We are three months into the Republican Congress.....Why haven't they accomplished anything yet?

Republicans celebrated when they took the Congress in November. They have now had three months to show us what we were missing

What have they accomplished?

Good question. So far, it looks like the answer is: Nothing.

Yup. Not a damn thing.

I wonder why their constituents aren't more concerned about the lack of action? Maybe they would be angry about it if they saw it on FOX News.

My Dad is a Fox 24/7 guy. That's not what they are talking about. They are buzzing about more children coming in from South America.
Republicans celebrated when they took the Congress in November. They have now had three months to show us what we were missing

What have they accomplished?

Meanwhile you never once ask that of the dems that controlled Congress for 4 years.
ummm..... theres a difference :eusa_eh: They worked and got stuff done. You're welcome.

No wonder you types vote for them. You never expect much of anything from them
Republicans celebrated when they took the Congress in November. They have now had three months to show us what we were missing

What have they accomplished?

Meanwhile you never once ask that of the dems that controlled Congress for 4 years.

I saw major accomplishments from the Dems..

Stimulus, financial reform, repeal of DADT, Obamacare

When are the Republicans going to do what they promised?
We ousted Reid & put handcuffs on Obama.

Nothing more needs to be done till the jackass is out of office.


I see Obama accomplishing great things. Nothing out of the worst Congress in History
We ousted Reid & put handcuffs on Obama.

Nothing more needs to be done till the jackass is out of office.


I see Obama accomplishing great things. Nothing out of the worst Congress in History
Obama hasn't accomplished shit that won't be thrown out soon after he leaves office.

Hillary will maintain the Obama initiatives and add to them

Not much to do about the Do Nothing Congress
We ousted Reid & put handcuffs on Obama.

Nothing more needs to be done till the jackass is out of office.


I see Obama accomplishing great things. Nothing out of the worst Congress in History
Obama hasn't accomplished shit that won't be thrown out soon after he leaves office.

Hillary will maintain the Obama initiatives and add to them

Not much to do about the Do Nothing Congress
That is Obama's ONLY hope.
We ousted Reid & put handcuffs on Obama.

Nothing more needs to be done till the jackass is out of office.


I see Obama accomplishing great things. Nothing out of the worst Congress in History
Obama hasn't accomplished shit that won't be thrown out soon after he leaves office.

Hillary will maintain the Obama initiatives and add to them

Not much to do about the Do Nothing Congress
That is Obama's ONLY hope.

He seems to be accomplishing quite a resume......the Do nothing Congress? Not so much
I'm still waiting for all the impeachment that our resident wingers promised.

C'mon fellas. What's your excuse this month?
I'm still waiting for all the impeachment that our resident wingers promised.

C'mon fellas. What's your excuse this month?
The Republicans celebrated the demise of Obama

They had turned him into a lame duck President while they now get to call the shots

Meanwhile, Obama has

Extended Immigration Reform
Recognized Cuba
Formed an international accord to dismantle Irans nuclear program

What have Republicans accomplished so far?
Meanwhile, Obama has: Allowed poverty to grow, neglected our rundown infrastructure, allowed "ILLEGAL" immigrants to remain in this country, run up the national debt, neglected the homeless, made health care more expensive, never addressed the injustices in our judicial system, avoided looking into government corruption, never addressed subsidies, never addressed income inequality, allowed and condoned the building of mosques on foreign soil at the expense of taxpayers, continues to supply weapons to terrorists, allows and condones our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies, failed to address our enormous prison population, failed to address campaign finance reform, ignored the Lobbyists' control of the U.S. Congress, failed to seek and to enact a solution to tax fraud and tax loopholes, never addressed the off-shore out-sourcing of our jobs, allowed no-bid government contracts to continue status quo, failed to end the wasteful defense spending, failed to end Medicare and Medicaid fraud and corruption, and has not brought about his promised "CHANGE" that he campaigned on in 2008.

We still have unaffordable higher education, we still have college grads flipping burgers and living with parents, the elderly are still forced to choose between buying medicine and buying food, we still have VETS on waiting list to see a doctor, we still have homeless VETS, our economy is still running on borrowed money, home ownership is way down, home owners that lost a big chunk of equity in their homes have never regained it, we have troubled pension funds, cities going bankrupt, and we're still send soldiers to fight and die in political wars on foreign soil.

Now, do you want to re-think your list of Mr. Obama's accomplishments? How are we better off today, than we were before he took office? Do we have more living wage jobs available? Do we have an adequate number of living wage jobs that cover all education and skill levels? Do we have a self-supporting nation, and a self-supporting citizenry? Does America produce what America uses and consumes, or are we still import dependent? Do we see a lot more "Made In U.S.A." labels on store shelves? How much have invested in alternative energy sources compared to what we've spent sacrificing our soldiers in senseless deadly costly wars?

What has Obama accomplished?
The Republicans celebrated the demise of Obama

They had turned him into a lame duck President while they now get to call the shots

Meanwhile, Obama has

Extended Immigration Reform
Recognized Cuba
Formed an international accord to dismantle Irans nuclear program

What have Republicans accomplished so far?
Meanwhile, Obama has: Allowed poverty to grow, neglected our rundown infrastructure, allowed "ILLEGAL" immigrants to remain in this country, run up the national debt, neglected the homeless, made health care more expensive, never addressed the injustices in our judicial system, avoided looking into government corruption, never addressed subsidies, never addressed income inequality, allowed and condoned the building of mosques on foreign soil at the expense of taxpayers, continues to supply weapons to terrorists, allows and condones our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies, failed to address our enormous prison population, failed to address campaign finance reform, ignored the Lobbyists' control of the U.S. Congress, failed to seek and to enact a solution to tax fraud and tax loopholes, never addressed the off-shore out-sourcing of our jobs, allowed no-bid government contracts to continue status quo, failed to end the wasteful defense spending, failed to end Medicare and Medicaid fraud and corruption, and has not brought about his promised "CHANGE" that he campaigned on in 2008.

We still have unaffordable higher education, we still have college grads flipping burgers and living with parents, the elderly are still forced to choose between buying medicine and buying food, we still have VETS on waiting list to see a doctor, we still have homeless VETS, our economy is still running on borrowed money, home ownership is way down, home owners that lost a big chunk of equity in their homes have never regained it, we have troubled pension funds, cities going bankrupt, and we're still send soldiers to fight and die in political wars on foreign soil.

Now, do you want to re-think your list of Mr. Obama's accomplishments? How are we better off today, than we were before he took office? Do we have more living wage jobs available? Do we have an adequate number of living wage jobs that cover all education and skill levels? Do we have a self-supporting nation, and a self-supporting citizenry? Does America produce what America uses and consumes, or are we still import dependent? Do we see a lot more "Made In U.S.A." labels on store shelves? How much have invested in alternative energy sources compared to what we've spent sacrificing our soldiers in senseless deadly costly wars?

What has Obama accomplished?
Save me your right wing rant

The Obama economy has surpassed the Reagan economy.
Republicans celebrated when they took the Congress in November. They have now had three months to show us what we were missing

What have they accomplished?
Be patient, they just need a little more time to find something to name after St Ronnie!

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