'We have to defend our land': Lebanese Christians organize self-defense to fight ISIS


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Sad when ordinary citizens have to ban together to save their land from these savages.

'We have to defend our land': Lebanese Christians organize self-defense to fight ISIS
Published time: October 27, 2014 19:20
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Lebanese soldiers patrol a field in the northern Lebanese village of Wadi Kahled near the Lebanese-Syrian border (Reuters / Omar Ibrahim)


The threat of Islamic State has crossed the borders of Syria to neighboring Lebanon, making Christians there arm themselves to defend their land and families from the extremists. RT goes to the Syrian-Lebanese border, to meet the militias.

More than 20 people have been killed in northern Lebanon in clashes between the army and Sunni militants in the past four days. AP quoted Lebanese security officials as saying that 12 soldiers and 10 civilians were killed while 92 soldiers and 63 civilians have been wounded since Friday.

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We have to defend our land Lebanese Christians organize self-defense to fight ISIS RT News?
The day ISIS becomes extinct will be a great day for the world, specially the ME.

However, one good thing has come out of this whole ISIS thing. The world is now clear on the danger of the cancerous radical Muslim and how they all must be destroyed.
Islam: the biggest cancer on planet earth :cool:
The day ISIS becomes extinct will be a great day for the world, specially the ME.

However, one good thing has come out of this whole ISIS thing. The world is now clear on the danger of the cancerous radical Muslim and how they all must be destroyed.
Islam: the biggest cancer on planet earth :cool:

Unfortunately, ISIS is just the latest incarnation of the latest (now about 50 yr old) round of Islamism. Call it by any of the many names we know: Muslim Bro-hood, Hamas, al Shabaab, al Qaeda, Taliban, Boko Haram, Etc., Etc., Etc., it's all the same old shit with a newer name.
Time for a Crusade?

The vicious nature of these Islamists means all we need do is give them just enough weaponry to keep them at each others throats. They will take care of the rest. Let's hope someone in D.C. is bright enough to get it done.
The day ISIS becomes extinct will be a great day for the world, specially the ME.
There will never be true peace in the ME or the world until the apartheid state of Israel is dismantled and Zionism is wiped off the face of the earth. ....... :cool:

The day ISIS becomes extinct will be a great day for the world, specially the ME.
There will never be true peace in the ME or the world until the apartheid state of Israel is dismantled and Zionism is wiped off the face of the earth. ....... :cool:


Well you can lie about that all you want Sunni Stalker Troll, but everyone knows that the only way there will ever be peace in the ME, and the whole world for that matter, is when the death cult of Islam is banned and every copy of the Quran is burned.
Islam is the biggest cancer in the world and needs to be quarantined :cool:
Sad when ordinary citizens have to ban together to save their land from these savages.

'We have to defend our land': Lebanese Christians organize self-defense to fight ISIS
Published time: October 27, 2014 19:20
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Lebanese soldiers patrol a field in the northern Lebanese village of Wadi Kahled near the Lebanese-Syrian border (Reuters / Omar Ibrahim)


The threat of Islamic State has crossed the borders of Syria to neighboring Lebanon, making Christians there arm themselves to defend their land and families from the extremists. RT goes to the Syrian-Lebanese border, to meet the militias.

More than 20 people have been killed in northern Lebanon in clashes between the army and Sunni militants in the past four days. AP quoted Lebanese security officials as saying that 12 soldiers and 10 civilians were killed while 92 soldiers and 63 civilians have been wounded since Friday.

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We have to defend our land Lebanese Christians organize self-defense to fight ISIS RT News?

I grew up right next to a Lebanese family in the 60s, and became good friends with the kids. Being a kid, I really didn't understand any of the things they told me by way of why they left Lebanon, but I sure do now.

Lebanon is living proof of what is going to happen eventually in Europe. It was originally a Christian majority country, but supremacist Muslims persecute any who are not like them, and so people like my friends move away to be able to live their lives in peace.

The only question I have, is once the pattern is further evolved in Europe, where will people be able to move to escape?
Actually, a better solution would be if the whole world joins the fight against Islamic scum until every radical Muslim is burning in hell with Allah and Mohamed. There is no reason that all the goos Muslims of the world should suffer because of Islamic scum like Sunni Stalker Troll :cool:
Well you can lie about that all you want Sunni Stalker Troll, but everyone knows that the only way there will ever be peace in the ME, and the whole world for that matter, is when the death cult of Islam is banned and every copy of the Quran is burned.
So sad that you are filled with soo much hate Toasty.

We muslims are far too civilized and tolerant to ever suggest burning the Torah or banning Judaism. ...... :cool:

Well you can lie about that all you want Sunni Stalker Troll, but everyone knows that the only way there will ever be peace in the ME, and the whole world for that matter, is when the death cult of Islam is banned and every copy of the Quran is burned.
So sad that you are filled with soo much hate Toasty.

We muslims are far too civilized and tolerant to ever suggest burning the Torah or banning Judaism. ...... :cool:

Sorry Sunni Stalker Troll, not gonna fall for your troll posts. You are the most hateful poster here. Your posts are proof of that.
Keep up being a hateful troll, it suits you well.

So Muslims won't burn Torah's, but they will destroy thousands of churches and Synagogues and other even Mosques :cool:

BTW Sunni Stalker Troll, why are you so full of hate? Did it happen when you converted to Islam or were you birn this way?
BTW Sunni, why are you so full of hate? Did it happen when you converted to Islam or were you birn this way?
Just because I question the Holohoax myth doesn't make me a hater.......just a skeptic. ...... :cool:

Not believing in an alleged historical event doesn't make a person a hater or non hater. ...... :cool:
The day ISIS becomes extinct will be a great day for the world, specially the ME.
There will never be true peace in the ME or the world until the apartheid state of Israel is dismantled and Zionism is wiped off the face of the earth. ....... :cool:

I am curious to hear the Muslim perspective on this one.

How does the presence of the State of Israel impact the lives of non-Palestinian Muslims?

Why is the State of Israel their business, as well?
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