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We are wasting time on Trump; We didnt do this in 2010/Bush

I don't drink orange kool aid but your side sure does. You are so obsessed with Trump that you would rather go after him and then claim there is nothing we can do about inflation and the economy.
WTF are WE going to do?

WE don't make anything anymore.

Biden was trying to change some of that, as usual, republicans obstructed.
There probably isn't much we can do about the economy. the fed will try to slow inflation by discouraging economic activity. It probably won't work because we are already in a labor shortage. What will turn it around is when companies start building up inventories of product they have to then reduce pricing on to move.

All that said, going after Trump for an attempted Coup is smart, and shouldn't even be a partisan issue. Our system has lasted this long because Trump's 44 predecessors respected the notion of peaceful transfer of power. That means you respect the election, even if your side lost. It means you be a man and buck up and stand next to the new president on inauguration day.
LOL. Did I predict that, or what?
Under the republican plan, that's all they will be having.

Scratch, that, they won't even be getting that, just polluted water from oil drilling, but you can always strike a match and they can have smores.
The left's policies regarding big companies, increasing wages, billion dollar stimuluses, weak foreign policy, big oil, and climate change have lead to increased inflation, just at a time when we didn't need to throw gas on the inflation fire. Now they have left the country with only two choices, raise interest rates to combat inflation, bringing on a recession, or just leave high inflation alone and accept it to avoid a recession.
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The left's policies regarding big companies, increasing wages
For government workers and contractors.

So, it's the governments fault that companies are raising wages?
When did they force them to do that?
, billion dollar stimuluses,
Sure, not a peep from "conservatives" when Trump........

March 27 2020
President Donald Trump signed into law Friday afternoon a historic $2 trillion stimulus package as the American public and the US economy fight the devastating spread of Covid-19.

The far-reaching legislation stands as the largest emergency aid package in US history. It represents a massive financial injection into a struggling economy with provisions aimed at helping American workers, small businesses and industries grappling with the economic disruption.

Then, on top of that the orange grifter's regime...............

March 22 2020
The White House on Sunday reportedly refused to back down from its demand that a coronavirus relief package include $500 billion, which would be provided to corporations at the discretion of Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin.

June 11 2020
U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told Congress Wednesday that the Trump administration intends to keep secret the names of the businesses that have received more than $500 billion in COVID-19 bailout funds through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), claiming the information is “confidential.”
weak foreign policy, big oil, and climate change have lead to increased inflation, just at a time when we didn't need to throw gas on the inflation fire.
And Biden is so incompetent but took control of every country on earth to raise their inflation too?
Trump could never do that.
Now they have left the country with only two choices, raise interest rates to combat inflation, bringing on a recession, or just leave high inflation alone and accept it to avoid a recession.
Let me guess, the republican solution,(for everything) is more tax cuts.

So, Biden will force every country in the world to give themselves a tax cut too?
Just because Trump and his regime are the subject of hearings, which could result in prison time.

You really think these stupid hearings, where only one side can present their case, can result in a former president going to prison? Do you think these stupid fucking hearings ARE A LEGAL CRIMINAL TRIAL????? FOR TRUMP????

You're not a smokin' OP you're a fucking idiot. This kind of stupidity in a post reminds me of just how dumb fucking democrats are. This is a prime example of the stupid fucking left.
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You really think these stupid hearings, where only one side can present their case,

They had their chance, even his own daughter.
Jeffery Rosen, Trump's attorney general.
Marc Short, Pence's chief of staff.
Bill Stepien, Trump's campaign manager.
Michael Luttig, Pence's advisor.

Guess, they're ALL the "deep state", now?

Then, the traitors that didn't testify...........yet, were asking for pardons.

Republican Reps. Mo Brooks of Alabama, Matt Gaetz of Florida, Andy Biggs of Arizona, Louie Gohmert of Texas, Scott Perry of Pennsylvania and Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia.
can result in a former president going to prison?
You must be proud of that degree from the Trump U. "law" school correspondence course.

YES, it can.
Do you think these stupid fucking hearings ARE A LEGAL CRIMINAL TRIAL????? FOR TRUMP????
No, you fucking moron.
The testimony can be.
You're not a smokin' OP you're a fucking idiot. This kind of stupidity in a post reminds me of just how dumb fucking democrats are. This is a prime example of the stupid fucking left.
You're a prime example of a Trumptard, just when you think they can't get any dumber..................they surprise you.
I come here to talk politics. To try to enlightenment some right wingers perhaps. To discuss CURRENT issues. I cant say this enough to my fellow left leaners: for gods sake move on from Trump. I cant watch the news, read a paper or come to USMB without seeing them all flooded with fucking TRUMP talk. Hes gone. We have real issues NOW to deal with. We MUST beat Desantis in 2024

Seriously. I dont recall in 2010 under Obama all of us still obsessing over Bush, trying to arrest him and having nonstop hearings about him. No, we passed Obamacare and legalized gay marriage. WE DID STUFF that was current and mattered.

While some of you are still obsessed with defeating Trump (news flash WE DID already he lost)…..we have lost abortion rights. Miranda rights basically gone. Gun control ruled illegal by the Conservative Supreme Court.

I think most people don't come on here for "real issues". They come on to be entertained and no one does it better than Trump.
I come here to talk politics. To try to enlightenment some right wingers perhaps. To discuss CURRENT issues. I cant say this enough to my fellow left leaners: for gods sake move on from Trump. I cant watch the news, read a paper or come to USMB without seeing them all flooded with fucking TRUMP talk. Hes gone. We have real issues NOW to deal with. We MUST beat Desantis in 2024

Seriously. I dont recall in 2010 under Obama all of us still obsessing over Bush, trying to arrest him and having nonstop hearings about him. No, we passed Obamacare and legalized gay marriage. WE DID STUFF that was current and mattered.

While some of you are still obsessed with defeating Trump (news flash WE DID already he lost)…..we have lost abortion rights. Miranda rights basically gone. Gun control ruled illegal by the Conservative Supreme Court.

Well if this isn't a breath of fresh air. I've been trying to tell deranged liberals that while we have mostly moved on, they have not. THEY are clinging to Trump, still obsessed, while accusing us of same. Sure, a few conservatives are. Most are not.

But from my POV, please obsess. Moreover, give over to your freak show abortion-lovers. All the parades of all the women in red, please. Make a serious play for abortion right up until contractions. Go for it.
True but most past presidents were as well, especially Republicans. The crimes committed bu almost all past presidents, I could spend all day listing, but we never wasted valuable present time trying to retroactively prosecute them.

Maybe yall just arent around a lot of normal non-rich young people. I am, daily, and we mostly dont give a fuck about prosecuting that piece of shit, let him be miserable in his shitty golf club. We are worried about OURSELVES going broke!!! Gas, rent and student loans literally starving us.

Yall wanna prosecute Trump??? Thats your #1 most energetic effort it seems. Great. How does that help me and my coworkers pay our rent, fuel our car, pay loans off, find a better paying job?

I guess we’ll all just be homeless and hungry, but OH YAY the Democrats we voted for at least tried to arrest Trump, that makes us all feel better thanks
The way it is, the tax payer should pay tax that pays politicians to run the country in the best way for the people. Well, that's the general idea

But what happens is, the tax payers are paying for and funding the politicians to squabble over petty arguments. They should do this in their spare time because the majority are not interested.

The unprecedented part of Trump being president, is that America has never witnessed an opposition party fight a president 'daily', from the run up to the election, during the presidency, and post presidency. Even the day Trump is laid to rest, the fighting will continue over his resting place or where his ashes can't be scattered etc..

The mental health of the Left in America is astonishingly bad, and greatly concerning.
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The way it is, the tax payer should pay tax that pays politicians to run the country in the best way for the people. Well, that's the general idea

But what happens is, the tax payers are paying for and funding the politicians to squabble over petty arguments. They should do this in their spare time because the majority are not interested.

The unprecedented part of Trump being president, is that America has never witnessed an opposition party fight a president 'daily', from the run up to the election,
NOTHING like Trump and teabaggers did to Obama.

An 'extremely credible source' has called my office and told me that @BarackObama's birth certificate is a fraud.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 6, 2012
Via @BreitbartFeed--why doesn't @BarackObama release his original book proposal which says he was born in Kenya?http://t.co/pDDHJcjH
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 19, 2012
How amazing, the State Health Director who verified copies of Obama’s “birth certificate” died in plane crash today. All others lived
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 12, 2013

December 6 2015
Trump told WND that a computer expert assessed the document released by the White House and concluded that it was computer-generated and forged.

"There is certainly a chance that he was not born in this country," said the billionaire, according to WND. "Now if he was not born in this country, that means he can't be president. It's very simple."
during the presidency, and post presidency.
That's because Trump is a compulsive liar and criminal.
Even the day Trump is laid to rest, the fighting will continue over his resting place or where his ashes can't be scattered etc..
So.......................exactly which McDonald's will that be?
The mentally health of the Left in America is astonishingly bad, and greatly concerning.
As the right clings to the delusions of a lying, retard?
I come here to talk politics. To try to enlightenment some right wingers perhaps. To discuss CURRENT issues. I cant say this enough to my fellow left leaners: for gods sake move on from Trump. I cant watch the news, read a paper or come to USMB without seeing them all flooded with fucking TRUMP talk. Hes gone. We have real issues NOW to deal with. We MUST beat Desantis in 2024

Seriously. I dont recall in 2010 under Obama all of us still obsessing over Bush, trying to arrest him and having nonstop hearings about him. No, we passed Obamacare and legalized gay marriage. WE DID STUFF that was current and mattered.

While some of you are still obsessed with defeating Trump (news flash WE DID already he lost)…..we have lost abortion rights. Miranda rights basically gone. Gun control ruled illegal by the Conservative Supreme Court.

Ahhh...Trump, DeSantis---it doesn't matter---the dems are going to lose.
NOTHING like Trump and teabaggers did to Obama.

December 6 2015
Trump told WND that a computer expert assessed the document released by the White House and concluded that it was computer-generated and forged.

"There is certainly a chance that he was not born in this country," said the billionaire, according to WND. "Now if he was not born in this country, that means he can't be president. It's very simple."

That's because Trump is a compulsive liar and criminal.

So.......................exactly which McDonald's will that be?

As the right clings to the delusions of a lying, retard?
Obama robbed the country for the Chinese and Soros and the sauds--and Iranians---and others and supported terrorism and wars.

You are a sick puppy if you supported him.
NOTHING like Trump and teabaggers did to Obama.

December 6 2015
Trump told WND that a computer expert assessed the document released by the White House and concluded that it was computer-generated and forged.

"There is certainly a chance that he was not born in this country," said the billionaire, according to WND. "Now if he was not born in this country, that means he can't be president. It's very simple."

That's because Trump is a compulsive liar and criminal.

So.......................exactly which McDonald's will that be?

As the right clings to the delusions of a lying, retard?
The mental health of the Left in America is astonishingly bad, and greatly concerning

Thank you, I always appreciate confirmation !!
I come here to talk politics. To try to enlightenment some right wingers perhaps. To discuss CURRENT issues. I cant say this enough to my fellow left leaners: for gods sake move on from Trump. I cant watch the news, read a paper or come to USMB without seeing them all flooded with fucking TRUMP talk. Hes gone. We have real issues NOW to deal with. We MUST beat Desantis in 2024

Seriously. I dont recall in 2010 under Obama all of us still obsessing over Bush, trying to arrest him and having nonstop hearings about him. No, we passed Obamacare and legalized gay marriage. WE DID STUFF that was current and mattered.

While some of you are still obsessed with defeating Trump (news flash WE DID already he lost)…..we have lost abortion rights. Miranda rights basically gone. Gun control ruled illegal by the Conservative Supreme Court.
This isn't about Trump. It has never been about Trump. Look to world history: It's never about one guy. At most, one person is a bleak totem.

This is about a large portion of a country so distorted, hopeless and paranoid that it would even consider someone like that for high office.

This is a sociological / cultural / anthropological issue, and it is ripping us into pieces as we speak. So yeah, I would say that deserves attention.
Obama robbed the country for the Chinese
That was Trump, imbecile.

November 3 2020
It’s a reaction so profoundly predictable that the Trump administration had to have anticipated it when they began a trade war that resulted in tariffs on soybean exports to China. Instead, the trade policy bankrupted farmers and left American taxpayers with a bill more than six times the price of the Detroit automakers bailout.

The Trump administration doled out $28 billion to them in 2018 and 2019. The U.S. Department of Agriculture projects it will pay another $37.2 billion to farmers and ranchers this year, and in mid-September the administration pledged an additional $14 billion in aid. All in, that’s about $79 billion.

Then the retarded "great negotiator" signed a trade deal with China INCREASING US trade with them by $200 billion.

Which, like everything the moron touched, turned to shit.

February 18 2022
Donald Trump's huge trade deal with China — the deal he trumpeted as a "transformative" victory for the U.S. — turned out to be a massive bust.

The deal, it may be remembered, required China to make $200 billion in new purchases of agricultural and manufactured goods, services and crude oil and other energy.

The idea floated by Trump was that the deal would end the trade war he had started with China, while producing a massive infusion of new income for American manufacturers and growers.

Trump called the deal a "historical" agreement — and even bragged that China would buy not $200 billion in new goods and services but $300 billion.

In the end, China bought only 57% of all the exported goods and services it had committed to purchase under the deal, "not even enough to reach its import levels from before the trade war."

and Soros and the sauds--and Iranians---and others and supported terrorism and wars.
Sure Q NUT, that's why Obama killed Osama Bin Laden?

Trump is the one who protected the Saudi's.

October 11 2019
The Trump administration said Friday it is sending 2,800 more troops, fighter jets and missile defense weaponry to Saudi Arabia to help bolster the kingdom’s defenses after a September attack on its oil facilities.

Defense Secretary Mark Esper ordered the deployment of additional service members, two fighter squadrons, one air expeditionary wing, two Patriot Missile batteries and one THAAD missile defense system. With the additional deployment announced Friday, Esper said U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia will number approximately 3,000.
You are a sick puppy if you supported him.
Everyone knows you're an imbecile for defending and supporting the orange traitor.
This isn't about Trump. It has never been about Trump. Look to world history: It's never about one guy. At most, one person is a bleak totem.

This is about a large portion of a country so distorted, hopeless and paranoid that it would even consider someone like that for high office.

This is a sociological / cultural / anthropological issue, and it is ripping us into pieces as we speak. So yeah, I would say that deserves attention.

You say that and then pick Biden !!!!!! I tell you what, I just love American humour.

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