We are three months into the Republican Congress.....Why haven't they accomplished anything yet?

Thats it?

That is what they have been waiting eight years for?

Where is the repeal of Obamacare?
Where is the balanced budget?
Where is immigration reform?
Where is the Lynch vote?
Where is the impeachment of Obama?
Why do I ask so many questions?

They're ALL coming, douche.

When we take down Hitlery and put 60 Republicans in the Senate in 2016 (oh yes, we will) you're going to see ALL those things -- And more.

Much, much, much more.

Then, it's only going to get worse in 2018 when dimocrap criminals are all on trial, in prison or under indictment, and you're defending 25 (Twenty-Five) seats to our only having to defend 8 Seats AND with a Republican POTUS, AND with half the dimocrap scum party heading to prison......

Enjoy it while you can, bitches. This is the last time you'll see the scum of the earth dimocrap party have any real say in American Politics.

Mark my words..... I called obama in 2008 BEFORE the Primary was over, I called him again in 2012, I called Bush over Algore, I called Clinton both times......

I know wherefore I speak. The American People are sick and tired of your BULLSHIT. You'll be lucky to survive the coming turmoil -- At all.
They have done a lot!

Refused to raise min wage
Refused to become one of the last countries to give women paid maternity leave (we remain one of 4 countries to NOT have this)
Bitched and moaned about obamacare
Conspired with right wingers in Iran to derail peace talks

I am sure there is more.

Name the 192 countries that have paid maternity leave and please link to your source(s).
Parental leave - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Sad when countries in Africa have us beat on this....pathetic.
Republicans celebrated when they took the Congress in November. They have now had three months to show us what we were missing

What have they accomplished?

Are you really that poorly uninformed about current events?

Answer the question

Republicans have waited eight years for this.....where is all the legislation they promised?

Nancy Pelosi knew how to do it, why can't Boehner and McConnell?
Thats it?

That is what they have been waiting eight years for?

Where is the repeal of Obamacare?
Where is the balanced budget?
Where is immigration reform?
Where is the Lynch vote?
Where is the impeachment of Obama?
Why do I ask so many questions?

They're ALL coming, douche.

When we take down Hitlery and put 60 Republicans in the Senate in 2016 (oh yes, we will) you're going to see ALL those things -- And more.

Much, much, much more.

Then, it's only going to get worse in 2018 when dimocrap criminals are all on trial, in prison or under indictment, and you're defending 25 (Twenty-Five) seats to our only having to defend 8 Seats AND with a Republican POTUS, AND with half the dimocrap scum party heading to prison......

Enjoy it while you can, bitches. This is the last time you'll see the scum of the earth dimocrap party have any real say in American Politics.

Mark my words..... I called obama in 2008 BEFORE the Primary was over, I called him again in 2012, I called Bush over Algore, I called Clinton both times......

I know wherefore I speak. The American People are sick and tired of your BULLSHIT. You'll be lucky to survive the coming turmoil -- At all.

Oh....I get it now

We have to wait another two years before we can expect Republicans to do anything
Lame duck Obama is making historic accomplishments

Immigration reform, Cuba recognition, Iran treaty

What the fuck is the matter with Republicans? Why haven't they accomplished anything?
Go to this website and go to the Legislative Digest and find out what they are up to.

Here's just a few days into March.

Long-Term Care Veteran Choice Act, as amended

Sponsor: Rep. Jeff Miller (Veterans Affairs)
March 2, 2015


To authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to recoup bonuses and awards paid to employees of the Department of Veterans Affairs, as amended

Sponsor: Rep. Jeff Miller (Veterans Affairs)
March 2, 2015

Monday March 2 2015 gop.gov

Passenger Rail Reform and Investment Act of 2015

Sponsor: Rep. Bill Shuster (Transportation and Infrastructure)
March 3, 2015

Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2015

March 3, 2015

Tuesday March 3 2015 gop.gov

Passenger Rail Reform and Investment Act of 2015

Sponsor: Rep. Bill Shuster (Transportation and Infrastructure)
March 3, 2015

Wednesday March 4 2015 gop.gov

And on it goes.

Thats it?

That is what they have been waiting eight years for?

Where is the repeal of Obamacare?
Where is the balanced budget?
Where is immigration reform?
Where is the Lynch vote?
Where is the impeachment of Obama?
Why do I ask so many questions?

Taking care of the country's business. TCB everyday.
Doing what they are paid to do.

And the legislative digest has a pretty good record to date since they've been sworn in.
They have done a lot!

Refused to raise min wage
Refused to become one of the last countries to give women paid maternity leave (we remain one of 4 countries to NOT have this)
Bitched and moaned about obamacare
Conspired with right wingers in Iran to derail peace talks

I am sure there is more.

Name the 192 countries that have paid maternity leave and please link to your source(s).
Parental leave - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Sad when countries in Africa have us beat on this....pathetic.

I would need more proof than Wikipedia. But you believe that trash if you want.
Lame duck Obama is making historic accomplishments

Immigration reform, Cuba recognition, Iran treaty

What the fuck is the matter with Republicans? Why haven't they accomplished anything?

Obama's accomplished all that single handedly? Who knew!

Go to this website and go to the Legislative Digest and find out what they are up to.

Here's just a few days into March.

Long-Term Care Veteran Choice Act, as amended

Sponsor: Rep. Jeff Miller (Veterans Affairs)
March 2, 2015


To authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to recoup bonuses and awards paid to employees of the Department of Veterans Affairs, as amended

Sponsor: Rep. Jeff Miller (Veterans Affairs)
March 2, 2015

Monday March 2 2015 gop.gov

Passenger Rail Reform and Investment Act of 2015

Sponsor: Rep. Bill Shuster (Transportation and Infrastructure)
March 3, 2015

Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2015

March 3, 2015

Tuesday March 3 2015 gop.gov

Passenger Rail Reform and Investment Act of 2015

Sponsor: Rep. Bill Shuster (Transportation and Infrastructure)
March 3, 2015

Wednesday March 4 2015 gop.gov

And on it goes.

Thats it?

That is what they have been waiting eight years for?

Where is the repeal of Obamacare?
Where is the balanced budget?
Where is immigration reform?
Where is the Lynch vote?
Where is the impeachment of Obama?
Why do I ask so many questions?

Taking care of the country's business. TCB everyday.
Doing what they are paid to do.

And the legislative digest has a pretty good record to date since they've been sworn in.

Thats it?

Mundane legislation?
No sweeping reform?
Thats what we elected them for?

Why did they lie?
Lame duck Obama is making historic accomplishments

Immigration reform, Cuba recognition, Iran treaty

What the fuck is the matter with Republicans? Why haven't they accomplished anything?

Obama's accomplished all that single handedly? Who knew!


Lets see.......Yup

Now compare what lame duck Obama has accomplished compared to the laughable legislation you posted
Republicans promised so much if they were elected

Repeal Obamacare
Pass Keystone Pipeline into law
Balance the budget
Stop immigration reform
Stop gay marriage

Three months and they have accomplished..........um...um

Not to mention dealing with all those Constitutional violations they constantly attribute to the President. If Obama has violated the Constitution, why hasn't the Republican controlled Congress done anything about it? What's stopping them?


Constitutional violations require impeachment....what are they waiting for?

Gee whiz, I'm beginning to think Republicans were never really serious about that.

Are they looking the other way while the President violates the Constitution?

Either that or the Republicans in Congress are just completely incompetent.
Republicans celebrated when they took the Congress in November. They have now had three months to show us what we were missing

What have they accomplished?
Exactly what they wanted.
Gas price up.
GDP 0.
Stock market down.
slowing down the march of Fascism, investigating the crimes of this racist administration and holding a mirror to incompetent foreign policy is nothing?

So basically...Slowing down something isnt happening. Investigating made up claims that prove to be nothing and holding mirrors.

Sheesh...dont expect much huh? Good they dont either
kaz shows up, as usual, to run interference :blahblah: for repubs (rw'ers) but he a libertarian donchaknow :rolleyes-41:
Republicans celebrated when they took the Congress in November. They have now had three months to show us what we were missing

What have they accomplished?

Meanwhile you never once ask that of the dems that controlled Congress for 4 years.
They have done a lot!

Refused to raise min wage
Refused to become one of the last countries to give women paid maternity leave (we remain one of 4 countries to NOT have this)
Bitched and moaned about obamacare
Conspired with right wingers in Iran to derail peace talks

I am sure there is more.

You mean the Party of NO?

They have also given us Eric Holder as Attorney General for an additional three months ...that is pretty good

Funny how they know how to aim carefully and pull the trigger right over their own foot, hmmmm?

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