We are witnessing the invention of the "bloodbath" hoax in real-time Unfortunately for them, we have the facts!

Yep, by building plants in Mexico and then using NAFTA to dump them in the USA. Trump said to Xi, ain't happening as I'll put a 100% tariff on those cars.
So Trump is pulling out of NAFTA cause that is a massive violation for so many reasons... I think he has just gone through WTO Agreements.

So lets look at what auto companies are in Mexico:

So which ones are planning on putting a 100% on...

By the way are you plaining to also tax Chinese parts?
No....slavery was definitely a democrat party thing, since the democrat party was founded by two slave owners......

The Dixiecrats never left the democrat party

The Republican party was created by conservative religious people in order to end slavery....they also fought the democrats to pass Civil Rights for black Americans...

The lie about dixie crats changing parties...

What happened to all those racist Dixiecrats that, according to the progressive narrative, all picked up their tents and moved from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party? Actually, they exist only in the progressive imagination.

This is the world not as it is but as progressives wish it to be. Of all the Dixiecrats who broke away from the Democratic Party in 1948, of all the bigots and segregationists who voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, I count just two—one in the Senate and one in the House—who switched from Democrat to Republican.

In the Senate, that solitary figure was Strom Thurmond. In the House, Albert Watson. The constellation of racist Dixiecrats includes Senators William Murray, Thomas P. Gore, Spessard Holland, Sam Ervin, Russell Long, Robert Byrd, Richard Russell, Olin Johnston, Lister Hill, John C. Stennis, John Sparkman, John McClellan, James Eastland, Herman Talmadge, Herbert Walters, Harry F. Byrd, George Smathers, Everett Jordan, Allen Ellender, A. Willis Robertson, Al Gore Sr., William Fulbright, Herbert Walters, W. Kerr Scott, and Marion Price Daniels.

The list of Dixiecrat governors includes William H. Murray, Frank Dixon, Fielding Wright, and Benjamin Laney. I don’t have space to include the list of Dixiecrat congressmen and other officials. Suffice to say it is a long list. And from this entire list we count only two defections.

Thus the progressive conventional wisdom that the racist Dixiecrats became Republicans is exposed as a big lie.

The Dixiecrats remained in the Democratic Party for years, in some cases decades. Not once did the Democrats repudiate them or attempt to push them out.

Segregationists like Richard Russell and William Fulbright were lionized in their party throughout their lifetimes, as of course was Robert Byrd, who died in 2010 and was eulogized by leading Democrats and the progressive media.

The Switch That Never Happened: How the South Really Went GOP › American Greatness
Hilarious fuckup

What party is Dave duke in again…
The conservative Justices on the Supreme Court are holding the line against democrats trying to destroy the Constitution, the Bill of Rights...........

You mean that supreme court that ruled domestic abusers can still own guns.
In case you missed it…
Trump did try to end our Democracy and have himself named President

Nope. He tried to use the law as it was then written, and which the Congress has since changed. Hmm? Capiche?

And the word democracy IS NOT in the Constitution, we are a representative Republic. Indeed, the Constitution says the Federal Government will guarantee each state a Republican form of government, not a democracy.

Article IV, Section 4:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government ...
Nope. He tried to use the law as it was then written, and which the Congress has since changed. Hmm? Capiche?

And the word democracy IS NOT in the Constitution, we are a representative Republic. Indeed, the Constitution says the Federal Government will guarantee each state a Republican form of government, not a democracy.

Article IV, Section 4:
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government ...
Hilarious fuckup

Trump: "If Biden wins, it'll be a blood bath." Meaning what? That his victory is going to be so great that he'll destroy the GOP?


All those leftist using the word are meaning what's going to happen at the ballot box. That the GOP will have this red or blue flood.

Trump is obviously sabre rattling. Getting his crowd all fired up. But as we seen on 1/6, that's not a good idea. Because some of his most retarded followers take him seriously when he says words like that. They'll break the law and commit violence for him. He knows this. And yet he still does it.

Why? Because he's not the one going to jail. Trump is the kind of guy whole get people to break the law for him, so he doesn't have to be held accountable for anything. Like mob bosses do.
Nope. He tried to use the law as it was then written, and which the Congress has since changed. Hmm? Capiche?

And the word democracy IS NOT in the Constitution, we are a representative Republic. Indeed, the Constitution says the Federal Government will guarantee each state a Republican form of government, not a democracy.

Article IV, Section 4:
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government ...
Actually he did much more than that in trying to get fake electors substituted

After the Constitution got in his way, Trump complained that he wanted to terminate the Constitution and be named President
Actually he did much more than that in trying to get fake electors substituted

After the Constitution got in his way, Trump complained that he wanted to terminate the Constitution and be named President

There is no such thing as fake electors. There are slates, and each House decides which slate to approve; which indeed Pence had promised a day or two earlier he was going to do, present each slate, then he didn't because Pence is a liar.

Trump left office, your fantasy about him wanting to terminate the Constitution is your terminal TDS rattling inside your skull.
There is no such thing as fake electors. There are slates, and each House decides which slate to approve; which indeed Pence had promised a day or two earlier he was going to do, present each slate, then he didn't because Pence is a liar.

Trump left office, your fantasy about him wanting to terminate the Constitution is your terminal TDS rattling inside your skull.

What was Hang Mike Pence supposed to do again.
There is no such thing as fake electors. There are slates, and each House decides which slate to approve; which indeed Pence had promised a day or two earlier he was going to do, present each slate, then he didn't because Pence is a liar.

Trump left office, your fantasy about him wanting to terminate the Constitution is your terminal TDS rattling inside your skull.

Trump is being prosecuted for his fake elector scheme
He has made it clear that he considers the Constitution to be a nuisance….Terminate were his own words

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