We are three months into the Republican Congress.....Why haven't they accomplished anything yet?

At least they are not passing a huge health care spending bill that 55 % of the people didn't want and was illegally done by the Senate instead of the House.
You want to know how to end illegal immigration? Take down the fences

Mexicans have been crossing our border to find work for over a hundred years. It is nothing new. They were part of our economy

They would cross the border, work for a few months and then return home. They didn't move here permanently until we started to erect fences making it more difficult to travel back and forth. Easier to stay once you cross the fence
Nonsense. End it by putting and end to why they come here in the first place. Why allow them here in the first place? Let them apply for citizenship the legal way.

Give them worker permits and allow them to do the jobs they have done for generations

Then they are free to return home when they wish
Are you against American workers doing those jobs?

Of course not...they are welcome to them

But I don't mind Mexicans doing jobs they have filled for generations and paying taxes on those jobs
We did not have20 MILLION illegals in the Country for generations. In fact in the 1980's it was just about 2 million, they all came because of the amnesty granted then and expect another now. And if we give it we will see 20 million more illegals wanting the same thing.

Give them work permits and they won't be illegal

Let them do the jobs they have been doing, let them go home when they want to and let them pay taxes like any other worker

Those who are good workers, stay out of trouble and are valuable members of their community can become citizens
Nonsense. End it by putting and end to why they come here in the first place. Why allow them here in the first place? Let them apply for citizenship the legal way.

Give them worker permits and allow them to do the jobs they have done for generations

Then they are free to return home when they wish
Are you against American workers doing those jobs?

Of course not...they are welcome to them

But I don't mind Mexicans doing jobs they have filled for generations and paying taxes on those jobs
We did not have20 MILLION illegals in the Country for generations. In fact in the 1980's it was just about 2 million, they all came because of the amnesty granted then and expect another now. And if we give it we will see 20 million more illegals wanting the same thing.

Give them work permits and they won't be illegal

Let them do the jobs they have been doing, let them go home when they want to and let them pay taxes like any other worker

Those who are good workers, stay out of trouble and are valuable members of their community can become citizens
I once read the same book. It didn't end very well.
1/5th of Mexico's population is illegally in the US. And retards want to give them amnesty.
What happened to repealing Obamacare like you promised?
Where are all the jobs you were going to bring?
Why have you done nothing on immigration reform?

Conservative governments don't do as much as liberal governments.


That's why they are conservative.

They basically protect people's rights, conduct foreign relations, do defense, set basic standards (weights, measures, money etc.), and a few other things. See Article 1, Section 8 for a handy list.

They don't regulate the size of toilets, style of light bulbs, give out free health care, and rob from Peter to pay Paul.

One thing this present conservative govt needs to do a lot of, is repealing hundreds of liberal measures, most of which are unconstitutional. As for why that's not getting done, ask the occupant of the White House... while he's still there.

It's always a hoot to see liberals screaming, "Why isn't this conservative government doing more liberal things???". They're so cute when they do that. :biggrin:

You must have missed the last election

Republicans did not run on not doing anything. They made specific promises

Repeal Obamacare
You might be a liberal fanatic if:

...if you spent the last five years bashing the Republicans for 168 separate attempts to repeal Obamacare, and now have spent the last three months complaining that the Republicans "haven't done squat" to repeal Obamacare.
What happened to repealing Obamacare like you promised?
Where are all the jobs you were going to bring?
Why have you done nothing on immigration reform?

Conservative governments don't do as much as liberal governments.


That's why they are conservative.

They basically protect people's rights, conduct foreign relations, do defense, set basic standards (weights, measures, money etc.), and a few other things. See Article 1, Section 8 for a handy list.

They don't regulate the size of toilets, style of light bulbs, give out free health care, and rob from Peter to pay Paul.

One thing this present conservative govt needs to do a lot of, is repealing hundreds of liberal measures, most of which are unconstitutional. As for why that's not getting done, ask the occupant of the White House... while he's still there.

It's always a hoot to see liberals screaming, "Why isn't this conservative government doing more liberal things???". They're so cute when they do that. :biggrin:

You must have missed the last election

Republicans did not run on not doing anything. They made specific promises

Repeal Obamacare
You might be a liberal fanatic if:

...if you spent the last five years bashing the Republicans for 168 separate attempts to repeal Obamacare, and now have spent the last three months complaining that the Republicans "haven't done squat" to repeal Obamacare.

They have had three months and Obamacare is still going strong

What happened to all the talk about Obama trashing our Constitution? How is the impeachment going?
They have had three months and Obamacare is still going strong
What happened to all the talk about Obama trashing our Constitution? How is the impeachment going?
You might be a liberal fanatic if:

...if you spent the last five years bashing the Republicans for 168 separate attempts to repeal Obamacare, and now have spent the last three months complaining that the Republicans "haven't done squat" to repeal Obamacare.
Nonsense. End it by putting and end to why they come here in the first place. Why allow them here in the first place? Let them apply for citizenship the legal way.

Give them worker permits and allow them to do the jobs they have done for generations

Then they are free to return home when they wish
Are you against American workers doing those jobs?

Of course not...they are welcome to them

But I don't mind Mexicans doing jobs they have filled for generations and paying taxes on those jobs
We did not have20 MILLION illegals in the Country for generations. In fact in the 1980's it was just about 2 million, they all came because of the amnesty granted then and expect another now. And if we give it we will see 20 million more illegals wanting the same thing.

Give them work permits and they won't be illegal

Let them do the jobs they have been doing, let them go home when they want to and let them pay taxes like any other worker

Those who are good workers, stay out of trouble and are valuable members of their community can become citizens

Aren't you the one who told me there are 100 million Americans can't find extra work if they want it and you want to give illegals work permits?

What happened to repealing Obamacare like you promised?
Where are all the jobs you were going to bring?
Why have you done nothing on immigration reform?

Conservative governments don't do as much as liberal governments.


That's why they are conservative.

They basically protect people's rights, conduct foreign relations, do defense, set basic standards (weights, measures, money etc.), and a few other things. See Article 1, Section 8 for a handy list.

They don't regulate the size of toilets, style of light bulbs, give out free health care, and rob from Peter to pay Paul.

One thing this present conservative govt needs to do a lot of, is repealing hundreds of liberal measures, most of which are unconstitutional. As for why that's not getting done, ask the occupant of the White House... while he's still there.

It's always a hoot to see liberals screaming, "Why isn't this conservative government doing more liberal things???". They're so cute when they do that. :biggrin:

You must have missed the last election

Republicans did not run on not doing anything. They made specific promises

Repeal Obamacare
You might be a liberal fanatic if:

...if you spent the last five years bashing the Republicans for 168 separate attempts to repeal Obamacare, and now have spent the last three months complaining that the Republicans "haven't done squat" to repeal Obamacare.
And, you might be afflicted with "Blind Patriotism" if you believe anything that a professional politicians says. Just saying................. Also, you might not understand the workings of "The Washington Brotherhood" if you believe one political party is better than the other. Just saying.
I just don't get Republicans

They celebrated so much last November. Now, they were going to call the shots

Now they seem content with a do nothing congress

What did you win?
I just don't get Republicans

They celebrated so much last November. Now, they were going to call the shots

Now they seem content with a do nothing congress

What did you win?

Stopping the full change that Obama wanted.
I just don't get Republicans

They celebrated so much last November. Now, they were going to call the shots

Now they seem content with a do nothing congress

What did you win?

Stopping the full change that Obama wanted.

Obama seems to be moving along just fine

Immigration reform, recognition of Cuba, Iranian nuclear agreement

Do nothing Congress? Ummmmmm......Nothing
I just don't get Republicans

They celebrated so much last November. Now, they were going to call the shots

Now they seem content with a do nothing congress

What did you win?

Stopping the full change that Obama wanted.

Obama seems to be moving along just fine

Immigration reform, recognition of Cuba, Iranian nuclear agreement

Do nothing Congress? Ummmmmm......Nothing

Isn't that great, all of those you listed that is harmful to us.
They're conservatives, they're not supposed to do anything but keep things the way they were back in the day when America was perfect.
I just don't get Republicans

They celebrated so much last November. Now, they were going to call the shots

Now they seem content with a do nothing congress

What did you win?

Stopping the full change that Obama wanted.

Obama seems to be moving along just fine

Immigration reform, recognition of Cuba, Iranian nuclear agreement

Do nothing Congress? Ummmmmm......Nothing

Isn't that great, all of those you listed that is harmful to us.
Yea...yea....isn't that true about EVERYTHING Obama does?
At least you are consistent

In spite of Republican attempts to make sure that Obama is a failure, Obama has actual achievements. Obamacare, gay rights, economic recovery, fight against terrorism, Cuba, Iranian accord, Immigration Reform

Obama is achieving his agenda.......What have Republicans achieved?
I just don't get Republicans

They celebrated so much last November. Now, they were going to call the shots

Now they seem content with a do nothing congress

What did you win?

Stopping the full change that Obama wanted.

Obama seems to be moving along just fine

Immigration reform, recognition of Cuba, Iranian nuclear agreement

Do nothing Congress? Ummmmmm......Nothing

Isn't that great, all of those you listed that is harmful to us.
Yea...yea....isn't that true about EVERYTHING Obama does?
At least you are consistent

In spite of Republican attempts to make sure that Obama is a failure, Obama has actual achievements. Obamacare, gay rights, economic recovery, fight against terrorism, Cuba, Iranian accord, Immigration Reform

Obama is achieving his agenda.......What have Republicans achieved?

Repubs have achieved their agenda as well.

They said they would Do Nothing and that's what they have done and continue to do.

The amazing thing is that there are voters who are so dumb, they actually support that. To be fair, the Repubs do manage to leave the bars and golf courses in time for the photo ops where they lie about Obama.

And yes, Obama has accomplished some really great things for the country - in spite of the Repub traitors.
I just don't get Republicans

They celebrated so much last November. Now, they were going to call the shots

Now they seem content with a do nothing congress

What did you win?

Stopping the full change that Obama wanted.

Obama seems to be moving along just fine

Immigration reform, recognition of Cuba, Iranian nuclear agreement

Do nothing Congress? Ummmmmm......Nothing

Isn't that great, all of those you listed that is harmful to us.
Yea...yea....isn't that true about EVERYTHING Obama does?
At least you are consistent

In spite of Republican attempts to make sure that Obama is a failure, Obama has actual achievements. Obamacare, gay rights, economic recovery, fight against terrorism, Cuba, Iranian accord, Immigration Reform

Obama is achieving his agenda.......What have Republicans achieved?

Got the Unions weaker
School Choice
Won on anti gun bills
Got Al-Qaeda weakened
Won many States and took over the Senate and House

Obama is riding on the coat tail of Bush who set up everything on fighting Terrorism.
Economy is still weak.
I just don't get Republicans

They celebrated so much last November. Now, they were going to call the shots

Now they seem content with a do nothing congress

What did you win?

Stopping the full change that Obama wanted.

Obama seems to be moving along just fine

Immigration reform, recognition of Cuba, Iranian nuclear agreement

Do nothing Congress? Ummmmmm......Nothing

Isn't that great, all of those you listed that is harmful to us.
Yea...yea....isn't that true about EVERYTHING Obama does?
At least you are consistent

In spite of Republican attempts to make sure that Obama is a failure, Obama has actual achievements. Obamacare, gay rights, economic recovery, fight against terrorism, Cuba, Iranian accord, Immigration Reform

Obama is achieving his agenda.......What have Republicans achieved?

Got the Unions weaker
School Choice
Won on anti gun bills
Got Al-Qaeda weakened
Won many States and took over the Senate and House

Obama is riding on the coat tail of Bush who set up everything on fighting Terrorism.
Economy is still weak.

Coat tails of Bush that wrecked the economy
Obama had the unenviable task of cleaning up Bushs mess both at home and abroad

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