We do not want to determine whether Trump is guilty of a crime until we see all of the evidence

We do not want to determine whether Trump is guilty of a crime until we see all of the evidence far.

Nice! That's a TWO step improvement for you. With Russia, you didn't give a shit if a crime was even committed
It must be frustrating to watch all the fake news about dear former leader.

I like Rachel Maddow too! She cracks me up she's such a moonbat. Hmm ... it just occurred to me maybe that isn't why you like her ...

But I feel you. Fox shows both sides, that is clearly fake news. A real news agency tells you what to think, not what happened. Thinking for yourself is for fools, you're watching their commercials, the least they can do is cut through the noise and just boil it down to what you think about it
The search was politically motivated. How would you like it if federal thugs raided your home and they said "we don't want to determine if he was guilty of a crime until we sort through all the crap"? Be careful what you wish for lefties. Biden hired a army of IRS agents bigger than some NATO armies and they might come knocking on your door.
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We do not want to determine whether Trump is guilty of a crime until we see all of the evidence.
I see many possibilities
He did not commit a crime and nothing will happen.
He will be arrested for a crime, go to trial and found not guilty.
He will be arrested for a crime, go to trial and found guilty and not go to jail.
He will be arrested for a crime, go to trial and found guilty and go to jail.
He will be found guilty of the crime of treason and be executed.

We all need to be patient and see where the evidence takes us. It does not look good for him wit t he evidence, we know, so far.
Yep. The same rule should apply to anyone:

If you suspect something, investigate. If you find something, prosecute. If they're found guilty, punish them accordingly. If someone helped them, punish them too, including family. If it's political, nail them good to make an example of them. Party affiliation irrelevant. Wealth irrelevant. Position irrelevant. Connections irrelevant.

Meanwhile, they're innocent until proven guilty.

Too bad so many don't want to agree to that rule.
I see the Trumpists insisting he is innocent. They are pre-judging.

Well, since Trump ... LITERALLY ... had the power to declassify the documents he took and none of you have been able to back up your claim that he didn't and taking them didn't declassify them, but none of you can explain what he had to do and didn't. Yes, anyone prejudging this is 100% correct. You are some serious stupid fucks since again TRUMP WAS PRESIDENT when he took them you stupid lying fuck.

This is like how you lying ass hats kept attacking Trump for Russia gate, a three year farse
Nice! That's a TWO step improvement for you. With Russia, you didn't give a shit if a crime was even committed
I felt there was potential illegal influence from Russia in 2016 but I rely on our system which did not indict Trump.
I think we have as good of legal system as any country in the world but it definitely gives preference to the rich and powerful.
I will accept the outcomes of legal proceeding and are elections system. I will work to make improvements from within..
I felt there was potential illegal influence from Russia in 2016 but I rely on our system which did not indict Trump.
I think we have as good of legal system as any country in the world but it definitely gives preference to the rich and powerful.
I will accept the outcomes of legal proceeding and are elections system. I will work to make improvements from within..

Great to hear! So far you've been a blind advocate of having a single party Democrat system. I look forward to the new you!

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