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We have to build the wall! THAT'S IN THE BIBLE!

"According to federal data, there are at least 2 million, 2 million, think of it, criminal aliens now inside of our country, 2 million people criminal aliens. We will begin moving them out day one. As soon as I take office. Day one. In joint operation with local, state, and federal law enforcement.

Now, just so you understand, the police, who we all respect -- say hello to the police. Boy, they don't get the credit they deserve. I can tell you. They're great people. But the police and law enforcement, they know who these people are.

They live with these people. They get mocked by these people. They can't do anything about these people, and they want to. They know who these people are. Day one, my first hour in office, those people are gone.

And you can call it deported if you want. The press doesn't like that term. You can call it whatever the hell you want. They're gone." - Tough Donald
"The number is likely higher. But the administration refuses to provide this information, even to Congress. As soon as I enter office I am going to ask the Department of State, which has been brutalized by Hillary Clinton, brutalized.

Homeland Security and the Department of Justice to begin a comprehensive review of these cases in order to develop a list of regions and countries from which immigration must be suspended until proven and effective vetting mechanisms can be put in place.

I call it extreme vetting right? Extreme vetting. I want extreme. It's going to be so tough, and if somebody comes in that's fine but they're going to be good. It's extreme.

And if people don't like it, we've got have a country folks. Got to have a country. Countries in which immigration will be suspended would include places like Syria and Libya. And we are going to stop the tens of thousands of people coming in from Syria. We have no idea who they are, where they come from. There's no documentation. There's no paperwork. It's going to end badly folks. It's going to end very, very badly.

For the price of resettling, one refugee in the United States, 12 could be resettled in a safe zone in their home region. Which I agree with 100 percent. We have to build safe zones and we'll get the money from Gulf states. We don't want to put up the money. We owe almost $20 trillion. Doubled since Obama took office, our national debt.

But we will get the money from Gulf states and others. We'll supervise it. We'll build safe zones which is something that I think all of us want to see.

Another reform, involves new screening tests for all applicants that include, and this is so important, especially if you get the right people. And we will get the right people. An ideological certification to make sure that those we are admitting to our country share our values and love our people.

Thank you. We're very proud of our country. Aren't we? Really? With all it's going through, we're very proud of our country. For instance, in the last five years, we've admitted nearly 100,000 immigrants from Iraq and Afghanistan. And these two countries according to Pew Research, a majority of residents say that the barbaric practice of honor killings against women are often or sometimes justified. That's what they say.

That's what they say. They're justified. Right? And we're admitting them to our country. Applicants will be asked their views about honor killings, about respect for women and gays and minorities. Attitudes on radical Islam, which our President refuses to say and many other topics as part of this vetting procedure. And if we have the right people doing it, believe me, very, very few will slip through the cracks. Hopefully, none.

There are at least 23 countries that refuse to take their people back after they've been ordered to leave the United States. Including large numbers of violent criminals, they won't take them back. So we say, OK, we'll keep them. Not going to happen with me, not going to happen with me.

Due to a Supreme Court decision, if these violent offenders cannot be sent home, our law enforcement officers have to release them into your communities.

And by the way, the results are horrific, horrific. There are often terrible consequences, such as Casey Chadwick's tragic death in Connecticut just last year. Yet despite the existence of a law that commands the Secretary of State to stop issuing visas to these countries.

Secretary Hillary Clinton ignored this law and refused to use this powerful tool to bring nations into compliance. And, they would comply if we would act properly.

The result of her misconduct was the release of thousands and thousands of dangerous criminal aliens who should have been sent home to their countries. Instead we have them all over the place. Probably a couple in this room as a matter of fact, but I hope not.

According to a report for the Boston Globe from the year 2008 to 2014 nearly 13,000 criminal aliens were released back into U.S. communities because their home countries would not, under any circumstances, take them back. Hard to believe with the power we have. Hard to believe.

We're like the big bully that keeps getting beat up. You ever see that? The big bully that keeps getting beat up.

These 13,000 release occurred on Hillary Clinton's watch. She had the power and the duty to stop it cold, and she decided she would not do it.

Those released include individuals convicted of killings, sexual assaults, and some of the most heinous crimes imaginable.

The Boston Globe writes that a Globe review of 323 criminals released in New England from 2008 to 2012 found that as many as 30 percent committed new offenses, including rape, attempted murder, and child molestation. We take them, we take them." - Tough Donald
my dogs watchin wonderful donald's speech in iowa!

after he divorces melania after she cheats on him with weiner & horny bill clinton
There's no way Melanoma is going to do anything stupid on her own that would get her cut off from trump's wallet. She is a smart experienced whore when it comes to $, and a smart experienced whore like her knows better than to do that.

Unfortunately for her, she will be coming up on her expiration date sooner than she might think, because I have a feeling the orange one is getting bored with her and is already setting the stage for "good piece of ass" #4.

Speaking of whores, why do you think Hillary put up with Billy BJ screwing everything with a hole and a heartbeat all their married life?
after he divorces melania after she cheats on him with weiner & horny bill clinton
There's no way Melanoma is going to do anything stupid on her own that would get her cut off from trump's wallet. She is a smart experienced whore when it comes to $, and a smart experienced whore like her knows better than to do that.

Unfortunately for her, she will be coming up on her expiration date sooner than she might think, because I have a feeling the orange one is getting bored with her and is already setting the stage for "good piece of ass" #4.

Speaking of whores, why do you think Hillary put up with Billy BJ screwing everything with a hole and a heartbeat all their married life?

The couple that steals together, stays together.

And Horny Bill probably offered Crooked Hillary shit she couldn't refuse...the question is why didn't HE leave her?
"Criminals shouldn't be treated with respect, because criminals aren't worthy of respect!" - Tough Donald
Democrats don't want a border. They want a endless problem of immigration to get votes.
I'd rather build bridges then walls...in fact...I'd rather invest in our infrastructure before the existing bridges and walls fall down...

Liberals love parroting that empty statement. Explain how when you build bridges to let illegal aliens self import that's going to make us better? And while we pay for that, how do we pay for improving our infrastructure?
I'd rather build bridges then walls...in fact...I'd rather invest in our infrastructure before the existing bridges and walls fall down...

oh...and to keep it on topic and biblical


We.can do both.

If someone has a better way, now is the time to speak up.....

Here's a video Trump made with the surviving relatives of Americans killed by illegal aliens. These were not people who normally would be attracted to a Republican candidate. These are real people who lost real relatives. They despise House Speaker Paul Ryan. One man is Jewish and was a Democrat. He lost his son to an illegal alien who ran over his son 3 times and received 43 days in jail as a sentence. The Obama administration declined to deport him because they said the illegal alien had only committed one offense. The man had to dedicate 18 months of his life to make sure that the illegal alien was deported.

The second person was a Mexican-American woman from Salinas, California. The illegal who killed her son fled to Texas where he killed several more people. He was prosecuted for murder in Mexico where he is serving 20 years.

The third person was a black woman. Her nephew was killed by an illegal alien who was a member of a gang. She got a cold shoulder from Democrats including Senator Dianne Feinstein when she asked them to deport illegal aliens who joined gangs or committed crimes.

The fourth person was a black man who lost his son. His son was killed by an illegal alien who was released from LA County jail after being arrested for assault with an illegal weapon. He had served 8 months for battery on a police officer. LA is a sanctuary city and does not permit immigration workers in the jail to deport illegals. Sheriff Baca told the black man that the Mexican Mafia does not want released prisoners to be rehabilitated so they order them to commit a crime immediately upon release. They want to kill black man. The father said all the Republicans running for President were trying to bamboozle us about immigration. He said many black people who have not voted before said they would vote for Trump. His son was up for several college scholarships before he was killed.

The fifth person was a white woman. Her son was hit by an illegal alien who had no drivers license. The illegal alien made an illegal left turn. The undocumented immigrant drove around town town for 4 weeks without a license after sending her son into a coma. Up to 8,000 Americans die every year murder and vehicular manslaughter at the hands of illegal aliens. The woman was married to a legal alien who had joined the Marines and still serves as a Master Sergeant.

The sixth person was the mother of an only son who was killed by an illegal alien from Guatemala. The illegal alien had committed felonies and DUIs (Driving Under the Influence of alcohol). She had come to America as a legal alien. She had married a black US serviceman. The illegal alien was bailed out for $10,000. The judge did not listen to the parents before he sentenced the illegal for 90 days. It took her a year and a half to deport him to Guatemala. She is sure that the illegal alien came back to America where his family is living.
Border Agent: 80 percent of illegals captured at border are set free in U.S.

no more, folks, no more! SAVE US TRUMP! TRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMP!

Border Agent: 80 percent of illegals captured at border are set free in U.S. – HYPELINE


“We do not have enough vehicles for our agents to patrol with, we do not get the manpower that we need.” He stated.

“Through executive orders and prosecutorial discretion … Most of the people that we apprehend end up getting released into the country,” Garza added. “It is very difficult to adequately patrol the border.”

“Keep in mind,” Garza continued, “if we don’t have enough agents out there, there are going to be people who are going to get away – and we don’t know who those people are. The only people that we know who they are are the ones we are actually catching.”

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