We know you'd rather us be like Pelosi/Reid and speed-pass some humongous new tax before we read it, but that's not how we roll
They have done a lot!

Refused to raise min wage
Refused to become one of the last countries to give women paid maternity leave (we remain one of 4 countries to NOT have this)
Bitched and moaned about obamacare
Conspired with right wingers in Iran to derail peace talks

I am sure there is more.

Funny. I got paid maternity leave. 2 months to be exact.
From your company right?

Well ...I wouldn't exactly need it if I wasn't employed now would I?

as an aside .... You do realize that even Mcdonalds offers employees paid maternity leave... Yes? Up to twelve weeks to be exact.

This is a non issue.
Its an issue because its not enforced across the country like a min wage is...its discriminatory.
It's called Free Enterprise
We got that here
They have done a lot!

Refused to raise min wage
Refused to become one of the last countries to give women paid maternity leave (we remain one of 4 countries to NOT have this)
Bitched and moaned about obamacare
Conspired with right wingers in Iran to derail peace talks

I am sure there is more.

Name the 192 countries that have paid maternity leave and please link to your source(s).
Parental leave - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Sad when countries in Africa have us beat on this....pathetic.
Sad is when you depend on your government to mandate this rather than letting businesses decide and compete
They have had their chance for long enough. Period.
They have done a lot!

Refused to raise min wage
Refused to become one of the last countries to give women paid maternity leave (we remain one of 4 countries to NOT have this)
Bitched and moaned about obamacare
Conspired with right wingers in Iran to derail peace talks

I am sure there is more.

Funny. I got paid maternity leave. 2 months to be exact.
From your company right?

Well ...I wouldn't exactly need it if I wasn't employed now would I?

as an aside .... You do realize that even Mcdonalds offers employees paid maternity leave... Yes? Up to twelve weeks to be exact.

This is a non issue.
Its an issue because its not enforced across the country like a min wage is...its discriminatory.
It's called Free Enterprise
We got that here
LOL...free for who!? Sure not the worker.
Funny. I got paid maternity leave. 2 months to be exact.
From your company right?

Well ...I wouldn't exactly need it if I wasn't employed now would I?

as an aside .... You do realize that even Mcdonalds offers employees paid maternity leave... Yes? Up to twelve weeks to be exact.

This is a non issue.
Its an issue because its not enforced across the country like a min wage is...its discriminatory.

Planning a family? Look for a job with better benefits.
How about stop being one of 4 civilized nations that DO NOT have paid maternity leave. PERIOD. Democrats car. Republicans don't.

Democrats hate breeders. What are you talking about?
Republicans celebrated when they took the Congress in November. They have now had three months to show us what we were missing

What have they accomplished?

Meanwhile you never once ask that of the dems that controlled Congress for 4 years.
ummm..... theres a difference :eusa_eh: They worked and got stuff done. You're welcome.

No wonder you types vote for them. You never expect much of anything from them
No budget under Obama from a complete democratically controlled Congress. That achievement? The only thing that got done was Obama care and it was only completed by LYING to the American people and most of the dems that voted for it. Remember how they had to pass it before they could read it?
Republicans promised so much if they were elected

Repeal Obamacare
Pass Keystone Pipeline into law
Balance the budget
Stop immigration reform
Stop gay marriage

Three months and they have accomplished..........um...um

Even if Congressional republicans had implemented that agenda, they would have still accomplished nothing.
Godbless the public and private sectors!!!

God bless our science institutions
God bless our tax dollars building our bridges and roads
God bless our tax dollars going to our police departments
God bless Clean water and air.

It seems that the republicans could care less about all this.
Republicans promised so much if they were elected

Repeal Obamacare
Pass Keystone Pipeline into law
Balance the budget
Stop immigration reform
Stop gay marriage

Three months and they have accomplished..........um...um

Even if Congressional republicans had implemented that agenda, they would have still accomplished nothing.

We'll become a third world shit without any ability to compete with the rest of the developed world if we attempted the third one. They can bitch at Obama but they'd really fucking fuck us if they did.
Republicans promised so much if they were elected

Repeal Obamacare
Pass Keystone Pipeline into law
Balance the budget
Stop immigration reform
Stop gay marriage

Three months and they have accomplished..........um...um


Until Nancy Pelosi lost her seat, President Obama and the democrats found unemployment extensions to be a greater Presidential achievement than the Keystone pipeline. With Harry Reid now losing his position in the senate, Republicans put forth a jobs proposal, and the party of no just won't have it.

Obama Keystone pipeline bill has earned my veto
Last edited:
The Republicans celebrated the demise of Obama

They had turned him into a lame duck President while they now get to call the shots

Meanwhile, Obama has

Extended Immigration Reform
Recognized Cuba
Formed an international accord to dismantle Irans nuclear program

What have Republicans accomplished so far?
Meanwhile, Obama has: Allowed poverty to grow, neglected our rundown infrastructure, allowed "ILLEGAL" immigrants to remain in this country, run up the national debt, neglected the homeless, made health care more expensive, never addressed the injustices in our judicial system, avoided looking into government corruption, never addressed subsidies, never addressed income inequality, allowed and condoned the building of mosques on foreign soil at the expense of taxpayers, continues to supply weapons to terrorists, allows and condones our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies, failed to address our enormous prison population, failed to address campaign finance reform, ignored the Lobbyists' control of the U.S. Congress, failed to seek and to enact a solution to tax fraud and tax loopholes, never addressed the off-shore out-sourcing of our jobs, allowed no-bid government contracts to continue status quo, failed to end the wasteful defense spending, failed to end Medicare and Medicaid fraud and corruption, and has not brought about his promised "CHANGE" that he campaigned on in 2008.

We still have unaffordable higher education, we still have college grads flipping burgers and living with parents, the elderly are still forced to choose between buying medicine and buying food, we still have VETS on waiting list to see a doctor, we still have homeless VETS, our economy is still running on borrowed money, home ownership is way down, home owners that lost a big chunk of equity in their homes have never regained it, we have troubled pension funds, cities going bankrupt, and we're still send soldiers to fight and die in political wars on foreign soil.

Now, do you want to re-think your list of Mr. Obama's accomplishments? How are we better off today, than we were before he took office? Do we have more living wage jobs available? Do we have an adequate number of living wage jobs that cover all education and skill levels? Do we have a self-supporting nation, and a self-supporting citizenry? Does America produce what America uses and consumes, or are we still import dependent? Do we see a lot more "Made In U.S.A." labels on store shelves? How much have invested in alternative energy sources compared to what we've spent sacrificing our soldiers in senseless deadly costly wars?

What has Obama accomplished?
Save me your right wing rant

The Obama economy has surpassed the Reagan economy.
Did I not speak the truth? Can you disprove anything that I said? And, Mr. Reagan wasn't any better than the rest of them. Also, the Obama economy has further destroyed what little we had left of an economy. FYI - I'm NOT a Right Wing anything, nor am I a Left Wing anything. If you can dispute anything that I said, by all means, please do so. Otherwise, your "rant" carries no weight, and is just that, a rant.

Your rant reflects societal changes that have been going on for 30 or more years

All you can evaluate a President on is what he was given and what he left the next guy. In Obamas case, he was given an economy headed for depression. Obama halted the depression, reversed the economy and has doubled the stock market, added 8 million jobs and dropped unemployment by 4.5%
Republicans promised so much if they were elected

Repeal Obamacare
Pass Keystone Pipeline into law
Balance the budget
Stop immigration reform
Stop gay marriage

Three months and they have accomplished..........um...um


Until Nancy Pelosi lost her seat, President Obama and the democrats found unemployment extensions to be a greater Presidential achievement than the Keystone pipeline. With Harry Reid now losing his position in the senate, Republicans put forth a jobs proposal, and the party of no just won't have it.

Obama Keystone pipeline bill has earned my veto

Kind of whiny of Republicans

They boasted of all they can do now that they run Congress. Nothing in three months
Many, many Congresses have had Presidents of another party and passed major legislation

Republicans just pout
The Republicans celebrated the demise of Obama

They had turned him into a lame duck President while they now get to call the shots

Meanwhile, Obama has

Extended Immigration Reform
Recognized Cuba
Formed an international accord to dismantle Irans nuclear program

What have Republicans accomplished so far?
Meanwhile, Obama has: Allowed poverty to grow, neglected our rundown infrastructure, allowed "ILLEGAL" immigrants to remain in this country, run up the national debt, neglected the homeless, made health care more expensive, never addressed the injustices in our judicial system, avoided looking into government corruption, never addressed subsidies, never addressed income inequality, allowed and condoned the building of mosques on foreign soil at the expense of taxpayers, continues to supply weapons to terrorists, allows and condones our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies, failed to address our enormous prison population, failed to address campaign finance reform, ignored the Lobbyists' control of the U.S. Congress, failed to seek and to enact a solution to tax fraud and tax loopholes, never addressed the off-shore out-sourcing of our jobs, allowed no-bid government contracts to continue status quo, failed to end the wasteful defense spending, failed to end Medicare and Medicaid fraud and corruption, and has not brought about his promised "CHANGE" that he campaigned on in 2008.

We still have unaffordable higher education, we still have college grads flipping burgers and living with parents, the elderly are still forced to choose between buying medicine and buying food, we still have VETS on waiting list to see a doctor, we still have homeless VETS, our economy is still running on borrowed money, home ownership is way down, home owners that lost a big chunk of equity in their homes have never regained it, we have troubled pension funds, cities going bankrupt, and we're still send soldiers to fight and die in political wars on foreign soil.

Now, do you want to re-think your list of Mr. Obama's accomplishments? How are we better off today, than we were before he took office? Do we have more living wage jobs available? Do we have an adequate number of living wage jobs that cover all education and skill levels? Do we have a self-supporting nation, and a self-supporting citizenry? Does America produce what America uses and consumes, or are we still import dependent? Do we see a lot more "Made In U.S.A." labels on store shelves? How much have invested in alternative energy sources compared to what we've spent sacrificing our soldiers in senseless deadly costly wars?

What has Obama accomplished?
Save me your right wing rant

The Obama economy has surpassed the Reagan economy.
Did I not speak the truth? Can you disprove anything that I said? And, Mr. Reagan wasn't any better than the rest of them. Also, the Obama economy has further destroyed what little we had left of an economy. FYI - I'm NOT a Right Wing anything, nor am I a Left Wing anything. If you can dispute anything that I said, by all means, please do so. Otherwise, your "rant" carries no weight, and is just that, a rant.

Your rant reflects societal changes that have been going on for 30 or more years

All you can evaluate a President on is what he was given and what he left the next guy. In Obamas case, he was given an economy headed for depression. Obama halted the depression, reversed the economy and has doubled the stock market, added 8 million jobs and dropped unemployment by 4.5%
"All you can evaluate a President on is what he was given and what he left the next guy."
Pleeeeease ....... FYI ----- You evaluate any public servant on what they accomplished for "The People" they serve. You evaluate a president on what he accomplishes that's for the good of the people and for the good of this nation as a whole. Regardless of what Mr. Obama was handed when he took office, he's had 6 years to correct any and all wrongs. How many times has he called the public together, a la MLK, and lead a march to the steps of the Capitol, and called Congress out into the street? How much government corruption has he exposed and prosecuted? How many of our job killing foreign trade agreements and policies has he voided, corrected, or re-written? What fair and equal tax laws and tax codes has he pushed through Congress? How much has the poverty rate increased since he's been in office? How many times has he publicly shamed members of Congress for selling their votes on the floors of both houses of Congress?

Is he still sacrificing our soldiers on foreign soil? Has he ended illegal immigration? Do we have a much better educational system in place, with higher standards of education? Has he made an effort to ensure living wage opportunities that cover all education and skill levels, so that we can be self-supporting, instead of depending on government assistance programs and unemployment checks? Has he done anything about the astronomical and rising national debt? Has he addressed the corrupt government no-bid contracts? Has he done anything about the injustices in our judicial system? Has he done anything about our loss of privacy? What has he done about Medicare and Medicaid fraud and corruption? What exactly has he done that is long-lasting positive benefits to this once great nation and her citizens?

FYI --- We're still in a recession/depression, or haven't you checked Main Street America lately. We have 50% of our children living in poverty, we have over 47 million receiving food stamps, we have millions receiving some form of government assistance, we have college grads flipping burger and living with parents, those age 50 and older can't find jobs, most of the jobs now are low wage, temporary, or part-time employment. We have cities going bankrupt, pension funds in trouble, rundown infrastructure, Vets that are on long waiting lists trying to get medical help, we have families living in tent cities and food pantries with empty shelves, we have less home owners, many home owners have lost the equity in their homes, consumers don't have enough spendable cash in their pockets to support the retail market, malls have become ghost buildings, and you honestly believe that we're doing great under Mr. Obama? Pleeeease !! Wake up and smell the coffee.

FYI - The stock market is NOT an indication of economic growth and stability. If it were, we'd all be millionaires and no one would be receiving government assistance. Remember, the stock market consist of many foreign owned companies and corporations. Also, please do some research and see what the real unemployment numbers are/ HINT: It's not 4.5% as you stated.

FYI --- We're still in a recession/depression, or haven't you checked Main Street America lately. We have 50% of our children living in poverty, we have over 47 million receiving food stamps, we have millions receiving some form of government assistance, we have college grads flipping burger and living with parents, those age 50 and older can't find jobs, most of the jobs now are low wage, temporary, or part-time employment. We have cities going bankrupt, pension funds in trouble, rundown infrastructure, Vets that are on long waiting lists trying to get medical help, we have families living in tent cities and food pantries with empty shelves, we have less home owners, many home owners have lost the equity in their homes, consumers don't have enough spendable cash in their pockets to support the retail market, malls have become ghost buildings, and you honestly believe that we're doing great under Mr. Obama? Pleeeease !! Wake up and smell the coffee.

Do you believe that Presidents are miracle workers?

Had you been an adviser to this President, what advice would you have given him to accomplish that long list of things that should be done? Especially considering that he would have NO help from the Congress in accomplishing those objectives.

This President couldn't expand hiring at the Federal level. How would he have influenced all those jobs ideas and promoted hiring in the private sector?

Here is what it comes down to Sonny. For the past couple of Presidents, we have been witnessing a declining standard of living for a great manyf Americans. The manufacturing base that supplied all those good paying jobs and step up opportunities for workers, a great many of those jobs are gone.

We are never again going to see the opportunities for so many people that you and I took for granted.
Just the way it is in a plutocracy. Nothing lasts forever and what goes up must come down, Our society is splitting into the haves and have nots. Just make sure that you and your are in the haves side (which I am sure you have) and you will be fine.
FYI --- We're still in a recession/depression, or haven't you checked Main Street America lately. We have 50% of our children living in poverty, we have over 47 million receiving food stamps, we have millions receiving some form of government assistance, we have college grads flipping burger and living with parents, those age 50 and older can't find jobs, most of the jobs now are low wage, temporary, or part-time employment. We have cities going bankrupt, pension funds in trouble, rundown infrastructure, Vets that are on long waiting lists trying to get medical help, we have families living in tent cities and food pantries with empty shelves, we have less home owners, many home owners have lost the equity in their homes, consumers don't have enough spendable cash in their pockets to support the retail market, malls have become ghost buildings, and you honestly believe that we're doing great under Mr. Obama? Pleeeease !! Wake up and smell the coffee.

Do you believe that Presidents are miracle workers?

Had you been an adviser to this President, what advice would you have given him to accomplish that long list of things that should be done? Especially considering that he would have NO help from the Congress in accomplishing those objectives.

This President couldn't expand hiring at the Federal level. How would he have influenced all those jobs ideas and promoted hiring in the private sector?

Here is what it comes down to Sonny. For the past couple of Presidents, we have been witnessing a declining standard of living for a great manyf Americans. The manufacturing base that supplied all those good paying jobs and step up opportunities for workers, a great many of those jobs are gone.

We are never again going to see the opportunities for so many people that you and I took for granted.
Just the way it is in a plutocracy. Nothing lasts forever and what goes up must come down, Our society is splitting into the haves and have nots. Just make sure that you and your are in the haves side (which I am sure you have) and you will be fine.
No, presidents are NOT miracle workers, by any stretch of the imagination, and I doubt that anyone expects them to be one, I sure don't. Presidents are "Leaders", leaders of the people, and leaders of this country. They are also Commanders of our military. Their responsibility is to lead the direction of this nation, work with Congress in order to make this country better and stronger. Their responsibility is to ensure every effort is made to protect the founding principles of the Constitution, to provide the necessary leadership required for national security against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, and to take an honorable role in world affairs, as they relate to our best interests.

No, I have never been an advisor to any president, but would love to be one. If I were an advisor to the president, I would beg him/her to ask the people of this nation to come to Washington, camp on the steps of the Capitol until members of Congress came out and listened to what the people had to say about the shameful and disgraceful actions they've engaged in. I would tell the president that the actual power of this nation rest with the people, and together, with the presidents leadership, they could demand that Congress act in the best interest of this nation and her citizens. I would beg the president to use the power of the people to make the necessary changes that would put this once great nation, back on the path to prosperity, equal opportunities, real freedom, real justice, and fair and equal representation in government.

No president can fight the fight alone. No president can do his or her job without the power of the people behind them, standing with them, and demanding the same fairness and equal consideration, as intended by the founders of this once great nation. Any president has the power and authority to use the voices of the people to push fair, equal, and beneficial legislation and policies through Congress. Members of Congress are representatives of the people, and they must listen to the people, either voluntarily, or by force, if necessary. It's the presidents job to speak for the people, lead the people, and to use the power of the people when needed.

Jobs, you ask? A very good question, thanks for asking. First, we must re-write our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies, so that they become fair, equal, and balanced foreign trade agreements and policies. Secondly, we must severely punish the off-shore out-sourcing of our jobs to cheap foreign labor markets. Thirdly, we must severely punish the importing of labor. Fourth, we must severely punish anyone hiring an illegal immigrant. Fifth, we must end our dependency on foreign imports, and put America back to work, producing what America uses and consumes.

FYI --- Our economic decline actually started shortly after WWII when we began to re-build Japan's economy. Back in the 50's and 60's, we had plants and factories on almost every street corner. Those plants and factories provided self-supporting living wage opportunities that covered all education and skill levels. Then, we began losing the steel, the textile, the electronics, the tool, the toy, the appliance, the housewares, the furniture, and the farm equipment industries to foreign labor markets. We sacrificed our economic well-being in favor of supporting foreign economies. And now, it's progressed to the point that our work force is dependent on government assistance programs and unemployment checks. How many "Made In U.S.A." labels do you see on our store shelves? Can we compete with child labor working in sweat shops? Does our standard of living allow us to work for $5.00 a day wages?

FYI -- The term "Global Economy" basically means equalization to the lowest level. And, as research will show, we're rapidly approaching that equalization. We've been sold out by the very ones that we've entrusted with our economic well-being. And now, the chickens have finally come home to roost.
The Republicans celebrated the demise of Obama

They had turned him into a lame duck President while they now get to call the shots

Meanwhile, Obama has

Extended Immigration Reform
Recognized Cuba
Formed an international accord to dismantle Irans nuclear program

What have Republicans accomplished so far?
Meanwhile, Obama has: Allowed poverty to grow, neglected our rundown infrastructure, allowed "ILLEGAL" immigrants to remain in this country, run up the national debt, neglected the homeless, made health care more expensive, never addressed the injustices in our judicial system, avoided looking into government corruption, never addressed subsidies, never addressed income inequality, allowed and condoned the building of mosques on foreign soil at the expense of taxpayers, continues to supply weapons to terrorists, allows and condones our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies, failed to address our enormous prison population, failed to address campaign finance reform, ignored the Lobbyists' control of the U.S. Congress, failed to seek and to enact a solution to tax fraud and tax loopholes, never addressed the off-shore out-sourcing of our jobs, allowed no-bid government contracts to continue status quo, failed to end the wasteful defense spending, failed to end Medicare and Medicaid fraud and corruption, and has not brought about his promised "CHANGE" that he campaigned on in 2008.

We still have unaffordable higher education, we still have college grads flipping burgers and living with parents, the elderly are still forced to choose between buying medicine and buying food, we still have VETS on waiting list to see a doctor, we still have homeless VETS, our economy is still running on borrowed money, home ownership is way down, home owners that lost a big chunk of equity in their homes have never regained it, we have troubled pension funds, cities going bankrupt, and we're still send soldiers to fight and die in political wars on foreign soil.

Now, do you want to re-think your list of Mr. Obama's accomplishments? How are we better off today, than we were before he took office? Do we have more living wage jobs available? Do we have an adequate number of living wage jobs that cover all education and skill levels? Do we have a self-supporting nation, and a self-supporting citizenry? Does America produce what America uses and consumes, or are we still import dependent? Do we see a lot more "Made In U.S.A." labels on store shelves? How much have invested in alternative energy sources compared to what we've spent sacrificing our soldiers in senseless deadly costly wars?

What has Obama accomplished?
Save me your right wing rant

The Obama economy has surpassed the Reagan economy.
Did I not speak the truth? Can you disprove anything that I said? And, Mr. Reagan wasn't any better than the rest of them. Also, the Obama economy has further destroyed what little we had left of an economy. FYI - I'm NOT a Right Wing anything, nor am I a Left Wing anything. If you can dispute anything that I said, by all means, please do so. Otherwise, your "rant" carries no weight, and is just that, a rant.

Your rant reflects societal changes that have been going on for 30 or more years

All you can evaluate a President on is what he was given and what he left the next guy. In Obamas case, he was given an economy headed for depression. Obama halted the depression, reversed the economy and has doubled the stock market, added 8 million jobs and dropped unemployment by 4.5%
"All you can evaluate a President on is what he was given and what he left the next guy."
Pleeeeease ....... FYI ----- You evaluate any public servant on what they accomplished for "The People" they serve. You evaluate a president on what he accomplishes that's for the good of the people and for the good of this nation as a whole. Regardless of what Mr. Obama was handed when he took office, he's had 6 years to correct any and all wrongs. How many times has he called the public together, a la MLK, and lead a march to the steps of the Capitol, and called Congress out into the street? How much government corruption has he exposed and prosecuted? How many of our job killing foreign trade agreements and policies has he voided, corrected, or re-written? What fair and equal tax laws and tax codes has he pushed through Congress? How much has the poverty rate increased since he's been in office? How many times has he publicly shamed members of Congress for selling their votes on the floors of both houses of Congress?

Is he still sacrificing our soldiers on foreign soil? Has he ended illegal immigration? Do we have a much better educational system in place, with higher standards of education? Has he made an effort to ensure living wage opportunities that cover all education and skill levels, so that we can be self-supporting, instead of depending on government assistance programs and unemployment checks? Has he done anything about the astronomical and rising national debt? Has he addressed the corrupt government no-bid contracts? Has he done anything about the injustices in our judicial system? Has he done anything about our loss of privacy? What has he done about Medicare and Medicaid fraud and corruption? What exactly has he done that is long-lasting positive benefits to this once great nation and her citizens?

FYI --- We're still in a recession/depression, or haven't you checked Main Street America lately. We have 50% of our children living in poverty, we have over 47 million receiving food stamps, we have millions receiving some form of government assistance, we have college grads flipping burger and living with parents, those age 50 and older can't find jobs, most of the jobs now are low wage, temporary, or part-time employment. We have cities going bankrupt, pension funds in trouble, rundown infrastructure, Vets that are on long waiting lists trying to get medical help, we have families living in tent cities and food pantries with empty shelves, we have less home owners, many home owners have lost the equity in their homes, consumers don't have enough spendable cash in their pockets to support the retail market, malls have become ghost buildings, and you honestly believe that we're doing great under Mr. Obama? Pleeeease !! Wake up and smell the coffee.

FYI - The stock market is NOT an indication of economic growth and stability. If it were, we'd all be millionaires and no one would be receiving government assistance. Remember, the stock market consist of many foreign owned companies and corporations. Also, please do some research and see what the real unemployment numbers are/ HINT: It's not 4.5% as you stated.

More of a rant about things out of control for the President

Obama has pulled our soldiers off of foreign soil and avoided the temptation to send them into new conflicts
How does one "end" illegal immigration? Hasn't been done in a century
Corruption is evident in all cultures....it is a human trait
He hasn't moved money from the one percent and given it to the lower 40%. He doesn't have that authority. He has increased taxes on the one percent, provided more healthcare to the lower 40% and raised the minimum wage where he can

A stock market that has doubled is a better economic indicator than a stock market that has lost half it value
The REAL U3 unemployment has dropped from 10.2% down to 5.5%
If you want to pull out the U6 number, it has also dropped over 4.5%
Meanwhile, Obama has: Allowed poverty to grow, neglected our rundown infrastructure, allowed "ILLEGAL" immigrants to remain in this country, run up the national debt, neglected the homeless, made health care more expensive, never addressed the injustices in our judicial system, avoided looking into government corruption, never addressed subsidies, never addressed income inequality, allowed and condoned the building of mosques on foreign soil at the expense of taxpayers, continues to supply weapons to terrorists, allows and condones our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies, failed to address our enormous prison population, failed to address campaign finance reform, ignored the Lobbyists' control of the U.S. Congress, failed to seek and to enact a solution to tax fraud and tax loopholes, never addressed the off-shore out-sourcing of our jobs, allowed no-bid government contracts to continue status quo, failed to end the wasteful defense spending, failed to end Medicare and Medicaid fraud and corruption, and has not brought about his promised "CHANGE" that he campaigned on in 2008.

We still have unaffordable higher education, we still have college grads flipping burgers and living with parents, the elderly are still forced to choose between buying medicine and buying food, we still have VETS on waiting list to see a doctor, we still have homeless VETS, our economy is still running on borrowed money, home ownership is way down, home owners that lost a big chunk of equity in their homes have never regained it, we have troubled pension funds, cities going bankrupt, and we're still send soldiers to fight and die in political wars on foreign soil.

Now, do you want to re-think your list of Mr. Obama's accomplishments? How are we better off today, than we were before he took office? Do we have more living wage jobs available? Do we have an adequate number of living wage jobs that cover all education and skill levels? Do we have a self-supporting nation, and a self-supporting citizenry? Does America produce what America uses and consumes, or are we still import dependent? Do we see a lot more "Made In U.S.A." labels on store shelves? How much have invested in alternative energy sources compared to what we've spent sacrificing our soldiers in senseless deadly costly wars?

What has Obama accomplished?
Save me your right wing rant

The Obama economy has surpassed the Reagan economy.
Did I not speak the truth? Can you disprove anything that I said? And, Mr. Reagan wasn't any better than the rest of them. Also, the Obama economy has further destroyed what little we had left of an economy. FYI - I'm NOT a Right Wing anything, nor am I a Left Wing anything. If you can dispute anything that I said, by all means, please do so. Otherwise, your "rant" carries no weight, and is just that, a rant.

Your rant reflects societal changes that have been going on for 30 or more years

All you can evaluate a President on is what he was given and what he left the next guy. In Obamas case, he was given an economy headed for depression. Obama halted the depression, reversed the economy and has doubled the stock market, added 8 million jobs and dropped unemployment by 4.5%
"All you can evaluate a President on is what he was given and what he left the next guy."
Pleeeeease ....... FYI ----- You evaluate any public servant on what they accomplished for "The People" they serve. You evaluate a president on what he accomplishes that's for the good of the people and for the good of this nation as a whole. Regardless of what Mr. Obama was handed when he took office, he's had 6 years to correct any and all wrongs. How many times has he called the public together, a la MLK, and lead a march to the steps of the Capitol, and called Congress out into the street? How much government corruption has he exposed and prosecuted? How many of our job killing foreign trade agreements and policies has he voided, corrected, or re-written? What fair and equal tax laws and tax codes has he pushed through Congress? How much has the poverty rate increased since he's been in office? How many times has he publicly shamed members of Congress for selling their votes on the floors of both houses of Congress?

Is he still sacrificing our soldiers on foreign soil? Has he ended illegal immigration? Do we have a much better educational system in place, with higher standards of education? Has he made an effort to ensure living wage opportunities that cover all education and skill levels, so that we can be self-supporting, instead of depending on government assistance programs and unemployment checks? Has he done anything about the astronomical and rising national debt? Has he addressed the corrupt government no-bid contracts? Has he done anything about the injustices in our judicial system? Has he done anything about our loss of privacy? What has he done about Medicare and Medicaid fraud and corruption? What exactly has he done that is long-lasting positive benefits to this once great nation and her citizens?

FYI --- We're still in a recession/depression, or haven't you checked Main Street America lately. We have 50% of our children living in poverty, we have over 47 million receiving food stamps, we have millions receiving some form of government assistance, we have college grads flipping burger and living with parents, those age 50 and older can't find jobs, most of the jobs now are low wage, temporary, or part-time employment. We have cities going bankrupt, pension funds in trouble, rundown infrastructure, Vets that are on long waiting lists trying to get medical help, we have families living in tent cities and food pantries with empty shelves, we have less home owners, many home owners have lost the equity in their homes, consumers don't have enough spendable cash in their pockets to support the retail market, malls have become ghost buildings, and you honestly believe that we're doing great under Mr. Obama? Pleeeease !! Wake up and smell the coffee.

FYI - The stock market is NOT an indication of economic growth and stability. If it were, we'd all be millionaires and no one would be receiving government assistance. Remember, the stock market consist of many foreign owned companies and corporations. Also, please do some research and see what the real unemployment numbers are/ HINT: It's not 4.5% as you stated.

More of a rant about things out of control for the President

Obama has pulled our soldiers off of foreign soil and avoided the temptation to send them into new conflicts
How does one "end" illegal immigration? Hasn't been done in a century
Corruption is evident in all cultures....it is a human trait
He hasn't moved money from the one percent and given it to the lower 40%. He doesn't have that authority. He has increased taxes on the one percent, provided more healthcare to the lower 40% and raised the minimum wage where he can

A stock market that has doubled is a better economic indicator than a stock market that has lost half it value
The REAL U3 unemployment has dropped from 10.2% down to 5.5%
If you want to pull out the U6 number, it has also dropped over 4.5%
The president has all of the control one would need. The president has the power of the people to use if he so desires, which obviously, he doesn't care to. Obama has done nothing, absolutely nothing. Go check Main Street America and come back and tell me what you find. Obama just sent more soldiers to the Middle East, or haven't you been reading the news lately. You end illegal immigration by severely punishing anyone that hires them, or assist them in any way, shape, form, or fashion. Corruption can be prosecuted, or haven't you heard about it. No one expects him play Robin Hood. I don't recall anyone asking him to take from the rich and give to the poor a la Robin Hood. He hasn't done anything about health care except made it more expensive, and taxpayers will be footing the bill for generations to come. It's already cost my wife and I money. Premiums have gone up, deductibles have gone up, benefits have come down, and co-pays have gone up.

Wages are way below our living standards. The cost of food, utilities, rent, and health care are up. Most available jobs are low wage, temporary, and part-time employment. College grads are flipping burgers and living with parents. Those over 50 can't find work. Many have stopped looking for work. Consumers don't have enough spendable income in their pockets to support the retail market. Malls are becoming ghost buildings, cities are going bankrupt, pension funds are in trouble, 50% of our children live in poverty, over 47 million are getting food stamps, and millions are receiving some form of government assistance. Companies are offering less company paid benefits, and some have cut hours for their employees.

If you can dispute the above, by all means please do so. And, tell me again what Mr. Obama has done for all of us and for this nation as a whole. Thanks.

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