We are Trump Supporters

There is protest of election results vs. overthrow of elections. J6 was not an overthrow or coup but a protest with a little bit of destruction. The only death was a protester shot for not heeding law enforcement’s commands. How many cities and livelihoods have the Left burned and looted because police shot a suspect that was not heeding their commands?
It was attempted. The attempt failed. You support this man and the defense offer is a deflection.
The attempt was there. We shall see in the courts.

Of course now that the Trump cultists don't believe elections they don't like the results of, attacking the courts will be next when they don't like the ruling.
Who has been charged with overthrowing the election? What "court" case are you talking about?
An "overthrow" usually involves lots of weapons.
The weapon of choice for DJT on J6 which he called to be used was “superiority in numbers” being wild to WIN re-election.

DJT thinks he had a million dumbass cult followers there but all but 25k chickened out.

Why did you chicken out Saint Ohpleasejustquit whrn Trump called you to action?
You can always tell that it’s not a cult when a member very LOUDLY proclaims it is not
Interesting to watch them try this, when all the rest of us has to do is observe.

We SEE all the interviews with the nutters who absolutely adore this clown, who say OUT LOUD that he has been sent here by God to save America from Satan. We SEE how personal they take criticisms of him here. We SEE the comparisons they make to Jesus. We SEE how they believe every whacked out conspiracy theory that validates him without the slightest pause to question it. We SEE how they defend and ignore and deny BLATANT lies. We SEE when they say how brilliant and strong and brave and devout they think he is. We SEE actual PASTORS in actual CHURCHES proclaiming how holy and how important he is. We SEE women completely dismiss what he has done to other women. The list of what WE SEE goes on and on and on, always confirming the REST of what we're seeing.

What the fuck. Then they try this crap.

They behave like a cult 24/7 and then pretend the opposite. Typical.
What BDS? Claims against Biden is warranted to at least investigate to find out the validity. Unlike with you TDS inflicted you had no justification other than to get Trump
Your claims against Biden are clearly a result of your severe case of BDS. He’s obviously living rent-free in your head.
The weapon of choice for DJT on J6 which he called to be used was “superiority in numbers” being wild to WIN re-election.

DJT thinks he had a million dumbass cult followers there but all but 25k chickened out.

Why did you chicken out Saint Ohpleasejustquit whrn Trump called you to action?

Great non-response.

SOP for leftist vermin.

I know critical thinking hurts your pea-brain, but the operative word to clear your confusion is METAPHOR.
Don't hurt yourself trying to figure out what that means.
A metaphor for what? Your blind allegiance to him regardless of what he does. You guys see nothing wrong with what he does and you guys will trip over yourselves to purchase Trump trading cards. Because cult. ;)
Your claims against Biden are clearly a result of your severe case of BDS. He’s obviously living rent-free in your head.
Again it's not BDS to question why Jo Biden was getting money from other countries. Nor is it BDS to question why the DOJ and FBI are running cover for Biden. What we have here in reverse you leftists claimed that the justice department was going to be Trump's special attorney protecting him.
Again it's not BDS to question why Jo Biden was getting money from other countries. Nor is it BDS to question why the DOJ and FBI are running cover for Biden. What we have here in reverse you leftists claimed that the justice department was going to be Trump's special attorney protecting him.
You’re clearly in denial about how bad your BDS has gotten. It’s really bad.

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