We banned a flag not too long ago...HEY what about this one? A very long rant...

Poor, poor Liberals. Pander and cater to the PC crowd who gets butthurt when they see something they don't like. I still fly several Confederate flags. Willing to try and take them down or be considered a loud mouth pussy that does nothing but talk?

Your neighbors called. YOu are scaring their children.

My neighbors are too good to talk to you son. They laugh at morons like you.

Naw, seriously dude, you are scaring everyone else in the trailer park. Just sayin'.

Dude? That's such a sign of an intelligent response. I see your trailer on the way to my gated community boy. We'll throw you some scraps if you're nice.
To the leftists here:

You wanted to ban this flag when some white boy shot up a black church. You got your wish:


Not soon after the massacre, a picture of Dylann Roof was found where he was sporting a Confederate flag, and then again not soon after, liberals behaved as if banning that flag would somehow bring those poor souls who died in Charleston back to life. It didn't. If it were only that simple.

But when a black gay man kills two people on live TV, what would have been the reaction if people began calling for a ban of the Gay Pride Flag? This flag does represent him, does it not?


If you want to ban one flag when someone goes on a killing spree, why don't we ban all of them? Sins have been committed under all sorts of banners and flags. Banning the flags will not undo any of the crimes.

But here liberals are, using the very same narrative which they once viewed as a defense of racism, hatred, slavery, or even the murderer himself to defend a flag which represented the sexual preference of the man who murdered two people. What if we used that same logic against gay rights activists? That flying that flag is a defense of the man who killed two people in cold blood?

Even in her ignorance, the woman in the tweet below asks an important question. How does removing (banning) a flag change someone's actions? It doesn't. But here we are, fighting over which flags to ban when some psychopath goes on a killing spree. My gosh, such petty arguments over such things as pieces of fabric. Why aren't we condemning the person instead of the flag? Why are we blaming the flag or the weapon he used? On a separate note, a number of you liberals want to ban firearms when a perceived conservative commits a mass murder, however, when a gay black man commits murder, no longer is he the perpetrator, but the firearm itself. How I wish you knew how much of a double standard is being perpetrated here.

If only all of you (both sides now) realized how colossally hypocritical your narratives are. Ban one, keep the other. Ban, ban, ban, ban! This offends me! Ban it! Ban all the things! Wow. No... I can't even... just... just stop. Seriously.


If you're about to use the same narrative you criticize, you will have a bad time.

Your entire argument is misplaced. The only place anyone wanted the Confederate Flag banned was at public government facilities. Please tell us where a gay pride flag is displayed at any state, county, or city government facility. Something tells me you will have a hard time coming up with one. People have the right to their Confederate Flags if that is what they want, just as those who want to have a gay pride flag can have those.

How about when it was lit up on OUR white house? so yes I want it banned too they are going after flags and now even statues. they remind me of ISIS
Dude? That's such a sign of an intelligent response. I see your trailer on the way to my gated community boy. We'll throw you some scraps if you're nice.

You done got a gate around your trailer park, Cleetus? I'm so happy for you. Keeps your hound dogs from shittin' on other people's lawns.
Dude? That's such a sign of an intelligent response. I see your trailer on the way to my gated community boy. We'll throw you some scraps if you're nice.

You done got a gate around your trailer park, Cleetus? I'm so happy for you. Keeps your hound dogs from shittin' on other people's lawns.

It to keep people like you that live in them out of my high class neighborhood, somewhere you'll never be able to live and afford not being able to keep a job. We keep the lowlifes like you and the rest of the handout minded leeches out. It makes for a nicer neighborhood.
[QUOTE="Conservative65, post: 13090320, member: 51891"]It to keep people like you that live in them out of my high class neighborhood, somewhere you'll never be able to live and afford not being able to keep a job. We keep the lowlifes like you and the rest of the handout minded leeches out. It makes for a nicer neighborhood.[/QUOTE]

Yes, you define your "high class" with your grammar, Cleetus.
[QUOTE="Conservative65, post: 13090320, member: 51891"]It to keep people like you that live in them out of my high class neighborhood, somewhere you'll never be able to live and afford not being able to keep a job. We keep the lowlifes like you and the rest of the handout minded leeches out. It makes for a nicer neighborhood.

Yes, you define your "high class" with your grammar, Cleetus.[/QUOTE]

Interesting how the person that can't keep a job uses a simple typo leaving out " 's " as a major thing. The gate is to keep people like you out. We don't need the unemployable in their stinking the place up and hurting out property values. It's the reason we have them and 4-digit codes you wouldn't be able to remember.
Interesting how the person that can't keep a job uses a simple typo leaving out " 's " as a major thing. The gate is to keep people like you out. We don't need the unemployable in their stinking the place up and hurting out property values. It's the reason we have them and 4-digit codes you wouldn't be able to remember.

The average American worker changes jobs every five years... Sorry, dude, my length at my last two companies were 6 and 7 years respectively, so as usual, you have no idea what you are talking about.

But I'm sure your trailer park is really classy, Cleetus. Southern White Trash are the lowest of the low.
what would have been the reaction if people began calling for a ban of the Gay Pride Flag? This flag does represent him, does it not?



Rainbow is symbol of covenant between man and God.

I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.
Genesis 9:13

Sodomites stolen this symbol by believers although God hates gays.and Bible speaks clearly against homosexuality.
Therefore Sodomites shall use one other Flag, not Christian one.According to Bible all sodomites will go to Hell.
Here is their true symbol - that of Hell.

Interesting how the person that can't keep a job uses a simple typo leaving out " 's " as a major thing. The gate is to keep people like you out. We don't need the unemployable in their stinking the place up and hurting out property values. It's the reason we have them and 4-digit codes you wouldn't be able to remember.

The average American worker changes jobs every five years... Sorry, dude, my length at my last two companies were 6 and 7 years respectively, so as usual, you have no idea what you are talking about.

But I'm sure your trailer park is really classy, Cleetus. Southern White Trash are the lowest of the low.

That makes you average. Since my tenure has been many times longer than the average, that makes me well above average. Thanks for proving the numbers that prove my level is far above yours.

Chicago? The home of Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama. Hardly classy people.
With permission perfectly okay.
Without permission, you may come to regret our Second Amendment rights....

Don't think I don't exercise my 2nd amendment rights, too. I don't need your permission. I'll do it and laugh at you when you try to stop me.

Well you see, like so many Conservatives-you think your 2nd Amendment rights gives you permission to break the law.

Carrying a weapon with the intent to break the law- criminal trespass- is not a 2nd Amendment right.

But shooting an armed criminal trespassing on my land- yeah- that is my right.

Since the first 10 or so feet, depending on the local laws where you live is the right of way, while you maintain it (i.e. cutting grass), it's not yours. Try stopping the local government from putting a sidewalk on that area. Therefore, if what I put is in the right of way, I'm not putting it on your property. That means if you're dumb enough to make the mistake of shooting, don't be surprised if you get return fire.

Based on your premise, I have the right to shoot someone and their dog if it's taking a shit on my yard unless you're going to claim someone's dog has a right to do that.

You really think your silly remarks make sense, don't you?

I really think you don't have the mental capacity to understand what they meant.

You also thought the military was attacking Texas, so your judgement is pretty screwed up.
what would have been the reaction if people began calling for a ban of the Gay Pride Flag? This flag does represent him, does it not?



Rainbow is symbol of covenant between man and God.

I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.
Genesis 9:13

Sodomites stolen this symbol by believers although God hates gays.and Bible speaks clearly against homosexuality.
Therefore Sodomites shall use one other Flag, not Christian one.According to Bible all sodomites will go to Hell.

LOL- the religious wingnuts have come out now.
This is another attempt by the Democratic Party leaders to bury the past. The Democratic Party was the party of slavery, and Jim Crow. The KKK was its militant arm. They are still the party of slavery just in a more subtle tone. Government dependence is their shackles

I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
Lyndon B Johnson

The Confederacy was all Democratic Party- and their flag was the Confederate Battle Flag.

Therefore- by your reasoning- the Confederate flag is the symbol of racism- and those flying the Confederate flag today- are Democrats.

what would have been the reaction if people began calling for a ban of the Gay Pride Flag? This flag does represent him, does it not?



Rainbow is symbol of covenant between man and God.

I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.
Genesis 9:13

Sodomites stolen this symbol by believers although God hates gays.and Bible speaks clearly against homosexuality.
Therefore Sodomites shall use one other Flag, not Christian one.According to Bible all sodomites will go to Hell.
Here is their true symbol - that of Hell.



You're starting to freak me out now. This post too obnoxious to ignore. The rainbow was a symbol given by God to Noah that he would never again destroy the world with a flood again, the covenant spoken of in Genesis. You butcher it.

There are people like you who give Christianity a bad rap.
To the leftists here:

You wanted to ban this flag when some white boy shot up a black church. You got your wish:


Not soon after the massacre, a picture of Dylann Roof was found where he was sporting a Confederate flag, and then again not soon after, liberals behaved as if banning that flag would somehow bring those poor souls who died in Charleston back to life. It didn't. If it were only that simple.

But when a black gay man kills two people on live TV, what would have been the reaction if people began calling for a ban of the Gay Pride Flag? This flag does represent him, does it not?


If you want to ban one flag when someone goes on a killing spree, why don't we ban all of them? Sins have been committed under all sorts of banners and flags. Banning the flags will not undo any of the crimes.

But here liberals are, using the very same narrative which they once viewed as a defense of racism, hatred, slavery, or even the murderer himself to defend a flag which represented the sexual preference of the man who murdered two people. What if we used that same logic against gay rights activists? That flying that flag is a defense of the man who killed two people in cold blood?

Even in her ignorance, the woman in the tweet below asks an important question. How does removing (banning) a flag change someone's actions? It doesn't. But here we are, fighting over which flags to ban when some psychopath goes on a killing spree. My gosh, such petty arguments over such things as pieces of fabric. Why aren't we condemning the person instead of the flag? Why are we blaming the flag or the weapon he used? On a separate note, a number of you liberals want to ban firearms when a perceived conservative commits a mass murder, however, when a gay black man commits murder, no longer is he the perpetrator, but the firearm itself. How I wish you knew how much of a double standard is being perpetrated here.

If only all of you (both sides now) realized how colossally hypocritical your narratives are. Ban one, keep the other. Ban, ban, ban, ban! This offends me! Ban it! Ban all the things! Wow. No... I can't even... just... just stop. Seriously.


If you're about to use the same narrative you criticize, you will have a bad time.

Your entire argument is misplaced. The only place anyone wanted the Confederate Flag banned was at public government facilities. Please tell us where a gay pride flag is displayed at any state, county, or city government facility. Something tells me you will have a hard time coming up with one. People have the right to their Confederate Flags if that is what they want, just as those who want to have a gay pride flag can have those.

How about when it was lit up on OUR white house? so yes I want it banned too they are going after flags and now even statues. they remind me of ISIS

Of course you want it banned. All homophobes want it banned.
Of course you want it banned. All homophobes want it banned.

The rainbow flag is used to justify and symbolize these displays in public in front of children. Since this is harmful to children, we must ban the flag now.

Should people be "phobic" of this around children? Yes, yes they should. It's healthy.




(Censored for USMB)

To the leftists here:

You wanted to ban this flag when some white boy shot up a black church. You got your wish:


Not soon after the massacre, a picture of Dylann Roof was found where he was sporting a Confederate flag, and then again not soon after, liberals behaved as if banning that flag would somehow bring those poor souls who died in Charleston back to life. It didn't. If it were only that simple.

But when a black gay man kills two people on live TV, what would have been the reaction if people began calling for a ban of the Gay Pride Flag? This flag does represent him, does it not?


If you want to ban one flag when someone goes on a killing spree, why don't we ban all of them? Sins have been committed under all sorts of banners and flags. Banning the flags will not undo any of the crimes.

But here liberals are, using the very same narrative which they once viewed as a defense of racism, hatred, slavery, or even the murderer himself to defend a flag which represented the sexual preference of the man who murdered two people. What if we used that same logic against gay rights activists? That flying that flag is a defense of the man who killed two people in cold blood?

Even in her ignorance, the woman in the tweet below asks an important question. How does removing (banning) a flag change someone's actions? It doesn't. But here we are, fighting over which flags to ban when some psychopath goes on a killing spree. My gosh, such petty arguments over such things as pieces of fabric. Why aren't we condemning the person instead of the flag? Why are we blaming the flag or the weapon he used? On a separate note, a number of you liberals want to ban firearms when a perceived conservative commits a mass murder, however, when a gay black man commits murder, no longer is he the perpetrator, but the firearm itself. How I wish you knew how much of a double standard is being perpetrated here.

If only all of you (both sides now) realized how colossally hypocritical your narratives are. Ban one, keep the other. Ban, ban, ban, ban! This offends me! Ban it! Ban all the things! Wow. No... I can't even... just... just stop. Seriously.


If you're about to use the same narrative you criticize, you will have a bad time.

Your entire argument is misplaced. The only place anyone wanted the Confederate Flag banned was at public government facilities. Please tell us where a gay pride flag is displayed at any state, county, or city government facility. Something tells me you will have a hard time coming up with one. People have the right to their Confederate Flags if that is what they want, just as those who want to have a gay pride flag can have those.

How about when it was lit up on OUR white house? so yes I want it banned too they are going after flags and now even statues. they remind me of ISIS

Of course you want it banned. All homophobes want it banned.

You fell right into my argument. And since I'm constantly being bombarded with quote notifications from this thread, I'll just jump right back in.

So, it's homophobic to ban the gay flag, but it's okay to ban the confederate one. That's interesting logic, Auditor. You got through telling me how "everyone had a right to their flags." Apparently not.
Don't think I don't exercise my 2nd amendment rights, too. I don't need your permission. I'll do it and laugh at you when you try to stop me.

Well you see, like so many Conservatives-you think your 2nd Amendment rights gives you permission to break the law.

Carrying a weapon with the intent to break the law- criminal trespass- is not a 2nd Amendment right.

But shooting an armed criminal trespassing on my land- yeah- that is my right.

Since the first 10 or so feet, depending on the local laws where you live is the right of way, while you maintain it (i.e. cutting grass), it's not yours. Try stopping the local government from putting a sidewalk on that area. Therefore, if what I put is in the right of way, I'm not putting it on your property. That means if you're dumb enough to make the mistake of shooting, don't be surprised if you get return fire.

Based on your premise, I have the right to shoot someone and their dog if it's taking a shit on my yard unless you're going to claim someone's dog has a right to do that.

You really think your silly remarks make sense, don't you?

I really think you don't have the mental capacity to understand what they meant.

You also thought the military was attacking Texas, so your judgement is pretty screwed up.

I did? Provide a link where I thought that about the military.
Well you see, like so many Conservatives-you think your 2nd Amendment rights gives you permission to break the law.

Carrying a weapon with the intent to break the law- criminal trespass- is not a 2nd Amendment right.

But shooting an armed criminal trespassing on my land- yeah- that is my right.

Since the first 10 or so feet, depending on the local laws where you live is the right of way, while you maintain it (i.e. cutting grass), it's not yours. Try stopping the local government from putting a sidewalk on that area. Therefore, if what I put is in the right of way, I'm not putting it on your property. That means if you're dumb enough to make the mistake of shooting, don't be surprised if you get return fire.

Based on your premise, I have the right to shoot someone and their dog if it's taking a shit on my yard unless you're going to claim someone's dog has a right to do that.

You really think your silly remarks make sense, don't you?

I really think you don't have the mental capacity to understand what they meant.

You also thought the military was attacking Texas, so your judgement is pretty screwed up.

I did? Provide a link where I thought that about the military.

If you didn't, it would be the first time you didn't spout the crazy claims from the right.
Since the first 10 or so feet, depending on the local laws where you live is the right of way, while you maintain it (i.e. cutting grass), it's not yours. Try stopping the local government from putting a sidewalk on that area. Therefore, if what I put is in the right of way, I'm not putting it on your property. That means if you're dumb enough to make the mistake of shooting, don't be surprised if you get return fire.

Based on your premise, I have the right to shoot someone and their dog if it's taking a shit on my yard unless you're going to claim someone's dog has a right to do that.

You really think your silly remarks make sense, don't you?

I really think you don't have the mental capacity to understand what they meant.

You also thought the military was attacking Texas, so your judgement is pretty screwed up.

I did? Provide a link where I thought that about the military.

If you didn't, it would be the first time you didn't spout the crazy claims from the right.

You claimed I did. Provide the proof or STFU.

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