We Have Only Just Begun

Never mind. Rhetorical question. I realize we are dealing with a cult here.
I'm hoping some of this stuff just wears off over time, like a bad fever. They just aren't connected right now.
So you believe that at some point we will come to embrace the one party state? Do you image we will make good little obediant minions of the Democrat Reich?

Talk about delusional.
Huh? What radio show told you that?

I'm glad you feel you have to fabricate my opinions.

Oh, sorry, I'll put it more simply for you: Lie.
You said you hope "this stuff" wears off over time. By that I presume you mean our love of freedom and justice. Otherwise, what do you imagine is going to "wear off?"
Trumpism, Einstein.

I'm not holding my breath on the more feral Trumpsters like you, though.
Trumpism is nothing more than expecting politicians to keep their promises. We know how you goose stepping Reich Nazis hate that.
They were angry because for months they had been groomed to believe the election had been unjustly stolen despite no evidence. Their president led them one kept them angry, loaded, aimed and fired. Then safely distanced himself and ABANDONED them.

The evidence is all over every part of the Internet that isn't controlled by the Democraps, the mainsleaze media, and all their complicit stooges.

To deny that this evidence exists is just plain dishonest.

But then we all know that that is exactly all that we can ever expect of you, isn't it? Have you ever posted anything o0n this forum that isn't an outright lie?
The bastards of democrats wanted to nail us so that we can no more express ourselves but they will not stop us.
Are talking about Antifa and BLM ?

How stupid are you?

Can you not read your own posts that you quoted?

"Stop you" from doing what?

Bombing? Murder? Those were YOUR words.

What are you planning that will not be stopped?
Buy yourself a pair of glasses if you can't read well, i was talking about the fact that we can't talk anymore and we won"t be stop.
And who is "we", you who advocates lawless mobs overturning a legitimate election? Glad you aren't American.
Hey buy yourself a pair a glasses too , you should do better as a modo , i am talking about the fact that we can"t express yourself anymore, you get it now ? and i know you are glad i am not American and i don't care what you feel.
I don't care much how you feel either, and as a modo - guess what - I am allowed to express myself. If you adore Trump, you are welcome to him.

And ya. We certainly can't talk any more, we can't even agree on what the facts are. We are constantly having to battle Trump's Alternative Facts.
Coyote, at the beginning when I came to the forum we got along well until I said that I was conservative in the French way then your attitude to change with me and you often said in quote that my opinion did not count because I was not American but look at the rules of the forum and it is not written that it is only Americans who have the right to participate in the forum. You are modo and you do not respect the rules yourself and you do not apply the rules to your democrat friends. All this because you are modo and you have the support of the other modos but it is the members who make the forum live and not you alone. So in the future respect a little more conservative members because they too have the right to their opionion whether you like it or not.

I have never had a problem with you being conservative. In fact, I have good discussions with a number of conservatives here even when we don't agree. For some reason, all of a sudden, you got a chip on your shoulder about me...and started attacking...why, because I'm a leftist Dalia? I have no idea, took me by surprise. Maybe you can't tolerate discussion where people disagree with you. Or you take it personally. Respect works both ways and it only works if both parties are honest in their discussions. You are frankly lying in your post about this: "my opinion did not count because I was not American but look at the rules of the forum and it is not written that it is only Americans"

I have defended the right of people from other nationalities to express their opinion here. Even YOU, in your own thread - post #34

I don't respect liars.
They were angry because for months they had been groomed to believe the election had been unjustly stolen despite no evidence. Their president led them one kept them angry, loaded, aimed and fired. Then safely distanced himself and ABANDONED them.

The evidence is all over every part of the Internet that isn't controlled by the Democraps, the mainsleaze media, and all their complicit stooges.

To deny that this evidence exists is just plain dishonest.

But then we all know that that is exactly all that we can ever expect of you, isn't it? Have you ever posted anything o0n this forum that isn't an outright lie?
The bastards of democrats wanted to nail us so that we can no more express ourselves but they will not stop us.
Are talking about Antifa and BLM ?

How stupid are you?

Can you not read your own posts that you quoted?

"Stop you" from doing what?

Bombing? Murder? Those were YOUR words.

What are you planning that will not be stopped?
Buy yourself a pair of glasses if you can't read well, i was talking about the fact that we can't talk anymore and we won"t be stop.
And who is "we", you who advocates lawless mobs overturning a legitimate election? Glad you aren't American.
Hey buy yourself a pair a glasses too , you should do better as a modo , i am talking about the fact that we can"t express yourself anymore, you get it now ? and i know you are glad i am not American and i don't care what you feel.
I don't care much how you feel either, and as a modo - guess what - I am allowed to express myself. If you adore Trump, you are welcome to him.

And ya. We certainly can't talk any more, we can't even agree on what the facts are. We are constantly having to battle Trump's Alternative Facts.
Coyote, at the beginning when I came to the forum we got along well until I said that I was conservative in the French way then your attitude to change with me and you often said in quote that my opinion did not count because I was not American but look at the rules of the forum and it is not written that it is only Americans who have the right to participate in the forum. You are modo and you do not respect the rules yourself and you do not apply the rules to your democrat friends. All this because you are modo and you have the support of the other modos but it is the members who make the forum live and not you alone. So in the future respect a little more conservative members because they too have the right to their opionion whether you like it or not.

I have never had a problem with you being conservative. In fact, I have good discussions with a number of conservatives here even when we don't agree. For some reason, all of a sudden, you got a chip on your shoulder about me...and started attacking...why, because I'm a leftist Dalia? I have no idea, took me by surprise. Maybe you can't tolerate discussion where people disagree with you. Or you take it personally. Respect works both ways and it only works if both parties are honest in their discussions. You are frankly lying in your post about this: "my opinion did not count because I was not American but look at the rules of the forum and it is not written that it is only Americans"

I have defended the right of people from other nationalities to express their opinion here. Even YOU, in your own thread - post #34

I don't respect liars.
You've often said that you're happy that I'm not an American and I'm not a liar and I don't think your attitude is the same with Democrats and conservatives that just my opinion, If you say you get along with conservatives good for you.
They were angry because for months they had been groomed to believe the election had been unjustly stolen despite no evidence. Their president led them one kept them angry, loaded, aimed and fired. Then safely distanced himself and ABANDONED them.

The evidence is all over every part of the Internet that isn't controlled by the Democraps, the mainsleaze media, and all their complicit stooges.

To deny that this evidence exists is just plain dishonest.

But then we all know that that is exactly all that we can ever expect of you, isn't it? Have you ever posted anything o0n this forum that isn't an outright lie?
The bastards of democrats wanted to nail us so that we can no more express ourselves but they will not stop us.
Are talking about Antifa and BLM ?

How stupid are you?

Can you not read your own posts that you quoted?

"Stop you" from doing what?

Bombing? Murder? Those were YOUR words.

What are you planning that will not be stopped?
Buy yourself a pair of glasses if you can't read well, i was talking about the fact that we can't talk anymore and we won"t be stop.
And who is "we", you who advocates lawless mobs overturning a legitimate election? Glad you aren't American.
Hey buy yourself a pair a glasses too , you should do better as a modo , i am talking about the fact that we can"t express yourself anymore, you get it now ? and i know you are glad i am not American and i don't care what you feel.
I don't care much how you feel either, and as a modo - guess what - I am allowed to express myself. If you adore Trump, you are welcome to him.

And ya. We certainly can't talk any more, we can't even agree on what the facts are. We are constantly having to battle Trump's Alternative Facts.
Coyote, at the beginning when I came to the forum we got along well until I said that I was conservative in the French way then your attitude to change with me and you often said in quote that my opinion did not count because I was not American but look at the rules of the forum and it is not written that it is only Americans who have the right to participate in the forum. You are modo and you do not respect the rules yourself and you do not apply the rules to your democrat friends. All this because you are modo and you have the support of the other modos but it is the members who make the forum live and not you alone. So in the future respect a little more conservative members because they too have the right to their opionion whether you like it or not.

I have never had a problem with you being conservative. In fact, I have good discussions with a number of conservatives here even when we don't agree. For some reason, all of a sudden, you got a chip on your shoulder about me...and started attacking...why, because I'm a leftist Dalia? I have no idea, took me by surprise. Maybe you can't tolerate discussion where people disagree with you. Or you take it personally. Respect works both ways and it only works if both parties are honest in their discussions. You are frankly lying in your post about this: "my opinion did not count because I was not American but look at the rules of the forum and it is not written that it is only Americans"

I have defended the right of people from other nationalities to express their opinion here. Even YOU, in your own thread - post #34

I don't respect liars.
You've often said that you're happy that I'm not an American and I'm not a liar and I don't think your attitude is the same with Democrats and conservatives that just my opinion, If you say you get along with conservatives good for you.

I certainly have not often said that Dalia, if ever, and I certainly defended our participation as a non American, but that is not good enough for you. II enjoy international participation and I spent some of my childhood in other countries, including France in fact. I don't understand why you suddenly got so nasty or why you insist that others should show respect for conservatives when you yourself do not do the same to liberals
Thank you President Trump.

President Trump Issues Statement After Acquittal…’We Have Only Just Begun’

Who gives Two $hits about what that fat-a$$ disgraced Loser has to say? He's done... couldn't get elected Dogcatcher now.
They were angry because for months they had been groomed to believe the election had been unjustly stolen despite no evidence. Their president led them one kept them angry, loaded, aimed and fired. Then safely distanced himself and ABANDONED them.

The evidence is all over every part of the Internet that isn't controlled by the Democraps, the mainsleaze media, and all their complicit stooges.

To deny that this evidence exists is just plain dishonest.

But then we all know that that is exactly all that we can ever expect of you, isn't it? Have you ever posted anything o0n this forum that isn't an outright lie?
The bastards of democrats wanted to nail us so that we can no more express ourselves but they will not stop us.
Are talking about Antifa and BLM ?

How stupid are you?

Can you not read your own posts that you quoted?

"Stop you" from doing what?

Bombing? Murder? Those were YOUR words.

What are you planning that will not be stopped?
Buy yourself a pair of glasses if you can't read well, i was talking about the fact that we can't talk anymore and we won"t be stop.
And who is "we", you who advocates lawless mobs overturning a legitimate election? Glad you aren't American.
Hey buy yourself a pair a glasses too , you should do better as a modo , i am talking about the fact that we can"t express yourself anymore, you get it now ? and i know you are glad i am not American and i don't care what you feel.
I don't care much how you feel either, and as a modo - guess what - I am allowed to express myself. If you adore Trump, you are welcome to him.

And ya. We certainly can't talk any more, we can't even agree on what the facts are. We are constantly having to battle Trump's Alternative Facts.
Coyote, at the beginning when I came to the forum we got along well until I said that I was conservative in the French way then your attitude to change with me and you often said in quote that my opinion did not count because I was not American but look at the rules of the forum and it is not written that it is only Americans who have the right to participate in the forum. You are modo and you do not respect the rules yourself and you do not apply the rules to your democrat friends. All this because you are modo and you have the support of the other modos but it is the members who make the forum live and not you alone. So in the future respect a little more conservative members because they too have the right to their opionion whether you like it or not.

I have never had a problem with you being conservative. In fact, I have good discussions with a number of conservatives here even when we don't agree. For some reason, all of a sudden, you got a chip on your shoulder about me...and started attacking...why, because I'm a leftist Dalia? I have no idea, took me by surprise. Maybe you can't tolerate discussion where people disagree with you. Or you take it personally. Respect works both ways and it only works if both parties are honest in their discussions. You are frankly lying in your post about this: "my opinion did not count because I was not American but look at the rules of the forum and it is not written that it is only Americans"

I have defended the right of people from other nationalities to express their opinion here. Even YOU, in your own thread - post #34

I don't respect liars.
You've often said that you're happy that I'm not an American and I'm not a liar and I don't think your attitude is the same with Democrats and conservatives that just my opinion, If you say you get along with conservatives good for you.

I certainly have not often said that Dalia, if ever, and I certainly defended our participation as a non American, but that is not good enough for you. II enjoy international participation and I spent some of my childhood in other countries, including France in fact. I don't understand why you suddenly got so nasty or why you insist that others should show respect for conservatives when you yourself do not do the same to liberals
You said it at this thread : Glad you aren't American (post 83) so i did not suddenly got so nasty, i react to what you said and i don't acttack member first, i respond to the democrat because they are the one who are nasty like rightwinger who call me a ignorant bitch because i was giving my opinion.
But i forgot that the democrat they could be angry and nasty and not the conservative.
Last edited:
Thank you President Trump.

President Trump Issues Statement After Acquittal…’We Have Only Just Begun’

Thank you President Trump.

President Trump Issues Statement After Acquittal…’We Have Only Just Begun’

Who gives Two $hits about what that fat-a$$ disgraced Loser has to say? He's done... couldn't get elected Dogcatcher now.

Keep sticking your head in the sand.
The only thing him being acquitted by the Senate does is allow him to run in 2024.

For some odd reason, trumpers have it in their head that double jeopardy applies to impeachment and he can't be charged with any of the illegal things he did.

He can and will be charged Georgia is charging him for his threats against their governor and others.

He is also facing charges by the federal government as well as various state governments including Pennsylvania Michigan New York and others

Psssssstt. Nobody thinks double jeopardy applies. We know you leftists have nothing but made up crimes that will fail just like your 2 shampeachmnets.
...Keep sticking your head in the sand.
Oh, not to worry... nobody on the other side... nor even in the middle... is sticking their head in the sand... it's just a matter of denying media 'oxygen'...

The way things are shaping-up now, it seems likely that your Orange Turd will soon be facing formidable criminal charges and civil liability...

Tyrants... and tyrant-wannabe's... must never prosper in the United States... and your Orange Baboon-God is the worst example of a 'wannabe' in generations...

No... I and much of the rest of America aren't hiding heads in the sand, but standing a close watch, ready to come down like a hammer on Insurrectionists...

God Save the Republic...

God damn such traitors...
They were angry because for months they had been groomed to believe the election had been unjustly stolen despite no evidence. Their president led them one kept them angry, loaded, aimed and fired. Then safely distanced himself and ABANDONED them.

The evidence is all over every part of the Internet that isn't controlled by the Democraps, the mainsleaze media, and all their complicit stooges.

To deny that this evidence exists is just plain dishonest.

But then we all know that that is exactly all that we can ever expect of you, isn't it? Have you ever posted anything o0n this forum that isn't an outright lie?
The bastards of democrats wanted to nail us so that we can no more express ourselves but they will not stop us.
Are talking about Antifa and BLM ?

How stupid are you?

Can you not read your own posts that you quoted?

"Stop you" from doing what?

Bombing? Murder? Those were YOUR words.

What are you planning that will not be stopped?
Buy yourself a pair of glasses if you can't read well, i was talking about the fact that we can't talk anymore and we won"t be stop.
And who is "we", you who advocates lawless mobs overturning a legitimate election? Glad you aren't American.
Hey buy yourself a pair a glasses too , you should do better as a modo , i am talking about the fact that we can"t express yourself anymore, you get it now ? and i know you are glad i am not American and i don't care what you feel.
I don't care much how you feel either, and as a modo - guess what - I am allowed to express myself. If you adore Trump, you are welcome to him.

And ya. We certainly can't talk any more, we can't even agree on what the facts are. We are constantly having to battle Trump's Alternative Facts.
Coyote, at the beginning when I came to the forum we got along well until I said that I was conservative in the French way then your attitude to change with me and you often said in quote that my opinion did not count because I was not American but look at the rules of the forum and it is not written that it is only Americans who have the right to participate in the forum. You are modo and you do not respect the rules yourself and you do not apply the rules to your democrat friends. All this because you are modo and you have the support of the other modos but it is the members who make the forum live and not you alone. So in the future respect a little more conservative members because they too have the right to their opionion whether you like it or not.

I have never had a problem with you being conservative. In fact, I have good discussions with a number of conservatives here even when we don't agree. For some reason, all of a sudden, you got a chip on your shoulder about me...and started attacking...why, because I'm a leftist Dalia? I have no idea, took me by surprise. Maybe you can't tolerate discussion where people disagree with you. Or you take it personally. Respect works both ways and it only works if both parties are honest in their discussions. You are frankly lying in your post about this: "my opinion did not count because I was not American but look at the rules of the forum and it is not written that it is only Americans"

I have defended the right of people from other nationalities to express their opinion here. Even YOU, in your own thread - post #34

I don't respect liars.
You've often said that you're happy that I'm not an American and I'm not a liar and I don't think your attitude is the same with Democrats and conservatives that just my opinion, If you say you get along with conservatives good for you.

I certainly have not often said that Dalia, if ever, and I certainly defended our participation as a non American, but that is not good enough for you. II enjoy international participation and I spent some of my childhood in other countries, including France in fact. I don't understand why you suddenly got so nasty or why you insist that others should show respect for conservatives when you yourself do not do the same to liberals
You said it at this thread : Glad you aren't American (post 83) so i did not suddenly got so nasty, i react to what you said and i don't acttack member first, i respond to the democrat because they are the one who are nasty like rightwinger who call me a ignorant bitch because i was giving my opinion.
But i forgot that the democrat they could be angry and nasty and not the conservative.
I was wrong
You are not an ignorant bitch

You are a mean and nasty bitch who does not care about anyone but yourself.
They were angry because for months they had been groomed to believe the election had been unjustly stolen despite no evidence. Their president led them one kept them angry, loaded, aimed and fired. Then safely distanced himself and ABANDONED them.

The evidence is all over every part of the Internet that isn't controlled by the Democraps, the mainsleaze media, and all their complicit stooges.

To deny that this evidence exists is just plain dishonest.

But then we all know that that is exactly all that we can ever expect of you, isn't it? Have you ever posted anything o0n this forum that isn't an outright lie?
The bastards of democrats wanted to nail us so that we can no more express ourselves but they will not stop us.
Are talking about Antifa and BLM ?

How stupid are you?

Can you not read your own posts that you quoted?

"Stop you" from doing what?

Bombing? Murder? Those were YOUR words.

What are you planning that will not be stopped?
Buy yourself a pair of glasses if you can't read well, i was talking about the fact that we can't talk anymore and we won"t be stop.
And who is "we", you who advocates lawless mobs overturning a legitimate election? Glad you aren't American.
Hey buy yourself a pair a glasses too , you should do better as a modo , i am talking about the fact that we can"t express yourself anymore, you get it now ? and i know you are glad i am not American and i don't care what you feel.
I don't care much how you feel either, and as a modo - guess what - I am allowed to express myself. If you adore Trump, you are welcome to him.

And ya. We certainly can't talk any more, we can't even agree on what the facts are. We are constantly having to battle Trump's Alternative Facts.
Coyote, at the beginning when I came to the forum we got along well until I said that I was conservative in the French way then your attitude to change with me and you often said in quote that my opinion did not count because I was not American but look at the rules of the forum and it is not written that it is only Americans who have the right to participate in the forum. You are modo and you do not respect the rules yourself and you do not apply the rules to your democrat friends. All this because you are modo and you have the support of the other modos but it is the members who make the forum live and not you alone. So in the future respect a little more conservative members because they too have the right to their opionion whether you like it or not.

I have never had a problem with you being conservative. In fact, I have good discussions with a number of conservatives here even when we don't agree. For some reason, all of a sudden, you got a chip on your shoulder about me...and started attacking...why, because I'm a leftist Dalia? I have no idea, took me by surprise. Maybe you can't tolerate discussion where people disagree with you. Or you take it personally. Respect works both ways and it only works if both parties are honest in their discussions. You are frankly lying in your post about this: "my opinion did not count because I was not American but look at the rules of the forum and it is not written that it is only Americans"

I have defended the right of people from other nationalities to express their opinion here. Even YOU, in your own thread - post #34

I don't respect liars.
You've often said that you're happy that I'm not an American and I'm not a liar and I don't think your attitude is the same with Democrats and conservatives that just my opinion, If you say you get along with conservatives good for you.

I certainly have not often said that Dalia, if ever, and I certainly defended our participation as a non American, but that is not good enough for you. II enjoy international participation and I spent some of my childhood in other countries, including France in fact. I don't understand why you suddenly got so nasty or why you insist that others should show respect for conservatives when you yourself do not do the same to liberals
You said it at this thread : Glad you aren't American (post 83) so i did not suddenly got so nasty, i react to what you said and i don't acttack member first, i respond to the democrat because they are the one who are nasty like rightwinger who call me a ignorant bitch because i was giving my opinion.
But i forgot that the democrat they could be angry and nasty and not the conservative.
I was wrong
You are not an ignorant bitch

You are a mean and nasty bitch who does not care about anyone but yourself.
Well you just prove my point that you are one of the angry and nasty leftie member that nobody moderate at the forum.
And for your information you don't know me i am a person who as big heart.
But not with the stupid leftie like you.
ROFL! Democrat Reich minions are the sheep. You just voted in someone who is going to increase government spending by $5 trillion, minimum. He told you that only the rich are going to pay for that, and you believed it. You will pay out of your sorry hides, retard.

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