We can't compromise! We can't collaborate! We can't cooperate!

I can't speak for the Left, but I stayed general because there are so many possible examples.

The level of personal taxation - I want less, the left want more, I want flat, the left want progressive. Explain how we "compromise"

the level of corporate taxation - I want less, the left want more. Explain how we "compromise"

the size of the military - I want less. The left want less when Republicans are in power and not when Democrats are. Where is the "compromise?"

the level of government - I want less, the left want more. How do we "compromise"

involvement in health care - I want government out of it, the left want government to control it. The "compromise" is where?

the various departments, on and on and on - Don't know what that means

This stuff is so fundamental, I don't know what you want. If two people who are different points on a continuum actually need help in doing something this basic, we're fucked. - Of course you should state your overall view. I'm making it easy on my side. Yeah, I'm extreme anti-left.

But I see no actual positions with any potential for compromise with them. They want more government, I want less. Are you saying that I should give them more government, just less than they want? Why would I agree to that? They aren't going to agree to less anything.

I know of no example where we could compromise
Well, unfortunately, there are going to be people who just aren't part of any collaboration that does take place, if ever.

The key will be in satisfying enough people such that that group won't matter.

Evading the question yet again.

It really is simple. I want less government, leftists want more government. Isn't the compromise to that in your terms to leave it where it is?

Does a compromise to more versus left government to you mean

1) More government (but less than leftists want)

2) The same government

3) Less government (but less than I want)

Those are the only three logical possibilities
I'm not evading.

Don't collaborate. Don't do anything. That's your call.

Of course you're evading. You're saying let's hold hands and sing Kumbaya, but you have no idea how we "compromise" between wanting to grow and shrink government.

I'm willing to trade. But I'm not going to agree to grow government in doing it. How am I being obstinate by not taking a choice I don't have?
Oh boy, straw man.

Again: You're right. Don't collaborate. Don't talk to them. Don't go near them.

I think you've got this nailed. You're right. I'm wrong.

That's right. Democrats have to be defeated. We're not on the same side.
You must not know any liberals. I don't want more gov't.
I know lots of liberals and they don't want more gov't, either.
They want the health care system fixed.
They want the war to end in Afghanistan.
They want the tax relief they were supposed to get, but didn't. Increase in take-home pay was only 2.2%+/- (Here's exactly how much paychecks changed after tax reform for people at every income level from $20,000 to $269,000 a year)
They want immigration reform without putting kids in cages and babies in "tender age" centers where they have disappeared, 3000 to-date.
They don't want a trade war. If the economy was so good, like Trump boasts, why is he fucking it up now? Why did Gary Cohn quit?
They don't want assholes like Pruitt in the EPA. Good riddance to filth.
They want millennials to be able to buy houses and have children. That's not happening due to student loan scam and their debt.
Pretty simple stuff.
Oh, and they don't want a lying, petty, 24/7 Tweeting 14-year-old in the Oval Office who has the highest turn-over in administration in the last 100 years.
Bullshit. Their solution to every problem is government. I've never seen one run for office who wasn't proposing more government programs, regulations, spending and taxes.

Yep. Mac won't address that. It was my original question to him.

Democrats want more government in every way, I want less than we have in every way. How do you "compromise" in that scenario?

Republicans have compromised in every case by giving the Democrats most of what they want, but not all of it and getting nothing in return
I guess I'll say it again.

Collaborating means that sometimes you get what you want. Other times the other guy gets what they want. Sometimes you can, together, come up with someone new that you can both live with.

I can't believe I actually have to say this.

AGAIN, at 100,000 feet, I understand that. I already told you that.

What I don't understand is what it means in practicality, and you aren't telling me.

If I want less government, and leftists want more government, why would I give them more? Why would they give me less? Should we agree to do nothing? I'm asking what you are proposing as an application to ANY actual policy
This is so fundamental that I honestly, truly don't know what to say.

Communicate. LISTEN. Consider new possibilities. Don't shut yourself off. Don't attack. LISTEN. Take one of their ideas and add to it. Ask honest questions. Give honest answers.

Honestly, I'm at a loss here. How do you think a business comes up with wild, innovative new ideas? Do you think they just find a bunch of people who think alike and toss them into a room?

Come on.

Yes, they do. All leftists think alike. They have the same position on every issue and justify them with the same talking points.

You will only get disagreement from a leftist to a leftist position in a different discussion on a different subject where they use it to claim they don't agree with Democrats on every position. They will however be silent in a discussion on the subject they disagree with the left on a discussion about that topic.

Other leftist will see their comment and let it go because they realize what they are doing and are aware the leftist won't mention their disagreement with the Democrats in a discussion on that topic
Correct. And they compromised into that weird Frankenstein's monster instead of going with what they really wanted.

Who did the compromise with? Certainly they didn't compromise with the Republicans. Futhermore, why would any principled Republican allow such a monster to be created?
They evidently compromised with themselves, trying to create a plan that would mollify enough Republicans so that it wouldn't get torn down later. They didn't even include a public option.
The discussion is about compromising with Republicans. Who cares about the finaggling the Dims do with themselves.
Neither party is interested in collaborating. That's my original point.

Trump is a contrarian who admits he loves conflict. He admits to stirring the pot and pitting people against each other.
He's happy as a pig in shit right now because he's getting what he wants.
And he'll keep up his divisiveness as long as his cult followers allow it.
If you watched even ONE of his rallies you would know that.

Trump held countless rallies during the campaign and the American people in 30 states chose him to be our president. You were on the losing side, you have sour grapes over losing, your side has been struggling to deal with your loss and rejection we get it.
Well, unfortunately, there are going to be people who just aren't part of any collaboration that does take place, if ever.

The key will be in satisfying enough people such that that group won't matter.

Evading the question yet again.

It really is simple. I want less government, leftists want more government. Isn't the compromise to that in your terms to leave it where it is?

Does a compromise to more versus left government to you mean

1) More government (but less than leftists want)

2) The same government

3) Less government (but less than I want)

Those are the only three logical possibilities
I'm not evading.

Don't collaborate. Don't do anything. That's your call.

Of course you're evading. You're saying let's hold hands and sing Kumbaya, but you have no idea how we "compromise" between wanting to grow and shrink government.

I'm willing to trade. But I'm not going to agree to grow government in doing it. How am I being obstinate by not taking a choice I don't have?
Oh boy, straw man.

Again: You're right. Don't collaborate. Don't talk to them. Don't go near them.

I think you've got this nailed. You're right. I'm wrong.

That's right. Democrats have to be defeated. We're not on the same side.
Well, good luck with that.
Thanks for the lesson in adulting, Mac. How is that 10 year experiment coming along? Any helpful conclusions yet?
I'm sure this means something.

Too many people like this, with too much influence.

There is not too much I can compromise on.

The goal of the other side is to permanently marginalize and oppress me and my people.

Before Trump they were openly gloating that "the next Republican President hasn't been born yet".

What can I do with that?

You keep that attitude. Right wingers are already attacking each other. I saw that coming.
Bullshit. Their solution to every problem is government. I've never seen one run for office who wasn't proposing more government programs, regulations, spending and taxes.

Yep. Mac won't address that. It was my original question to him.

Democrats want more government in every way, I want less than we have in every way. How do you "compromise" in that scenario?

Republicans have compromised in every case by giving the Democrats most of what they want, but not all of it and getting nothing in return
I guess I'll say it again.

Collaborating means that sometimes you get what you want. Other times the other guy gets what they want. Sometimes you can, together, come up with someone new that you can both live with.

I can't believe I actually have to say this.

AGAIN, at 100,000 feet, I understand that. I already told you that.

What I don't understand is what it means in practicality, and you aren't telling me.

If I want less government, and leftists want more government, why would I give them more? Why would they give me less? Should we agree to do nothing? I'm asking what you are proposing as an application to ANY actual policy
This is so fundamental that I honestly, truly don't know what to say.

Communicate. LISTEN. Consider new possibilities. Don't shut yourself off. Don't attack. LISTEN. Take one of their ideas and add to it. Ask honest questions. Give honest answers.

Honestly, I'm at a loss here. How do you think a business comes up with wild, innovative new ideas? Do you think they just find a bunch of people who think alike and toss them into a room?

Come on.

Yes, they do. All leftists think alike. They have the same position on every issue and justify them with the same talking points.

You will only get disagreement from a leftist to a leftist position in a different discussion on a different subject where they use it to claim they don't agree with Democrats on every position. They will however be silent in a discussion on the subject they disagree with the left on a discussion about that topic.

Other leftist will see their comment and let it go because they realize what they are doing and are aware the leftist won't mention their disagreement with the Democrats in a discussion on that topic
I think you missed my point. The better option is to have a wide range of people and ideas. Some ideas have to go into the toilet. Others have to be changed. Egos are checked at the door. That's what creates innovation.
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.

I want less government and the left wants more. Give me an example of how I should be compromising with that

You must not know any liberals. I don't want more gov't.
I know lots of liberals and they don't want more gov't, either.
They want the health care system fixed.
They want the war to end in Afghanistan.
They want the tax relief they were supposed to get, but didn't. Increase in take-home pay was only 2.2%+/- (Here's exactly how much paychecks changed after tax reform for people at every income level from $20,000 to $269,000 a year)
They want immigration reform without putting kids in cages and babies in "tender age" centers where they have disappeared, 3000 to-date.
They don't want a trade war. If the economy was so good, like Trump boasts, why is he fucking it up now? Why did Gary Cohn quit?
They don't want assholes like Pruitt in the EPA. Good riddance to filth.
They want millennials to be able to buy houses and have children. That's not happening due to student loan scam and their debt.
Pretty simple stuff.
Oh, and they don't want a lying, petty, 24/7 Tweeting 14-year-old in the Oval Office who has the highest turn-over in administration in the last 100 years.

From the Brookings Institute, not exactly a bastion of liberal thought:
Trump’s lies corrode democracy

I am a liberal. You're not a liberal, you're a leftist. Leftists in fact have nothing in common with liberals. You want oppressive government. You're unlike us in every way

We are getting oppressive government under Trump, idiot.
Poll: More than half of Republicans would support postponing 2020 election
You're neither liberal nor leftist nor conservative. You're just simply ignorant.
You left off the part that said "if it would stop illegal aliens from voting." That is singularly dishonest on your part and on the part of the poll takers. It's a lame-assed question because Dims have no intention of stopping them from voting.
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.

I want less government and the left wants more. Give me an example of how I should be compromising with that

You must not know any liberals. I don't want more gov't.
I know lots of liberals and they don't want more gov't, either.
They want the health care system fixed.
They want the war to end in Afghanistan.
They want the tax relief they were supposed to get, but didn't. Increase in take-home pay was only 2.2%+/- (Here's exactly how much paychecks changed after tax reform for people at every income level from $20,000 to $269,000 a year)
They want immigration reform without putting kids in cages and babies in "tender age" centers where they have disappeared, 3000 to-date.
They don't want a trade war. If the economy was so good, like Trump boasts, why is he fucking it up now? Why did Gary Cohn quit?
They don't want assholes like Pruitt in the EPA. Good riddance to filth.
They want millennials to be able to buy houses and have children. That's not happening due to student loan scam and their debt.
Pretty simple stuff.
Oh, and they don't want a lying, petty, 24/7 Tweeting 14-year-old in the Oval Office who has the highest turn-over in administration in the last 100 years.

From the Brookings Institute, not exactly a bastion of liberal thought:
Trump’s lies corrode democracy

I am a liberal. You're not a liberal, you're a leftist. Leftists in fact have nothing in common with liberals. You want oppressive government. You're unlike us in every way

We are getting oppressive government under Trump, idiot.
Poll: More than half of Republicans would support postponing 2020 election
You're neither liberal nor leftist nor conservative. You're just simply ignorant.

Actually, Trump's a mixed bag. Which is why I agree with him on some issues (illegal immigration, taxes) and disagree with him on others (ME, tariffs)

You are not a mixed bag, you're for oppressive government all the time
Yep. Mac won't address that. It was my original question to him.

Democrats want more government in every way, I want less than we have in every way. How do you "compromise" in that scenario?

Republicans have compromised in every case by giving the Democrats most of what they want, but not all of it and getting nothing in return
I guess I'll say it again.

Collaborating means that sometimes you get what you want. Other times the other guy gets what they want. Sometimes you can, together, come up with someone new that you can both live with.

I can't believe I actually have to say this.

AGAIN, at 100,000 feet, I understand that. I already told you that.

What I don't understand is what it means in practicality, and you aren't telling me.

If I want less government, and leftists want more government, why would I give them more? Why would they give me less? Should we agree to do nothing? I'm asking what you are proposing as an application to ANY actual policy
This is so fundamental that I honestly, truly don't know what to say.

Communicate. LISTEN. Consider new possibilities. Don't shut yourself off. Don't attack. LISTEN. Take one of their ideas and add to it. Ask honest questions. Give honest answers.

Honestly, I'm at a loss here. How do you think a business comes up with wild, innovative new ideas? Do you think they just find a bunch of people who think alike and toss them into a room?

Come on.

Yes, they do. All leftists think alike. They have the same position on every issue and justify them with the same talking points.

You will only get disagreement from a leftist to a leftist position in a different discussion on a different subject where they use it to claim they don't agree with Democrats on every position. They will however be silent in a discussion on the subject they disagree with the left on a discussion about that topic.

Other leftist will see their comment and let it go because they realize what they are doing and are aware the leftist won't mention their disagreement with the Democrats in a discussion on that topic
I think you missed my point. The better option is to have a wide range of people and ideas. Some ideas have to go into the toilet. Others have to be changed. Egos are checked at the door. That's what creates innovation.

We don't' need innovation in government. We need less of it.
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.

I want less government and the left wants more. Give me an example of how I should be compromising with that

You must not know any liberals. I don't want more gov't.
I know lots of liberals and they don't want more gov't, either.
They want the health care system fixed.
They want the war to end in Afghanistan.
They want the tax relief they were supposed to get, but didn't. Increase in take-home pay was only 2.2%+/- (Here's exactly how much paychecks changed after tax reform for people at every income level from $20,000 to $269,000 a year)
They want immigration reform without putting kids in cages and babies in "tender age" centers where they have disappeared, 3000 to-date.
They don't want a trade war. If the economy was so good, like Trump boasts, why is he fucking it up now? Why did Gary Cohn quit?
They don't want assholes like Pruitt in the EPA. Good riddance to filth.
They want millennials to be able to buy houses and have children. That's not happening due to student loan scam and their debt.
Pretty simple stuff.
Oh, and they don't want a lying, petty, 24/7 Tweeting 14-year-old in the Oval Office who has the highest turn-over in administration in the last 100 years.

From the Brookings Institute, not exactly a bastion of liberal thought:
Trump’s lies corrode democracy
Like most on the right, conservatives know only lies about ‘liberals.’

And there can be no ‘compromise’ in a political environment so poisoned by lies contrived and propagated by a Republican president and Congressional Republicans.
You must not know any liberals. I don't want more gov't.
I know lots of liberals and they don't want more gov't, either.
They want the health care system fixed.
They want the war to end in Afghanistan.
They want the tax relief they were supposed to get, but didn't. Increase in take-home pay was only 2.2%+/- (Here's exactly how much paychecks changed after tax reform for people at every income level from $20,000 to $269,000 a year)
They want immigration reform without putting kids in cages and babies in "tender age" centers where they have disappeared, 3000 to-date.
They don't want a trade war. If the economy was so good, like Trump boasts, why is he fucking it up now? Why did Gary Cohn quit?
They don't want assholes like Pruitt in the EPA. Good riddance to filth.
They want millennials to be able to buy houses and have children. That's not happening due to student loan scam and their debt.
Pretty simple stuff.
Oh, and they don't want a lying, petty, 24/7 Tweeting 14-year-old in the Oval Office who has the highest turn-over in administration in the last 100 years.
Bullshit. Their solution to every problem is government. I've never seen one run for office who wasn't proposing more government programs, regulations, spending and taxes.

Yep. Mac won't address that. It was my original question to him.

Democrats want more government in every way, I want less than we have in every way. How do you "compromise" in that scenario?

Republicans have compromised in every case by giving the Democrats most of what they want, but not all of it and getting nothing in return
I guess I'll say it again.

Collaborating means that sometimes you get what you want. Other times the other guy gets what they want. Sometimes you can, together, come up with someone new that you can both live with.

I can't believe I actually have to say this.

AGAIN, at 100,000 feet, I understand that. I already told you that.

What I don't understand is what it means in practicality, and you aren't telling me.

If I want less government, and leftists want more government, why would I give them more? Why would they give me less? Should we agree to do nothing? I'm asking what you are proposing as an application to ANY actual policy
This is so fundamental that I honestly, truly don't know what to say.

Communicate. LISTEN. Consider new possibilities. Don't shut yourself off. Don't attack. LISTEN. Take one of their ideas and add to it. Ask honest questions. Give honest answers.

Honestly, I'm at a loss here. How do you think a business comes up with wild, innovative new ideas? Do you think they just find a bunch of people who think alike and toss them into a room?

Come on.

There is no comparison between identifying a business strategy and negotiating with the left. The market acts in it's own interest, it's predictable. The left are ideologues.

They aren't going to make deals. Recognizing that is not a refusal to negotiate.

How a normal person negotiates is to move away from positions and into goals. I gave you several examples of how the left doesn't do that. All that happens with the minimum wage is people get fired. Are you arguing that by refusing to compromise the left cares about their supposed goal?

Eliminate minimum wage - increases hiring. Lowers government power.

The left says no for the second reason. Their goal and their method is more government power. I'm not the one who doesn't know how to negotiate. There is no opening with the left They don't compromise
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.

I want less government and the left wants more. Give me an example of how I should be compromising with that

You must not know any liberals. I don't want more gov't.
I know lots of liberals and they don't want more gov't, either.
They want the health care system fixed.
They want the war to end in Afghanistan.
They want the tax relief they were supposed to get, but didn't. Increase in take-home pay was only 2.2%+/- (Here's exactly how much paychecks changed after tax reform for people at every income level from $20,000 to $269,000 a year)
They want immigration reform without putting kids in cages and babies in "tender age" centers where they have disappeared, 3000 to-date.
They don't want a trade war. If the economy was so good, like Trump boasts, why is he fucking it up now? Why did Gary Cohn quit?
They don't want assholes like Pruitt in the EPA. Good riddance to filth.
They want millennials to be able to buy houses and have children. That's not happening due to student loan scam and their debt.
Pretty simple stuff.
Oh, and they don't want a lying, petty, 24/7 Tweeting 14-year-old in the Oval Office who has the highest turn-over in administration in the last 100 years.

From the Brookings Institute, not exactly a bastion of liberal thought:
Trump’s lies corrode democracy
Like most on the right, conservatives know only lies about ‘liberals.’

And there can be no ‘compromise’ in a political environment so poisoned by lies contrived and propagated by a Republican president and Congressional Republicans.

There is no compromise with you. You're a totalitarian ideologue
I guess I'll say it again.

Collaborating means that sometimes you get what you want. Other times the other guy gets what they want. Sometimes you can, together, come up with someone new that you can both live with.

I can't believe I actually have to say this.

AGAIN, at 100,000 feet, I understand that. I already told you that.

What I don't understand is what it means in practicality, and you aren't telling me.

If I want less government, and leftists want more government, why would I give them more? Why would they give me less? Should we agree to do nothing? I'm asking what you are proposing as an application to ANY actual policy
This is so fundamental that I honestly, truly don't know what to say.

Communicate. LISTEN. Consider new possibilities. Don't shut yourself off. Don't attack. LISTEN. Take one of their ideas and add to it. Ask honest questions. Give honest answers.

Honestly, I'm at a loss here. How do you think a business comes up with wild, innovative new ideas? Do you think they just find a bunch of people who think alike and toss them into a room?

Come on.

Yes, they do. All leftists think alike. They have the same position on every issue and justify them with the same talking points.

You will only get disagreement from a leftist to a leftist position in a different discussion on a different subject where they use it to claim they don't agree with Democrats on every position. They will however be silent in a discussion on the subject they disagree with the left on a discussion about that topic.

Other leftist will see their comment and let it go because they realize what they are doing and are aware the leftist won't mention their disagreement with the Democrats in a discussion on that topic
I think you missed my point. The better option is to have a wide range of people and ideas. Some ideas have to go into the toilet. Others have to be changed. Egos are checked at the door. That's what creates innovation.

We don't' need innovation in government. We need less of it.
Innovation could include making government more efficient, less costly, less obtrusive, yet more acceptable to all.

Open your mind. Or don't.
Bullshit. Their solution to every problem is government. I've never seen one run for office who wasn't proposing more government programs, regulations, spending and taxes.

Yep. Mac won't address that. It was my original question to him.

Democrats want more government in every way, I want less than we have in every way. How do you "compromise" in that scenario?

Republicans have compromised in every case by giving the Democrats most of what they want, but not all of it and getting nothing in return
I guess I'll say it again.

Collaborating means that sometimes you get what you want. Other times the other guy gets what they want. Sometimes you can, together, come up with someone new that you can both live with.

I can't believe I actually have to say this.

AGAIN, at 100,000 feet, I understand that. I already told you that.

What I don't understand is what it means in practicality, and you aren't telling me.

If I want less government, and leftists want more government, why would I give them more? Why would they give me less? Should we agree to do nothing? I'm asking what you are proposing as an application to ANY actual policy
This is so fundamental that I honestly, truly don't know what to say.

Communicate. LISTEN. Consider new possibilities. Don't shut yourself off. Don't attack. LISTEN. Take one of their ideas and add to it. Ask honest questions. Give honest answers.

Honestly, I'm at a loss here. How do you think a business comes up with wild, innovative new ideas? Do you think they just find a bunch of people who think alike and toss them into a room?

Come on.

There is no comparison between identifying a business strategy and negotiating with the left. The market acts in it's own interest, it's predictable. The left are ideologues.

They aren't going to make deals. Recognizing that is not a refusal to negotiate.

How a normal person negotiates is to move away from positions and into goals. I gave you several examples of how the left doesn't do that. All that happens with the minimum wage is people get fired. Are you arguing that by refusing to compromise the left cares about their supposed goal?

Eliminate minimum wage - increases hiring. Lowers government power.

The left says no for the second reason. Their goal and their method is more government power. I'm not the one who doesn't know how to negotiate. There is no opening with the left They don't compromise
I can't speak for the Left, but I stayed general because there are so many possible examples.

The level of personal taxation - I want less, the left want more, I want flat, the left want progressive. Explain how we "compromise"

the level of corporate taxation - I want less, the left want more. Explain how we "compromise"

the size of the military - I want less. The left want less when Republicans are in power and not when Democrats are. Where is the "compromise?"

the level of government - I want less, the left want more. How do we "compromise"

involvement in health care - I want government out of it, the left want government to control it. The "compromise" is where?

the various departments, on and on and on - Don't know what that means

This stuff is so fundamental, I don't know what you want. If two people who are different points on a continuum actually need help in doing something this basic, we're fucked. - Of course you should state your overall view. I'm making it easy on my side. Yeah, I'm extreme anti-left.

But I see no actual positions with any potential for compromise with them. They want more government, I want less. Are you saying that I should give them more government, just less than they want? Why would I agree to that? They aren't going to agree to less anything.

I know of no example where we could compromise
Well, unfortunately, there are going to be people who just aren't part of any collaboration that does take place, if ever.

The key will be in satisfying enough people such that that group won't matter.

Evading the question yet again.

It really is simple. I want less government, leftists want more government. Isn't the compromise to that in your terms to leave it where it is?

Does a compromise to more versus left government to you mean

1) More government (but less than leftists want)

2) The same government

3) Less government (but less than I want)

Those are the only three logical possibilities
I'm not evading.

Don't collaborate. Don't do anything. That's your call.

Of course you're evading. You're saying let's hold hands and sing Kumbaya, but you have no idea how we "compromise" between wanting to grow and shrink government.

I'm willing to trade. But I'm not going to agree to grow government in doing it. How am I being obstinate by not taking a choice I don't have?
Oh boy, straw man.

Again: You're right. Don't collaborate. Don't talk to them. Don't go near them.

I think you've got this nailed. You're right. I'm wrong.

Give me a single meaningful example of any issue the left was willing to compromise on over the last 30 years.

Note: Compromise does not mean they get some of what they want and give nothing in return and compromise does not mean they gave up something they didn't have, like your Obamacare example
Thanks for the lesson in adulting, Mac. How is that 10 year experiment coming along? Any helpful conclusions yet?
I'm sure this means something.

Too many people like this, with too much influence.

There is not too much I can compromise on.

The goal of the other side is to permanently marginalize and oppress me and my people.

Before Trump they were openly gloating that "the next Republican President hasn't been born yet".

What can I do with that?
Sometimes it means just not getting what you want. Maybe you're just wrong on some things, and the other guys will be proven right.

Or maybe by working together we'll come up with new approaches. It sure works in the business world. Innovation.

But we get nowhere if the goal is to beat the other side. Then it becomes party over country.

What if the other party wants slavery? Genocide? Or something morally reprehensible?

I have no problem compromising and working on things that I believe will make the community and nation better. I don’t see any value in compromising or collaborating to do things contrary to my values or that I think will hurt people
Well, unfortunately, there are going to be people who just aren't part of any collaboration that does take place, if ever.

The key will be in satisfying enough people such that that group won't matter.

Evading the question yet again.

It really is simple. I want less government, leftists want more government. Isn't the compromise to that in your terms to leave it where it is?

Does a compromise to more versus left government to you mean

1) More government (but less than leftists want)

2) The same government

3) Less government (but less than I want)

Those are the only three logical possibilities
I'm not evading.

Don't collaborate. Don't do anything. That's your call.

Of course you're evading. You're saying let's hold hands and sing Kumbaya, but you have no idea how we "compromise" between wanting to grow and shrink government.

I'm willing to trade. But I'm not going to agree to grow government in doing it. How am I being obstinate by not taking a choice I don't have?
Oh boy, straw man.

Again: You're right. Don't collaborate. Don't talk to them. Don't go near them.

I think you've got this nailed. You're right. I'm wrong.

Give me a single meaningful example of any issue the left was willing to compromise on over the last 30 years.

Note: Compromise does not mean they get some of what they want and give nothing in return and compromise does not mean they gave up something they didn't have, like your Obamacare example
I told you: You win. No collaboration. Innovation is bad. New ideas are bad.

You win.
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.
The only people you can compromise with are those you have common views on
You can't collaborate with people who hate what you stand for
You can't cooperate with people who hate your very existence.
The two ends are choosing to hate each other. No one is making this happen.

So we may need each of them to get their shit together before asking them to work together.

I don’t think we have to hate people we disagree with.
I'm sure glad these guys didn't say what today's parties are saying.

I want less government and the left wants more. Give me an example of how I should be compromising with that

You must not know any liberals. I don't want more gov't.
I know lots of liberals and they don't want more gov't, either.
They want the health care system fixed.
They want the war to end in Afghanistan.
They want the tax relief they were supposed to get, but didn't. Increase in take-home pay was only 2.2%+/- (Here's exactly how much paychecks changed after tax reform for people at every income level from $20,000 to $269,000 a year)
They want immigration reform without putting kids in cages and babies in "tender age" centers where they have disappeared, 3000 to-date.
They don't want a trade war. If the economy was so good, like Trump boasts, why is he fucking it up now? Why did Gary Cohn quit?
They don't want assholes like Pruitt in the EPA. Good riddance to filth.
They want millennials to be able to buy houses and have children. That's not happening due to student loan scam and their debt.
Pretty simple stuff.
Oh, and they don't want a lying, petty, 24/7 Tweeting 14-year-old in the Oval Office who has the highest turn-over in administration in the last 100 years.

From the Brookings Institute, not exactly a bastion of liberal thought:
Trump’s lies corrode democracy
Like most on the right, conservatives know only lies about ‘liberals.’

And there can be no ‘compromise’ in a political environment so poisoned by lies contrived and propagated by a Republican president and Congressional Republicans.
The lies are all contrived by leftists. The sorry record of the fake news media is proof enough of that.

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