We finally know what the GOP will do for the next two years and it’s hilarious

You guys are so funny. The senate was 49 Democrats to 49 Republicans with two independents.


What is wrong with you people? Facts don't matter? Only who tells the biggest lie most often??????????????

That's right. I forgot. A right winger on this site said they are only "giving opinion". Seems facts don't matter.

Dean ok ok your a great Dancer......know where are those links proving your accusations?....
Because that is all their leadership cares about. Their own leadership calls them "hicky".

But there is that terrible "black" man in the "WHITE" House. But of course, it has nothing to do with racism.

Even is Obama was actually named "George Washington Lincoln" and was born under a Cherry Tree in the Nation's Capital delivered by Ron Paul, he would still never be "one of us". Because he would be a "black" man in the "WHITE" House.

STFU you racist fuck.

Who are you to tell me to shut up you mindless turd.

Who am I? Well I'm just another person in this great United States who grows weary of you and your racist drivel. Just another of your fellow countrymen who is tired of seeing assholes like you tear the country apart. Just one old Sergeant who would prefer to see the USA be one nation and not the 2 nations you would prefer. So when you use your hatred and racist speech, yeah I say Shut The Fuck Up. You got a problem with that? Dial 1-800- Eat-Shit.
You guys are so funny. The senate was 49 Democrats to 49 Republicans with two independents.

Well lets see. Both independents Caucused with the Dems. So um. YES! :slap:

And how successful have Democrats been without 60 votes?:cuckoo:

Have you ever wondered what honest liberals think about that 60 vote thing?

George W. Bush never had more than 55 Republican Senators during any time of his eight year presidency, and at one point he had only 50. You never saw him talking publicly about how powerless he was to do anything because he didn't have 60 votes, and because he wasn't "king." He sure acted like he was king. And funny thing, George Bush got a long done during his presidency, including starting two wars, passing the Patriot Act, getting two uber-conservative Supreme Court appointments, and a massive tax cut.

And actually, even though the Democrats weren't filibustering much at all, the Republicans went CRAZY complaining about how Dems were filibustering too many judicial nominees (they weren't). The Rs played the Ds like a fiddle, did a pretty good job of convincing the public that the Democrats were doing something they weren't, and then when the Republicans came to office, what did they do? Went filibuster crazy. For the Republicans, complaining about the filibuster wasn't an excuse for not doing anything. It was a tactic for scaring the Democrats away from future filibusters, and for turning the public against the Democrats. When the President complains about the filibuster, it doesn't feel like a tactic. It generally feels like an excuse.

I simply cannot fathom who told the President that it was a smart talking point to tell people how powerless he is. They've been saying it a lot, over at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and it needs to stop.

AMERICAblog News: I worry that the President has internalized the whole 'you need 60 votes' thing

It seems that the problem is not that the Democrats have only 59 votes in the Senate, the problem is really that Obama is a total failure as a leader. Bush never had 60 votes, yet he got just about everything he wanted, until the Republicans had had enough and rebelled against his attempt to bail out banks. Eventually enough Democrats rallied behind him that he got even that, but you whine and complain because Obama can't get past the Republican filibuster.

When are you going to start blaming the right person?
You guys are so funny. The senate was 49 Democrats to 49 Republicans with two independents.


What is wrong with you people? Facts don't matter? Only who tells the biggest lie most often??????????????

That's right. I forgot. A right winger on this site said they are only "giving opinion". Seems facts don't matter.

Dean ok ok your a great Dancer......know where are those links proving your accusations?....

110th Congress (2007-2009)

Majority Party: Democrat (49 seats)

Minority Party: Republican (49 seats)

Other Parties: 1Independent; 1 Independent Democrat

Total Seats: 100

Note:Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut was reelected in 2006 as an independent candidate, and became an Independent Democrat. Senator Bernard Sanders of Vermont was elected as an Independent.
Well lets see. Both independents Caucused with the Dems. So um. YES! :slap:

And how successful have Democrats been without 60 votes?:cuckoo:

Have you ever wondered what honest liberals think about that 60 vote thing?

George W. Bush never had more than 55 Republican Senators during any time of his eight year presidency, and at one point he had only 50. You never saw him talking publicly about how powerless he was to do anything because he didn't have 60 votes, and because he wasn't "king." He sure acted like he was king. And funny thing, George Bush got a long done during his presidency, including starting two wars, passing the Patriot Act, getting two uber-conservative Supreme Court appointments, and a massive tax cut.

And actually, even though the Democrats weren't filibustering much at all, the Republicans went CRAZY complaining about how Dems were filibustering too many judicial nominees (they weren't). The Rs played the Ds like a fiddle, did a pretty good job of convincing the public that the Democrats were doing something they weren't, and then when the Republicans came to office, what did they do? Went filibuster crazy. For the Republicans, complaining about the filibuster wasn't an excuse for not doing anything. It was a tactic for scaring the Democrats away from future filibusters, and for turning the public against the Democrats. When the President complains about the filibuster, it doesn't feel like a tactic. It generally feels like an excuse.

I simply cannot fathom who told the President that it was a smart talking point to tell people how powerless he is. They've been saying it a lot, over at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and it needs to stop.

AMERICAblog News: I worry that the President has internalized the whole 'you need 60 votes' thing

It seems that the problem is not that the Democrats have only 59 votes in the Senate, the problem is really that Obama is a total failure as a leader. Bush never had 60 votes, yet he got just about everything he wanted, until the Republicans had had enough and rebelled against his attempt to bail out banks. Eventually enough Democrats rallied behind him that he got even that, but you whine and complain because Obama can't get past the Republican filibuster.

When are you going to start blaming the right person?


Bush had no problem questioning patriotism to bully Americans into following his agenda. No problem sending the sons and daughters overseas to die in Iraq. Bush and the Republicans. 8 years of lies, deceit, war, death, greed. The worst president in history. Helped move millions of American jobs overseas with subsidies and tax breaks. Kept both wars out of his budgets to leave Obama to clean up the mess. When Bush left office, jobs were leaving at the rate of 750,000 a month.


The nation added 64,000 private-sector jobs in September, the ninth straight month of increases

Friday’s report showed that as the private sector added jobs, government employment fell by 159,000

U.S. job loss in September continues concerns over pace of economic rebound - NorthJersey.com


You would think Republicans would be thrilled. All those government jobs lost. Obama has shrunk the government more than any Republican in decades. Now THAT'S hilarious!
And how successful have Democrats been without 60 votes?:cuckoo:

Have you ever wondered what honest liberals think about that 60 vote thing?

George W. Bush never had more than 55 Republican Senators during any time of his eight year presidency, and at one point he had only 50. You never saw him talking publicly about how powerless he was to do anything because he didn't have 60 votes, and because he wasn't "king." He sure acted like he was king. And funny thing, George Bush got a long done during his presidency, including starting two wars, passing the Patriot Act, getting two uber-conservative Supreme Court appointments, and a massive tax cut.

And actually, even though the Democrats weren't filibustering much at all, the Republicans went CRAZY complaining about how Dems were filibustering too many judicial nominees (they weren't). The Rs played the Ds like a fiddle, did a pretty good job of convincing the public that the Democrats were doing something they weren't, and then when the Republicans came to office, what did they do? Went filibuster crazy. For the Republicans, complaining about the filibuster wasn't an excuse for not doing anything. It was a tactic for scaring the Democrats away from future filibusters, and for turning the public against the Democrats. When the President complains about the filibuster, it doesn't feel like a tactic. It generally feels like an excuse.

I simply cannot fathom who told the President that it was a smart talking point to tell people how powerless he is. They've been saying it a lot, over at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and it needs to stop.

AMERICAblog News: I worry that the President has internalized the whole 'you need 60 votes' thing

It seems that the problem is not that the Democrats have only 59 votes in the Senate, the problem is really that Obama is a total failure as a leader. Bush never had 60 votes, yet he got just about everything he wanted, until the Republicans had had enough and rebelled against his attempt to bail out banks. Eventually enough Democrats rallied behind him that he got even that, but you whine and complain because Obama can't get past the Republican filibuster.

When are you going to start blaming the right person?


Bush had no problem questioning patriotism to bully Americans into following his agenda. No problem sending the sons and daughters overseas to die in Iraq. Bush and the Republicans. 8 years of lies, deceit, war, death, greed. The worst president in history. Helped move millions of American jobs overseas with subsidies and tax breaks. Kept both wars out of his budgets to leave Obama to clean up the mess. When Bush left office, jobs were leaving at the rate of 750,000 a month.


The nation added 64,000 private-sector jobs in September, the ninth straight month of increases

Friday’s report showed that as the private sector added jobs, government employment fell by 159,000

U.S. job loss in September continues concerns over pace of economic rebound - NorthJersey.com


You would think Republicans would be thrilled. All those government jobs lost. Obama has shrunk the government more than any Republican in decades. Now THAT'S hilarious!

"The Obama administration says the government will grow to 2.15 million employees this year, topping 2 million for the first time since President Clinton declared that "the era of big government is over" and joined forces with a Republican-led Congress in the 1990s to pare back the federal work force. "

Largest-ever federal payroll to hit 2.15 million - Washington Times
Dean ok ok your a great Dancer......now where are those links proving your accusations?....

110th Congress (2007-2009)

Majority Party: Democrat (49 seats)

Minority Party: Republican (49 seats)

Other Parties: 1Independent; 1 Independent Democrat

Total Seats: 100

Note:Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut was reelected in 2006 as an independent candidate, and became an Independent Democrat. Senator Bernard Sanders of Vermont was elected as an Independent.
these are links?.....:eusa_eh:

Bush had no problem questioning patriotism to bully Americans into following his agenda. No problem sending the sons and daughters overseas to die in Iraq. Bush and the Republicans. 8 years of lies, deceit, war, death, greed. The worst president in history. Helped move millions of American jobs overseas with subsidies and tax breaks. Kept both wars out of his budgets to leave Obama to clean up the mess. When Bush left office, jobs were leaving at the rate of 750,000 a month.


bullying Americans?.....i always thought that his "with us or against us" speech was aimed at the rest of the world....thats your problem Dean...you took it he meant YOU.....

Bush had no problem questioning patriotism to bully Americans into following his agenda. No problem sending the sons and daughters overseas to die in Iraq. Bush and the Republicans. 8 years of lies, deceit, war, death, greed. The worst president in history. Helped move millions of American jobs overseas with subsidies and tax breaks. Kept both wars out of his budgets to leave Obama to clean up the mess. When Bush left office, jobs were leaving at the rate of 750,000 a month.

Bush did it!!!!!

By the way, that video was interesting, but Bush was specifically talking to the countries that supported terrorism, not the people in the US. Context means a lot, doesn't it?

The nation added 64,000 private-sector jobs in September, the ninth straight month of increases

Friday’s report showed that as the private sector added jobs, government employment fell by 159,000

U.S. job loss in September continues concerns over pace of economic rebound - NorthJersey.com

Let me get this straight.

A net loss of jobs is good for the economy.

And you think conservatives are crazy.

You would think Republicans would be thrilled. All those government jobs lost. Obama has shrunk the government more than any Republican in decades. Now THAT'S hilarious!

Republicans should be thrilled that the economy is loosing jobs? Why?
rdean tells it like it is.

Well lets see. Both independents Caucused with the Dems. So um. YES! :slap:

And how successful have Democrats been without 60 votes?:cuckoo:

Have you ever wondered what honest liberals think about that 60 vote thing?

George W. Bush never had more than 55 Republican Senators during any time of his eight year presidency, and at one point he had only 50. You never saw him talking publicly about how powerless he was to do anything because he didn't have 60 votes, and because he wasn't "king." He sure acted like he was king. And funny thing, George Bush got a long done during his presidency, including starting two wars, passing the Patriot Act, getting two uber-conservative Supreme Court appointments, and a massive tax cut.

And actually, even though the Democrats weren't filibustering much at all, the Republicans went CRAZY complaining about how Dems were filibustering too many judicial nominees (they weren't). The Rs played the Ds like a fiddle, did a pretty good job of convincing the public that the Democrats were doing something they weren't, and then when the Republicans came to office, what did they do? Went filibuster crazy. For the Republicans, complaining about the filibuster wasn't an excuse for not doing anything. It was a tactic for scaring the Democrats away from future filibusters, and for turning the public against the Democrats. When the President complains about the filibuster, it doesn't feel like a tactic. It generally feels like an excuse.

I simply cannot fathom who told the President that it was a smart talking point to tell people how powerless he is. They've been saying it a lot, over at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and it needs to stop.

AMERICAblog News: I worry that the President has internalized the whole 'you need 60 votes' thing

It seems that the problem is not that the Democrats have only 59 votes in the Senate, the problem is really that Obama is a total failure as a leader. Bush never had 60 votes, yet he got just about everything he wanted, until the Republicans had had enough and rebelled against his attempt to bail out banks. Eventually enough Democrats rallied behind him that he got even that, but you whine and complain because Obama can't get past the Republican filibuster.

When are you going to start blaming the right person?

Flat ignorance on your part, QWB. Go back and research all the heartburn the GOP had over not getting the federal judges they wanted, because the Dems would not allow the 60 votes to close the debate. It was called the fight over "the up and down vote."

You embarrass your side every time you open your mouth.
Last edited:
And how successful have Democrats been without 60 votes?:cuckoo:

Have you ever wondered what honest liberals think about that 60 vote thing?

George W. Bush never had more than 55 Republican Senators during any time of his eight year presidency, and at one point he had only 50. You never saw him talking publicly about how powerless he was to do anything because he didn't have 60 votes, and because he wasn't "king." He sure acted like he was king. And funny thing, George Bush got a long done during his presidency, including starting two wars, passing the Patriot Act, getting two uber-conservative Supreme Court appointments, and a massive tax cut.

And actually, even though the Democrats weren't filibustering much at all, the Republicans went CRAZY complaining about how Dems were filibustering too many judicial nominees (they weren't). The Rs played the Ds like a fiddle, did a pretty good job of convincing the public that the Democrats were doing something they weren't, and then when the Republicans came to office, what did they do? Went filibuster crazy. For the Republicans, complaining about the filibuster wasn't an excuse for not doing anything. It was a tactic for scaring the Democrats away from future filibusters, and for turning the public against the Democrats. When the President complains about the filibuster, it doesn't feel like a tactic. It generally feels like an excuse.

I simply cannot fathom who told the President that it was a smart talking point to tell people how powerless he is. They've been saying it a lot, over at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and it needs to stop.
AMERICAblog News: I worry that the President has internalized the whole 'you need 60 votes' thing

It seems that the problem is not that the Democrats have only 59 votes in the Senate, the problem is really that Obama is a total failure as a leader. Bush never had 60 votes, yet he got just about everything he wanted, until the Republicans had had enough and rebelled against his attempt to bail out banks. Eventually enough Democrats rallied behind him that he got even that, but you whine and complain because Obama can't get past the Republican filibuster.

When are you going to start blaming the right person?

Flat ignorance on your part, QWB. Go back and research all the heartburn the GOP had over not getting the federal judges they wanted, because the Dems would allow the 60 votes to close the debate. It was called the fight over "the up and down vote."

You embarrass your side every time you open your mouth.

My side? What is my side?
Have you ever wondered what honest liberals think about that 60 vote thing?

AMERICAblog News: I worry that the President has internalized the whole 'you need 60 votes' thing

It seems that the problem is not that the Democrats have only 59 votes in the Senate, the problem is really that Obama is a total failure as a leader. Bush never had 60 votes, yet he got just about everything he wanted, until the Republicans had had enough and rebelled against his attempt to bail out banks. Eventually enough Democrats rallied behind him that he got even that, but you whine and complain because Obama can't get past the Republican filibuster.

When are you going to start blaming the right person?

Flat ignorance on your part, QWB. Go back and research all the heartburn the GOP had over not getting the federal judges they wanted, because the Dems would allow the 60 votes to close the debate. It was called the fight over "the up and down vote."

You embarrass your side every time you open your mouth.

My side? What is my side?

The whining side, you jackwagon.
Have you ever wondered what honest liberals think about that 60 vote thing?

AMERICAblog News: I worry that the President has internalized the whole 'you need 60 votes' thing

It seems that the problem is not that the Democrats have only 59 votes in the Senate, the problem is really that Obama is a total failure as a leader. Bush never had 60 votes, yet he got just about everything he wanted, until the Republicans had had enough and rebelled against his attempt to bail out banks. Eventually enough Democrats rallied behind him that he got even that, but you whine and complain because Obama can't get past the Republican filibuster.

When are you going to start blaming the right person?


Bush had no problem questioning patriotism to bully Americans into following his agenda. No problem sending the sons and daughters overseas to die in Iraq. Bush and the Republicans. 8 years of lies, deceit, war, death, greed. The worst president in history. Helped move millions of American jobs overseas with subsidies and tax breaks. Kept both wars out of his budgets to leave Obama to clean up the mess. When Bush left office, jobs were leaving at the rate of 750,000 a month.


The nation added 64,000 private-sector jobs in September, the ninth straight month of increases

Friday’s report showed that as the private sector added jobs, government employment fell by 159,000

U.S. job loss in September continues concerns over pace of economic rebound - NorthJersey.com


You would think Republicans would be thrilled. All those government jobs lost. Obama has shrunk the government more than any Republican in decades. Now THAT'S hilarious!

"The Obama administration says the government will grow to 2.15 million employees this year, topping 2 million for the first time since President Clinton declared that "the era of big government is over" and joined forces with a Republican-led Congress in the 1990s to pare back the federal work force. "

Largest-ever federal payroll to hit 2.15 million - Washington Times

From your article:

The administration says 79 percent of the increases in recent years are from departments related to the war on terrorism: Justice, Defense, Homeland Security, State and Veterans Affairs

Why? Because Bush invaded Iraq. Then there are all those wounded veterans to take care of because of Iraq.

Do you even bother to read the articles you post?
Dean ok ok your a great Dancer......now where are those links proving your accusations?....

110th Congress (2007-2009)

Majority Party: Democrat (49 seats)

Minority Party: Republican (49 seats)

Other Parties: 1Independent; 1 Independent Democrat

Total Seats: 100

Note:Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut was reelected in 2006 as an independent candidate, and became an Independent Democrat. Senator Bernard Sanders of Vermont was elected as an Independent.
these are links?.....:eusa_eh:

If Democrats had such "control" over the senate, then how come they only had 49 votes out of a hundred? What the fuck is it you want. It couldn't be more clear. Duh!

You need a link? Yea Mr. Geico, you are certainly missing a link.
Flat ignorance on your part, QWB. Go back and research all the heartburn the GOP had over not getting the federal judges they wanted, because the Dems would allow the 60 votes to close the debate. It was called the fight over "the up and down vote."

You embarrass your side every time you open your mouth.

My side? What is my side?

The whining side, you jackwagon.

How can I possibly embarrass the whining side if I whine?
You are quoting an NBC guy about what he thinks some republican said. Not what the Republican said, but what the NBC guy thinks the Republican guy meant.

They really are not the same thing. We go through this on a regular basis. I say US schools need to be less pathetic, and you claim that means I have the hots for the Chinese communists.

This is why US courts have the heresay rule.

Oh, and 6% of sicentists are republicans.

Here is what Mitch actually said.

MCCONNELL: We need to be honest with the public. This election is about them, not us. And we need to treat this election as the first step in retaking the government. We need to say to everyone on Election Day, “Those of you who helped make this a good day, you need to go out and help us finish the job.”

NATIONAL JOURNAL: What’s the job?

MCCONNELL: The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president

Notice, the GOP's goal ala Mitch isn't jobs, retoring the economy, national security or anything else. Their number one goal is to re-gain power.

Because that is all their leadership cares about. Their own leadership calls them "hicky".

But there is that terrible "black" man in the "WHITE" House. But of course, it has nothing to do with racism.

Even is Obama was actually named "George Washington Lincoln" and was born under a Cherry Tree in the Nation's Capital delivered by Ron Paul, he would still never be "one of us". Because he would be a "black" man in the "WHITE" House.

When all reason fails, use the race card. 94% of scientists suggest that overuse of said race card has resulted in the player of the card automatically forfeiting the argument.

Generally, I think it's sad that people resort to the race card. They seem to think it's ok to trivialize racism in order to score partisan political points. Shame on them.
Quite a bit of it around here in my neck of the woods, unfortunately, does do with the fact the President is bi-racial. That's unfortunate some fools still feel that way, and is what it is. It's ironic that some Democratic minorities play the race card, too; it is ironic on how they were so well schooled in it.
Quite a bit of it around here in my neck of the woods, unfortunately, does do with the fact the President is bi-racial. That's unfortunate some fools still feel that way, and is what it is. It's ironic that some Democratic minorities play the race card, too; it is ironic on how they were so well schooled in it.

No one denies that racists exist, Jake. What some of us take issue with, and I believe we have a legitimate issue, is that everyone who does not march lockstep with Obama's presidency, is labeled a racist. That is not acceptable. It is the easy answer but it is no the correct answer. It's like being taking a math test and putting any answer down, without bothering to work out the right answer.

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