We are witnessing the invention of the "bloodbath" hoax in real-time Unfortunately for them, we have the facts!

NO ONE! That's the idea!! It's a 100% TARRIF!! Why would anyone pay 100% more for an equivalent car that they can buy in the U.S. cheaper! Principle of substitution 'Economics 101'

Meddling in the free market. It's Trumps way. All he's going to do is increase car sales of Toyota, Honda and those other foreign cars.

I have a family member who works a production line for GM. Over $50hr and most of his day is watching movies on his cell phones.
Once you find yourself lying about what people say, you have lost the debate.
If you have to explain yourself you've already lost the debate.

Your Orange Baboon-God should not have used the word "bloodbath".

Now all of you Cultist A$$hole$ are scrambling to explain your Dear Leader's latest phukk-up...

The latest in a very, very, very, VERY long ling of phukk-ups...
Trump is literally the George Floyd of the GOP. And you supporters are exactly like BLM supporters.
How TF did someone who spent $8 trillion in 4 years, sign 12 cr's into law, reauthorize the deep state to spy on Americans WITHOUT a warrant and assault our 2A, become the nominee of the GOP.

He should be the DNC's nominee with that record.

This is the dumbest post I've seen in a long time. You're equaling Trump to George Floyd? I really mistook you for a true American patriot.
If you have to explain yourself you've already lost the debate.

Your Orange Baboon-God should not have used the word "bloodbath".

Now all of you Cultist A$$hole$ are scrambling to explain your Dear Leader's latest phukk-up...

The latest in a very, very, very, VERY long ling of phukk-ups...
You can't talk to Democrats as if they weren't suffering from brain damage.
Now here is what Trump's actually words he SAID after which the BIASED and dishonest MSM makes this the below headlines.

“We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars if I get elected,” Trump said. "Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s gonna be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it. But they’re not going to sell those cars. They’re building massive factories."
Now I watched Trump's actual words in this video from X (Twitter) and the context was in conjunction with China financing construction of gigantic auto making plants in Mexico.
NOTE: Not one major MSM, NBC,CBS,ABC, put the term "bloodbath" in context...i.e. if Trump's not elected.. a " It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it."... meaning economically! But dummies like the Democrat backed MSM in an effort to BIAS the story don't tell the whole context!

Major U.S. automakers have warned that Chinese cars could spell doom for their own prospects, among them Elon Musk's Tesla.
Last month, Tesla's chief executive predicted that Chinese automakers will "demolish" global rivals without trade barriers.
Musk's view is echoed by a leading advocacy group.
"The introduction of cheap Chinese autos – which are so inexpensive because they are backed with the power and funding of the Chinese government – to the American market could end up being an extinction-level event for the U.S. auto sector," according to a forthcoming report by the group Alliance for American Manufacturing.
This was what Trump was alluding to in his "bloodbath" context because without electing Trump, Biden and the anti-American Democrats would WELCOME Chinese EV car makers as it would do what Biden wants and the BIASED MSM doesn't share with Americans!
Biden's guarantee to " I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

Just remember ... the biased MSM conflates Trump's "bloodbath" with violence if Biden is re-elected... WHICH IS A LIE!
Trump was speaking about if the Chinese build these auto plants it will be a "bloodbath" in terms of American economy! Total FACT!
Trump would put a 100% tariff on the Chinese autos which would obviously be paid for by Americans who stupidly buy these Chinese made EVs.

trump general.jpg
Road Runner , My comparison is spot on.

All the money Trump spent, the unconstitutional legislation he signed into law, assaulting our 2A, siding with Fauci and starting the first covid mandates...... The GOP should've thrown Trump under the bus. But they have him on high. Sitting on some throne like he was the savior of the country.

Just like BLM put Floyd on their ridiculous throne.

"The concept of Trump is much better than Trump himself."
He said exactly what he meant. If Biden remains in office, it will be a bloodbath for the US auto industry because he won’t lift a finger to stop China from flooding our markets with vehicles they plan on making in Mexico.
And if POS trump wins and imposes a 100% tariff, then nobody will buy those cars, and China will suffer. Did I get it right?

What happens when the supply of new cars declines dramatically.
You know what happens.

But who gives a FUCK when trump just spouts talking point w/out thinking about consequences.

Seriously Hawk.
Why do we Americans want to create a New Car Shortage?
And if POS trump wins and imposes a 100% tariff, then nobody will buy those cars, and China will suffer. Did I get it right?

What happens when the supply of new cars declines dramatically.
You know what happens.

But who gives a FUCK when trump just spouts talking point w/out thinking about consequences.

Seriously Hawk.
Why do we Americans want to create a New Car Shortage?
Why would supply of new cars decline dramatically?


Man you people are dumb as rocks.
And if POS trump wins and imposes a 100% tariff, then nobody will buy those cars, and China will suffer. Did I get it right?

What happens when the supply of new cars declines dramatically.
You know what happens.

But who gives a FUCK when trump just spouts talking point w/out thinking about consequences.

Seriously Hawk.
Why do we Americans want to create a New Car Shortage?

Because of all the money that Biden has spent, there's going to be a LOT of people who can't buy new cars. Biden spending habits were as bad as Trumps. And all that spending is going to show up in inflation again.

There's no way around it.
Had Trump stayed in office in 2020, the 8% inflation increase would've come. The high gas prices would've come. There was no way around it. And since Biden's money has already been spent, there's no way around the next economic bust cycle.
If you have to explain yourself you've already lost the debate.

Your Orange Baboon-God should not have used the word "bloodbath".

Now all of you Cultist A$$hole$ are scrambling to explain your Dear Leader's latest phukk-up...

The latest in a very, very, very, VERY long ling of phukk-ups...
What's funny is that Trump was addressing Xi as well. Trump is acting Presidential while the Oval office occupant is being incompetent. Meanwhile you guys get your panties in a wad over wording.
lolol great attempt at damage control. i'll have to go back to compare your transcript to the pbs news hour video.

do you think any of trump's fans at that rally thought he was talking about automobile tariffs?

i'm not sure you thought trump was talking about tariffs , either.

if trump thinks the proud boys listening to this are motivated to invest the chapter treasury in general motors, he may not totally understand you guys.

Sane people know what Trump was meaning! Just more NaziCon hoax and spin.



Every cult leader needs a good cult follower.
Exactly. Watch how many posters on the one hand say the media took it out of context while on the other suggest civil war, a literal bloodbath, might be required.

Zero self awareness about how this language is used to inspire them to act.

Ummm, that is you retards who are lying about what he said.

Just sayin....

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