We finally know what the GOP will do for the next two years and it’s hilarious

Yeah, it was soooooooooooooooooooo terrible we were at full employment while under Obama it's 10% unemployment.

You can talk all your BS all you want. But the results are more than clear. See you next Tuesday at the ballot box!

Tuesday is coming!


So how many job were lost during President Bushes final year in office again?

You want to see?

US Unemployment Rate by Year

2001 4.76
2002 5.78
2003 5.99
2004 5.53
2005 5.08
2006 4.63
2007 4.61
2008 5.76
2009 9.26

The United States Unemployment Rate By Year

Look at when it jumped big time. UNDER OBAMA!

Yeah, it's all Bush. Keep running with that liberals. Tuesday is coming!


I did say final year didn't I? Here you go.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- The hemorrhaging of American jobs accelerated at a record pace at the end of 2008, bringing the year's total job losses to 2.6 million or the highest level in more than six decades.

A sobering U.S. Labor Department jobs report Friday showed the economy lost 524,000 jobs in December and 1.9 million in the year's final four months, after the credit crisis began in September.

The unemployment rate rose to 7.2% last month from 6.7% in November - its highest rate since January 1993.

The steep annual drop in jobs marked the highest yearly job-loss total since 1945, the year in which World War II ended.

Total 2008 job loss: 2.6 million - Jan. 9, 2009

That was 2.6 million job lost in the last year of the Bush Presidency.

But Barack had already won the presidency so of course the rabid righties have to blame him.
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Alan Combs is on Fox and we all know he's a liberal. Joe Scarborough has been and will always be a conservative and on every show is highly critical of Obama.

The left has a very large tent. Everyone is welcome. Don't compare liberals with "lockstep" conservatives.

He's on MSNBC so he must be wrong. And yet you guys always talk about how "OPEN MINDED" you are. What a joke.


This is hilarious. Do you read the same stuff I do and poet just so I can show how ignorant you really are?

Margaret Johnson, a former party chairwoman in Polk County, N.C., helped elect Representative Shuler but now believes the party would be better off without him. “I’d rather have a real Republican than a fake Democrat,” she said. “A real Republican motivates us to work. A fake Democrat de-motivates us.” Ms. Johnson is right: Democrats would be in better shape, and would accomplish more, with a smaller and more ideologically cohesive caucus. It’s a sentiment that even Mr. Dean now echoes. “Having a big, open-tent Democratic Party is great, but not at the cost of getting nothing done,” he said. Since the passage of health care reform, few major bills have passed the Senate. Although the Democrats have a 59-vote majority, party leaders can barely find the votes for something as benign as extending unemployment benefits.
A smaller majority, minus the intraparty feuding, could benefit Democrats in two ways: first, it could enable them to devise cleaner pieces of legislation, without blatantly trading pork for votes as they did with the deals that helped sour the public on the health care bill. (As a corollary, the narrative of “Democratic infighting” would also diminish.)
Second, in the Senate, having a majority of 52 rather than 59 or 60 would force Democrats to confront the Republicans’ incessant misuse of the filibuster to require that any piece of legislation garner a minimum of 60 votes to become law. Since President Obama’s election, more than 420 bills have cleared the House but have sat dormant in the Senate. It’s easy to forget that George W. Bush passed his controversial 2003 tax cut legislation with only 50 votes, plus Vice President Dick Cheney’s. Eternal gridlock is not inevitable unless Democrats allow it to be.

Not everyone is welcome anymore. Just like the neo-conservatives and RINOs that you are mocking the Tea Party for trying to purge from the ranks of the Republican party, the Democrats hate their conservative/moderate wing. They would much prefer an ideologically pure party that doesn't welcome everyone, and just keep the people with the right agenda. DINOs are no more welcome than RINOs.

And just look at how much Republicans got done. Two disastrous wars, helped move 2.4 million jobs to China, dropped the Dow from 11,000 to 6,000, 3 trillion dollar drug bill, more than a trillion in tax breaks to 1% of the country. Deregulated clean air, clean water, fracture drilling for natural gas.

Can the country take anymore of Republicans "getting things done"?

What does that have to do with the fact that the Democratic Party doesn't want everyone, like you claim?
Ah, another thread with partisan observations and accusations flying all over the place.
So let's look at the real world.
A, both parties have been guilty of gridlock, the Dems when the GOP controlled things and the GOP since 2007. Anyone who denies this is lying to themselves.
B, both parties walk in lock-step, there is no doubt about this either.
C, Both parties will NOT work in a bi-partisan manner because they put party over country.
Finally, having a main agenda of making Obama a one-term president is again putting party of the country. It causes gridlock and HURTS the United States of America and the citizens of this country. It also puts the US at a disadvantage on the world stage. The US has been heading south on the world stage for quite awhile and this childish bickering between both parties is accelerating the fall of the US.
Also, Obama being a one-term president? Obama is doing just fine ensuring he will be a one term president, I don't think he needs any help from the GOP.

That's a load of crapola.

From 2001 to 2008, the Republicans got pretty much whatever they wanted. 2.4 trillion dollar tax cut that was supposed to help the economy, but companies used that money to bring Chinese here to train for the American jobs they moved to China. How did it help the economy?

The drug bill for votes that cost trillions.

Subsidies for companies moving to China.

Then there was all the Democratic support when told there were WMD's in Iraq and Saddam had ties to Iraq.

By time Bush left office, the Dow had dropped 5,000 points and the country was losing 750,000 jobs a month.

The Republicans have stated their goal is to make Obama a one term president. Nothing for the Middle Class. Nothing to improve the economy. The leadership spits on their base and moons the US. That's just the way it is. People here calls me names, but no one disputes my facts. Because they can't.

Try again you fat, racist POS.
Republican accomplishments since Reagan

Voodoo economics
Invaded Granada
Raised taxes, raised taxes, raised taxes
Bailed out S&L after bubble burst
Brought down Russia by giving speeches and spending money
Spent gazillions on star wars which failed first second and last time tested.
Banking deregulation
Presented great ad campaign Contract for America, nothing changed
Gave speeches and spent money, didn't work this time
Failed to read understand or act on information about some guy and an attack
Created Homeland security and read your email
Stacked the SCOTUS with fascists who think corporations are really people
Kept Americans safe after Beirut and after 911
Watched the destruction of New Orleans
Gave medals to complete failures
Figured since they couldn't get Bin Laden they'd get Saddam
Showed 8 by 10 glossies of wmds in Iraq at UN
Uncovered weapons of mass destruction in Iraq daily
Decided democracy was the reason for Iraq invasion
Trickle-down economics that works better up
Introduced the world to a great intellectual Sarah Palin
Bailed out Banks again after bubble burst
Failed so utterly the impossible happened in 2008
Asked Michael Steele to lead them
Secretly led by Rush Limbaugh
Helped make journalism at Fox propaganda
Claimed they were not witches
Didn't know the Constitution separated church and state.
Claim they have changed.

Midcan's brief history of the last century and beginning of present.

Coolidge / Hoover - Banks collapse, economy collapses
Great Depression begins - Hoover ineffective
FDR rescues the nation from Great Depression, creates regulatory structure
FDR creates the greatest single asset for all Americans: Social Security
FDR masterfully fought WWII along with Churchill and help from Stalin
Truman ends the savagery of the war with Japan with the ultimate savagery
Truman extends New Deal and Civil rights
Eisenhower ignores right wing war mongering republicans, extends civil rights
Warren court hands down ruling on public school segregation
Eisenhower continues progressivism, Vietnam involvement continues from Truman
Eisenhower commits to helping South Vietnam
'Cold War' clouds the mind of America creating contradictory values
WWII end brings prosperity due to GI bill, home growth, and durable goods growth
Kennedy buys into ridiculous Bay of Pigs plan from Eisenhower administration
America's youth gain power prestige and purchasing power
Battle for space with Russia consumes America's resources
Blacks decide waiting any longer for equality is too long
LBJ foolishly listens to war cries concerning domino effect and tragically involves US in Nam
LBJ advances civil rights and extended welfare so all Americans can have a little of the pie
Nixon has secret plan for ending Vietnam but paranoid personality ruins administration
Nixon opens up trade to China
Anti war demonstrations change attitudes and hurt LBJ social achievements
Carter inherits stagflation economy from Nixon / Ford
Carter supports Afghanistan against Russian occupation, seeds are set for growth of insurgency terrorism
Oil embargo hurts Carter but efforts at energy policy are forgotten as Reagan wins
Reagan starts the destruction of the middle class in part by making government a problem
Reagan starts destruction of regulatory agencies that eventually lead to the Great Recession of today.
Bush Sr experiences effect of Reagan economic policies, economy collapses, real estate boom crash, S&L scandal, bailouts to rescue nation again after republican policy
GH Bush losses as Republican policy fails once again
Clinton raises taxes, economy recovers aided by millennium and Internet bubble
Clinton buys into financial nonsense, supporting NAFTA, regulatory and welfare reform
Armies of money and power go after Clinton spending publicly and privately millions
Bush-Gore election goes to Bush as SCOTUS has moved from liberal to fascist
Bush proves inept in all ways, but 911 attack creates fear and more war cries
Bush proves himself an incompetent leader who creates massive debt and death
Clinton surplus is squandered on tax relief primarily for the wealthy
'War on Terror' clouds the mind of America creating contradictory values
Bush invades Iraq based on trumped up nonsense about WMDs and fear
Economy collapses under Bush and bailouts are once again required after a republican administration
Obama wins election for 'change' due to the failure of Bush and the republicans
Armies of money and power again mount offensive attacking the American values of justice and fairness represented by Obama
Obama passes Healthcare policy, keeps promises on wars
Once again the economy is moving in the right direction but the armies of money and power are greater today and propaganda and revisionist history have gained large footholds in the minds of the uneducated....

And so it goes....republicans fail democrats try....it would seem monkeys and humans never learn....
You are quoting an NBC guy about what he thinks some republican said. Not what the Republican said, but what the NBC guy thinks the Republican guy meant.

They really are not the same thing. We go through this on a regular basis. I say US schools need to be less pathetic, and you claim that means I have the hots for the Chinese communists.

This is why US courts have the heresay rule.

Oh, and 6% of sicentists are republicans.

Here is what Mitch actually said.

MCCONNELL: We need to be honest with the public. This election is about them, not us. And we need to treat this election as the first step in retaking the government. We need to say to everyone on Election Day, “Those of you who helped make this a good day, you need to go out and help us finish the job.”

NATIONAL JOURNAL: What’s the job?

MCCONNELL: The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president

Notice, the GOP's goal ala Mitch isn't jobs, retoring the economy, national security or anything else. Their number one goal is to re-gain power.

Because that is all their leadership cares about. Their own leadership calls them "hicky".

But there is that terrible "black" man in the "WHITE" House. But of course, it has nothing to do with racism.

Even is Obama was actually named "George Washington Lincoln" and was born under a Cherry Tree in the Nation's Capital delivered by Ron Paul, he would still never be "one of us". Because he would be a "black" man in the "WHITE" House.

STFU you racist fuck.
Republican accomplishments since Reagan

Voodoo economics
Invaded Granada
Raised taxes, raised taxes, raised taxes
Bailed out S&L after bubble burst
Brought down Russia by giving speeches and spending money
Spent gazillions on star wars which failed first second and last time tested.
Banking deregulation
Presented great ad campaign Contract for America, nothing changed
Gave speeches and spent money, didn't work this time
Failed to read understand or act on information about some guy and an attack
Created Homeland security and read your email
Stacked the SCOTUS with fascists who think corporations are really people
Kept Americans safe after Beirut and after 911
Watched the destruction of New Orleans
Gave medals to complete failures
Figured since they couldn't get Bin Laden they'd get Saddam
Showed 8 by 10 glossies of wmds in Iraq at UN
Uncovered weapons of mass destruction in Iraq daily
Decided democracy was the reason for Iraq invasion
Trickle-down economics that works better up
Introduced the world to a great intellectual Sarah Palin
Bailed out Banks again after bubble burst
Failed so utterly the impossible happened in 2008
Asked Michael Steele to lead them
Secretly led by Rush Limbaugh
Helped make journalism at Fox propaganda
Claimed they were not witches
Didn't know the Constitution separated church and state.
Claim they have changed.

Midcan's brief history of the last century and beginning of present.

Coolidge / Hoover - Banks collapse, economy collapses
Great Depression begins - Hoover ineffective
FDR rescues the nation from Great Depression, creates regulatory structure
FDR creates the greatest single asset for all Americans: Social Security
FDR masterfully fought WWII along with Churchill and help from Stalin
Truman ends the savagery of the war with Japan with the ultimate savagery
Truman extends New Deal and Civil rights
Eisenhower ignores right wing war mongering republicans, extends civil rights
Warren court hands down ruling on public school segregation
Eisenhower continues progressivism, Vietnam involvement continues from Truman
Eisenhower commits to helping South Vietnam
'Cold War' clouds the mind of America creating contradictory values
WWII end brings prosperity due to GI bill, home growth, and durable goods growth
Kennedy buys into ridiculous Bay of Pigs plan from Eisenhower administration
America's youth gain power prestige and purchasing power
Battle for space with Russia consumes America's resources
Blacks decide waiting any longer for equality is too long
LBJ foolishly listens to war cries concerning domino effect and tragically involves US in Nam
LBJ advances civil rights and extended welfare so all Americans can have a little of the pie
Nixon has secret plan for ending Vietnam but paranoid personality ruins administration
Nixon opens up trade to China
Anti war demonstrations change attitudes and hurt LBJ social achievements
Carter inherits stagflation economy from Nixon / Ford
Carter supports Afghanistan against Russian occupation, seeds are set for growth of insurgency terrorism
Oil embargo hurts Carter but efforts at energy policy are forgotten as Reagan wins
Reagan starts the destruction of the middle class in part by making government a problem
Reagan starts destruction of regulatory agencies that eventually lead to the Great Recession of today.
Bush Sr experiences effect of Reagan economic policies, economy collapses, real estate boom crash, S&L scandal, bailouts to rescue nation again after republican policy
GH Bush losses as Republican policy fails once again
Clinton raises taxes, economy recovers aided by millennium and Internet bubble
Clinton buys into financial nonsense, supporting NAFTA, regulatory and welfare reform
Armies of money and power go after Clinton spending publicly and privately millions
Bush-Gore election goes to Bush as SCOTUS has moved from liberal to fascist
Bush proves inept in all ways, but 911 attack creates fear and more war cries
Bush proves himself an incompetent leader who creates massive debt and death
Clinton surplus is squandered on tax relief primarily for the wealthy
'War on Terror' clouds the mind of America creating contradictory values
Bush invades Iraq based on trumped up nonsense about WMDs and fear
Economy collapses under Bush and bailouts are once again required after a republican administration
Obama wins election for 'change' due to the failure of Bush and the republicans
Armies of money and power again mount offensive attacking the American values of justice and fairness represented by Obama
Obama passes Healthcare policy, keeps promises on wars
Once again the economy is moving in the right direction but the armies of money and power are greater today and propaganda and revisionist history have gained large footholds in the minds of the uneducated....

And so it goes....republicans fail democrats try....it would seem monkeys and humans never learn....

You're dumb. I also bolded an area where you might want to re-read some history and get a clue.
The republican, if they win, will be facing a president with a veto stamp and (what I consider) to be an evil agenda.

All that counts right now is to stop the bad in its tracks. Any legislation that gets proposed will have to go past 0bama.

Any real progress will have to wait till 2013.

But I do think the major part of the goal will be tax cuts, dealing with the major problems of the health care bill, things like that. They will have to do what they can given the Democrats will be giving them a taste of their own obstructive medicine after the election

Come on Baruch, Really? An "Evil Agenda?" Are you being a little over dramatic? What exactly has the man done that's "Evil?"
The Republicans have stated their goal is to make Obama a one term president. Nothing for the Middle Class. Nothing to improve the economy. The leadership spits on their base and moons the US. That's just the way it is. People here calls me names, but no one disputes my facts. Because they can't.

everyone disputes your links asshole.....now where are those links i asked you for in that other thread where you danced away like a champion ballroom dancer?.....you know the links backing up your accusations that ALL republicans or Conservatives disregard science......the link showing how ALL Repubs. and Cons. hate gays....how about the one showing where they ALL hate blacks and Hispanics......and Remember Dean ....a lot of posters here know you and what you are....being dishonest like you usually are will not work here....lets see those links.....
Notice, the GOP's goal ala Mitch isn't jobs, retoring the economy, national security or anything else. Their number one goal is to re-gain power.

kinda like what the Democrats do when they are not in power.....TRY AND RE-GAIN POWER....
democrats ran the senate and house from 2006- present.

what part of that do you not understand?


This is hilarious. Do you read the same stuff I do and poet just so I can show how ignorant you really are?


Not everyone is welcome anymore. Just like the neo-conservatives and RINOs that you are mocking the Tea Party for trying to purge from the ranks of the Republican party, the Democrats hate their conservative/moderate wing. They would much prefer an ideologically pure party that doesn't welcome everyone, and just keep the people with the right agenda. DINOs are no more welcome than RINOs.

And just look at how much Republicans got done. Two disastrous wars, helped move 2.4 million jobs to China, dropped the Dow from 11,000 to 6,000, 3 trillion dollar drug bill, more than a trillion in tax breaks to 1% of the country. Deregulated clean air, clean water, fracture drilling for natural gas.

Can the country take anymore of Republicans "getting things done"?

You guys are so funny. The senate was 49 Democrats to 49 Republicans with two independents.


What is wrong with you people? Facts don't matter? Only who tells the biggest lie most often??????????????

That's right. I forgot. A right winger on this site said they are only "giving opinion". Seems facts don't matter.
Here is what Mitch actually said.

Notice, the GOP's goal ala Mitch isn't jobs, retoring the economy, national security or anything else. Their number one goal is to re-gain power.

Because that is all their leadership cares about. Their own leadership calls them "hicky".

But there is that terrible "black" man in the "WHITE" House. But of course, it has nothing to do with racism.

Even is Obama was actually named "George Washington Lincoln" and was born under a Cherry Tree in the Nation's Capital delivered by Ron Paul, he would still never be "one of us". Because he would be a "black" man in the "WHITE" House.

STFU you racist fuck.

Who are you to tell me to shut up you mindless turd.
You are quoting an NBC guy about what he thinks some republican said. Not what the Republican said, but what the NBC guy thinks the Republican guy meant.

They really are not the same thing. We go through this on a regular basis. I say US schools need to be less pathetic, and you claim that means I have the hots for the Chinese communists.

This is why US courts have the heresay rule.

Oh, and 6% of sicentists are republicans.

Alan Combs is on Fox and we all know he's a liberal. Joe Scarborough has been and will always be a conservative and on every show is highly critical of Obama.

The left has a very large tent. Everyone is welcome. Don't compare liberals with "lockstep" conservatives.

He's on MSNBC so he must be wrong. And yet you guys always talk about how "OPEN MINDED" you are. What a joke.

democrats ran the senate and house from 2006- present.

what part of that do you not understand?

And just look at how much Republicans got done. Two disastrous wars, helped move 2.4 million jobs to China, dropped the Dow from 11,000 to 6,000, 3 trillion dollar drug bill, more than a trillion in tax breaks to 1% of the country. Deregulated clean air, clean water, fracture drilling for natural gas.

Can the country take anymore of Republicans "getting things done"?

You guys are so funny. The senate was 49 Democrats to 49 Republicans with two independents.

Well lets see. Both independents Caucused with the Dems. So um. YES! :slap:
The republican, if they win, will be facing a president with a veto stamp and (what I consider) to be an evil agenda.

All that counts right now is to stop the bad in its tracks. Any legislation that gets proposed will have to go past 0bama.

Any real progress will have to wait till 2013.

But I do think the major part of the goal will be tax cuts, dealing with the major problems of the health care bill, things like that. They will have to do what they can given the Democrats will be giving them a taste of their own obstructive medicine after the election

Rebuild America's infrastructure. Bring jobs back to this country. Make education affordable for America's middle class. Insure children.

Damn that Obama. What an EVIL agenda.

Better is the Republican agenda. Send jobs to China. End taxes for corporations. End the minimum wage. End unemployment. Don't build America's infrastructure.

Now, in the Bizarro World, this is the agenda we want.

You guys are so funny. The senate was 49 Democrats to 49 Republicans with two independents.

Well lets see. Both independents Caucused with the Dems. So um. YES! :slap:

And how successful have Democrats been without 60 votes?:cuckoo:

What part of
Well lets see. Both independents Caucused with the Dems

Didn't you understand?

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