We are witnessing the invention of the "bloodbath" hoax in real-time Unfortunately for them, we have the facts!

^^ typical leftwing misinformation. Using a quote out of context and using a photo unrelated making it look like he was screaming it.

He used the words in a calm collective speech.

Also, used the correct word for the economic situation being described.

View attachment 918623
Anti-trump JUST repeated his words, from a video, into a Quote.

I find it Very Telling that you feel the need to defend trump on his WORD CHOICE, when easily POS45 could have said DIRECTLY what he meant.
But he didn't.
Why....Because he is a POS looking to DIVIDE the Nation even more.
Where were you during Turmp's first term? He tariffed the shit out products, it was his only real weapon in is failed trade war. And this time he promises to do far more of them. The POTUS has pretty much unlimited power when it comes to tariffs.

I wasn't sure if he did it alone, or had the GOP majority in congress do it at his request.
You make a lot of presumptions here. Such as Washington D.C. is sensible and that our FED is not led by a blithering idiot. Increasing a tariff on specific items is not taxing the people more it is putting America 1st.

Who's going to pay the taxes? The company will from the increase in prices to the American consumer who buys their products. 100% of a companies overhead is passed on to the consumer.

Business 101.

When the government borrows as much as Trump did (and now Biden), it reduces the value of the currency that's already in circulation. Which forces higher wages and an increase in costs for everything we buy.

Economics 101
Trump rarely gives away his trade secrets.He may have a
potty mouth most the time but he also knows how to
keep it zipped.
No one quite like em.
That's what bugs the left and weenie Never Trumpers.

If there's wasn't a Trump ... God's hand would be
pushed to create one.
" What man believes,God believes. "
" The gods cannot have a spy here. "
Henry David Thoreau

Trump is literally the George Floyd of the GOP. And you supporters are exactly like BLM supporters.
How TF did someone who spent $8 trillion in 4 years, sign 12 cr's into law, reauthorize the deep state to spy on Americans WITHOUT a warrant and assault our 2A, become the nominee of the GOP.

He should be the DNC's nominee with that record.
You're delirious. 🙄

Just like you deserve Biden.
I'll go you one further.Not even Lucifer deserves a Biden.
That would mean taking care of all Biden's infirmaries.
Lucifer in that vein has priorities.
Biden's number one priority it to screw this Country up.
Beyond repair.
Just amazing how they can get away convincing millions (and you know who you are) about something Trump didn't say, other than talking about the U.S. auto industry.

And all the while they use the same phrase.

It's this month's 'vermin' for them. 🃏

Who uses the term Bloodbath to describe auto trade?

The reality is that Trump uses such threatening rhetoric any time he discusses what will happen if he loses

If I lose……There will be hell to pay!

Anyone who knows the English language.


Also Joe Biden used the term as well in 2020. Didn’t see the left outrage at that time.
Who's going to pay the taxes? The company will from the increase in prices to the American consumer who buys their products. 100% of a companies overhead is passed on to the consumer.

Business 101.

When the government borrows as much as Trump did (and now Biden), it reduces the value of the currency that's already in circulation. Which forces higher wages and an increase in costs for everything we buy.

Economics 101
NO ONE! That's the idea!! It's a 100% TARRIF!! Why would anyone pay 100% more for an equivalent car that they can buy in the U.S. cheaper! Principle of substitution 'Economics 101'
It is really just Fear Mongering by Trump

If I don’t win, the Country will be in Chaos!
You mean just like Democrats, who claim if Trump wins, it will be the “end of democracy” and he will be a dictator for life?
Just amazing how they can get away convincing millions (and you know who you are) about something Trump didn't say, other than talking about the U.S. auto industry.

And all the while they use the same phrase.

It's this month's 'vermin' for them. 🃏

NO ONE! That's the idea!! It's a 100% TARRIF!! Why would anyone pay 100% more for an equivalent car that they can buy in the U.S. cheaper! Principle of substitution 'Economics 101'
These morons don’t think tariffs work. Yet China uses them, as does the EU. There is a reason when you go to Europe the vast majority of cars on the road are European made….because tariffs work.
Anti-trump JUST repeated his words, from a video, into a Quote.

I find it Very Telling that you feel the need to defend trump on his WORD CHOICE, when easily POS45 could have said DIRECTLY what he meant.
But he didn't.
Why....Because he is a POS looking to DIVIDE the Nation even more.
He said exactly what he meant. If Biden remains in office, it will be a bloodbath for the US auto industry because he won’t lift a finger to stop China from flooding our markets with vehicles they plan on making in Mexico.

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